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After Death - What?

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Dear Sri CLN Ji,

Thank you for your kind response.

I think the major upheaval that is going on today in terms of killing is because of the political side of Islam. I think, like other religions, Islam has not yet adapted to the requirements of the modern world. It will though, eventually, as they improve economically and education wise.

We are all impatient for this world to be perfect. But it takes time to improve. Always has in the past. Like you have said, Hitler was walking on this earth only 80 years ago.

I do not think that religions will go away - I think they satisfy one important part of human nature. We just need to hope that as time goes by, more and more people will use religion for their spiritual advancement, rather than use it for any other purpose (political, and even social).

Dear Shri KRS,

I certainly agree that education is the only hope. I also feel that the wantonness with which atrocities were perpetrated in the past, on the basis of feelings of superiority of race, religion, pelf or prowess are on the wane. You can't think of an event like the 'Exodus' or the Crusades or the slave trade, happening any more. But, Auschwitz happened only a few decades ago; Viet Nam brutalities were still more recent. Middle-East wars, Taliban excesses, terrorist atrocities like 9/11, 13/12, 26/11 are still more recent.
As you point out, Saatvics are not to indulge in violence because it is abhorrent to them. But we have in this world, even today, religious preceptors whose duty it is to only spread love compassion and tolerance among their followers, instigating impressionable youngsters through their incendiary exhortations into insurgencies - all in the name of some thing "holy"!

I hate to be pessimistic; but is there really any choice?
KRS: ... as time goes by, more and more people will use religion for their spiritual advancement, rather than use it for any other purpose (political, and even social).

Sure Sir,

If that really happens, it will really redeem humanity. Let us fervently hope for it.
Non Non Mon Ami,

The Nirguna ParaBrahman in the Dimensionless State which has created this Universe with hundreds of dimensions, will only make what IT wants to happen. According to Bhagavath Geetha of Lord Krishna, Whatever has to happen will invariably happen and whatever has not to happen will never happen.

Well, Well, Well.

Nostradamus of Gaullish country (present France) has predicted a Third World War between Countries of religions born in the Middle East (viz. Christinaity and Islam) by 2012, and a person from the Oldest Religion on this Earth (viz. from Sanaathana Dharma) will bring peace to this Earth. He has prophesied existence of Mankind upto 3500 Ana Domini (or is it CE).

Well, Well, Well,

Believe in your mind power.

We recite Gaayathri Manthra several thousand times only to improve our intelligence (Om Bhoohu, Bhuvaha, Suvaha - Generator, Organiszer, Suvaha- Destroyer, Thath - That Savithuhu- my maker, VarEnyam - Supreme, Bhargaha - ParaBrahman, Devasya - Lustering, Dheemahi - I Propitiate, Dhiyaha - Budhdhi, Yaha- That, Naha - Mine, Prachodhayaath - Improve) I propitiate the Almighty maker, Let IT improve my intelligence - my brain power). This is what Gaayathri Mantha is. This in the west is called as Auto Suggestion.

Hence wishing that all entities especially Humans on this earth should have a peaceful and congenial atmosphere will turn the future that way. THE MIND POWER IS ENORMOUS.

Even Atheists (Agnostics) like Shri. Nara can think to bring the required positive result.


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Mon cher Mr.Kunjappa,

Le fabricant Nirguna Parabrahman est omniprsent, omnipotent et omniscient. Il a fait de ce Univers de l'amour pur.


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Dear Shri.KRS ji,

The 3 Gunaas Sathva, Rajas and Thamas are the three Gunaas given by the Nirguna ParaBhrahman in the Dimensionless State. It has none of the three Gunaas. It has created this Universe with all these Gunaas only to enjoy the happening. IT is itself the creator, IT is only the Director and IT is only all the actors and actresses, IT is the only sub-workers and It itself is the spectator of THIS FILM called CREATION OF THIS UNIVERSE.

Let s watch it with bliss, and expect positive outcome.

We Human (Homo Sapiens - 6th sensed animals have a very deep and creative mind, and with the mind itself we can change our future. Let us try to make our future positive and sincerely pray for it. Afterall WE ARE THE MAKER 'THE NIRGUNA PARABRAHMAN'

I am an Adhvaithi.


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Dear Shri Subramanian,

Is that 'WE' the normal 'first person plural' or the 'royal WE'?
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Dear Shri.CLN ji,

The WE includes collection of every organism and Inorganic thing in THIS UNIVERSE.


Dear Sri Subramanian Ji,

Thank you.

Dear Shri.KRS ji,

The 3 Gunaas Sathva, Rajas and Thamas are the three Gunaas given by the Nirguna ParaBhrahman in the Dimensionless State. It has none of the three Gunaas. It has created this Universe with all these Gunaas only to enjoy the happening. IT is itself the creator, IT is only the Director and IT is only all the actors and actresses, IT is the only sub-workers and It itself is the spectator of THIS FILM called CREATION OF THIS UNIVERSE.

Let s watch it with bliss, and expect positive outcome.

We Human (Homo Sapiens - 6th sensed animals have a very deep and creative mind, and with the mind itself we can change our future. Let us try to make our future positive and sincerely pray for it. Afterall WE ARE THE MAKER 'THE NIRGUNA PARABRAHMAN'

I am an Adhvaithi.


Dear All,

This is what the westeners say as "Positive Mental Attitude", which is pertaining to improving mental ability of oneself.


This is because an ant is AS important to the maker Nirguna Parabrahman AS a Human being is.


suba42: This is because an ant is AS important to the maker Nirguna Parabrahman AS a Human being is.
Dear Shri Subramanian,

Wanton and purposeless killing of any life form may be shunned by sensible persons but can we expect the same attitude from the same people towards certain other killings? For example, when a mosquito bites me what am I supposed to do - view the act as my karmapalan and allow it uninterruptedly? When I am afflicted by a disease, am I not to take any medicine which might kill the germs and virii?
[FONT=&quot]Dear Poojya Guru Shri CLN ji,[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The need for this accolade Poojya ?[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]In Shiva Puraana, when Devi Paarvathi asks Lord Shiva “Kwam Guro?” = Who is the real Guru? – Lord Shiva answers thus – “Nirastha Sarva SandhEham Ekikruthya Sudharshanam, Rahasyam YO Dharshayithi Bhajaami Gurumiswaram” – The one dispels all the doubts about the matter discussed and shows the real truth of the matter is the Real Propitiable Guru”. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Hence you are Propitiable – Poojya.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]According to Kena Uopanishadh, when one sees the Aathman-Brahman in every living thing, the particular Living thing will also see only the Aathman –Brahman in him/her, and hence will not hurt him/her.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The Sage Ramana Maharishi had many living things including Dogs, Cats, Monkeys, Cows, and even a Tiger as his disciple. Since He only saw the Aathman in them, every one of them only saw the Aathman in sage Ramana. May be according to their destinies, they had to spend some time near him, before reaching and Merging with the Nirguna Parabrahman in the Dimensionless State.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Hence it is definitely with the way you perceive them – Benevolent or Malevolent, that they will decide to react on you. This goes right to even Mosquitoes.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]This had happened to me also several times.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
Dear Shri.CLN ji,

Out of several types of Deekshaas like Hastha Deekshaa & NEthra Deekshaa, NEthra Deekshaa is the most powrful.

When Har Wansh Lal Poonja, askes Sage Ramana in Thiruvannamali, about whether Ramana can show him the God, Ramana says " God is not an Object like you and me, IT is a subject. You ca not see IT outside, you have to search IT within you to perceive IT, only to know that you are the God.

The same is echoed in Shri Lalitha Sahasranaama, "Anthamukha Samaaraadhyaa, Bhahirmukha Sudhurlabhaa" - She the Superme Goddess can not be perceived outside, but can be ONLY perceived inside oneself.

Poonja says the moment he (Sage Ramana) looked at my eyes, something dawned inside me, and that was the moment of Realization.

Though we are unfortunately not in sage Ramana Maharishi's time, still it is possible that HE may give Deeksha to us incognito.


suba42: Hence it is definitely with the way you perceive them – Benevolent or Malevolent, that they will decide to react on you. This goes right to even Mosquitoes.

This had happened to me also several times.
Thanks for the accolade "0" Shri Subramanian ji! Perhaps from now on I hope to perceive the Mosquito Mahaanubhava in all its Benevolent Glory from an altogether different angle. I must try to train my ears to hear 'Omkaaram' in its cosmic buzzing and to experience the thrill of a graceful caress even as it dips its proboscis deep into my skin. As it has happened to you several times, as you say, I hope I might also one day attain that coveted state through this revelation and realization.
Dear Shri.CLN ji,

Since though Rajayoga, I came to know that in my last birth, I was a dog reared by a Brahmin in tamilnadu, who was reciting Shri.Rudra Prashna daily, and because of hearing the same several hundred times, I was now born as a boy in a Brahmin family and though for 3 generations, my ancestors were not learning nor reciting Veda, I did learn Shri Rudra Prashna of my own interest at Nagpur, Maharashtra, which is my birth place and I spent my schooling days.

So I have a soft corner for dogs and presently rear a Labrador Retriever Dog myself.

I have had several bites from dogs and cats in the process of feeding them, but still I am safe without any negativity. This is only due to the positive mental attitude I have towards all the living things around me. The SAME - AATHMAN - BRAHMAN everywhere.


suba42: Since though Rajayoga, I came to know that in my last birth, I was a dog reared by a Brahmin in tamilnadu, who was reciting Shri.Rudra Prashna daily, and because of hearing the same several hundred times, I was now born as a boy in a Brahmin family and though for 3 generations, my ancestors were not learning nor reciting Veda, I did learn Shri Rudra Prashna of my own interest at Nagpur, Maharashtra, which is my birth place and I spent my schooling days.

So I have a soft corner for dogs and presently rear a Labrador Retriever Dog myself.

I have had several bites from dogs and cats in the process of feeding them, but still I am safe without any negativity. This is only due to the positive mental attitude I have towards all the living things around me. The SAME - AATHMAN - BRAHMAN everywhere.
Dear Subramanianji,

I can well see your point and so I do understand and appreciate. You have your Retriever today. Perhaps one day, I hope, even I might be able to find out what will 'retrieve' me from this samsaara saagaram.
.....So I have a soft corner for dogs and presently rear a Labrador Retriever Dog myself. .
If there is an idiom that is completely untrue it is the one that goes like it is a dog's life meaning a dog's life is one that is unpleasant and hard. This may be true for a street dog, but one that is adopted as a pet, the life is, if I may say so myself, is great indeed. We have a Lasha Apso, and he is as cute as any dog can be. He is indeed the master of our house. He stomps around the house. Our life is fashioned around his needs. Morning walk, picking up his poop, making sure he has his food, vitamins, and what not, all for the unconditional love he shows to us slobs. Such is the power of love. Think about it.
Dear Shri.CLN ji and Shri.Nara ji,

Well said. In tamil they use the phrase ' naay paadaatha paadu padaraan'. In the list of household animals, the dogs become street dogs and since they have forgotten the ability to hunt and fend for themselves, they are very dependent on humans, unlike cats, which are very free and they invariably go for hunting and fend for themselves. It is also seen in all the carnivorous species - females are the best hunters, whereas the males give big sound and have the first bite.

CLN ji, the Maker will invariably show you the path if you have the yearning.


[FONT=&quot]Dear Poojya Guru Shri CLN ji,[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The need for this accolade Poojya ?[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]In Shiva Puraana, when Devi Paarvathi asks Lord Shiva “Kwam Guro?” = Who is the real Guru? – Lord Shiva answers thus – “Nirastha Sarva SandhEham Ekikruthya Sudharshanam, Rahasyam YO Dharshayithi Bhajaami Gurumiswaram” – The one dispels all the doubts about the matter discussed and shows the real truth of the matter is the Real Propitiable Guru”. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Hence you are Propitiable – Poojya.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]According to Kena Uopanishadh, when one sees the Aathman-Brahman in every living thing, the particular Living thing will also see only the Aathman –Brahman in him/her, and hence will not hurt him/her.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The Sage Ramana Maharishi had many living things including Dogs, Cats, Monkeys, Cows, and even a Tiger as his disciple. Since He only saw the Aathman in them, every one of them only saw the Aathman in sage Ramana. May be according to their destinies, they had to spend some time near him, before reaching and Merging with the Nirguna Parabrahman in the Dimensionless State.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Hence it is definitely with the way you perceive them – Benevolent or Malevolent, that they will decide to react on you. This goes right to even Mosquitoes.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]This had happened to me also several times.[/FONT]




There is a difference of reciprocating love/affection to cow, a cute cat or a dog or a cute child. As they give us pleasure just by their innocent looks and docile behaviour, we too instinctively reciprocate.

But, to display the same attitude to ferocious animals, poisonous snakes that can harm us would call for higher sort of evolution, which we may call "Gnana" with courage as its corollary.

An another dimension: Most of us are in vain at our talents. If were to evolve we would realise not only are our talents are miniscule, but without God we would be no be fortunate to be endowed with those talents which we amply use for our selfish ends to the extent that the legal framework allows.

As gnana develops the person uses his gifts for the good of all with least trace of ego.

What do have to say?

With regards,
dehī nityam avadhyo ’yaṁ
dehe sarvasya bhārata
tasmāt sarvāṇi bhūtāni
na tvaṁ śocitum arhasi

“O descendant of Bharata, he who dwells in the body is eternal and can never be slain. Therefore you need not grieve for any creature.” (Bhagavad-gītā 2.30)
[FONT=&quot]FW: INDIA :: HINDUISM IN ARABASTHAN :: Fwd: The kaaba in Mecca is ac [/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Posted by: "Ramesh Chitnis" [email protected] rvchitnis [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Fri Mar 4, 2011 3:57 am (PST) [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Fw: Fwd: The kaaba in Mecca is actually SHIVA LINGA
Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2011 00:25:23 +0530 (IST)
From: Vijay Tankha <[email protected]>

The kaaba in Mecca is actually SHIVA LINGA.

The word allah itself is a sanskrit word meaning 'goddess'.

To this day there are inscriptions in sanskrit language on the kaaba.As the pilgrim proceeds towards Mecca he is asked to shave his head and beard and to don special sacred attire that consists of two seamless sheets of white cloth.

One is to be worn round the waist and the other over the shoulders. Both these rites are remnants of the old Vedic practice of entering Hindu temples clean-and with holy seamless white sheets.

The main shrine in Mecca, which houses the Siva emblem, is known as the Kaaba. It is clothed in a black shroud. That custom also originates from the days when it was thought necessary to discourage its recapture by camouflaging it.

Muslim pilgrims visiting the Kaaba temple go around it seven times. In no other mosque does the circumambulation prevail. Hindus invariably
circumambulate around their deities. This is yet another proof that the Kaaba shrine is a pre-Islamic Indian Shiva temple where the Hindu practice of circumambulation is still meticulously observed.

The practice of taking seven steps- known as Saptapadi in Sanskrit- is associated with Hindu marriage ceremony and fire worship. The culminating rite in a Hindu marriage enjoins upon the bride and groom to go round the sacred fire four times (but misunderstood by many as seven times). Since "Makha" means fire, the seven circumambulations also prove that Mecca was the seat of Indian fire-worship in the West Asia.

The Islamic practice of Bakari Eed derives from the Go-Medh and Ashva-Medh Yagnas or sacrifices of Vedic times. Eed in Sanskrit means worship. The Islamic word Eed for festive days, signifying days of worship, is therefore a pure Sanskrit word. The word MESH in the Hindu zodiac signifies a lamb. Since in ancient times the year used to begin with the entry of the sun in Aries, the occasion was celebrated with mutton feasting. That is the origin of the Bakari Eed festival.[Note:The word Bakari is an Indian language word].

The Islamic term ‘Eed-ul-Fitr’ derives from the ‘Eed of Piters’ that is worship of forefathers in Sanskrit tradition. In India, Hindus commemorate their ancestors during the Pitr-Paksha that is the fortnight reserved for their remembrance. The very same is the significance of ‘Eed-ul-Fitr’ (worship of forefathers).The Islamic practice of observing the moon rise before deciding on celebrating the occasion derives from the Hindu custom of breaking fast on Sankranti and Vinayaki Chaturthi only after sighting the moon.Barah Vafat, the Muslim festival for commemorating those dead in battle or by weapons, derives from a similar Sanskrit tradition because in Sanskrit ‘Phiphaut’ is ‘death’. Hindus observe Chayal Chaturdashi in memory of those who have died in battle.

The word Arabia is itself the abbreviation of a Sanskrit word. The original word is ‘Arabasthan’. Since Prakrit ‘B’ is Sanskrit ‘V’ the original Sanskrit name of the land is ‘Arvasthan’. ‘Arva’ in Sanskrit means a horse. Arvasthan signifies a land of horses., and as well all know, Arabia is famous for its horses.

Four months of the year are regarded as very sacred in Islamic custom. The devout are enjoined to abstain from plunder and other evil deeds during that period. This originates in the Chaturmasa i.e., the four-month period of special vows and austerities in Hindu tradition.
Shabibarat is the corrupt form of Shiva Vrat and Shiva Ratra. Since the Kaaba has been an important centre of Shiva (Siva) worship from times immemorial, the Shivaratri festival used to be celebrated there with great gusto. It is that festival which is signified by the Islamic word Shabibarat.
[FONT=&quot]Since Eed means worship and Griha means ‘house’, the Islamic word Idgah signifies a ‘House of worship’ which is the exact Sanskrit connotation of the term. Similarly the word ‘Namaz’ derives from two Sanskrit roots ‘Nama’ and ‘Yajna’ (NAMa yAJna) meaning bowing and worshipping.
All Arabic copies of the Koran have the mysterious figure 786 imprinted on them . No Arabic scholar has been able to determine the choice of this particular number as divine. It is an established fact that Muhammad was illiterate therefore it is obvious that he would not be able to differentiate numbers from letters. This "magical" number is none other than the Vedic holy letter "OM" written in Sanskrit. Anyone who knows Sanskrit can try reading the symbol for "OM" backwards in the Arabic way and magically the numbers 786 will appear! Muslims in their ignorance simply do not realize that this special number is nothing more than the holiest of Vedic symbols misread. You can try reading it yourself, look at the figure OM in a mirror and you can make out the Devnagari (Sanskrit-Hindi) numerals 7-8-6.

Excellant piece of work.


Meeting of Swami Ram Tirth with Muslims of Lucknow, 1905. ('In Woods of God Realization', vol. VI, Chapters IX/X, pages 142-244).'.........
Rama replied gently: 'Please listen to what is now being said. In the very beginning of your Koran, at the top, are three letters, alif (A), lam (L) and mim (M). Can any of you or any learned Mulawi of Islam explain what these three letters mean?' The Moslems replied that this was a secret which Allah had kept to himself. Swami Rama laughed heartily at this remark and said: 'When God has revealed the entire Koran for the benefit of mankind, as the Muslims claim, it is very strange that he has kept its very heading a secret. No. It is not so. If you, the Muslims who put full faith in the Koran do not know the secret of the letters A, L, M, Rama will tell you what they signify. Alif, lam and mim are nothing but alif (A), wao (O) and mim (M), that is, AOM or OM". The Muslims objected that the letter L is not the same as the letter O, but Swami Rama pointed out to them that in Arabic grammar L is pronounced O when it falls between a vowel and a consonant, as in the names Shamsuddin, which is written Shamsaldin, or Nizamuddin, which is written Nizamaldin. The letter lam (L) becomes silent and gives the sound of the Arabic letter pesh (O or U). Therefore ALM is no secret; it is clearly and unambiguously OM and nothing but OM. It is Kufra, heretical or a sin, to blame God for keeping it a secret'.

Another wonderful piece of work.


The kaaba in Mecca is actually SHIVA LINGA...look at the figure OM in a mirror and you can make out the Devnagari (Sanskrit-Hindi) numerals 7-8-6.

Very interesting. But I wonder, when Moslems must be knowing doubtless that the practices followed in Mecca are quite at variance with their practices everywhere else, why on earth have they not changed the Mecca practice to conform to their general practice at other places, or their general practice all over the world to conform to Mecca practice? The interpretation of '786' is masterly!
Very interesting. But I wonder, when Moslems must be knowing doubtless that the practices followed in Mecca are quite at variance with their practices everywhere else, why on earth have they not changed the Mecca practice to conform to their general practice at other places, or their general practice all over the world to conform to Mecca practice? The interpretation of '786' is masterly!

Dear Shri. CLN ji,

It must be the other way round. Since Mecca which was the very first worshiping place of Muslims, built on a Shiva temple raised to ground, they could not fully remove the old practices that existed in that Shiva temple. Since they wanted to show the Individuality of Islam, this practice was not followed in any other mosque, which were built later.

However this goes to prove that Sanaathana Dharma was spread all over the third planet of the Solar System, before the birth of the western religions.

Similarly,on the birth of Jesus (the birth of Jesus as on 25th December has not been mentioned in both Old and New Testaments of Bible) and the starting of new year by gregorian calendar, it is found that there was a Mithra dynasty which was a branch of Sanaathana Dharma, who started their new year from Winter Solstice, and hence the roman and then christian new year from winter solstice was is fixed. Though we celebrate our new year from Vernal Equinox which falls on 14th April of Gregorian Calendar.


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Dear Shri.CLN ji,
I have a close acquaintance, who happens to be a Muslim and he took Haj Pilgrimage in 2003, and following are the points that could be gathered from him:
1. The men on the Haj Pilgrimage have to shave all the hairs on their heads, chins, chest and even their loins. Then they have to take a bath and wear two full white cloths without any border, without even their loin cloths and circumambulate the Mecca Centre (the place where Prophet Mohammed is said to have been buried. (this is what we call as Adhistaana – burial place of our seers).
2. Before completion of their Pilgrimage, the followers were to hit their heads against a wall and beat their chest over the death of their religious leaders including Prophet Mohammed. (This is similar to the Wailing Wall, which the Jews practice).
3. They have to give sacrifices of Cock or Goat or Cow or Camel according to the financial ability of the pilgrim. Since the said acquaintance was a trader in Steel Plates, a Millionare at that (Trichy happens to be the hub of heavy steel fabrication in India), he said he gave a sacrifice of a camel which was the costliest. This is equivalent to animal sacrifice given by NBs of Sanaathana Sharma. This animal sacrifice is followed only in Mecca and not in any other Mosque in the World.
4. Finally before leaving, the pilgrims have to collect, Aab e Jam Jam, the holy water (an under water current like river Saraswathi of Thriveni Sangamam) and take it home and give it their near and dears, (equivalent of our holy water of the River Ganges). That Gentleman gave me a bottle of the said water Aab e Jam Jam and said it is equal to our Sacred Ganga Jal. Though I took it from him in order not to hurt his sentiment, the Brahmin in me could not make me drink that water, and I threw it away the next day itself. PERHAPS I AM YET TO REALIZE, THAT EVERY AATHMAN IS BRAHMAN.
5. On returning from Haj, a Muslim has to perform prayer 5 times a day and all days in a week. He has to wear the woven head gear and an unshaven beard which invariably show that the person is a Haaji.
Hence we can see that they perform a lot of traditions followed by people of Sanaathana Dharma, which was very much existent even before, in that place before the birth of Islam.


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