Raji Ram
Active member
You can only check, Renu! You can not shift Lord Sani! :bolt:........ So I think may be I should check my patients horoscope to find out if they have favorable Saturn to help keep them thin!
You can only check, Renu! You can not shift Lord Sani! :bolt:........ So I think may be I should check my patients horoscope to find out if they have favorable Saturn to help keep them thin!
Dear Renu,
The Lagnam in the horoscope changes every two hours (calculated from the time of Sunrise) and since Lagnam is taken as
the first house, the horoscope with different Lagnams will have different readings. But as I mentioned earlier, the time of birth
should be exact and the one who predicts should be very well versed in astrology. My mama's son got married at the age of 26
to a girl aged 24. The have two brilliant sons and live happily. That girl's twin sister, born after a few minutes, got married at the
age of 32 and got a divorce in 33!! What do we say for this? Again leads to karma theory?
Renu, wish you good luck for a good future, united married life, happy in all respects.
I wish you specialise in medical astrology also so that your diagnosis will be accurate. This is a seperate branch in
I know people predict about illness, not exact but in general looking at the placement of planets. Illness related to
heart and lungs, liver etc can be identified. If the moon is debilitated, either he will be vaccilating or will have
weak mind. You can see mentally retarded children depending upon the position of moon, upon the day of birth
like amavasya.
Dear Sri. Sangom, Greetings.
I beg to differ, please. Some problems in marriage itself may be faced, some problems centered around spouse may be faced, but the married life itself could be nothing but happiness. I know about one horoscope very well; Sani in the 7th house; that too 'neecha sani'; an outgoing person too; there were all sorts of stories before the jatakar's wedding; the wedding was made difficult by their relatives; but that couple do have a very nice married life. When they go out as couple together, it looked so nice, at one time one guy commented they looked like royals.
My point is, Sani in the seventh house may not bring any ill effect to either of the couple by each other. They could face difficult times from others. ( I may like to discuss this further, possibly in PM). ( Also I must add, most improvements in my life took place during Sani Mahadasai or during Sani Bukhti! Interestingly I suffered the most during Guru Dasai. In my opinion, Sani always favoured me as of today).
Dear Sir,
I would like to explain about my usage of the word Chosen.
I have read before that we choose Karmically compatible parents and family to carry out a life best suited for our previous deeds.
The unfortunate situations you have mentioned are part of the Karmic plan but we sometimes do not know the reason too for this cos some people go through hardship as a result of previous Karma and some people who want to use up their Sanchita Karma fast choose life of apparent suffering.
So technically we have no idea if a person who is "suffering" in our eyes is actually going through effects of his past deeds or actually voluntarily using up his Sanchita Karma.
But this does not mean that the suffering(becos of past deeds) is a dead end and has no escape.
Present on going actions of ours can help improve ourselves after all Lord Krishna did say only Self can elevate Self.The mind is one own's friend and also one own's enemy.
We humans too are always advised to help others especially the unfortunate cos God does not close the doors on anyone.
By helping the unfortunate they are alleviated from their sufferings and the helpers themselves improve spiritually..so it's like a perfect balanced eco system of Help Ever Hurt Never.
Our present life is the contract between God and us which we signed and agreed upon before we were born.
If you go through the Quran you would fine a similar understanding between God and us..even though they do not talk of Karma and rebirth but there is a sentence that goes "You have agreed with and promised God that you would take up this life and it's ups and down and hence you are born"
Shri Sangom
Lot of people consult horoscope to predict for their life. Nobody really knows really what happen to the prediction except the person who inquires about it. Data were not collected by the astrologers in general. I have come across many people with failure of the prediction and also end up worse off., i.e spending more money doing rituals, blaming the individuals for their misfortune in their life. Medical profession is usually based on science. Even there seeking second opinion is normal. In the case of horoscope prediction we do not know how many opinions are needed.
Kind Regards
Dear Sangom Sir,
Thanks for your detailed reply. The 'kantaka Sani' period is over for me!![]()
When I read about the effects of Sani in different places, I was just thinking: For some people, Sani lives with them
from the day of their wedding!
P.S: Ram's father seems to have rejected a few horoscope of girls with Sani in the 10th house, saying that they will be
very talkative and selected me... The funny part is I am a :blah: ! Who can change the fate?ound:
Reg. the place of Sani: Someone has told Ram's father that Sani in the 10th house will make the girl very talkative and
he started searching for girls who do not have Sani in the 10th house!
Dear Renu,
I :blah: in this forum by :typing: and later on
:blah: to share some stories from here with my friends and siblings!! :grouphug:
GM Dr.Renukaji. Why only RR maam. The whole TB forum would be delighted to share the moment. Here is wishing you that "your predictions come true." Cheers.If I get one in future I will let you know Ok!LOL
GM Dr.Renukaji. Why only RR maam. The whole TB forum would be delighted to share the moment. Here is wishing you that "your predictions come true." Cheers.
Dear RR ji,
One thing my horoscope prediction has been right is the year I purchase property and cars.
So far everything seems to be matching.
It also does say that I will get a Title from the State Ruler/King later in life but that alone I do not see any reason why I should get one cos I do not do anything outstanding as to get a Title from the State Ruler/King.
If I get one in future I will let you know Ok!LOL
In my book you have all the titles you need. To begin with you are a physician, healer, philosopher, listener, and best of all a friend.
Post # 85
கை இல்லாதவனுக்கும் ஜாதகம் கணிக்கலாமே! :decision:
Wish the prediction comes true and you get more titles. You deserve it .