i am not sure, i like folks putting down chennai or madras, whatever you may call it.
it is my hometown, and had it not been for some accidents in life, i would be still living there. i visit chennai every year, for the past 10 years, and some years, more than once. i have never been disappointed, as with each visit, i get more thrills and excitement.
ofcourse there is dust poverty pollution corruption therichflauntingtheirwealth arrogance rudeness inefficiency and youcannameeveryhumanfailingsanditwillbethere in chennai.
but it is my town. there is music dance mangoes restaurants itcchola galleries sankarahall satyamtheatres and woodlands all of which makes madras uniques. i like the sounds and flavours of the new malls. i like visiting my alma mater iit as well the marina beach, crowded but i enjoy the crowd for these are my folks speaking my language. there is the kapali temple, the ther and aruvathi moovar, all annual exciting stuff. the deepavali in madras is still something to savour, though kolu might have lost its shine due to extreme apartmentization
.. and then, in my old neighbourhood, during xmas time, on saturday nights, there are the caroling folks, with sweet simple melodius tamil carols which provide a warmth to the december chills. soon to be accompanied by mlv's maale manivanna, blaring from the nearby temple, to add to the religiosity of maargazhi.
my children loved madras each time they came. they enjoyed meeting the people and attending the functions.
from rural north malabar, madras gave life and living to my father so that he could start a business, marry, have two children, educate them, marry his daughter and have a fulfilling life. even to this day, every visit, i meet autorickshaw drivers or pharmacists, who are immigrants from the districts, and who are amazed at the old madras stories that i have to share.
maybe we have moved out of india. maybe we consider ourselves fortunate to escape the corruption and the pollution. but that has happened only by the sleight of a chance in life. to millions of chennaivasis, chennai is home. it may not look thus to NRIs, but to the residents, it is still singara chennai