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saMkhya as a design pattern - Part 2

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Continuation from saMkhya as design pattern - part 1

31. The five Vrttis or energy vortices or energy distributions are

  1. Internal Energy, U, as in thermodynamic potential
    1. Internal Energy is called Vacana, the energy for expression.

  1. Unavailable Energy, T*S, Temperature * Entropy, as in Helmholtz potential.
    1. Unavailable energy is called adAna, the energy not given.

  1. Work done Energy of Pressure * Volume as in Enthalpy
    1. Work done energy is called viharana, the energy to expand.

  1. Available Energy which is U+PV-TS, Gibbs potential
    1. Available energy is called utsarga the one to be excreted out for further creation.

  1. Zero point Energy, energy of particles in ground state.
    1. Zero point energy is called ‘Ananda’, the ground state.

Four of the above five are known as thermodynamic energy potentials.

32. The five Vrttis are differentiations (viseshas) of energy based on the five tanmAtras or five measures. The five tanmAtras are

  1. Pressure
  2. Volume
  3. Temperature
  4. Entropy
  5. Zero-point energy

33. The five measures that differentiate the vrtti are based on the trigunas.

  1. Entropy (more microscopic states) is Sattva.
  2. Zero-point energy is Tamas (less microscopic states).
  3. Temperature (average kinetic energy) is Rajas.
  4. Pressure and Volume are also part of work done and Rajas.

34. On the Zero-point energy of particle (ground state), work is done by increasing pressure, volume, temperature, entropy.

  1. When Entropy alone increases and is a stable system it is internal energy or Vacana.
  2. On this Vacana, the expressed energy, when pressure and volume increases it becomes Work done energy or Viharana.
  3. On this Vacana, the expressed energy, when Temperature and entropy increases it is unavailable energy or adAna.
  4. On this Vacana when pressure, volume, temperature and entropy changes, the system gets energy to be excreted out called utsarga, which can be used for further creation.

35. Thus the five tanmAtras, the five measures as above, differentiates the Vrtti (energy) and create five different types of Vrtti or energy distributions such as the internal energy, unavailable energy, available energy, work-done energy and zero-point energy.

36. In biological beings with manas also, these five energy vortices exist. They are called vyAna, apAna, prAna, samAna and udAna.

  1. prAna is the internal energy.

  1. apAna is the work done energy.

  1. vyAna is the un-available energy.

  1. samAna is the available energy.

  1. udAna is the zero point energy.

37. In biological beings, the mapping of these to organ systems is

  1. prAna, the internal energy is the Respiratory system (Lungs) that provides oxygen. Oxygen metabolism helps in releasing large energies required for large beings.

  1. apAna, the work done energy is the digestive system (Stomach).

  1. vyAna the un-available energy is the ‘Renal’ system (Kidneys).

  1. samAna, the available energy is circulatory system (Heart).

  1. udAna, the zero point energy is Central nervous system is the Consciousness keeper (Brain)

  1. udAna the Central Nervous system is said to be the father of vyAna, the renal system, as the central nervous system evolved first. The son of vyAna, the renal system is said to be apAna the digestive system, as the processing of liquids evolved before the processing of solids.

38. In biological beings, the five tanmAtras or measures that differentiate the organ systems are

  1. Parenchyma (main tissue) that are the functional tissues of an organ. Depending on the organ it has various functions, thus increasing information processing. It is the sattva.

  1. Connective tissues are the structural tissues. It is the Tamas that reduces the dis-order and makes a single organ.

  1. Nerves that carry information by electric signals is work done and Rajas

  1. Ducts that carry fluids across is work done and Rajas

  1. Blood vessels carry blood across is work done and Rajas

39. In the Universal matter that evolves under At-manas, the five measures, tanmAtras, gives rise to the pancha-bhutas or five states of matter. The five states of matter are

  1. Solid (prthvi)

  1. Liquid (jal)

  1. Gas (vAyu)

  1. Plasma (Agni)

  1. Bosonic matter (Boson Einstein Condensate) (akAsh).

  1. Of these plasma is a fluid (liquid or gas) in which either corpuscles or positive/negative ions are suspended.

40. In biological systems, the panch-bhutas manifest in this way

  1. Those that processes solid, digestive system

  1. Those that processes liquid, Renal system

  1. Those that processes gas, respiratory system

  1. Those that processes plasma, circulatory system

  1. Those that processes virtual photons mediated charges, Central nervous system

41. The Energy vortices in Universal matter and human beings are related in this way

  1. prAna, the internal energy, the respiratory system corresponds to ‘gas’ as it processes gas.

  1. apAna the work done energy, the digestive system corresponds to ‘solid’ as it processes solids.

  1. vyAna, the un-available energy, the Renal system corresponds to ‘liquid’ as it processes liquids.

  1. samAna, the available energy, the circulatory system corresponds to ‘plasma’ as it processes plasma.

  1. udAna, the zero-point energy, the central nervous system, corresponds to Bosonic matter form as it processes electric signals (virtual photons).

  1. These electric signals are our ‘thoughts’ to some extent.

42. In Universal matter

  1. Available energy, internal energy, un-available energy are peculiar as they are self-characterized/involuntary (sva-lakshanya or involuntary) in the system.
  2. zero-point energy and work done energy are not part of the system and come from outside.

In biological beings

  1. PrAna, the respiratory system (corresponding to internal energy), samAna, the circulatory system (corresponding to available energy), vyAna the renal system (corresponding to un-available energy) are involuntary (sva-lakshanya) in a biological being.
  2. The digestive system and central nervous system are partly voluntary.

43. The pancha-bhutas, the five states of matter in Universal matter, the five organ systems that processes the five states of matter in biological systems can be in

  1. Equilibrium (shAnta)

  1. dis-equilibrium (ghora)

  1. non-equilibrium (mUDha).

44. Equilibrium is satvva (shAnta). Dis-equilibrium is Rajas (ghora). Non-equilibrium is Tamas (mUDha).

  1. Equilibrium is when entropy is maximum for a given system.

  1. Dis-equilibrium is when system is not at maximum entropy but going towards it.

  1. Non-equilibrium is when a system is not at maximum entropy, but continues to be at it.

45. In Universal matter,

1. When states of matter is in equilibrium, it means all part of matter are in the same information state (same phase).

2. When in dis-equilibrium, matter may have different phases but going towards a single phase.

3. When in non-equilibrium, matter has different phases and will continue to be same.

46. In biological beings

1. When organs of biological beings are in equilibrium, they are functioning with all information. They are disease free.

2. When organs of biological beings are in dis-equilibrium, it means they are not functioning with full information, but they are going towards full information. They are having a dosha, imbalance and recovering.

3. When organs of biological beings are in non-equilibrium, it means they are functioning with incomplete information and continue in that state, they are having a roga, diseased and performing degraded.

47. This part is not in saMkhya KArika, but my extrapolation with ayurveda. The doshas are of three types.

1. vAta dosha (gas, vAyu) means imbalance in the body that affects the functioning of lungs/respiratory system with incomplete information.

2. Pitta dosha (liquid, Jal) means imbalance in body that affects the functioning renal system or kidneys with incomplete information.

3. Kapha dosha (Plasma, Agni) means imbalance that affects the functioning of circulatory system or heart with incomplete information.

4. Any imbalance in body when it affects one or more of these three systems (hearts, lungs, kidneys) it means body is diseased.

5. Any ailment in the body actually affects one of these three to stop the functioning of the body.

6. But these systems are involuntary.

7. The only two partly voluntary systems are the digestive system (food and medicines) and central nervous system (good thoughts). With these two systems one can intervene and remove the non-equilibrium state of other organ systems.

Next: Summary of saMkhya kArika
In Yoga it is udAna (which I mapped to central nervous system) that is said to have an 'upward' flow of energy that provides heating effect, which then is controlled by samAna (which I mapped to circulatory system) which reduces heat and in between them temperature is controlled.

From science I can say it is hypothalamus part of brain (Central Nervous system which I mapped to udAna) acting on integumenary system through circulatory system (which I mapped to samAna).

Both are same.

Modern science classifies human body systems into 12 organ systems based on the functions. The classification in saMkhya is not based on the functions.

1. Those that processes Solid (one of the pancha bhutas)
2. Those that processes liquid (one of the pancha bhutas)
3. Those that processes gas (one of the pancha bhutas)
4. Those that processes plasma, where plasma is defined as fluid in which fat corpuscles (or ions) are suspended (one of the panchabhutas)
5. Those that processes virtual photons, electric signals (one of the pancha bhutas)

I gave an examples for each of these systems.

Example of those that processes solid is digestive system (apAna), liquid is urinary system (vyAna), gas is respiratory system (prAna), plasma is circulatory (samAna) and virtual photons is nervous systems (udAna).

All organs of body depend on plasma (blood), as most of Universe also depends on this 'ionic' matter processing.

In Yoga it is udAna (which I mapped to central nervous system) that is said to have an 'upward' flow of energy that provides heating effect, which then is controlled by samAna (which I mapped to circulatory system) which reduces heat and in between them temperature is controlled.

From science I can say it is hypothalamus part of brain (Central Nervous system which I mapped to udAna) acting on integumenary system through circulatory system (which I mapped to samAna).

Both are same.

Modern science classifies human body systems into 12 organ systems based on the functions. The classification in saMkhya is not based on the functions.

1. Those that processes Solid (one of the pancha bhutas)
2. Those that processes liquid (one of the pancha bhutas)
3. Those that processes gas (one of the pancha bhutas)
4. Those that processes plasma, where plasma is defined as fluid in which fat corpuscles (or ions) are suspended (one of the panchabhutas)
5. Those that processes virtual photons, electric signals (one of the pancha bhutas)

I gave an examples for each of these systems.

Example of those that processes solid is digestive system (apAna), liquid is urinary system (vyAna), gas is respiratory system (prAna), plasma is circulatory (samAna) and virtual photons is nervous systems (udAna).

All organs of body depend on plasma (blood), as most of Universe also depends on this 'ionic' matter processing.


Plasma is a component of blood but blood is made up of much more than plasma.

Btw your Prana mapping doesnt match traditional classification.

First to leave upon death is Samana.

And first sign upon death is drop in core temperature.
Autopsy measures rate of drop of core temperature with a liver probe to denote time of death.

Put your hand at your center of abdomen...you will feel heat..the Agni of digestion.

Liver is part of digestive system owing to the fact many enzymes for digestion are produced by it.

Traditionally Samana is linked with.Digestive system and NOT cardiovascular system and it makes perfect sense cos we use a liver probe and not a cardiac probe.
Plasma is more a 'state or form of matter'.

Plasma in physics is ionized gas or gaseous substance with heavy ions in it. The plasma in biology is similar but not the same. Blood is said to be in plasma state (not the physics plasma state) because fat corpuscles float in like ions in a fluid medium.

On difference between my mapping of pancha-bhuta processing to human organs, yes there would be differences, as there is a difference in understanding on the interpretation of the five vayus between several texts.

On samana being purely a digestive system, that's a crude understanding.

samAna (balancing) is understood as something that moves from center to periphery, periphery to center through churning. It is understood that 'aids' to digest food, to breathe, to experience senses, emotions in the mind. It is the organ that 'balances', keeps fluid balance equal at all places. I mapped it to circulatory system. Ofcourse circulatory system does temperature regulation no doubt.

In my understanding, beginning of death is absence of prAna (respiratory organ). Then the absence of samAna (circulatory system). Then finally udAna (central nervous). As long as udAna does not exit, body can be revived. When samAna exits (circulatory system stops) body temperature goes down as circulatory system indeed keeps temperature within a narrow range.

Plasma is more a 'state or form of matter'.

Plasma in physics is ionized gas or gaseous substance with heavy ions in it. The plasma in biology is similar but not the same. Blood is said to be in plasma state (not the physics plasma state) because fat corpuscles float in like ions in a fluid medium.

On difference between my mapping of pancha-bhuta processing to human organs, yes there would be differences, as there is a difference in understanding on the interpretation of the five vayus between several texts.

On samana being purely a digestive system, that's a crude understanding.

samAna (balancing) is understood as something that moves from center to periphery, periphery to center through churning. It is understood that 'aids' to digest food, to breathe, to experience senses, emotions in the mind. It is the organ that 'balances', keeps fluid balance equal at all places. I mapped it to circulatory system. Ofcourse circulatory system does temperature regulation no doubt.

In my understanding, beginning of death is absence of prAna (respiratory organ). Then the absence of samAna (circulatory system). Then finally udAna (central nervous). As long as udAna does not exit, body can be revived. When samAna exits (circulatory system stops) body temperature goes down as circulatory system indeed keeps temperature within a narrow range.


Nope...its not a crude understanding.
Its an accepted Ayurvedic understanding as in Ashtanga Hrudaya text.

Please kindly put a disclaimer that this is purely your hypothesis just so that its fair to everyone reading it cos otherwise one can even claim paranormal entities produce Ectoplasm!

Even if lungs fail or heart fail a body can still be kept alive mechanically even in a brain dead individual and the body temperature will not drop.

Anyways since your hypothesis is purely your own diagnosis please do write a disclaimer cos it does not match anything known.

Can you please quote the text you are using for your Pancha Prana system analysis?
That would be helpful and more evidence based.
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44. Equilibrium is satvva (shAnta). Dis-equilibrium is Rajas (ghora). Non-equilibrium is Tamas (mUDha).

You wrote the above.

BTW according to Samkya philosophy ...when the 3 Gunas are in a state of equilibrium the manifest world does not exists.

The equilibrium of these 3 Gunas has to be "tilted" in order for Genesis of the manifest to take place.

Therefore what you wrote above does not jive with Samkya Philosophy.

Sattva is NOT a state of Equilibrium and so on as you wrote.
Sattva is manifest..therefore it can NOT be a state of equilibrium.

A state of calm is just absence of external influence but that does not equal to equilibrium.

You can read this link here.


Again can you kindly quote text which you use as your reference.
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You wrote the above.

BTW according to Samkya philosophy ...when the 3 Gunas are in a state of equilibrium the manifest world does not exists.

The equilibrium of these 3 Gunas has to be "tilted" in order for Genesis of the manifest to take place.

Therefore what you wrote above does not jive with Samkya Philosophy.

Sattva is NOT a state of Equilibrium and so on as you wrote.
Sattva is manifest..therefore it can NOT be a state of equilibrium.

A state of calm is just absence of external influence but that does not equal to equilibrium.

You can read this link here.


Again can you kindly quote text which you use as your reference.

I am translating saMkhya kArika. You will see it yourself as I write more chapters.

In saMkhya prakrti and mula-prakrti are manifest. Purusha is unmanifest. Tri-gunas being in equilibrium does not make anything unmanifest. That is totally wrong.

Sattva (entropy) Rajas (change in enthalpy) and Tamas (negentropy) are 'gunas' that manifest in every domain in the Universe.

In the early Universe, there was mulaprakrti, which cannot be differentiated. Mula-prakrti is also manifest.

Then prakrti which was undifferentiated, but can get differentiated came. Prakrti is manifest. In this prakrti, entropy balanced negentropy and there was no change in enthalpy. So prakrti remained undifferentiated.

In science parlance, prakrti could be called the Quark-Gluon-Plasma.

Then Sattva (Entropy, dis-order or more information) acquired preponderance and Mahat manifested. Due to Electro-weak symmetry breaking, QGP got differentiated into quarks and gluons and quarks got confined into hadrons.

Differentiating Quarks and Gluons increases the entropy (dis-order or information)(sattva) and the confinement into hadrons changes the enthalpy, as hadronic binding energy goes into binding hadrons (Rajas).

Differentiation of QGP into different types of Quarks is mahat and their getting confined to independently existing particles (hadrons) is ahamkAra.

From hadrons, leptons, atoms, elements, compounds and all complex matter and biological beigns evolved.

Now gunas act from quarks to complex biological beings. Gunas act at every stage of evolution. The way the gunas manifest is this.

'ShAnta' (equilibrium), 'ghora' (dis-equilibrium) and 'mUDha' (non-equilibrium) are the way in which these gunas manifest on matter.

shAnta is from sattva. ghorA is from Rajas, as it is moving towards equilibrium. mUDha from tamas, as it remains in confused state.

I am translating the most authentic source for samKhya, the saMkhya kArika by Isvara Krishna

I am translating saMkhya kArika. You will see it yourself as I write more chapters.

In saMkhya prakrti and mula-prakrti are manifest. Purusha is unmanifest. Tri-gunas being in equilibrium does not make anything unmanifest. That is totally wrong.

Sattva (entropy) Rajas (change in enthalpy) and Tamas (negentropy) are 'gunas' that manifest in every domain in the Universe.

In the early Universe, there was mulaprakrti, which cannot be differentiated. Mula-prakrti is also manifest.

Then prakrti which was undifferentiated, but can get differentiated came. Prakrti is manifest. In this prakrti, entropy balanced negentropy and there was no change in enthalpy. So prakrti remained undifferentiated.

In science parlance, prakrti could be called the Quark-Gluon-Plasma.

Then Sattva (Entropy, dis-order or more information) acquired preponderance and Mahat manifested. Due to Electro-weak symmetry breaking, QGP got differentiated into quarks and gluons and quarks got confined into hadrons.

Differentiating Quarks and Gluons increases the entropy (dis-order or information)(sattva) and the confinement into hadrons changes the enthalpy, as hadronic binding energy goes into binding hadrons (Rajas).

Differentiation of QGP into different types of Quarks is mahat and their getting confined to independently existing particles (hadrons) is ahamkAra.

From hadrons, leptons, atoms, elements, compounds and all complex matter and biological beigns evolved.

Now gunas act from quarks to complex biological beings. Gunas act at every stage of evolution. The way the gunas manifest is this.

'ShAnta' (equilibrium), 'ghora' (dis-equilibrium) and 'mUDha' (non-equilibrium) are the way in which these gunas manifest on matter.

shAnta is from sattva. ghorA is from Rajas, as it is moving towards equilibrium. mUDha from tamas, as it remains in confused state.

I am translating the most authentic source for samKhya, the saMkhya kArika by Isvara Krishna


BTW..its a known fact in Samkhya philosophy that in a state of equilibrium of Gunas there is no manifestation.I have even given the text I had quoted from.

Where is text you are translating?
Surely Samkya text didnt come with Hadrons..photons..neutrons..leptons ..Leprechauns or Decepticons.
Kindly dont add terms that are not in the stanzas.
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Your thought pathways make a lot of sense to me.

Please go ahead and complete your understanding of the matter.

Then we can see whether it is a tenable and understandable explanation of the given reality.

Good work.
BTW..its a known fact in Samkhya philosophy that in a state of equilibrium of Gunas there is no manifestation.I have even given the text I had quoted from.

Where is text you are translating?
Surely Samkya text didnt come with Hadrons..photons..neutrons..leptons ..Leprechauns or Decepticons.
Kindly dont add terms that are not in the stanzas.

First, I welcome this feedback. So please keep giving it.

Second, I am unable to find any text that claims when Prakrti is in equilibrium, it becomes purusha. Can you quote that text from some literature..?

Purusha is unmanifest (avyaktam). Prakrti is manifest (vyaktam). Gunas act only on Prakrti. They don't act on Purusha.

The Gunas were in equilibrium in prakrti and sattva acquired preponderance in prakrti triggering the evolution.

this is the 'generally' accepted saMkhya.

May be the terms we are using is different. For me 'manifest' is 'vyaktam'. Unmanifest is 'avyaktam'.

What is given in the link you gave is an explanation which is CORRECT It says the 'manifested world' (the world we see now) does not exist when all gunas are in balance in prakrti. (It does not say prakrti is unmanifest).

That's precisely what I explained.

In the early Universe, When there was only QGP, Entropy balances negentropy, when there is no change in enthalpy, it remains a QGP. I called Prakrti as QGP. It is vyaktam. It is manifest. But it does not proceed with evolution.

Then Electroweak symmetry breaking occurs. Who triggers it..? It is done by Purusha without interacting with Prakrti. That's what is EWSB which I will explain in future chapters. This causes entropy Entropy or information or dis-order to increase as Quarks and gluons get separated.

The whole purpose of my translation is to compare saMkhya kArika with events of Purusha, Prakrti, Gunas with Dark Matter/Higgs, Matter and thermodynamics and illustrate how similar they are.. It is also to illustrate how the same gunas of entropy, enthalpy work across several domains.

First, I welcome this feedback. So please keep giving it.

Second, I am unable to find any text that claims when Prakrti is in equilibrium, it becomes purusha. Can you quote that text from some literature..?

Purusha is unmanifest (avyaktam). Prakrti is manifest (vyaktam). Gunas act only on Prakrti. They don't act on Purusha.

The Gunas were in equilibrium in prakrti and sattva acquired preponderance in prakrti triggering the evolution.

this is the 'generally' accepted saMkhya.

May be the terms we are using is different. For me 'manifest' is 'vyaktam'. Unmanifest is 'avyaktam'.

What is given in the link you gave is an explanation which is CORRECT It says the 'manifested world' (the world we see now) does not exist when all gunas are in balance in prakrti. (It does not say prakrti is unmanifest).

That's precisely what I explained.

In the early Universe, When there was only QGP, Entropy balances negentropy, when there is no change in enthalpy, it remains a QGP. I called Prakrti as QGP. It is vyaktam. It is manifest. But it does not proceed with evolution.

Then Electroweak symmetry breaking occurs. Who triggers it..? It is done by Purusha without interacting with Prakrti. That's what is EWSB which I will explain in future chapters. This causes entropy Entropy or information or dis-order to increase as Quarks and gluons get separated.

The whole purpose of my translation is to compare saMkhya kArika with events of Purusha, Prakrti, Gunas with Dark Matter/Higgs, Matter and thermodynamics and illustrate how similar they are.. It is also to illustrate how the same gunas of entropy, enthalpy work across several domains.


I did not say that when Prakirti is in equilibrium it becomes Purusha..i dont think there is ever such an opinion.

Actually coming to manifest...we can just go simple.

Lets take a chemical reaction.
In equilibrium we dont observe anything manifest..not becos nothing is happening but becos there are 2 states that are cancelling each other and the net effect is status quo.

Only when a catalyst is added this equilibrium is "disturbed" and we get a reaction and a product that is evident/ manifest.

Coming to Sankya..its stated that prior to cosmogenesis the Gunas are in a state of equilibrium and a tilt in this state brings about creation..the manifest.

Now I have 2 questions.

What plays catalyst here as to disturb the " oyster of equilibrium" as to bring about the " pearl of creation"

Question No 2..equilibrium surely has reactions going on that cancel off each other just like a chemical state of equilibrium..
So what do you think are the reactions the Gunas are undergoing to be in status quo and if possible a formula please.

BTW ..kindly quote the text for the other post about Pancha Prana cos the system you mapped out doesnt match with the gold standard Ashtanga Hrudaya.
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Dear Shri TBT

You must have done extensive thinking to put together all of this. Seems neat.
I did not say that when Prakirti is in equilibrium it becomes Purusha..i dont think there is ever such an opinion.

Actually coming to manifest...we can just go simple.

Lets take a chemical reaction.
In equilibrium we dont observe anything manifest..not becos nothing is happening but becos there are 2 states that are cancelling each other and the net effect is status quo.

Only when a catalyst is added this equilibrium is "disturbed" and we get a reaction and a product that is evident/ manifest.

Coming to Sankya..its stated that prior to cosmogenesis the Gunas are in a state of equilibrium and a tilt in this state brings about creation..the manifest.

Now I have 2 questions.

What plays catalyst here as to disturb the " oyster of equilibrium" as to bring about the " pearl of creation"

Question No 2..equilibrium surely has reactions going on that cancel off each other just like a chemical state of equilibrium..
So what do you think are the reactions the Gunas are undergoing to be in status quo and if possible a formula please.

BTW ..kindly quote the text for the other post about Pancha Prana cos the system you mapped out doesnt match with the gold standard Ashtanga Hrudaya.

Sure Sure. On Prana-Organ mapping, I myself found a discrepancy between what I wrote in Aditya Hrdayam series and the 'CCP' I did for this article. It seems I took a wrong version here. So will respond to you once I bridge that discrepancy in the mapping.

But that said, I had done the mapping based on Susruta Samhita, Vol II, edited by one Kaviraj kuna lal, 1911 edition for Aditya Hrdayam series. Here I cut paste from it (probably a wrong/earlier version). I have to understand it.

Question no.1
What is the catalyst for prakrti to acquire sattva (entropy) preponderance..?

It is purusha according to saMkhya.

According to me Prakrti is QGP, Purusha is Dark matter and Higgs field combined, a unified higgs fied.

Standard model says at some point of time in Universe, QGP and an Unified Higgs field that did not interact with other fields also existed.

At some point this Higgs field broke up, acquired a vacuum expectation value and interacted with other fields.

This catalyses QGP breaking up, quarks becoming independent, interacting with Higgs field acquiring mass and massive quarks get confined into hadrons. The Universe was left with Cold Dark Matter and hadrons.

Almost a similar thing is said in saMkhya.

When what is ‘manifested’ is Union of residues and dormants (the QGP), it does not allow evolution to progress. This can be called Prakrti, manifestation that existed before creation/evolution started. Evolution happens on this prakrti, when it gets to know the unmanifest (Purusha). Science of manifest (prakrti) getting to know the unmanifest (purusha) happens in all domains and triggers evolution.

Prakrti gets to know the Unmanifest, the Purusha. Like a Cow that unconsciously milks, Purusha releases pradhAna (higgs field vev) for prakrti to nourish. Through pradhAna, Prakrti gets to know Purusha. This knowing triggers evolution in prakrti.

But once Purusha is known to prakrti and evolution is triggered, the role of Purusha on prakrti in further evolution of prakrti stops. Like a dancer who after exhibiting all skills comes to rest, purusha rests down once prakrti starts evolving.

Question 2:

Gunas are Entropy and Negentropy. Entropy is dis-order, more information. Negentropy is order and less information. Thermodynamically QGP is a state of Entropy balanced with Negentropy. Order balances dis-order. There is also no change in enthalpy or total energy content. Universe is static.

But prakrti (QGP) getting to know purusha (Unified Higgs and dark matter) through pradhAna (higgs) triggers change in entropy. Dis-order becomes more as quarks become independent form. There is more disorder than QGP. Thus sattva (entropy) becomes predominant.

As hadrons form from binding of quarks, some energy goes into binding quarks into hadrons. This changes the overall enthalpy/energy content as work is done to create hadrons. Thus rajas (change in enthalpy/work) becomes predominant. This hadrons which can live on their own (unlike quarks) are said to have aham-kAra, individual indentity.

Sure Sure. On Prana-Organ mapping, I myself found a discrepancy between what I wrote in Aditya Hrdayam series and the 'CCP' I did for this article. It seems I took a wrong version here. So will respond to you once I bridge that discrepancy in the mapping.

But that said, I had done the mapping based on Susruta Samhita, Vol II, edited by one Kaviraj kuna lal, 1911 edition for Aditya Hrdayam series. Here I cut paste from it (probably a wrong/earlier version). I have to understand it.

Question no.1
What is the catalyst for prakrti to acquire sattva (entropy) preponderance..?

It is purusha according to saMkhya.

According to me Prakrti is QGP, Purusha is Dark matter and Higgs field combined, a unified higgs fied.

Standard model says at some point of time in Universe, QGP and an Unified Higgs field that did not interact with other fields also existed.

At some point this Higgs field broke up, acquired a vacuum expectation value and interacted with other fields.

This catalyses QGP breaking up, quarks becoming independent, interacting with Higgs field acquiring mass and massive quarks get confined into hadrons. The Universe was left with Cold Dark Matter and hadrons.

Almost a similar thing is said in saMkhya.

When what is ‘manifested’ is Union of residues and dormants (the QGP), it does not allow evolution to progress. This can be called Prakrti, manifestation that existed before creation/evolution started. Evolution happens on this prakrti, when it gets to know the unmanifest (Purusha). Science of manifest (prakrti) getting to know the unmanifest (purusha) happens in all domains and triggers evolution.

Prakrti gets to know the Unmanifest, the Purusha. Like a Cow that unconsciously milks, Purusha releases pradhAna (higgs field vev) for prakrti to nourish. Through pradhAna, Prakrti gets to know Purusha. This knowing triggers evolution in prakrti.

But once Purusha is known to prakrti and evolution is triggered, the role of Purusha on prakrti in further evolution of prakrti stops. Like a dancer who after exhibiting all skills comes to rest, purusha rests down once prakrti starts evolving.

Question 2:

Gunas are Entropy and Negentropy. Entropy is dis-order, more information. Negentropy is order and less information. Thermodynamically QGP is a state of Entropy balanced with Negentropy. Order balances dis-order. There is also no change in enthalpy or total energy content. Universe is static.

But prakrti (QGP) getting to know purusha (Unified Higgs and dark matter) through pradhAna (higgs) triggers change in entropy. Dis-order becomes more as quarks become independent form. There is more disorder than QGP. Thus sattva (entropy) becomes predominant.

As hadrons form from binding of quarks, some energy goes into binding quarks into hadrons. This changes the overall enthalpy/energy content as work is done to create hadrons. Thus rajas (change in enthalpy/work) becomes predominant. This hadrons which can live on their own (unlike quarks) are said to have aham-kAra, individual indentity.


Its finally a " sexual intercourse" between Purusha and Prakirti.

मम योनिर्महद् ब्रह्म तस्मिन्गर्भं दधाम्यहम्।

संभवः सर्वभूतानां ततो भवति भारत॥१४-३॥

mama yonirmahad brahma tasmingarbhah dadhāmyaham|

sambhavah sarvabhūtānām tato bhavati bhārata||14-3||

The total material substance, called Brahman, is the source of birth, and it is that Brahman that I impregnate, making possible the births of all living beings, O son of Bharata.

I have another question here...where does Consciousness fit into this whole process?
44. Equilibrium is satvva (shAnta). Dis-equilibrium is Rajas (ghora). Non-equilibrium is Tamas (mUDha).

  1. Equilibrium is when entropy is maximum for a given system.

  1. Dis-equilibrium is when system is not at maximum entropy but going towards it.

  1. Non-equilibrium is when a system is not at maximum entropy, but continues to be at it.

You wrote the above.

BTW per definition :

    a thermodynamic quantity representing the unavailability of a system's thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work, often interpreted as the degree of disorder or randomness in the system.
  • 2.
    lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder.

Ok you wrote that "Equilibrium is when entropy is maximum for a given system".

Isn't Entropy gradual decline of order?

So do you really feel Equilibrium is loss of energy and decline in order?

Doesnt that not jive with the definition of Equilibrium itself?

In Equilibrium there are opposing reactions going on to maintain a stable state..so if one reaction causes decline..the other reaction should not cause decline only then Equilibrium can be attained.

BTW why do you link it with Sattva?

Sattva is still subject to change hence Sattva itself can NOT be a homeostatic state or equilibirum.
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Its finally a " sexual intercourse" between Purusha and Prakirti.

मम योनिर्महद् ब्रह्म तस्मिन्गर्भं दधाम्यहम्।

संभवः सर्वभूतानां ततो भवति भारत॥१४-३॥

mama yonirmahad brahma tasmingarbhah dadhāmyaham|

sambhavah sarvabhūtānām tato bhavati bhārata||14-3||

The total material substance, called Brahman, is the source of birth, and it is that Brahman that I impregnate, making possible the births of all living beings, O son of Bharata.

I have another question here...where does Consciousness fit into this whole process?

Actually that's not true.

Like a catalyst does not interact with reactants, Purusha does not interact at all with prakrti. Prakrti gets to 'know' the Purusha. 'Know'ing is not interacting. It is simply darsana.

Manifest gets to 'know' the unmanifest. This manifest getting to know (or wanting to know) the un-manifest is what triggers further creation at all times.

Purusha (Unified dark matter- Higgs field) releases pradhAna (higgs field vev) to artha (matter) like a cow unconsciously releases milk which nourishes artha (matter) and grows it.

In saMkhya manas/At-manas is projected as an 'organ'.

Like 'manas' the 'virtual' binds enthalpy and entropy of biological being, At-manas, the extremely virtual binds the enthalpy and entropy of the Universe.

You wrote the above.

BTW per definition :

Ok you wrote that "Equilibrium is when entropy is maximum for a given system".

Isn't Entropy gradual decline of order?

So do you really feel Equilibrium is loss of energy and decline in order?

Doesnt that not jive with the definition of Equilibrium itself?

In Equilibrium there are opposing reactions going on to maintain a stable state..so if one reaction causes decline..the other reaction should not cause decline only then Equilibrium can be attained.

BTW why do you link it with Sattva?

Sattva is still subject to change hence Sattva itself can NOT be a homeostatic state or equilibirum.

Entropy is dis-order. Dis-order means more microscopic states, more information.

Every system has a max level of entropy (dis-order). As the dis-order increases, it reaches a max entropy state and settles there. Then it is said to be equilibrium unless there is an external disturbance.

I wrote equilibrium is a manifestation of sattva guna as equilibrium has max entropy. If it is a lesser entropy state, then systems will go towards more disorder (more disorder is the nature of everything) and if it moves towards more disorder, it can't be in equilibrium.

Sattva is 'Buddhi'. Buddhi is information and information processing. Information is entropy.

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Actually that's not true.

Like a catalyst does not interact with reactants, Purusha does not interact at all with prakrti. Prakrti gets to 'know' the Purusha. 'Know'ing is not interacting. It is simply darsana.

Manifest gets to 'know' the unmanifest. This manifest getting to know (or wanting to know) the un-manifest is what triggers further creation at all times.

Purusha (Unified dark matter- Higgs field) releases pradhAna (higgs field vev) to artha (matter) like a cow unconsciously releases milk which nourishes artha (matter) and grows it.

In saMkhya manas/At-manas is projected as an 'organ'.

Like 'manas' the 'virtual' binds enthalpy and entropy of biological being, At-manas, the extremely virtual binds the enthalpy and entropy of the Universe.


I dont get it..which cow unconsciously releases milk?

A cow has a calf and prolactin levels rise and oxytocin causes milk ejection reflex.

Then becos the mamary gland has been primed by circulating levels of prolactin it produces milk and the act of constant milking a cow provides stimulation to the sensory endings of the udder and you have a cow producing milk.

Even in humans milk can overflow..just becos its full..like a full bladder eventually urine will leak.

So its not as if the cow is unaware of the milk leaking but its just that full breasts with milk even in a human starts to feel slight pain and milk overflows.

Just like a man whose urinary bladder is full will feel a full uncomfortable urge to urinate.

So I feel the cow comparison here is not entirely accurate even if its part of any shloka cos none of us knows what went tru the cows mind.

How sad that Prakirti and Purusha dont really " interact"..thats like a Macrocosmic K**D ( Punjabi word).

Ok now getting to the facts..how did you arrive to the conculsion that there is no interaction?

If there is no interaction...why have a Prakirti at all,

After all Purusha can just wave his wand and create per Abrahamic believes.
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Entropy is dis-order. Dis-order means more microscopic states, more information.

Every system has a max level of entropy (dis-order). As the dis-order increases, it reaches a max entropy state and settles there. Then it is said to be equilibrium unless there is an external disturbance.

I wrote equilibrium is a manifestation of sattva guna as equilibrium has max entropy. If it is a lesser entropy state, then systems will go towards more disorder (more disorder is the nature of everything) and if it moves towards more disorder, it can't be in equilibrium.

Sattva is 'Buddhi'. Buddhi is information and information processing. Information is entropy.


Your explanation seems to not jive at all.

Dis- order is randomness as in a dis- organized state

Maximum dis-orderness is a chaotic state...this can not be a state of equilibrium.

Actually one does not even need to know physics to know that there is " dis- order" in your theory..all one needs to know is grammar.
I dont get it..which cow unconsciously releases milk?

A cow has a calf and prolactin levels rise and oxytocin causes milk ejection reflex.

Then becos the mamary gland has been primed by circulating levels of prolactin it produces milk and the act of constant milking a cow provides stimulation to the sensory endings of the udder and you have a cow producing milk.

Even in humans milk can overflow..just becos its full..like a full bladder eventually urine will leak.

So its not as if the cow is unaware of the milk leaking but its just that full breasts with milk even in a human starts to feel slight pain and milk overflows.

Just like a man whose urinary bladder is full with feel a full uncomfortable urge to urinate.

So I feel the cow comparison here is not entirely accurate even if its part of any shloka cos none of us knows what went tru the cows mind.

How sad that Prakirti and Purusha dont really " interact"..thats like a Macrocosmic K**D ( Punjabi word).

Ok now getting to the facts..how did you arrive to the conculsion that there is no interaction?

If there is no interaction...why have a Prakirti at all,

After all Purusha can just wave his wand and create per Abrahamic believes.

Neither cow nor a female milks because they 'want' to milk. It is involuntary and beyond your control. For the 'calf' nourishment milking happens. That's what is said there. I dont' find anything wrong there. OFcourse it is in the sloka.

Again the slokas say prakrti the manifest getting to know the unmanifest purusha, proceeds the creation.

It is like that always.

Btw how can Buddhi be entropy?
Buddhi is intellect..its not a state of volition..its a decisive state..mind fully made up.

Its the manas that is in a state of volition.

And you are linking Buddhi with entropy?
Entropy is a state of decline/ loss of energy...surely that does not define Buddhi.

I guess when we try to fit science and philosophy into each other its like the stepsisters forcing their feet into the glass slipper which only Cinderella could fit into.
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