Respected Gopalan Sir,you can invite only on 13th day. nobody on tenth day.
hi gopakan sir?first year sraaddam should not be done at Gaya.
hi gopalan sir.
i did my mother's 10th to 13 days without my wife.....i live in USA...i went to rameshwaram and did all the kartha too..
i have question abt oonamasukam/soda kumbam?....i can't do it in USA....CAN i do it with varshabhidhiham?...please guide me
hiSri tbs,
Why is it that you are unable to do oonamasikam and Soda Kumbam etc. in USA?
In most cities in USA there are very well educated Sastrigals available. We have two and they were educated in Veda Patashalas. I assume you can find good Vaddhyars in most places.
It is best to do this with Shraddha if at all possible. It will be expensive for sastrigal to come and do the event.
For both by parents, I ended up doing all events including Varshabdhikam (for 4 days) in USA and had two Vaddhyars at least.
One practice prevalent in USA is that most Sastrigal do not mind playing the roles of Vishvadeva and Pirtus (and have a full meal). It is possible to do all these with full fire ritual and with understanding in USA.
It all depends on where you live and how easy it is to find a Sastrigal to come to your home
i went to rameshawaram and did all 13 days karyams....even vadhyar there told me that vadhyars are not versed in APARA KRIYAS
IN RAMESHWARAMS ITSELF.....SO ITS HARD HERE TOO...but i try to do that...for masigam i can manage tarpanam....only
onamasigam/soda kumbam has some problems....
hi sir,There are people who are extremely well versed in apara kriyas in USA.
The problem with priests in USA is that many have come as kurukkal role for a temple and have tried to morph into sastrigal role which rarely works.
You need to find people who have gone through veda patashalas in India and have practiced being a Sastrigal for a while in India. It is rare but they are available.
A competent Vadhyars are very much in demandthey get requests to travel to many states and sometimes even internationally.
hi sir,
i myself veda patashala student ....i studied vedas more than eight years in veda patashala....but APARA KRIYA VADHYARS ARE
DIFFERENT FROM REGULAR VADHYARS.... this thing i really realised in rameshwaram...generally all APARA KRIYAS HAS TO DO
ONLY IN GNANA is speical place to do apara kriyas..but NOW EVERYTHING IS CONVENIENT AND ADJUSTABLE...
i heard ONLY one place in USA....sri sringeri sadhana centre in pennsylvania...they have special facility/special vadhyar for it...
hiI think there are Vaddhyars in USA who are well versed in this. You can pay them to come to your place or go to a location like the one you mentioned. I agree that there are many 'fake' vaddhyars who are not experienced in such rituals.
In the end it is all about shraddha, know some meanings to some extent and do the best with available Vadhyar instead of missing it. That would be my suggestion
Namaskaram. Could you please suggest some vadyar in Hyderabad who will be willing to do hiranya srardham for my m-i-l on Panguni Shukla Saptami tithi. I live in Hyderabad. I am unable to get a tamil vadyar. Or is there any alternative you could suggest? Thanking you, Jayashree