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Thank you Srimathi Baam Ji. I agree with both inferences in your sub and sub-sub texts. In my opinion, there is no principle higher than humanism. We are all equal in the way we need to be treated, but ofcourse not equal in the circumstances of our birth and God given gifts.

While each human being is unique in their abilities, the question for a society is how to make use of those individual God given abilities to harness each person's work towards the benefit of the society. Tied in to this is the reality of this world, or 'Maya' which makes the Prakrithi, where ego and self interest rule. This is why the most idealistic system ever concocted by man, viz., Communism never worked.

In this atomized society then, driven by industrialization and technology, the only answer is to to have humanism and individual freedom. Any other system, that administers social justice and treats each human being as a part of a larger group without giving his/her's individual due is doomed to fail.

Just my opinion.

Different interpretation

I think the focus of the story is actually the other way around, i.e., part of the "sub-sub-text" is the primary lesson. In other words this was an encounter between two spiritual giants. The purpose was to impart a very nuanced lesson on subduing the ego. I don't think Adi Shankara made "an error" - I think his understanding of some aspect of ego management was incomplete. This was such a fine point that no human could impart this knowledge to him; the Great Lord had to come Himself.

I don't quite agree with the first point as I believe that kindness and compassion was the basis of Adi Shankara's mission. It is the basis of any true Sannyasi's life and work. Shankara didn't need a lesson in kindness or humanity. Also the first step toward Sannyasi-hood is the renunciation of all kinds of bonds and affiliations including caste based ones. Those that are born of castes that wore/wear the thread were required to cut it off and shave off their heads. They were required to forget their roots and past and employ an attitude that did not recognize any such difference in those that they dealt with. Adi Shankara was a prime example of that.

Having said that I must also add that Sannyasis always advocated that improvements be made incrementally by those who had not yet attained a higher state of mental discrimination. This meant that they never said anything negative about traditions or that they should be done away with entirely. Wherever appropriate they too followed traditions/social customs but always used a very supreme sense of discrimination about what they were doing and why. In my view this discrimination required further refinement in Adi Shankara's case which only Lord Shiva could explain.

I think the story intends to teach us 'humanity' - i.e. to treat all people with kindness. (I was alluding to 'unkindness' - when I wrote 'what goes around, comes around, eventually!')
Subtext: perhaps the story also teaches us that even our greatest teacher was prone to error ('yaanaikkum adi sarukkum!').
Sub-sub-text: and if even the holiest, of the holies was capable of error - then this parable points to the difficulty of attaining true humility and relinquishing the 'ego'/'self'.
Widows and Sannyasis

Sri KRS and Hari,

I don't know if I am 'more learned' than many of us in this forum but I have certainly thought about this issue.

Hari is right, Adi Shankara's mother was a widow on her deathbed when he visited her at the time of her death and stayed to perform her last rites. The reason was that that was his mother's wish and it was the only thing that kept her from giving him permission to take up Sannyasa. His mother wanted him to marry and have children but he wanted to become a sannyasi. His father died when Shankara was still very young and his mother had no other children so she was devastated when he said he wanted to become a sannyasi. But at the back of her mind she knew he was a divine child meant to do important work in the world (Shankara's parents had a dream in which Lord Shiva appeared and said they'd have a divine child who would have to fulfill an important mission).

One day when they went to the local river to fetch water a crocodile caught a hold of Shankara's leg. It seemed that Shankara's life was at an end - his mother was distraught and didn't know what to do. Shankara then said - Mother, this is my dying wish - grant me the permission to become a sannyasi. With tears in her eyes his mother agreed. The minute she agreed the crocodile let go of Shankara's leg.

Realizing she could not go back on her word she thought to herself that she was going to die an orphan. She didn't say a word. Shankara immediately sensed that thought and promptly promised that at the final hour when she needed him she should think of him and that he would come and perform her last rites as a dutiful son.

She did.

He too did.

And came under a lot of criticism for that.

He broke the rule as it was a condition under which he obtained sannyasa.

But I don't know yet why sannyasis should not see widows. I am pretty sure that any true sannyasi has compassion in his/her heart and the resultant blessing that accrues to anyone who seeks them is not an issue.
sirs- to the best of my knowledge, the mahaperiyavaa did grant darshan to widows who had shaved off their heads and covered their head with saree. it is only women who did not follow this tradition of shaving off the head were not allowed to have darshan of the paramacharya.
New thread

A very good piece. It merits the start of a new thread in my opinion. As I do not know when Sri Easwaran will have access/time to post next I am taking the liberty of starting that thread. It will be called "Role of Brahmins in Society". Existing responses to this specific posting will be moved there.

For now, all those posters who want to respond to the Shankaracharya discussion please continue.

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Iyers not exclusively Saivites

We belong to an Iyer sub-subcaste known as vadadesa Vadmas ( though my son is 25 % Brihacharnam) I have grown up hearing the tamil saying from elders which in English gets rendered as "Vadamas end up as Vaishnvaites" which would not have been part of our culture if we had been exclusive Shaivites
This Shiva-Vaishanava divide is the worst internal enemy that is killing Brahminism. The buddhijivis are being lost among brahmins by mere parroting of the cult gurus. Today from choosing paint on the wall to choosing a bride the guru is deciding the household. Living by intellect and analysis is waning... stimulate the intellect (dhi-yoyonah-prachodayat). applying intellect is on the declide. When great seers like Valmiki, Vyasa have not seen difference between Shiva and Vishnu who are these cult gurus. Spending life under modern cult gurus on 'who is great' siva or vishnu is wasting human birth, leave alone brahmin birth. Read Sanskrit know it thy self. Hidusism lives in Sanskrit which is fortified in its Grammar. Swadhyaya is the royal way. Practice yoga digest stones. I think Islam is the practical version of brahminism. There is only practice there no scope for verbal debate, no exceptions to rules (Hinduism full of exceptions to its own rules ) just do or die... some strong order should come up with common values of all sampradayas among brahmins, emphasing on physique, best practices in diet, traning in fundamentals like , yoga, vedic mathematics (sanskrit grammar) will inculcate analytical abilities among young ones help them make decisions like a brahmin in any juncture in life.
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Sri KRS and Hari,

I don't know if I am 'more learned' than many of us in this forum but I have certainly thought about this issue.

Hari is right, Adi Shankara's mother was a widow on her deathbed when he visited her at the time of her death and stayed to perform her last rites. The reason was that that was his mother's wish and it was the only thing that kept her from giving him permission to take up Sannyasa. His mother wanted him to marry and have children but he wanted to become a sannyasi. His father died when Shankara was still very young and his mother had no other children so she was devastated when he said he wanted to become a sannyasi. But at the back of her mind she knew he was a divine child meant to do important work in the world (Shankara's parents had a dream in which Lord Shiva appeared and said they'd have a divine child who would have to fulfill an important mission).

One day when they went to the local river to fetch water a crocodile caught a hold of Shankara's leg. It seemed that Shankara's life was at an end - his mother was distraught and didn't know what to do. Shankara then said - Mother, this is my dying wish - grant me the permission to become a sannyasi. With tears in her eyes his mother agreed. The minute she agreed the crocodile let go of Shankara's leg.

Realizing she could not go back on her word she thought to herself that she was going to die an orphan. She didn't say a word. Shankara immediately sensed that thought and promptly promised that at the final hour when she needed him she should think of him and that he would come and perform her last rites as a dutiful son.

She did.

He too did.

And came under a lot of criticism for that.

He broke the rule as it was a condition under which he obtained sannyasa.

But I don't know yet why sannyasis should not see widows. I am pretty sure that any true sannyasi has compassion in his/her heart and the resultant blessing that accrues to anyone who seeks them is not an issue.

There is no rule that Dasanami Sannyasis should not see widows. My Guru who was a sannyasi (Tamil Brahmin and a Saraswathi) never objected to any widow seeing him. The dress code is practiced by the Pontiffs of the two Sankara madams in the south. But it affects only Brahmin widows.

The thing which shocks many is that they did not have any objection to giving dharshan and interviews to French Christian women.
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Dasanami Sanyasis

Sanyasa is an ashrama after Brahmacharya, Gruhasta and Vanaprasta according to Sanathana Dharma. We will find guidelines for all four Ashramas in a person's life in Srimadh Bagavatha Puranam. Manusmrithi also codify the duties of the four Ashramas. It was only after the advent of Buddhism the present form of Sanyas finds a place among the followers of Hinduism. But it is believed that it was Adhi Sankara Bhagavatpada who codified monastic standards for Dasanami Tradition. Similarly there are other Traditions of Sanyasis like Avadhootas, Karapathris, Udhasis, Bairagis, Nagas and the followers of Navnath Sampradaya, Datta Sampradaya etc. also find a place among the Sanyasis. Many books are available on these subjects for those who wish to know more on the subject.
who is a brahmin?

The following is a very good one, especially from one who used to write abusive articles about Brahmins. I think he is having a change of heart!

1) பார்ப்பான் என்பவன் யார்?

2) சாதிகள் இல்லையடி பாப்பா என்று பாடியவன் யார்?

3) சாதி ஒழிப்பை எதிர்ப்பவன் பார்ப்பான் ஒருவன்தானா?

4) தென் மாவட்டங்களில் தாழ்த்தப்பட்ட சமூகத்தினருக்கென ஒதுக்கப் பட்ட உள்ளாட்சி மன்றங்களை செயலிழக்க வைத்தது யார்?

5) அரசாங்கம் கலப்புத்திருமணத்தை ஊக்குவித்து நடத்திவைத்துவிட்டால் சாதி ஒழிந்து விடுமா? சாதிக் கலப்பல்லவா உண்டாகும்.

6) சாதிகளின் பெயரால் அரசியல் கட்சிகள் இருக்கலாமா?

7) சாதி மத பேதமற்ற சமுதாயம் உருவாக வேண்டுமெனில் பள்ளியிலும் கல்லூரிகளிலும் சேரும் மாணவர்களின் சாதியின் பெயரை ஏன் கேட்கிறார்கள். அதை எடுத்து விடலாமே.

8) சாதியின் பெயரால் இட ஒதுக்கீடு ஏன்? அனைவருக்கும் கல்வி, வேலைவாய்ப்பு போன்றவை கிடைக்க வேண்டும் எனும் குறிக்கோளை முன் வைத்து செயல்படலாமே.

9) தமிழ்த்தாத்தா உ.வே. சாமிநாதைய்யர் குருவாக அடைந்தது மீனாட்சி சுந்தரம் பிள்ளை தானே. இங்கே சாதிப் பிரிவினை இருந்ததா?

10) சாதியின் பெயரைத் தெருவின் பெயர்ப் பலகையிலிருந்து நீக்கிவிட்டால் சாதிகள் ஒழிந்துவிடுமா?

எனக்குத் தெரிந்தவற்றைச் சொல்கிறேன்.

பார்ப்பான் என்பவன் அனைவரையும் சம நோக்குடன் பார்ப்பவன். ஆனால் இப்போது தன்னை பிராமின் என்று சொல்லிக் கொள்பவர்கள் அப்படித்தான் பார்க்கின்றனரா?

அந்தணர் என்போர் அறவோர் மற்றெவ்வுயிர்க்கும்
செந்தண்மை பூண்டொழுகலான்

பிராம்மண்யமானது குலத்தினாலா? ஒழுக்கத்தினாலா? எனும் கேள்வியை தரும தேவதை கேட்க அதற்கு மஹாபாரதக் கதையில் யுதிஷ்டிரன் அளித்த பதில் ஒழுக்கத்தில் சிறந்தவனே பிராமணன் என்று கருதப்படுவான், எவ்வளவு உயர் குடியில் பிறந்தாலும் ஒழுக்கங்கெட்டவன் பிராமணன் ஆகமாட்டான் என்பதாகும்.

விஸ்வாமித்திரர் பிறப்பில் ஒரு க்ஷத்திரியனாக இருந்தபோதிலும் தவத்தாலும் கருணையாலும் அந்தணரானதாகவும், பிரம்ம ரிஷி என்று வசிஷ்டர் வாயால் அங்கீகாரம் பெற்றதாகவும் இராமாயண காவியம் கூறுகிறது.

ஆதிகாலத்திலிருந்து மனிதர்கள் ஒன்றுகூடி வாழ்ந்து சமூகங்கள் உருவாகுகையில் சாதிப்பெயர்கள் உருவாயின. அவரவர் சாதி சடங்குகளை அவரவர் பின்பற்றுவதில் அடுத்தவர் தலையிட வேண்டாம். அனைவரும் ஒன்று கலந்து பழகுகையில் ஒருவர் என்ன சாதி என அறிய முயல வேண்டாம்.

சாதிகள் பற்றிய சிந்தனை அனைவர் மனதினின்றும் அகல வேண்டுமெனில் சாதியை ஒழிக்கிறேன் என்ற பெயரில் எந்த ஒரு சாதியையும் மட்டம் தட்டுவதைத் தவிர்க்க வேண்டும்.

ஆயிரம் உண்டிங்கு சாதி எனில்
அன்னியர் வந்து புகல் என்ன நீதி - ஒரு
தாயின் வயிற்றில் பிறந்தோர்
நம்முள் சண்டை செய்தாலும் சகோதரரன்றோ?

நாலு வகுப்பும் இங்கொன்றே - இந்த
நான்கினில் ஒன்றைக் குறைத்தால்
வேலை தவறிச் சிதைந்தே - செத்து
வீழ்ந்திடும் மானிடச் சாதி.

ஒற்றைக் குடும்பந் தனிலே - பொருள்
ஓங்க வளர்ப்பவன் தந்தை
மற்றைக் கருமங்கள் செய்தே - ம்னை
வாழ்ந்திடச் செய்பவள் அன்னை.

ஏவல்கள் செய்பவர் மக்கள்
இவர் யாவரும் ஓர் குலமன்றோ?
மேவி அனைவரும் ஒன்றாய் - நல்ல
வீடு நடத்துதல் கண்டோம்.

சாதிப்பிரிவுகள் சொல்லி - அதில்
தாழ்வென்றும் மேலென்றும் கொள்வார்
நீதிப் பிரிவுகள் செய்வார் - அங்கு
நித்தமும் சண்டைகள் செய்வார்.

சாதிக்கொடுமைகள் வேண்டாம் அன்பு
தன்னில் செழித்திடும் வையம்
ஆதரவுற்றிங்கு வாழ்வோம் - தொழில்
ஆயிரம் மாண்புறச் செய்வோம்.
Dear Sri Silverfox Ji,

My Tamil is rusty. So, it took me several reads of the above to understand what it says. There is a beautiful lecture from our own Swami Vivekananda Ji about what should be the aim of everyone in the Hindu society to become an ideal Brahmin man. I am sure our readers are quite familiar with it.

There is a passage within 'Tao Te Ching' which captures the essence of a Brahmin very beautifully. (Tao is the 'Original one, who is beyond knowledge, words, forms and description'):

Respect of Tao and honor of virtue are not demanded.
But they are in the nature of things.

Therefore all things arise from Tao.
By Virtue they are nourished,
Developed, cared for,
Sheltered, Comforted,
Grown and protected,
Creating without claiming,
Doing without taking credit,
Guiding without interfering,
This is Primal virtue.

If this is not the virtue of a Brahmin, I don't know what else is.

Dear Silver fox,

Quite impressed by the following lines :

எவ்வளவு உயர் குடியில் பிறந்தாலும் ஒழுக்கங்கெட்டவன் பிராமணன் ஆகமாட்டான்

Ozhukkam - Clean Slate - without any stains -may be a teetotaler !-
--- This word makes more sense in Tamil than in English but this is a relative term !

When u take the basic lifestyle of a brahmin boy in TN, he gets the thread ceremony when he reaches his 11th or 13th year- and the sastrikal tells him the Gayathri manthra in his ears , like a magic phrase , from when on he needs to continue with Sandhya vandhanam , madhyanikam ( during holidays ) and sayamsandhi ( after play ) !
The joke is as depicted in the movies , he rushes thru the sequence like an oral recitation , as most of the guys don't know the pronunciation of sanskrit words - and that's how his adolescence passes !
He makes his father proud as any other guest/ relative coming to the house opt to fire the first question to the boy -- Are u doing ur sandhi regularly ?? - The reply - Yes , he's regular makes the father proud !

and things don't change much with aging process ! At the time of marriage , every brahmin boy stresses and repeats each mantra coming out from the sastrigal , so that Nothing is Lost and the Blessings from all the GOD's , rishis ( whomever they call !) comes straight to him and his spouse !

Further to that during mid-age I think very few people who have time , do sandhi , and that too smelling the sambhar in the kitchen and scolding their children , side by side !- No concentration at all !
When a brahmin retires , if he's wealthy , he commences his investigation and reads spiritual books to understand - what he had been practicising for so long !!

So my question is " Is not doing Daily prayers , a violation of
Ozhukkam ???
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What you mentioned is a statement of fact as there is no body to protect the interest of brahmins in tamil nadu. Educated people leave the state or in better state of living so they donot want to fight. Further fight with whom whole soceity which is not possible. Best would be that we help ourself to move upward in the economic status. NObody touches a rich p
Nobody touches rich person and economically well off. In fact one of the objectives of the tamil brahmins is to see that the assistance flows from the well off who are in or outside tamil nadu to others.

No a days, i see that the site has deprecated to the level of arguing about iyers and Iyengars without any efforts to assist needy in our own community

>>I know when an injustice is done to our own Brahmin women - making a young woman widow shave her head so that Kanchi Periyaval would see them or else banish them from the society.<<

Shaving of womens hair from the head,was to make them look ugly,so that no man will be lustfully looking at her.Becoz if as a widow,she is very beautiful to look at,then kama-veri will be another problem she will have to face in life.

>>Let me ask you a question: Why and how did Kanchi Periyaval agree to not only see Mrs. Indira Gandhi but also had a long chat with her and blessed her? Thanks to my friends who wrote in to tell me to ask this question.<<

Mahaswamigal was advocating the practice within the community of brahmans.Mrs.Indira Gandhi was a Muslim after she got married to Firoze Gandhi,despite the fact Firoze was adopted by Mahatma Gandhi,and that is how Gandhi Surname came about.Actually Parsi is the correct religion instead of Islam.After Mrs.G left,then an entire sadangugal Mahaswamigal had to perform to remove the dosham of seeing her.Becoz this was causing so much of hardship to Mahaswamigal,the seva dals of swamiji took pains to remove widows from his vicinity,who were not clean shaven from the hindu,christian,muslim folds.

>>To quote him saying this to Lord Shiva: "Kannai thiranthalum kuttram kuttrame".<<

Sage Nakkirar was being tested by Lord Siva,i think its out of context to quote here vis a vis Mahaswamigal.

>>remember even a male widower cannot take part in performing the marriage of his offspring. so there are restrictions on everybody, there is no discrimination here, though widows are restricted more than others. <<

Re-marriage was never part of our traditional set up.Raja Ram Mohan Roy who was instrumental for removal of Sati,Child Marriage was also instrumental for widow remarriage,if my memory serves me right.

>>There is no rule that Dasanami Sannyasis should not see widows. My Guru who was a sannyasi (Tamil Brahmin and a Saraswathi) never objected to any widow seeing him. The dress code is practiced by the Pontiffs of the two Sankara madams in the south. But it affects only Brahmin widows.
The thing which shocks many is that they did not have any objection to giving dharshan and interviews to French Christian women. <<

The Adi Sankara story of doing last rites for his widowed mother had subsequent repurcussions in Kerala too.Even though Mahaswamigal became a sanyasi as the chosen one,tradition dictates that,as a human being ,i believe even for a sanyasi,when he/she sees their mother,the love for mother overrules any title and reduces them to ordinary humans.Being in a responsible position,it went with the turf,that Mahaswamigal had to concede in tune with sampradayam of Kanchi Matham.Since French Christian women are mlechas,a different rule for such people.

The above is my 2 cent observation.No offence meant to anyone out here as i have chosen number of peoples postings to reply.

Dear Mr. s007bala
I simply don't want to start any acrimonious debate on this: But the fact remains that Sri Kanchi Acharya refused to see widows, which is against God's will, in my opinion. Your explanation on why he met with Indira Gandhi doesn't hold water.
My two cents!

>>I know when an injustice is done to our own Brahmin women - making a young woman widow shave her head so that Kanchi Periyaval would see them or else banish them from the society.<<

Shaving of womens hair from the head,was to make them look ugly,so that no man will be lustfully looking at her.Becoz if as a widow,she is very beautiful to look at,then kama-veri will be another problem she will have to face in life.

>>Let me ask you a question: Why and how did Kanchi Periyaval agree to not only see Mrs. Indira Gandhi but also had a long chat with her and blessed her? Thanks to my friends who wrote in to tell me to ask this question.<<

Mahaswamigal was advocating the practice within the community of brahmans.Mrs.Indira Gandhi was a Muslim after she got married to Firoze Gandhi,despite the fact Firoze was adopted by Mahatma Gandhi,and that is how Gandhi Surname came about.Actually Parsi is the correct religion instead of Islam.After Mrs.G left,then an entire sadangugal Mahaswamigal had to perform to remove the dosham of seeing her.Becoz this was causing so much of hardship to Mahaswamigal,the seva dals of swamiji took pains to remove widows from his vicinity,who were not clean shaven from the hindu,christian,muslim folds.

>>To quote him saying this to Lord Shiva: "Kannai thiranthalum kuttram kuttrame".<<

Sage Nakkirar was being tested by Lord Siva,i think its out of context to quote here vis a vis Mahaswamigal.

>>remember even a male widower cannot take part in performing the marriage of his offspring. so there are restrictions on everybody, there is no discrimination here, though widows are restricted more than others. <<

Re-marriage was never part of our traditional set up.Raja Ram Mohan Roy who was instrumental for removal of Sati,Child Marriage was also instrumental for widow remarriage,if my memory serves me right.

>>There is no rule that Dasanami Sannyasis should not see widows. My Guru who was a sannyasi (Tamil Brahmin and a Saraswathi) never objected to any widow seeing him. The dress code is practiced by the Pontiffs of the two Sankara madams in the south. But it affects only Brahmin widows.
The thing which shocks many is that they did not have any objection to giving dharshan and interviews to French Christian women. <<

The Adi Sankara story of doing last rites for his widowed mother had subsequent repurcussions in Kerala too.Even though Mahaswamigal became a sanyasi as the chosen one,tradition dictates that,as a human being ,i believe even for a sanyasi,when he/she sees their mother,the love for mother overrules any title and reduces them to ordinary humans.Being in a responsible position,it went with the turf,that Mahaswamigal had to concede in tune with sampradayam of Kanchi Matham.Since French Christian women are mlechas,a different rule for such people.

The above is my 2 cent observation.No offence meant to anyone out here as i have chosen number of peoples postings to reply.



>>I simply don't want to start any acrimonious debate on this: But the fact remains that Sri Kanchi Acharya refused to see widows, which is against God's will, in my opinion. Your explanation on why he met with Indira Gandhi doesn't hold water.
My two cents!<<

You are entitled to your opinion just as Mahaswamigal was entitled to his.As far as gods will,we will leave it god.

Regarding Mrs.G,she has even waited hours together on number of occassion to discuss with Mahaswamigal about Indian affairs of the nation,especially the Kai Chinnam of Congress ( I ) and when it came to political leaders ,Mahaswamigal did make exceptional rules.MUKA has been visiting Mahaswamigal incognito and if you have observed,he will never say anything bad or good about Mahaswamigal.All said and done,Mahaswamigal was a practical sage.


Kanchi kamakodi sankaracharris not seeing widows,

Dear Silverfox, Good questin, can you tell us about that Jeeiyers also have the same tradations.Not only Kanchi Mutt all the mutts follow the rule as in general. This is because old days Child marriege was in the community(13to20 age gp).and in young age widows were not allowed due to verious resons both mentely and Psyly.:horn:S.R.K.
To put an end to this topic, why not we think about whatis correct and follow that. My opinion is Our head of the Sankara Mutts should come farward to teach the true value of Human lifes and help the Souls to get liberated from the worldly things. The best way they should INITIATION to all our TB's. Then every thing will normal. S.R.K.

To put an end to this topic, why not we think about whatis correct and follow that. My opinion is Our head of the Sankara Mutts should come farward to teach the true value of Human lifes and help the Souls to get liberated from the worldly things. The best way they should INITIATION to all our TB's. Then every thing will normal. S.R.K.


The sankara maths of Kanchi & Shringeri have been teaching for a long time without any respite.Its only people like me,who do not follow to the tee and feel guilty from time to time.

Hey Bala,

You do not know what you are talking about.

Professing love for MahaPeriaval you readily admit you don't follow His teachings.

Your explanations above why a widow is supposed to shave off her hair is pathetic.

Do you mean to say that a widow has no right to remarry? Is this you position? If so, why?



The sankara maths of Kanchi & Shringeri have been teaching for a long time without any respite.Its only people like me,who do not follow to the tee and feel guilty from time to time.

Hey Bala,

You said,

"Regarding Mrs.G,she has even waited hours together on number of occassion to discuss with Mahaswamigal about Indian affairs of the nation,especially the Kai Chinnam of Congress ( I ) and when it came to political leaders ,Mahaswamigal did make exceptional rules.MUKA has been visiting Mahaswamigal incognito and if you have observed,he will never say anything bad or good about Mahaswamigal.All said and done,Mahaswamigal was a practical sage."

What do you mean by 'practical sage'? Did Maha Periaval bend the rules for some?

Did He counsel MK? If so, then why would His current followers vilify MK?

Can you prove He saw MK?

Again a lot of supposition without any proven facts.

I know a dear friend who knew Him intimately for almost 15 years. So, don't BS.


Hey Bala,

You said,

"Regarding Mrs.G,she has even waited hours together on number of occassion to discuss with Mahaswamigal about Indian affairs of the nation,especially the Kai Chinnam of Congress ( I ) and when it came to political leaders ,Mahaswamigal did make exceptional rules.MUKA has been visiting Mahaswamigal incognito and if you have observed,he will never say anything bad or good about Mahaswamigal.All said and done,Mahaswamigal was a practical sage."

What do you mean by 'practical sage'? Did Maha Periaval bend the rules for some?

Mahaswamigal,to take his name is like quoting the LORD,for me.That being said,don't you think the LORD can make rules,bend rules,un-bend rules...whatever he wants!!Who the heck is 'sb' to confer the title of 'practical sage' to Mahaswamigal?Who heck is KRS to belive that for his convenience now,to just argue senslessly!! will probably be the opinion of the forum members.So,lets not get personal.

>>Did He counsel MK? If so, then why would His current followers vilify MK?<<

Yes he counseled Dr.M.Karunanidhi.Why don't you ask his current follower's as to why they are at all vilifying,as i am not current follower of DMK!!

>>Can you prove He saw MK?

Again a lot of supposition without any proven facts.

I know a dear friend who knew Him intimately for almost 15 years. So, don't BS.


I have posted a message in the forum regarding Nir-Ishvara-Vada.If you can,then you will understand,what is FAITH!!Regarding 'BS',i had posted in this forum a joke and it goes like this - "I am a bit of a bull shitter myself,but,you go ahead i am listening".I was admonished by the admin and the message itself deleted:pound:

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mahaswamigal,to take his name is like quoting the lord,for me.that being said,don't you think the lord can make rules,bend rules,un-bend rules...whatever he wants!!who the heck is 'sb' to confer the title of 'practical sage' to mahaswamigal?who heck is krs to belive that for his convenience now,to just argue senslessly!! Will probably be the opinion of the forum members.so,lets not get personal.
when you can not answer, ofcourse i am getting personal. Forum members know who was/is getting personal. Senseless arguments are your forte. I am not properly equipped to do them well - you seem to be a master at it. Khe khe. Rofl.

yes he counseled dr.m.karunanidhi.why don't you ask his current follower's as to why they are at all vilifying,as i am not current follower of dmk!!
because i am close to many of them (as per your assertion elsewhere), they all tell me this is complete bunkhum. So, i don't believe it - see they always are straightforward and tell the truth. Khe khe rofl.

i have posted a message in the forum regarding nir-ishvara-vada.if you can,then you will understand,what is faith!!regarding 'bs',i had posted in this forum a joke and it goes like this - "i am a bit of a bull shitter myself,but,you go ahead i am listening".i was admonished by the admin and the message itself deleted:pound:
yes i saw that. Oh again, poor baby! Others are treating you so harshly, my dear! What to do! It is again some one else's problem.
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