Agreed...but if everything is ONLY prarabdha..then how do we generate karma for future births?
Vartamana Karma( present time karma) generates Agami Karma( future Karma) isnt it?
My knowledge is very limited. However, let me say what I think on the subject of Fate and Freewill.
My Guru always said that everything in life is according mostly to the Karma one is born with and so there is no Freewill. But we do have Freewill, only in the realm of our identification with the body-mind complex as ‘I’ or with Atman as ‘I’.
This makes total sense to me. Because, in the former case, Karma is operative and accordingly one’s thoughts and actions are prompted towards producing such results. One can not change the results. However, one can, in my opinion, follow Dharma and act accordingly, thereby accruing Punya for the future Instead of Papa.
Let us take an extreme example. It is your Karma that your friend will be killed by your action. Based on your nature, when the time comes, it can that either you kill your friend deliberately or the person is killed by accident involving you, without intention. So the former act accrues Papa and the later, especially if one tries to prevent and make amends may accrue Punya. So in this sense one can say, one has Freewill or Choice, but this not entirely the concept of Freewill we think of, because these action choices still produce the same result, a person is killed.
The above scenario is what Bhagawan attributes to as Fate. And as long as one identifies with one’s mind body complex, either Papa or Punya will accrue and the cycle will continue.
However, if one identifies with Atman, such an event, if it were to occur, will accrue no Karma.
Of course, folks who become Jnanis and are well advanced spiritually, would not have any Karma Phalas left in their birth, where they kill a friend!
I think the Karana Sareeram, of a human being negotiated through all this, as it is the ‘seed’ of each one of us, inside us.
Hope I have not displayed my ignorance too much. Thank you.