Dear gopa,
Let me quote this again
Let me cite the website for reference again.
The Philosophy of Advaita Vedanta - Nonduality: What is the nature of maya?
I will explain you my difficulty. Suppose I had never seen a snake I would never mistake rope for a snake. In Nara's language a Pink Unicorn never exists. But a Pink unicorn even though imagined has parts made from real things.
This was the essential objection of Madhva also, so I understand. That snake rope analogy presupposes two real things.
If there was self luminous knowledge all around concept of avidya never arises in the first place. If avidya is because of maya, maya must be in the very nature of brahman as there is nothing but brahman. But since brahman is self luminous and perfect therefore maya is part of what is perfect. In other words we have to stretch our imagination but not logically and assume that this all potent maya can cause avidya. This is the difficulty.
Let us look at the progress of the atman towards the so called vidya. This vidya is supposed to enlighten the atman and gradually show its identity. This process is no different from the process of knowledge which leads to understanding of difference. Read my post of dvaita. I find vallabhacharya's argument a shade better whereby he dismisses both avidya and vidya as just opposites of each other.
Read my post on Vallabhacharya, if we come to accept advaita why not the shudda-advaita of vallabha. In such a situation as shuddha -advaita the brahman becomes many the world is as real as it is. Is this also not acceptable if maya itself is in the very nature of brahman, as per advaita itself.