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ஓ அமெரிக்கா ...

Dear Sangom Sir,

Thanks again for your prompt reply. Yes, Sir! I shall
simply allow this to pass.

I also wrote what you have explained in your post, that different POVs prevail. So, what I have written is the words of

a 'narrow minded lady', who visited the U S of A for the first time in her life! I shall PM to you the info about the ladies

forum that I had mentioned in my earlier post. Can I assume that you need 'the proof'?? :)

Smt. RR,

I do not think I ever imputed or expressed "narrow-mindedness" to you in my posts/s. All that I wished to convey was that in this Forum it is possible that someone chances to see our old post/s, has some criticism to make and then posts his/her views in the same thread. This almost happened in my case though my thread had not become closed due to non-operation. The best policy is silence, unless you yourself feel you should/could change your original post.

Similarly, why do you conclude that I asked for the url as "proof" of your statement? The law of the land itself says that an accused is not to be treated as guilty unless proved so in a court of law. My request and suggestion as an elderly person, is that life will be better if the tendency of "getting touched to the quick" can be avoided. As I have clarified in my PM reply to you, my request was only to get to know about that ladies forum so that my wife and perhaps myself can go through the posts.


Thank your very much Sangom Sir for your reply and the PM.

Hope you will enjoy the posts in the ladies forum too.

Regards.... :)
Raji Ram Madam
Please understand, i have nothing against you. Thanks to sangom sir 's wisdom, you realized you erred in your earlier posts. sangom sir is almost aged like me, although sometime he is very out spoken and hits very hard only to make the other member realize his point; he also did it with me also ; In a very short period of association with him i realized this.
I have nothing to say about Kunjuuppu sir as he missed to see my point and before reading my reply he started to defend you based on your feed back of that unedited post.
You got a great talent, please continue to pen down your poems without criticizing any culture, or any behavior , because we are yet to learn many things. You showed more maturity in you later poems, than in the initial stages.

One word of caution, these pages will remain,and in course of time, someone might go through your old posts about American culture/ Tamil couple behavior etc and our exchanges here, and there is a possibility of raising the same questions against some of your older posts. I suggest, please take the help of sangom sir and do as per his advice.

God Bless you,

Edit: one more advice; you must be able to defend your posts, not someone on behalf of you.
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Dear Sri. Padmanabhan, Greetings.

Sowbagyavathy Raji Ram is only expressing her views. This is only a discussion forum, not a lecture hall. Sowbagyavathy Raji Ram's opinions may very well be partly or fully wrong; that does not matter. But She has a right to say that. Her views can very well be one sided, can very well be biased.... just doen't matter at all! As a member, she has a right to say anything she likes.

You have the right to disagree with her views in part or in full. In such a situation, kindly provide your arguments to justify your point of view, please. Even then, only you may prove her wrong but may not ask her to remove her views.

Sri Raghy Sir

RR Madam views on American culture, Tamil couple behavior might be against guidelines of this Forum, not sure.
Any common sites like this insist members not to post any such materials criticizing any culture etc.
Hence my suggestion to modify those posts as RR madam has great talent and she can do it.
It is now up to her;and in future there is possibility of someone going through her old posts about her poems on American culture etc, and raise objections and go further on it.

நானும் அதை அறிவேன்!

ஒரு நரம்பியல் நிபுணர், அமெரிக்க நாட்டில்
ஒரு நாள் கண்டார், தனது குளியலறையில்

குழாய் பழுதடைந்து தண்ணீர் ஒழுகுவதை!
குழாய் பழுது பார்க்கும் பிளம்பரை அழைக்க,

தான் புறப்பட்ட நேரம் முதல் கணக்கெடுத்து,
'நான் செய்த வேலைக்குத் தந்திட வேண்டும்

நூற்றி ஐம்பது டாலர்கள்', எனக் கேட்க, 'இந்த
நூற்றி ஐம்பது டாலர்களை இதே நேரத்திலே

நானே சம்பாதிக்க முடியாதே!' என்று சொல்லி
நரம்பியல் நிபுணர் பரிதவிக்க, அதைக் கண்டு,

'நானும் அதை அறிவேன் ஐயா! அதனால்தான்,
நான் படித்து அறிந்த நரம்பியல் சிகிச்சையை

மறந்துவிட்டு, பிளம்பர் வேலையைக் கற்றேன்,
சிறந்த சம்பளம் பெறலாமே என்று!' என்றாராம்!



வன்முறை விதைத்தால்....

சினிமாப் படங்களில் துப்பாக்கிச் சூடு;
'விடியோ கேம்'களில் துப்பாக்கிச் சூடு!

அடுத்தடுத்துத் துப்பாக்கி சுடுவதையே
தடுத்தாலும் சிறுவர் பார்த்து மகிழ்வார்!

இதுவே மனதில் ஊன்றி வளர்வதாலே,
இது போன்ற கொடுமை தொடர்கிறதா?

சின்னக் குழந்தைகள், பெண்கள் என்று
எண்ணில்லாதவர் மடிந்து போகின்றார்!

மனதை உலுக்கிய ஒரு துப்பாக்கிச் சூடு!
கனத்துப் போனது நெஞ்சம் முழுவதும்!

தான் படித்த பள்ளிக்குள்ளே சென்றவன்,
தன் விருப்பப்படிச் சுட்டுத் தள்ளினான்!

வன்முறையை மனதிலே விதைத்தால்,
வன்முறை வளராமல், என்ன வளரும்?

னியேனும் பிள்ளைகளுக்கு நல்லதை
இனிதே மனதில் விதைக்க முனைவரா?


A realistic short film..reflecting the mind-set of people of Indian Origion.. Will they think & opt for change..? Certainly No..A convenient excuse is " Be Roman when you are in Rome"..I know many no. of Indian families [including some of my own relatives]..stopped talking in their mother tongue..But how many foreigners living in India have adopted our language...for the use in their homes..?

Sorry..If I start asking questions..I will be branded as uncivilised and living in a MudHole..


Dear TVK Sir,

புலம்பும் நாம் புலம்பத்தான் முடியும்!
புலம்பல்கள் 'செவிடன் காதில் சங்கு'தான்! :horn:

தந்தை தந்தைதான்!

'எத்தனை ஆண் நண்பர்கள் உனக்கு?' என்று
அத்தனை நண்பிகளிடமும் கேட்டு வருவது,

இன்றைய பெண்களிடம், சர்வ சாதாரணமாக
இன்றைய நாளில் நமது நாட்டிலே இருந்திட,

அமெரிக்க நாட்டின் முதல் குடிமகன், தனது
அமைதி கொஞ்சம் கெடுவதன் காரணத்தை

வெளிப்படையாகச் சொன்னது ஆச்சரியமே!
வெளிப்படுவது தந்தையாக அவர் நிலையே!

தன் இரு மகள்களுக்கும் அதிகமான அளவில்
ஆண் நண்பர்கள் தொலைபேசியில் பேசுவது

தனக்குச் சின்னப் பதட்டம் தருவதாகக் கூறி,
'தனிப் படை பாதுக்காப்புக்கு வேண்டுமோ?'

என்று வேடிக்கையாகக் கேட்டாராம்! எங்கும்
என்றும் தந்தை தந்தையாகத்தான் இருப்பார்!

About Indians not speaking their own language when they migrate to US, is one part of the american living.. I think it also depends who the parents are and where they live.. IF you have migrated to the East Coast say NJ/NY/CT/PA, I can say for sure the majority of them speak in their own language and teach their children the mother tongue too.. and I know many north indian family do. When it comes to Thamizh, there are a few families who might speak it and their children understand and answer the parents in English and they do learn the slokam and go to Balavihar etc,

When it came to our family, my mother in law lived with us and we all made sure that our children spoke in thamizh at home, of course, there were english words mixed as we also tend to do.. who speaks pure thamizh even in India :-) so all my children when they talk to me do speak in Thamizh, particularly my younger ones..

But what I have noticed is when Indians migrate to mid west states, where there is heavy prejudice and there are no Indians around for miles they are sort of trapped to change their life style, most times, this happens out of necessity living in a foreign land.. the children are looked upon differently and they have to fight to be in par with their peers.

It is very easy to judge from where you are but I sympathize at such families who have been cut off from their own culture, many here came as students and there was very less interaction among indians in those days because of the distance, unlike today, there are so many who come as computer programmers and I have seen a lot of salwar khameez ladies who speak thamizh or Thelugu.. but they speak to the children in English :-)

The movie was done by a drama group in Northern California, they are excellent artists on stage, the guy who plays the husband is Maniram who wrote the play.. In fact Northern California has more activity with Indian community than southern California..

I do understand the sentiments, if language is preserved to an extent Culture will be preserved..

Things today are not all that bad, with music and dance is part of Indian tradition here, many children attend both, (mine did even in 30 plus years ago). they will be aware of the tradition but language in some ways might die.. I have to say even my son in laws know more than a few words in thamizh, since their wives have taught them.. :-)
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Well said dear Bushu! Very true that music and dance from India have great value in the U S of A.

FYI, I am sorry to say that many of my music students do not know to read and write Tamil; I write the notations in English!

To write 'Thanglish' is like a punishment for me, but I got used to it. Many of the children take Sanskrit or French as their

second language and Hindi or Sanskrit as their third language. So, unless taught at home by parents (as I did for my son)

they do not know to read and write in their mother tongue! If we go through the Tamil sites, we find very many spelling and

grammar mistakes. What BharathiyAr feared may be right!! - தமிழ் இனி மெல்லச் சாகும்!! :rip:

P.S: I found that many Telugu speaking friends of my son speak only in their mother tongue often! :thumb:

ஆரம்பத்திலே விபத்து!

திருமணம் சிலருக்கு மிக இன்பம் தரும்;

திருமணம் சிலருக்கு பயத்தையே தரும்!

மிக இன்பமாக ஆரம்பித்த ஒரு திருமணம்,
மிக பயம் தரும் விபத்திலே முடிந்ததாம்!

உடல்வாகு பலூன் போல் உள்ள பெண்மணி,

உடல்வாகு அதே போலுள்ள மணாளனைத்

தேர்வு செய்ததுடன், தன் திருமணம் நடக்க,
தேர்வு செய்தாள் பெரிய பறக்கும் பலூனை!

தன் சுற்றத்துடன் மேலே பறந்து, திருமண
உடன்பாடு செய்த சில வினாடி நேரத்திலே,

அந்த பலூனின் கயிறுகள் அறுந்து, வேகமாக
வந்து விழுந்தது ஒரு கொல்லைப்புறத்திலே!

நல்ல நேரம் உதவ, பெரிய காயங்கள் இன்றி
எல்லோருமே தப்பினர், மணமக்கள் உட்பட!

ஒரு வேளை மீண்டும் திருமணம் நடந்தாலும்,
ஒரு பலூனில் பறந்தே செய்வேன் என்கிறாள்!


தன் சுற்றத்துடன் மேலே பறந்து, திருமண

உடன்பாடு செய்த சில வினாடி நேரத்திலே,

அந்த பலூனின் கயிறுகள் அறுந்து, வேகமாக
வந்து விழுந்தது ஒரு கொல்லைப்புறத்திலே!

Wedding crashers- Hot air balloon wedding accident

புரியாத புதிர்!

இந்த நாட்டிலே பிறந்து, இங்கேயே வளர்ந்து,
இந்த நாட்டிலே படித்த தமிழ்ப் பிள்ளைகளில்

பல ஆண்கள் வேற்று நாட்டுப் பெண்களையும்,
பல பெண்கள் வேற்று நாட்டு ஆண்களையும்

தேர்ந்தெடுத்து மணப்பதே வழக்கமாகின்றது!
தேர்வு ஏன் நம் இனத்திலே இருப்பதில்லை?

அதிகம் படித்த பெண்கள் இடம் மாறிச் செல்ல
அதிகம் விருப்பம் காட்டாததுதான் காரணமோ?


புரியாத புதிர்!

இந்த நாட்டிலே பிறந்து, இங்கேயே வளர்ந்து,
இந்த நாட்டிலே படித்த தமிழ்ப் பிள்ளைகளில்

பல ஆண்கள் வேற்று நாட்டுப் பெண்களையும்,
பல பெண்கள் வேற்று நாட்டு ஆண்களையும்

தேர்ந்தெடுத்து மணப்பதே வழக்கமாகின்றது!
தேர்வு ஏன் நம் இனத்திலே இருப்பதில்லை?

அதிகம் படித்த பெண்கள் இடம் மாறிச் செல்ல
அதிகம் விருப்பம் காட்டாததுதான் காரணமோ?


Dear raji,

I think we tend to forget, that when a child is brought up in America, the child becomes an American in thought word and deed. The outer skin may be brown, but the inner person is anything but an indian.

Many indian just landed students, have found it strange, that same looking brown guys with hindu names, shun them or give them wide berth, and are many a times shocked or insulted. Not always.

I put this query to my children. The answer was that the Indians, behave to them with a familiarity and cultural approach – read noseyness to the level of personal questions re caste, language, parentage, indian orginated place and such, which my children found offensive. A child brought up in india behaves differently in social environments and I think the ABD children can relate more to a AB person, irrespective of colour.

Ofcourse, I am generalizing, and like all generalizing, there is an element of error and fault, in this above observation.

புரியாத புதிர்!

இந்த நாட்டிலே பிறந்து, இங்கேயே வளர்ந்து,
இந்த நாட்டிலே படித்த தமிழ்ப் பிள்ளைகளில்

பல ஆண்கள் வேற்று நாட்டுப் பெண்களையும்,
பல பெண்கள் வேற்று நாட்டு ஆண்களையும்

தேர்ந்தெடுத்து மணப்பதே வழக்கமாகின்றது!
தேர்வு ஏன் நம் இனத்திலே இருப்பதில்லை?

அதிகம் படித்த பெண்கள் இடம் மாறிச் செல்ல
அதிகம் விருப்பம் காட்டாததுதான் காரணமோ?


Raji Madam

Nice poem, but it is very rarely happens; Indian boys marrying a foreign Girl is very very rare; brown skin is not easily liked by white skinned foreign girls. South Indian Brahmin boys never gets girls anywhere nowadays.
but there is higher possibility for an India girl to marry a foreigner.
hi p j sir,

South Indian Brahmin boys never gets girls anywhere nowadays..

i can't control my laughing...but its really a truth.....a bitter truth too...lol

Dear Kunjuppu Sir,

You missed one point! I meant the boys and girls brought up in the U S of A and not those who go for studies from India!

My nephew born and brought up in the U S of A could not find a single Tambram girl - he chatted with four or five prospective

matches - who was willing to relocate! Each one wanted him to relocate and he refused. He had to select a Jewish girl!
.......... Nice poem, but it is very rarely happens; Indian boys marrying a foreign Girl is very very rare; brown skin is not easily liked by white skinned foreign girls. .........
Thank you P J Sir! You must be knowing that not all 'foreign' girls are white skinned!!

All the three children of my sister in law who are very very fair in complexion, could not select anyone from Indian origin!

But I have noticed that those who go to the same university in the U S of A from reputed institutions from India, get married

irrespective of born and brought up in the North / South India.
Thank you P J Sir! You must be knowing that not all 'foreign' girls are white skinned!!

All the three children of my sister in law who are very very fair in complexion, could not select anyone from Indian origin!

But I have noticed that those who go to the same university in the U S of A from reputed institutions from India, get married

irrespective of born and brought up in the North / South India.
hi RR madam,
i saw this trend ...many gals/boys from BITS pilani school...from north and south....even iyer/iyengar too
hi p j sir,

South Indian Brahmin boys never gets girls anywhere nowadays..

i can't control my laughing...but its really a truth.....a bitter truth too...lol

tbs Sir

in a way , the older generation of Brahmins were lucky as we did not have much problem in getting married; Most of us did not have the Guts to Love a Girl( may be exceptions are there)
Nowadays things are different; no one knows the mind of these day Girls!!( probably no one ever know the mind of any women even in the past and they will never in future too!!)

My brother in law is searching for a suitable bride for his two sons for the past 6 years or so..
We even hinted the boys to try to love one of their friends, but even there it seems the girls are very clever in selecting only Foreign boys!!
hi p j sir,

Most of us did not have the Guts to Love a Girl( may be exceptions are there)

we are typical ammanchi type...just MAMAA BOYS....mother's is veda vaakkku...we had guts....like raghy sir succeeded too...

but the domestic fear and middle class conditions ....makes us difficult to move forward...

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