Shri Raghy,Sorry Sri.Sangom Sir! After the first paragraph I am not able to proceed further. Since I basically started from a totally different outlook, your further explanations do not seem to fit. I request you to contribute more from my point of view, please. That is, the question why are we here comes after realising how microscopically small we are....
I feel there is not much of deviation in my (long) post from answering your query. I will try to explain:
The question arises because we think we are here for some purpose; it does not matter how and in what circumstances it arose. It leads to the assumption of superiority for man as your words, "Indeed human race is superior over most of the other living things.", indicate --para 1 of my post
One important existing source for an answer to this question is religion. I tried to explain what religion/s teach about the purpose of Man's existence. --para-2
My view that there is no "special" purpose of man's existence here, that he is just a part of an elaborate set-up the various members of which are uniquely empowered and Man cannot take any "special" place here. --paras-2 to 6
The question as such viz., "Why we are here?" has no relevance and what is relevant is, "Why all this creation is here". There is no answer and nobody has so far given a convincing answer. --para-7
Arguments supporting the above.--paras-8 and 9
Our ancients also were probably viewing human life as part of the natural state with no great special aspects till the idea of transmigration, karma, etc., entered into the minds. --paras 10 to 16
Vedanta led to alienation of Man from his natural settings to something esoteric and unattainable and even what little conformity was there before, got reduced from the hindu thinking.--paras 17 to 18
Instead of bothering about the highly abstruse metaphysics and equally misleading religious idea of "gaining liberation" through religion, people should take to leading honest lives and give less and less imporatance to religion. --paraas 19
My conclusion - Man should live in harmony with nature. Last para
I might have written in some detail but sincerely feel that I have not strayed away from the main point. Anyway, if you are not satisfied, I can only say, "I am sorry.".
But from your new post I find one strange contradiction. The question arose in your mind when you saw the Hubble photographs, were overwhelmed by the insignificance of the Earth in the cosmic setting but at the end of it all, still claim that, "Indeed human race is superior over most of the other living things." I don't know whether you are sure that there are no "living beings" outside in any of the Hubble Photos or outside of them even, and whether you are sure that even if there are some, we as the human race is superior to all of them or most of them. Indeed this is the superiority which I meant when I said, "this question arises because we unknowingly tend to assume a superiority for Man over all other living things."