Q: Is there any real distinction between dream and waking?
M: Only an apparent one, not a real one. The dream is for one who says that he is awake. Both are unreal from the absolute viewpoint.
The ego arises when you wake up from sleep. In sleep you do not say that you are sleeping; you say it only when you wake up. But you are still there. You were not concerned with the body when asleep, so you can continue to be unconcerned.
In the waking state, ego identified itself with the physical body, and in dream, with the subtle mind. At that time the perceptions are also subtle.
Q: What is the difference between fainting and sleep?
M: Sleep is sudden and overpowers the person forcibly. A faint is slower and there is a tingle of resistance to it.
Realization is possible in a faint and impossible in sleep.
- Conscious Immortality
Ahamkara technically means
" I am the doer".
At a basic instinct level in conscious state its vital for survival.
When we are unconcious/ deep sleep/ anesthetized..Ahamkara isnt in active mode but life is still possible cos Ahamkara functions in conscious state.
In the conscious state of an unilluminated Buddhi the problem arises when Buddhi is functioning in memory mode using Chitta as its SD card( memory card) and forms judgments based on all experiences accumulated and superimposes the " past" memory onto the present and Ahamkara identifies with everything.
For eg as I write now may be some might think " is she going to bring up some other religion here?"
By me writing the sentence above or by another thinking so..this is a classic example of how the Buddhi slipped into Chitta to cloud the present and the Ahamkara identified with it and felt anticipation.
So what to do?
If we note the Gayatri mantra...its seeks to " illuminate the Buddhi" in the Dhiyo yo nah pracodayat.
So why Buddhi? Why not seek help for anything related to Manas, Chitta or Ahamkara?
Then Patanjali Yoga sutras states: " Yogas chitta vritti nirodha"
It calls for " absence of agitating memory waves"
So here its about the Chitta and its agitating waves.
Again..not the Ahamkara.
So what is the actual issue here?
One who is awakened is called a Buddha..the one with an illuminated Buddhi.
So per Gayatri mantra, Buddhi seems to be the issue here as in if the Buddhi is illuminated then all other functions start to be harmonized.
So is Buddhi the actual " culprit" and not the Ahamkara?
Ok..in a non illuminated Buddhi( intellect) it drowns its own inner voice by constantly functioning in a reactive limbic system manner( reptilian brain) by letting imprints from the Chitta cloud the present and Ahamkara identifies with it and endures pleasure or sorrow and its consequences.
When the Buddhi is illuminated, it clears the cache and browsing data of the Chitta so that it does not let it cloud the present.
( all previous data is archived only to be used if relevant to the present)
In this state the agitating waves of Chitta decreases (Yogas chitta vritti nirodha)
So what happens next?
Since there are no agitating waves, the Buddhi sees everything as it is and totally in the Eternal Now Golden Mean Balance and Union( what Yoga is all about)
So what happens to Ahamkara?
Does it exists?
Well, since the Buddhi is in the mode of Balance, the Ahamkara has nothing to identify with and pleasure and sorrow is transcended.
Manas would still function for purposes of living but as in alignment with Buddhi.
So technically nothing is the culprit here.
All functions of the Antahkarana have their function which functions best in the state of Yoga( Balanced Union)