# 117. Believe it or not!
Every day an adult body produces 300 billion new cells.
Our body needs energy not only to keep our organs up and running
but also to constantly repair and build new cells
to form the building blocks of your body itself.
Can you think of any other machine which repairs itself,
maintains itself and works on the minimum fuel given to it???
dear renukaji !
the life is changing in the world and does not mean we have to change the spouse. but the initial concept of a wife/husband in young age change as our age advance . in young age the spouse is mainly for your body needs and in old age ,they are real companians to share all needs.in young age you may thing i can live alone ,but the need of marriage will be felt in advanced age.
dear raghy !Sowbagyavathy Renuka, Greetings.
In Vellore, close to my work was a factory run by disabled persons. Quite a large factory too. They had 3 shifts running. I have seen people with all sorts of deformities travelling in different modes transport converging outside that factory with full of laughter and jokes. They believed in themselves; they hd faith in themselves. ( that factory was Swidish Red Cross manufacturing, Vellore. They manufactured parts for two wheelers. In Katpadi, nearby, there was a training centre for them too). One gentleman lived across in our street. He was blind. Total kaput. He used to walk on his own to attend shift work ( since I was a tradie, he always felt a closeness with me). He got married while in our street, had a very normal son and had him going to school when I left that village. Leave alone as a hanicap, he did not even mention about his challenge ever. He would just greet and start a conversation as if he could see me.. only he heard me and started the conversation. Everyone was as nice to him as possible by calling out and striking a conversation. He came from Trichy and lived in our village. There were a few like him working in that above said factory.
My Subhashita stanza for the day:
Our body keeps renewing itself on daily basis at a cellular level,
The word around us also keeps changing and there is nothing in this world that is not subject to decay and change,
Yet we are supposed to be with the same spouse for the rest of our lives! How ironical,
We do not seem to be following the Law of Change in Marriage!!LOL
dear renukaji !
the life is changing in the world and does not mean we have to change the spouse. but the initial concept of a wife/husband in young age change as our age advance . in young age the spouse is mainly for your body needs and in old age ,they are real companians to share all needs.in young age you may thing i can live alone ,but the need of marriage will be felt in advanced age.
I was just trying to compose some modern day Shubashitas!LOL
Most Subhashitas come with some ironical situations so I thought I will try my luck at composing some.
BTW I disagree the at young age spouse is for body needs.
Spouse is for deep felt love whether young or old..they meant to share our heart and soul.
dear raghy !
it is true .in trichy ,the blind people are given training for lacing plastic seat in steel and wooden chairs.A blind couple trained in this are coming together and do repair work in all government establishment and their joy can not be explained in words.they laugh,sing and make jokes without any shyness like our normal persons.after having a look at them only we could realise that they are blind.
dear VR !
you are very clear in your views and there is nothing for Sri. Balu sir to feel differently. you have openly adviced him not to release the horrifying pic. of snakes when you are posting beautiful pic. of colourful flower variety.
My Subhashita stanza for the day:
Our body keeps renewing itself on daily basis at a cellular level,
The word around us also keeps changing and there is nothing in this world that is not subject to decay and change,
Yet we are supposed to be with the same spouse for the rest of our lives! How ironical,
We do not seem to be following the Law of Change in Marriage!!LOL