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Does The Soul Exist?

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Does The Soul Exist?

A lot of people are resistant to the idea of a “soul” because of how this term has gotten wrapped up in religious superstition and dogma. Some people think it is outright silly. But the concept of consciousness being able to detach from the body offers a lot of explanatory power when it comes to phenomenon such as Near Death Experiences, Out-Of-Body Experiences, astral projections, and even reincarnation. In fact, the evidence for reincarnation is the best hard scientific evidence we have for the existence of a soul. This is a bold claim, but the evidence for reincarnation is undeniable and cannot collectively be attributed to chance or any other physical explanation. If reincarnation exists, the soul exists.

Reincarnation is not something you can objectively measure in the same way you can measure a chemical reaction, so it may even be in principle non-provable using the scientific method. Science is the empirical measurement of the natural world, and the soul is something which would exist beyond the natural world. So the question is, “Are there enough solid pieces of evidence that, when taken together, provide a plausible account for reincarnation?” I think the answer is a resounding yes -

Dr. Ian Stevenson, Ph.D., former Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, spent 40 years researching reincarnation stories within children. This former chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology investigated over 3000 independent stories of children who claimed to have memories and know people from their alleged past lives.

please read more from here:

Does The Soul Exist? This Ends The Debate Once And For All | Spirit Science and Metaphysics
Dear PJ sir,

My answer is Yes and No.

Microcosmically...Yes..becos the soul is the compartmentalized Universal Consciousness.

Macrocosmically...No..becos technically the compartmentalization of the Universal Consciousness is a transient phenomenon. Macrocosmically everything is Brahman. So divisions do not really exists in the real sense.

As always, your answers has no relevance to the Proof Portion of the subject discussed in OP.

As always, your answers has no relevance to the Proof Portion of the subject discussed in OP.

dear PJ sir,

Its not that it does not have relevance..you asked a question..does the soul exists or not.

So this is my answer Yes and No and I have stated the reasons from my understanding of what I have read so far.

You can agree or disagree and state why you agree or disagree.

I dont usually copy and paste from Dinamalar or Jnanamalar or Jayamalar!LOL
Dear PJ sir,

Remembering past lives is not conclusive enough to determining presence or absence of the soul.

It is much more than that.

Anyone else too can challenge such studies by saying that there is no soul but the mind leaves data imprints in the cosmos even after death and its "downloaded' by a new life that comes to this world.

After all Abrahamic religion do not deny the existence of a soul but they do not have the concept of rebirth.

So proving the existence of soul is much more than what meets the eye and I dont think even religion has give 100% solid proof on this...becos its hard to use physical evidence to prove something as subtle as the soul.
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again out of context..worth not replying.

dear PJ sir,

You want everyone to only state answers that you have in your mind..any answer that is not in line with your thinking you say its not worth replying.

Even God is known as Sulabha Prasannaya Namah but you are impossible to please!LOL
your post no 7 and is out of your frustration!!
your post no 2 is nowhere near the subject discussed in OP.
PJ sir..I think you wrongly typed the wrong number of my "frustrated" post!LOL

I think out of anger you typed wrongly...but after I told you..you edited your post...so now its correct.

So that way we are even..I am frustrated and you are the angry bird!LOL
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Dear PJ sir,

Remembering past lives is not conclusive enough to determining presence or absence of the soul.

It is much more than that.

Anyone else too can challenge such studies by saying that there is no soul but the mind leaves data imprints in the cosmos even after death and its "downloaded' by a new life that comes to this world.

After all Abrahamic religion do not deny the existence of a soul but they do not have the concept of rebirth.

So proving the existence of soul is much more than what meets the eye and I dont think even religion has give 100% solid proof on this...becos its hard to use physical evidence to prove something as subtle as the soul.


How the new mind identifies the leftover imprints of previous mind unless there is some connection to it; this connection is made by Soul.
I feel there may not be "individualized" souls or Atmas as we are used to talk about. Perhaps, such a concept held ground when people thought that the "individuality" was something sacrosanct and born out of/extension of the "ego" or "I-feeling", and so it had to continue to exist even after the death of a person and thence be reborn as a new person or new Janma. If this were true, we should have got a lot more instances of recall-past-life/s experiences in the world. The available fact that such "past-life-remembrances" cases are really very, very few compared to the human population causes one to think that this may be some "programme error" of nature.

I am not sure as to how far the "mind leaving data imprints in the cosmos even after death and its getting "downloaded' by a new life that comes to this world" will be workable, for, if there is such a downloader available, then also many people should have exhibited past-life-recall.

It is probable that there is only a universal soul and each new birth happens due to the Karma baggage left over by a dead person, but in some rare cases, along with the Karma baggage, some amount of memories associated, loosely, with those karmas also get transmitted to the new birth, possibly because the memories are so strongly attached to those Karmas. If this is the truth, we will have new births and reincarnation of Karmas but not that of a quantified "soul".

The truth however still eludes humanity!
I feel there may not be "individualized" souls or Atmas as we are used to talk about. Perhaps, such a concept held ground when people thought that the "individuality" was something sacrosanct and born out of/extension of the "ego" or "I-feeling", and so it had to continue to exist even after the death of a person and thence be reborn as a new person or new Janma. If this were true, we should have got a lot more instances of recall-past-life/s experiences in the world. The available fact that such "past-life-remembrances" cases are really very, very few compared to the human population causes one to think that this may be some "programme error" of nature.

I am not sure as to how far the "mind leaving data imprints in the cosmos even after death and its getting "downloaded' by a new life that comes to this world" will be workable, for, if there is such a downloader available, then also many people should have exhibited past-life-recall.

It is probable that there is only a universal soul and each new birth happens due to the Karma baggage left over by a dead person, but in some rare cases, along with the Karma baggage, some amount of memories associated, loosely, with those karmas also get transmitted to the new birth, possibly because the memories are so strongly attached to those Karmas. If this is the truth, we will have new births and reincarnation of Karmas but not that of a quantified "soul".

The truth however still eludes humanity!

This explanation is rational and i appreciate it..

My explanation varies slightly from the above

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, verse 22:

'vasamsi jirnani yatha vihaya
navani grhnati naro 'parani
tatha sarirani vihaya jirnany
anyani samyati navani dehi'

'As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, similarly, the soul accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones.'

Bhagavad-Gita: Chapter 2, Verse 22

Past Life

Forgetting one’s previous birth upon taking the next appears to be a law of nature (though a law that apparently has exceptions).

Srimad-Bhagavatam, a Vedic scripture, says that by the trauma of birth a child forgets his previous life.

In the Srimad Bhagavatam there are instances where devotees have remembered their past lives. Like Jada Bharata could remember his past life as a deer and King Bharata. He could even remember his previous life when he was in the body of a deer.

"Energy can neither be created nor can be destroyed it can be just transformed from one form to another" and even today’s scientist believe in the presence of souls and they call it some form of energy.

( sangom sir calls it as "karma Sareera" in his post http://www.tamilbrahmins.com/general-discussions/20241-ghosts-real-rationalists-say-no-o-o-o-2.html)

The laws of karma and rebirth are easier to accept scientifically, if one has an open mind.

If soul is considered as a form of energy, it cannot be destroyed when the body ceases to function. Energy is neither created nor destroyed but only transformed. One form of energy changes to another. Karma helps to imprint a code on the soul, similar to the genetic code on the genes.

When the body dies and the soul (energy) is released, it carries the acquired chemical code with it. As the unseen soul rises upwards, the number of positive or negative charges that are on its map determines its future course. A soul heavy with negative charge (bad karma) drifts down to the earth to be recycled (and reborn). The soul full of positive charge (good karma) ascends into the cosmos to be eternally released. Is this nirvana or moksha?


Why do we [each soul] forget our past or previous birth?

Hinduism believe in [7] different vayu[air] that are said to be present apart from natural air that we breath. One of them is called as "Sadam", which covers the baby coming out of the womb of the mother and forms as the wrapper to the body. This has the tendency to create a screen in mind to hide the memory of previous birth. Atma tries to tear this, depending on the effort it takes through the human body.

Atma inside the baby always tries to tear this wrapper and sometime ends in making holes and glimpses of the past are known to it. That's how we get stories of recollection of previous birth.


Comparative Religion - Past-life recall as modern proof for reincarnation


Life Before Birth: The Time Before Conception
Let me bring in another perspective to this discussion!

Atmas are not unique in that they are only compartmentalized "ether" or "consciousness", similar to the air that is blocked with a constructed house. When the physique disintegrates the "consciousness-differentiator" ceases to exist and it (consciousness) becomes whole again. The memories (similar to energy clouds) floats around, without any specific purpose or direction.

When another "consciousness" is enveloped by a body, an atma is identified and in case any energy clouds, not necessarily specific to any atma, get attached to the body, it becomes the karma or energy imprint of the body so formed. If the energy imprints are strong, it may lead to any remembrances, but it may not necessarily mean that the "consciousness-differentiator" is the same though it is but a part of the overall consciousness.

There are various definitions given for an atma.

There are various definitions given for an atma. ( Soul)

There are various definitions given for an atma. First of all, it's the marginal energy of the Ultimate or God or Super soul [in ISKCON]. It's one and the same in quality but differs in quantity like a drop of water from ocean. It's the representation of the Almighty. It's slave to Super soul [in Sri Vaishnavam]. It's enjoyable [Creation] to purusha [the Creator], the enjoyer.

In the Upanishads it is explained that there are two types of souls which are technically known as Jiva-Atma and Param-Atma.

jiva-atma, or the individual soul, is the living entity and Param-Atma refers to the Supreme Lord who expands Himself as the Supersoul, who enters into the hearts of all living entities as well as all atoms.

This is also confirmed in Bhagavad-Gita [13.23] where it is stated that besides the living entity, who tries to enjoy in his physical body, there is another, a transcendental enjoyer who is the Lord, the supreme proprietor, who exists as the overseer and guide, and who is known as the Supersoul.

Because Monist Philosophers and Impersonalists take the Soul and Supersoul to be One, they think that there is no difference between the Supersoul and the Individual Soul.

To clarify this the Lord says that He is the representation of Param-Atma in every body. He is different from the Individual soul; He is Parah, Transcendental

ĀTMĀ may be described as God’s ray of light, which exists as the “light of life” in every living being. It is part of PARAMĀTMĀ and is therefore identical in nature with it. Just as the seed of a tree contains all the qualities of the tree, the Ātmā also carries the qualities of the Supreme Self.

•JĪVĀTMĀ, the individual soul, is the reflection of the Ātmā within an individual; a “wave” that emerges from the ocean of existence and wanders from embodiment to embodiment, and after a long process of development and experience again returns to the unity of the Ātmā. The soul that has manifested itself in a form, however, does not identify with its divine essence but rather with its attributes, the physical body, the mind, the thoughts, etc. The aim of the path of Yoga is to dispel this illusion.

What is the difference between Atma Jivatma and Paramatma? Blog by Mahesh Makwana
Science Experiments ‘Prove’ Humans Have Souls

Science Experiments ‘Prove’ Humans Have Souls

Scientist proves that, not only do we have a soul, but that it is a gift given only to human beings. After spending much time conducting various in-depth tests, he is surprised to find that his final results align perfectly with the Christian belief that human beings do indeed have souls.

Please read more from here

Science Experiments ?Prove? Humans Have Souls | World Truth.TV
Hi all

There are two aspects to it

The Atma
The Mind

If you are referring to Atma as Soul, then it does not come and go, it is omnipresent, and also it is unaffected by the Karmic bondages (pl ref Atmabodham - Adi Sankara or any of Advaita scripts). The soul that carries the karmic balances is mind and it is passed on to all that we interact in day to day life. But it is more effectively, in full aspect, passed on to the children as the child is born out of ones own physical connection.

Giving birth to a child is just only one aspect of releasing energy, the only thing is it is more powerful than all. there are other ways of emitting energy ie.by seeing, touching, speaking, sweat etc. By all these one is either releasing is karmic bondage or acquiring new. The soul which is associated with reincarnation is the mind only, and the energy here is nothing but sum total of one's karmic account. thats why the vedas proclaim "as you think, so you become". Thats why all the vedanta achariyaars advises to do Nishkamya karma. When one looks at anything, touches anything or speak anything with his full consciousness as I am doing this and with the thought born out of a desire, then the soul gets that karmic balance. No thought will go waste, all the karma need to be experienced, to come out of the karmic balance one need to offer alms to other person who accepts with his full conschiousness. Thats why the Dhanam etc should be done using water and the recepient need to recite some verses expressing his acceptance.

A person will have rescue if he has got a child else the option for his mind(karmic soul) will be through the next best storepoint of his energy (karmic balance) which he used in his life, may be his pet animal, or a tree, plant, or any insect born out of his waste - lice, may be worm anything it can be.
But the sad point is the carrying of wisdom can not happen in other than human form - a child. If he is taking anyother form then that soul may need to startover from the beginning for his enlightenment - which is very very very difficult because we dont know when it will get into human form (refer thiruppugazh - ezhu kadal manalai alavinum adhikam enadhu idar piravi avatharam, also refer Sivapuranam - pullagi poodai puzhuvai, maramagi)

The soul which does not have a child to carryforward will get scattered and there is no rescue for its salvation
Thats why in Mahabharata when Yaksha asks Yudhishtra what is one's soul he replies that it is "Putran"
We check any purana - esp Garuda Purana where Vishnu says there is no other option except through one's child.

And again, if one does not have child, the younger brother is his son, his sishya is his son, or the one he rescued from life threat is son like that it gives the other options - but again please note that the wisdom carrying portion is good only incase of ones own child or his sishya.

Please note this kural also here - "Thandhai magarku aatrum nandri avaiyathu mundhiyiruppa cheyal"

This is very large and a huge secret subject I am sharing just a portion of it.

Please forgive me if you find offensive.
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