Sri Hari is to be supported here not because he is a born TB, even though he holds different views from us, 'he has to be treated gently' because he is arguing our case in the 'enemy camp'! What a case for judging a person!
Sri KRS Sir,
Perhaps i didnt explain myself properly in the first place, which probably led Mr Saab to conclude that i am fighting 'valiantly' in the 'enemy camp'.
It is not a good idea to discuss my participation in another forum so very briefly i have to say this about my experience :
a) There is a strong under-current of brahmin hatred especially among those who swear allegiance with the KKK parties.
b) Mercifully they are just a handful.
c) What i encounter very often is 'rhetoric'. It is a case of 'You did it', ofcourse you here is figuratively used to indicate our forefathers/ancestors.
d) I have met many reasonable souls in the other forum who are NOT BRAHMINS.
e) There is this gem of a lady, christian by birth, who is such a kind-hearted, noble soul.
f) There is yet another gentleman, NOT a BRAHMIN again, but who assesses Brahmins fairly.
g) There is another gentlman, NOT a BRAHMIN who criticizes brahmins heavily but with LOGIC, generally irrefutable. I especially agreed with his view that 'Brahmin' is a 'state' and as such open to anyone who is prepared to face & succeed the 'litmus test'
h) There are some brahmins who have nothing new to offer but go beating around the bush.
i) There are some non-brahmins who dont fault brahmins in particular but they are of the view that religion (read Hinduism) is at fault.
So there are many perspectives in the forum. Frankly the topics there reflect the diversity which is one of the reasons i have stayed put despite few guys provocating. And let me tell you, i am no saint either. I write quite provocatively and i have earned quite a "reputation" for being a hot-head.
Having said all of these, i dont regard it as an 'Enemy Camp'. I see it rather as an opportunity to engage persons from varied backgrounds/viewpoints. Ofcourse where i need to defend "us", i do it to the best of my ability.
And a finally clincher to you, Mr Saab. I am a brahmin allright but not a Tam. Quite boastfully though, i have claims to "serious tamil knowledge" and have ventured into tamil poetry and short-story writing.
If you are condemned, i earnestly wish you are, you cannot escape reading (hopefully buying!) a book written (to be!) by me in tamil ofcourse !!!!!!!!!