Prof. Nicolas Kazanas'
Conclusion: If the bulk of  several hymns of the RV were  composed  c 4000-3600 the Indoaryans using the Vedic language were  settled in Saptasindhu  at that  period.Whatever  else might  have  happened  before that  period, the Indoaryans were by 1700 BCE thoroughly indigenous.
I am reading critically Prof Kazanas's papers. My feeling right now is he is dwelling more on refuting Max Mueller's Linguistic Basis of Aryan "Invasion" or "Immigration".
My approach is totally independent of any origin of languages and comparison of the so-called Indo-Aryan languages verses Indo-Dravidian languages.
As it is very clear, I go by melanin content and the multiple genes involved in melanin synthesis, transport, packaging and accumulation in the skin.
My time period is quite uncertain.. whether this happened around 3000 BCE or earlier or later... I don't know.
I maintain the basic facts -
1. That human evolution occurred in the Great Rift Valley around Lake Victoria in Africa. Long long time ago, around 100,000 years ago, human migration out of Africa started probably in multiple waves. There were Southern Route and Northern Route.
2. I believe that a wave started using a Southern Route - via Kenya, Ehiopia, Yemen, Omen, Iran, Afghanistan, India, Indonesia and finally to Australia.
3. On this Southern Route, some of the "Africans" stayed in India forming the Original Peoples - the Dark Skinned People.
4. To my surprise, these "Africans" did not stay in any other places in good numbers - only in India some of them in good numbers: the reason could be the lush fields of perennial rivers like Indus, Ganges, Narmada, Cauvery and others - places so very congenial for staying in one place and live well with children!
5. Those who took the Northern Route via Egypt, Palestine, Turkey, Europe, and all of North Asia and Central Asia were the present day "White People" who lost their high melanin pigment because of cold weather AND the need for more Vit D (with the help of more Sun light) for their overall health. This is the adaptation mechanism that evolution forces on human genome to mutate on a very long time frame of nearly 50,000 to 100,000 years of environmental pressure on people.
6. I believe some of this "White People" migrated from the Central Asia to India and started inter-marrying in large numbers with the "Dark People" of India creating a wide hues of colour (light wheatish to dark brown) for the past at least 5000 years...
There ends my Working Hypothesis (with possibly many "holes" in it). I am NOT commenting on the language, Vedas and its repercussion (which Ms. HH can say lot more) and other religious and sociological, political matter in this Thread.
Prof Kazanas' work just can't address my Hypothesis,,, and I don't disagree with his conclusion given above.
Ps. Ms. Happyhindu, if you have views of Prof K, please write about it. Those who entertain the view that human evolution happened all in India, please provide some reference or some plausible evidence to this effect. Thanks.
Sir, I know nothing of Prok K. After Renu posted the link yesterday i only skimmed thru some of the yahoo posts. Did not read the attached PDF files. Will do so after a week.
One thing is clear (for now atleast) -- human evolution happened in africa.
In India (as yet atleast) we have no evidence of semi-humans-semi-apes like lucy, nor do we have any form of evidence from the paleoantropological end.
Evolutionists have taken several views into account to position Africa as the birth place of modern humans (inlcuding climatic conditions as is supposed to have been millenia ago).
While we accept that humans evolved in africa, it cud be possible that some linguistic groups originated in india, like the austroasiatic lingusitic family.
IMO as man shifted from associating single syllables with an object to developing a combination of syllables to refer to something, he had already moved from africa into other lands.
It is believed that as man moved to india via australia, a section stayed back in india while a section moved on to australia (Ref: Wells and the case of the man from the Piramalai Kallar group).
Me thinks the ones who stayed back developed their syllables, sounds, etc, and became linguistic families, of possibly both austroasiatic as well as dravidian. Both of these were very-very wide spread
It is also possible that these people went from India into Central Asia, lived there for a long period, acquired new sounds and changes in structure of their language, and developed into indo-european (IE) linguistic family.. And then came back into india as IE speakers..
This is just a possibility. Am not much into linguistics, language families though...
We only understand how the skin gets colored from the biological pov. But we do not understand migration patterns as yet.
I do agree there has been mingling between whites and blacks... admixture between various tribes, members of various language families has always been happening since remote times. Why, even
neanderthals and modern humans mated (so there was mating even between species).
However in my view the current pattern of skin color of indians may not indicate anything for the aryan invasion theory...
Fair skin in south may indicate recent arrival at best, while dark skin represents a long period of nativisation (given the climate in the south). In north-india (cold places), dark skin may indicate migration patterns we do not know yet, since by default we expect people in cold places to have a lighter skin color.
Having said so, we do not even know if the effects of ice-age were experienced by those in the middle-east, iran, central-asia, etc, sufficiently enuf to create mutants and convert people's skin there into white.
To me, there may be a range of factors with various combos influencing skin color. The known ones are climate, and possibly diet. But there cud be other factos not known yet.
This is a topic that needs more study and imo currently known info is insufficient.
This discussion has been a very stimulating, interesting one. Learnt a lot from all three of you -- shri yamaka, dr.barani and subudu sir. Thanks to all 3 of you.