Dear Shri KRS,
...I think that there are a better percentage of atheists in the scientific community as compared to the general public.
I also think that a majority of scientists believe in a higher power (they may not call it God) and also only a minority believe in a 'personal God'.
This is what I was trying to convey. All University faculty are not scientists. From my last post I want to emphasize, " seems to me, there is a significant inverse correlation between being scientific and belief in god or some form of higher power."
Here let me cite Neil deGrasse Tyson, director of the Hayden Planetarium in New York, and host of the popular TV show NOVA ScienceNow, in a speech he gave in
Beyond Belief 2006 conference in San Diego. In the following quotation, Tyson is referring to a study of NAS scientists conducted some months earlier and the following is at about 3 minutes.
Tyson: I want to put on the table, not why 85% of the members of the National Academy of Sciences reject God, I want to know why 15% of the National Academy don’t. That’s really what we’ve got to address here.
As I said, Science is about verifying the physical truth without depending on our senses, through logic and validation. Science can answer ultimately only the 'how'. It can never answer the 'Why?'
The role of religion is to try to answer 'why'. While Science can be a part of a religion, Science can never fulfill the role of a religion.
Science answers many "why" questions, including why tides come in why tides go out, which seems to puzzle Bill O. Yes, as we go deeper and deeper, there are many "why" questions science has not answered. It is very likely that science cannot answer all the "why" questions and humanity will have to remain ignorant of these questions.
Questions that science is unable to answer will have to remain unanswered. But I know that will never stop the faithful from claiming that religion can answer these not yet answered questions. But, how come there are as many answers to these questions as the number of religions, each claiming they have the right answers and all the others are wrong? It is not only Chrisitians, Muslims, but even within what is popularly called Hinduism, Advaitees say VA and D are false, etc.
Some may be tempted to say they all are right, but that is just a cop out, trying to sidestep the question. Any answer that cannot be demonstrated and repeated is no answer at all, it is just faith.
BTW, the religious authorities have a very poor track record with the answers they have given in the past to a range of questions. They claimed earth was flat and it is at the center, until science came along and showed otherwise. Religion said earthquakes and hurricanes are god's punishment (they still do), until science came along and explained the reason. Religion said certain deceases are punishment from gods until science came along and showed germs cause these deceases. Religion says there are things called mahath, ahankaram (not arrogance) tanmathrai,etc., that play some mysterious part in creation, none of these can be shown to exist in shape or form, they exist only in the imagination of the faithful.
The truth is, religion has not answered one single question properly in the long history of human existence, let alone the "why" question, but the faithful will never cease to claim it can and it has, and of course, as I observed earlier, the answer from each religion is different. Whose answer is correct? Well, when we take their track record into account, it is indisputable that they all are wrong.
As science explains more and more, religion retreats further back. But, the faithful will always have space from which to continue to claim they have answers to questions that are still unanswered by science. In as much as science may not be able to answer all the questions, religion will always have a place to hide where science has not reached, and make fanciful claims to knowing the "truth".
As Tyson puts it, with so many of religion's answers debunked by science, it is a wonder that many continue to put faith in religion, even a few scientists.