Well-known member
For the above write-up, Smt. Subhalakshmi replied:
''This is not the first time I have read something like this.. one of our family friends brother did go through something like this
nearly 20 years ago.. this young man was married and before the wedding the girl's condition was that she wants to support her
family, and would continue to work and this man had no problem.. in about a four months they came to know that his father
was diagnosed with cancer, so the treatment started and the oldest DIL and his mother began to care for him.. Now our friend
had two children and while he was at work, his wife the oldest DIL had to take care of their activities.. so the young married
man approached his wife and said, could you please quit for a few months, this time is crucial and since Manni and mom are
taking care of father among other things would you please quit and go back to work, once things have settled a bit..
In this girl was outraged, and she said to him, YOU agreed to my condition and no way I am going to quit for your family's sake
and she applied for divorce and also aborted her fetus and walked out of his life, JUST LIKE THAT.. this young man was so
shocked and a person who is very affectionate and loving, certainly did not deserve this.. he just became like a zombi.. I am not
sure what happened to him later in life, but I was shocked at the whole thing because how could her parents allow such a thing..
anyway, who are we to judge, but today I was reminded of that story.. just felt sad.''
Source: வண்ண வண்ண மனிதர்கள்
If she didnt want to quit her job its still understandable but aborting her own child?
I guess she is the types that cant care.
There are some people like remorse.
They show signs of being a sociopath.
Cant blame them..their brains are wired differently.
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