Dear Sri CLN Ji,
Thank you for your kind response.
I think the major upheaval that is going on today in terms of killing is because of the political side of Islam. I think, like other religions, Islam has not yet adapted to the requirements of the modern world. It will though, eventually, as they improve economically and education wise.
We are all impatient for this world to be perfect. But it takes time to improve. Always has in the past. Like you have said, Hitler was walking on this earth only 80 years ago.
I do not think that religions will go away - I think they satisfy one important part of human nature. We just need to hope that as time goes by, more and more people will use religion for their spiritual advancement, rather than use it for any other purpose (political, and even social).
Thank you for your kind response.
I think the major upheaval that is going on today in terms of killing is because of the political side of Islam. I think, like other religions, Islam has not yet adapted to the requirements of the modern world. It will though, eventually, as they improve economically and education wise.
We are all impatient for this world to be perfect. But it takes time to improve. Always has in the past. Like you have said, Hitler was walking on this earth only 80 years ago.
I do not think that religions will go away - I think they satisfy one important part of human nature. We just need to hope that as time goes by, more and more people will use religion for their spiritual advancement, rather than use it for any other purpose (political, and even social).
Dear Shri KRS,
I certainly agree that education is the only hope. I also feel that the wantonness with which atrocities were perpetrated in the past, on the basis of feelings of superiority of race, religion, pelf or prowess are on the wane. You can't think of an event like the 'Exodus' or the Crusades or the slave trade, happening any more. But, Auschwitz happened only a few decades ago; Viet Nam brutalities were still more recent. Middle-East wars, Taliban excesses, terrorist atrocities like 9/11, 13/12, 26/11 are still more recent.
As you point out, Saatvics are not to indulge in violence because it is abhorrent to them. But we have in this world, even today, religious preceptors whose duty it is to only spread love compassion and tolerance among their followers, instigating impressionable youngsters through their incendiary exhortations into insurgencies - all in the name of some thing "holy"!
I hate to be pessimistic; but is there really any choice?