If fate makes a mother undergo c-section to deliver her baby and that child has a good fortune of being born in a good
time (to get a good horoscope), then the mother will be able to find both these persons: The right astrologer, who calculates
a good time of birth and the right surgeon who follows the given instructions! This satisfies the karma theory. :thumb:
Smt. RR,
If it is fated that the child to be born should have a bright future, then that baby will be born, even without C-section at an auspicious moment. Else, even without astrology the surgery would take place in such a way that the birth will be at the predestined time. One thing all of us will agree is that we are completely ignorant of how that FATE actually works. It is therefore, somewhat foolish for us to attempt tinkering/tweeking with Fate. It will be like a monkey trying to operate, say, an atomic reactor, imho!!