Active member
Reference Kunjuppu in post #154:
1. There are people who roll over left over food - in the name of belief.
2. There are people who carry a cross on their shoulder and reenact the Biblical scene on the mount of Kalwary faithfully every year(complete with thorn cap,whipping etc) -in the name of belief.
3. There are people who grievously hurt themselves with whips and weapons to remember every year a relative of a prophet - in the name of belief.
4. There are people who kill a buffalo slowly by repeatedly puncturing it with small holes so that it bleeds to death slowly-in the name of belief.
5. There are people who dedicate young girls to Gods and then disfigure the girls' clit -in the name of belief.
Kunjuppu, I can go on and on. I have given up feeling agitated about such stupidities long back. Finally the residue is the questions- who am I to question all these and can I do anything effectively about all these?
Personally my views about faith (because I have taken pains to know my belief system well) and life are much different.I can say just this much only.
Mr. Raju your post is very good.
A lawful voluntary act can not be legislated. Religion must be free of interference from Government interference. I can understand that government does control the Devestanam board and indirectly controls the Temple management (it should not). But the social practices of Individual and private group is relatively free in India. The same people who want increasing government in India, would not want that in USA.
Private preference, is not discrimination.