it is just amazing that you dont still realize what you are doing... calling others ramblers, huh? you just look at your own record... they are squeaking with the rate at which you are going on...Say what you want. its all your "perception" after all...i hv nothing to say to someone who has self-appointed himself as a spokesman for a crack case. Looks like you are getting into the rambling mood as well here...a suggestion that will be discarded rightaway anyways, but telling it nevertheless -- hope you will care for your friend in a better way than doing all this mess.
and repeating something does not make it the truth... perhaps, one day you would be tired of called me a spokesperson for bala... but perhaps not...
to top it, you still have not lost the condescending attitude... a pity that you have become mentally blind to keep on harping about others...
you conclude/irritate/foul-mouth/allege/take sides, but criticize others who do that; seems that it is your forte...
of course, these are my perceptions...!