Dear TKS ji,
I read about Malhotra..He does not really address the root of the problem..he is just white washing everything.
I am yet to see an Indian writer who is willing to admit the truth instead of white washing.
When someone writes the Truth he is accused of trying to break India etc..technically can something that is already broken be broken?
That is what I cant understand about us Indians..what is so hard to admit that we too have faults?
Dr Renu
I have not read a lot of Indian writers to agree or disagree.
Perhaps Malhotra is not addressing the root of whatever problem there is. You can..
Let us say it is all broken .. OK we admit it .. so what .
After agreeing on that note each of us will go about getting our next cup of coffee or indulge in whatever fancies our imagination.
There are few people in the world who do something about what they are convinced about. They speak with their action.
Most Indians (NOT ALL) in structured society are talkers and not doers in my experience. They love to argue, condemn, criticize and complain but at the end they will not do one thing for the community they belong to..(perhaps spit on the road for action) The definition of community may be whatever group identity they carry. This includes NRIs too
Of course they will do one thing - these days some support donation to a temple or some cause like that to deal with own insecurity and desires.
If more Indians are truly responsible many improvements will come very fast. To me that is one of the root cause issues

I know a few organizations that are not stuck in any analysis paralysis but are taking concrete actions. They are in India and outside India. In my view, Malhotra is an action oriented person ..
India functions because there those selfless few and action oriented leaders... Rest are talkers - they do not how to 'close' anything as in sales
On a lighter note let me share with you a blog that my kids shared with me..
It has a great message (6 harsh truths) , funny but filled with profanity - (so if anyone thinks they are morally against such a language then please do not open the link). There are video links which can be funny depending on your attitude. It even tells fellows how to get 'girls' - apt message for the Brahmin boys in search of brides
This is addressed to anyone that opens the link

... are you a talker or a doer? Only you can answer .. LoL
6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Person |