Biswa and Amala,
This one is for you both -- Our Journey - How we know caste - YouTube
This is how most of us (including me) were, when we were younger. But how we grow up..sigh..
The guy in yellow shirt, justifying discrimination around time 4.40 in the video, sounds so familiar, no?
Compare two different things as 'discrimnation', and get away with casteism...
Please watch the video of the girls who changed their minds could be you. Our misconceptions do help to perpetuate caste-discrimination, don't they...
I always thot ignorance breeds arrongance. Those who arrogate themselves into a caste, do so because they do not know how their caste group originated.
When folks understand what the system is about, they ofcourse talk about their caste, but they no longer hold on to it rigidly. Meaning they can turn kind...
Ofcourse if prejudice is inherent, then there is no choice but to keep it. Thankfully that inherent prejudice does have an end, in our grave. Sooner or later time has a way of undoing things..
HH i dont live in India nor ever see myself living there. I don't discriminate or ever see myself perpetuating caste discrimination in the distant future.
Contrast this with a friend of mine who i feel rather dejected about. This person goes on about how caste is meaningless etc but didn't put her money where her mouth is and married (or fell in love rather conveniently) with a Brahmin. See how people are? They espouse one thing in public about not believing in caste etc and do the complete opposite in their private life.