A military video of an incident that took place in 2007 in Iraq, when unarmed and innocent civilians were murdered in cold blood, children injured, and the macabre crowing of the soldiers was leaked to WikiLeaks. Dan Froomkin, the only journalist who asked some tough questions when he was in Washington Post, who was later fired, has written a article about it in Huffington Post. Here are the links. The video is almost 18 minutes long. Please watch it to fully understand what war entails.
Collateral Murder
WikiLeaks VIDEO Exposes 2007 'Collateral Murder' In Iraq
peace, where art thou!!!!
wonder why tv statoins dont telecast such serious issues in hand and concentrate on porny and corny stuff.president bush is a hero for indians owing to clearance of sanctions on nuclear fuels,and president obama is a huge fan of gandhiji.usa and india relations at the best now,but Pakistan will always be the pet of americans.
Sri Nachi Nagai ji,
Every one is playing logical games...
America would ever be friendly with Pakistan and India would be towards Russia......There is a great deal behind the bars..
I agree with you.
One day, some idiots from Pakistan will cause greater destruction and loss of lives than 9/11, 2001, in USA. Pakistan will be crushed and decimated.
But, should India have to wait until then, without taking any action, regardless of whatever happens on its soil?
The longest war in history is still raging, no end in sight. There are many from the sidelines egging the US on for whatever political ends they seek. Barak flew in to scold bad boy Hamid, and in return Hamid says he might join the Taliban. Suddenly, everything is back to normal, Bob and Hillary are ever so sympathetic to the pressures poor Hamid is under, and the civilians caught in the middle continue to pay the price with their dear lives. Who cares about these wretched Muslim fundamentalists anyway, it is a price they must pay for living among the Taliban. How dumb they are to live in a war zone?
Read this opinion piece in full to get a different perspective.
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
do these guys not read history?
The U.S. military has been gearing up for a major escalation in Afghanistan. In the next few weeks 30,000 more troops are headed there. Billions will be spent and thousands will die. But, nobody seems to even notice. There was a major election that took place last week and the war was hardly debated.
Why is this so?
Never in the history of mankind so much is asked of from so few as that of the US military, with the vast majority caring a naught. For a an analysis of this by Glenn Greenwald click here.
A summary:
- America's indifference to the wars we are waging is because those wars have virtually no effect on the overwhelming majority of Americans
- ... given the types of wars the U.S. chooses to wage, most Americans who express their "support" for them bear absolutely no perceived cost whatsoever.
- .. many who cheer for our wars enjoy that most intoxicating and distorting reward: cost-free benefits, in the form of vicarious feelings of strength, purpose, nobility and the like, all from a safe distance.
- Americans don't pay attention to things that do not seem to affect them directly -- that's why the failing economy receives so much attention and our various wars do not.
- Both parties are in favor of this war, during the Bush presidency, war debates raged because Democrats were opposed to the Iraq war. But now, America's wars are no longer Republican wars; they're Democratic wars as well.
- ..Obama presidency has embraced Bush/Cheney security policies
- But the most significant factor in understanding this lack of debate is the fact that "war" is not some aberrational, temporary state of affairs for the country, war is basically the permanent American condition: war is who we are and what we do as a nation. We're essentially a war fighting state. We have been at "war" the entire last decade (as well as largley non-stop for the decades which preceded it), and continue now to be at "war" with no end in sight.
- the contrast between "war and "normal times" is totally illusory. For the United States, war is normalcy. The "war" we're fighting has been defined and designed to be virtually endless. Political leaders from both parties have been explicit about that. Obama said in May that war will rage on a year, 5 years, and in all probability 10 years from now.
- In September, 2001 George Bush said basically the same thing: "Now, this war will not be like the war against Iraq a decade ago, but a lengthy campaign unlike any other we have ever seen.
.... To me, USA has started to resemble the Nazi war machine.
God save our planet. I know you would not agree with this statement.
No military solutions for Maoism : India : S A Aiyar : TOI Blogs
In a recent article in the Times of India, Swaminathan Aiyar advocates effective development work in naxal hit areas to overcome the naxalite menace.
in the last two days Amy Goodman of Democracy Now had two particularly interesting interviews. I urge those interested in US foreign policy and the present state of world affairs to find the time to watch them in full, you won't regret it, time well spent.
Johan Galtung:
"I Love The US Republic, And I Hate The US Empire": Johan Galtung on the War in Afghanistan and How to Get Out (24 minutes)
Steven Kinzer of NY Times:
Stephen Kinzer on the History of BP/British Petroleum and Its Role in the 1953 Iran Coup (24 minutes)
Stephen Kinzer: "Reset: Iran, Turkey, and America's Future" (31 minutes)