Thank you for acknowledeging the word was used. It does not matter how it was used. Once I throw away a 12 year friendship in the dump when one guy suspected my integrity. Later on when my innocence was proved, it was way too late for him to patch up with me. Integrity to a person is like 'கற்பு' to a woman. One doesn't muck around with that explicitly or implicitly.Shri.KRS here uses the word explicitly. But in numerous other discussions, it was used in a cloaked way.
Sri.Sangom reacted in a gentlemanly behaviour. He gave the benefit of doubt, requested for an explanation, tried to keep any reaction under control; as of now, he is keeping his reaction under control. But he needs to get justice. When his integrity is questioned, he is keeping cool; But, his lack of integrity is not proven beyond doubt yet from the moderator. It is Sri.KRS who called Sri.Sangom's integrity; onus is on Sri.KRS to prove the lack of integrity from Sri.Sangom.There are a number of people who always say that there is something wrong with you. The trick is in the way you react and if you react in a considered way the problem is not aggravated but is brought under control.
Then why some of the members are offended by views expressed by Sri.Sangom or for that matter, Sri.Nara? To start with, neither of the gentlemen are offensive in presenting their views; they use, but only scholarly language; why so many members are offended by those remarks? From what you say, may I deduce that it is neither Sri.Sangom nor Sri.Nara's fault?My point is, even if someone is being very offensive to you, it is you who are going to decide whether you will be offended.
Sure; members should gloss over occasional lapses.... provided such occassional lapses are regretted and apologies are sought.Also, I think the members of this forum are civil in general so that it should not be difficult to gloss over some occasional lapses.
Shri Sangom,
A few statements which you made without substantiation.
"Sankara seemed to have learnt all the lessons from Buddhism and used those to counter Buddhism itself; and this includes part of Buddhistic philosophy (śūnyavāda)."
"Only the Brahman can make any statement about itself and by definition, it can't because it is Nirguna, without any attribute; see how Sankara has taken the entire hindus for a ride"
"I also suspect that when he (sravna) talks about absolute and relative realities, he is borrowing from Relativity Physics; that is perhaps the reason for his confidently asserting what the view/s of the nirguna brahman is/will be, like:
I suspect there are a few more of such statements.
When you make unsubstantiated statements such as "sankara has taken the hindus for a ride" you are not exercising the caution that is needed when you critique any revered person. When ordinary mortals like us feel slighted at innocuous remarks, how can one insult a person whose contribution to Indian philosophy is immense?
I think Shri KRS would have been prompted by such remarks to say what he said.
sravna, I keep seeing this word "ego" used. I am not sure what is meant by that. Taking objection to unnecessarily insulting personal attacks is ego? Well alright then, I am egotistical..... I know you won't let even your ego come in the way. I have great respect for you for that.
Also, I think there is no need to make such a big issue of the word "integrity".
sravna, I keep seeing this word "ego" used. I am not sure what is meant by that. Taking objection to unnecessarily insulting personal attacks is ego? Well alright then, I am egotistical.
A few months back there was a poster, I think Vivek was his name, he said Shri Sangom was "morally bankrupt" and he was warned. When he repeated this charge he was thrown out. Do you think saying "morally bankrupt" is a serious offense, but questioning one's integrity is no big deal? To my egotistical mind they both belong to the same category.
Please read the informative threads on Avidya and Adhyasa and let me know your views
[Advaita-l] A Vichara on Avidya and Adhyasa
[Advaita-l] A 'vichAra' on the terms ‘avidyA’ and ‘mAyA’ - Part 2
[Advaita-l] A 'vichAra' on the terms ‘avidyA’ and ‘mAyA’ - 3 (concluded)
Dear anand, IMO, and no surprise.... So our intellectual prowess by reading various resources on the topic is quite impressive, the intuitive prowess which can only come through a deeksha from a Guru and through "experiencing" it by the self is pretty much low.
Dear Subbudu sir, In my experience, I would classify SVs into three groups, (i) the orthodox, (ii) the weekend SV orthodox wannabes, and (iii) don't know the difference between SV and Iyengars.... If we observe the practice of lay vaishnavas things are much different.
Dear raja sir, I agree that condemning people is unacceptable. I hate to be put down and insulted just because I hold views that are different from the main stream. In a similar vain, I hate to put down an opponent in a personal way just because I disagree with his/her view..... Belief need not even be based on any authority. In case, you disbelieve in some thing, you are not given a right to condemn those who believe in it. This could be applicable to single person or a group of persons. raja48.
I know you are one person who thinks that fairness should not be compromised at any cost. I know you won't let even your [COLOR=#da7911 !important][FONT=inherit !important][COLOR=#DA7911 ! important][FONT=inherit ! important]ego[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] come in the way. I have great respect for you for that.
What I am saying is Shri.Sangom committed a certain mistake which not only he is guilty of but also a number of others. Shri.KRS pointed it out because his status being different from other members in the forum. He has done this to a number of other members. In my opinion he has intervened most of the times when it was required.
Also, I think there is no need to make such a big issue of the word "integrity". It should be understood given its context and the specific accusation of Shri.KRS. If seen in the right light I think we realize we can indeed gloss over it. And seeing such big names in the forum taking it up as an issue, I am indeed surprised.
Dear Member Raghy,(Post No.192)
I am of the view that, as a hindu you can be atheist. You can term the entire scriptures and other works like philosophy as rubbish. However, no member, whosoever he may be should not hurt the feelings of the person who believes that every thing is real and of supreme importance.
It is wrong on the part of a member who opined that so and so has created a thread without knowing the basics of the subject. The intention to create a thread could be to know more on the subject matter. It is likely that the person might have heard or read something and might have liked to know how far is his knowledge is correct.
as Hindu no one, even atheist has no right to criticise the beliefs of other person(s), because this forum is meant for sharing of information and not proselytisation. [COLOR=#da7911 !important][FONT=inherit !important][COLOR=#DA7911 ! important][FONT=inherit ! important]Hinduism[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] teaches only tolerance and also sympathy to others who are ignorant. Thiis should not be construed as being given a right to criticise the beliefs of ohers and hurting their feelings.
Belief need not even be based on any authority. In case, you disbelieve in some thing, you are not given a right to condemn those who believe in it. This could be applicable to single person or a group of persons.
You are probably right. I know a vadakalai lady who was very proud of her family, not withstanding the fact that some of her nephews have said goodbye to caste marriage and food habits. This lady is very particular about food and the daily puja. I found it amusing that she suddenly put me into cross-questioning about my subcaste. Her first question during my introduction with her was - Are you a vadama? Seeing my hesitation in answering such a question,(because I knew from which angle this question came from, not that I am really ashamed of being one thing or another) she continued or you might be a brahcharanam or vathima etc and she proudly said she knew all about Iyer subcastes. Well this is not such a big deal. But she is so very caste protyped that even the servant maid she hired was based on the person's caste. She once remarked that I have hired her because she does not belong to such a low caste. In my family we have never seen this kind of curiosity to know a servant maid's caste. All things apart, this is one thing I was really disgusted. She was reciting Vishnu Sahasranama and when I made my appearance, she started using some very bad words against a person she did not like as she got distracted from her prayers.Dear Subbudu sir, In my experience, I would classify SVs into three groups, (i) the orthodox, (ii) the weekend SV orthodox wannabes, and (iii) don't know the difference between SV and Iyengars.
The ones of the first kind take all the inconveniences that come with orthodox SV life and yet do respect Smartas for their Vedic learning. Srimat Ahobila Matam conducts 5-day Veda/Dhivya Prapanda parayanam for important Thirunakshatrams and other occasions -- averages at least one every month. The Veda Goshti is predominantly Samrthas from everywhere, particularly Andhra. They are well paid, very well respected, and given special honors.
The third kind does not know very much and does not care. They may be as pious as the next person, but don't take organized religion very seriously.
The second kind is the dishonest hypocrites. They have one leg in the river and one leg in the mud, as the saying goes. They act as though they are very orthodox during the weekend, adorning 12 thiruman, wearing panca kaccham badly, singing Azhvar pasurams with gusto, and generally showing off their connections in the secular world like I am MD here, I know this cabinet minister there, and then demanding whether one is a brahmin or not to be let into the pandhi.
I have a lot of respect for the first kind, I understand the third kind and will have a jolly good time with them, it is the second kind that I have no respect for.
I am fully aware that what is written in red is beyond reproach, but this involves me. It is a very strange rule indeed that one member has the right to ask another member to leave the forum, but a third member, however outraged he/she may feel, must let the law of the street to prevail and stay out, or else, an example will be made out of him or her.
I really don't know where this is going, in case I am still around posting in this forum, I would like to welcome anybody to jump in in a conversation between me and anyone else, against me or in support of me. This has been the rule all along, but things seem to be changing now.
Dear Sri KRS ji,
Everyone knows mutts indulge in caste-discrimination. And everyone also knows caste-discrimination is illegal and banned bDear Sistery law. Its open and clear. So i do not think any kind of elaboration is required here.
AFAIK, anyone can intervene with their points. I suppose you want to bring in a new rule suddenly now. You were always welcome to edit out anything you please.
In this case, i wud like to know on what basis can Raju ask Nara sir to leave? I know you and Praveen can ask anyone to leave because you are the SM and Praveen is the owner of this forum. But how Raju? I would like to know this sir.
Sri.KRS Sir, Greetings.
I don't mean to intrude. I won't be making any more posts in this thread until you clear things out. I felt bad to see the developments.We are discussing and moving like a family here. It is very painful to see frictions here. I am sure you would be working on this. I hope I have not caused any inconveniences.
No matter what you say, Shri Raju, "brahmanism" that is, casteism and birth-based labour laws are banned by law. Discrimination against anyone based on caste is illegal. Yet this "nefarious" practice of caste-discrimination is continued by 'brahmins' at the highest level (that is, at the mutt-level or institutional-level). Sooner or later they will be answerable for it (please mark these words). Shri Nara, is in fact trying to help his folks, by making them see reason.
Who are you to tell Shri Nara to go away? Why do you rub/inflcit your casteism on us ?
Shri Raju, your "inventing theories" stands no chance. The public is a lot more aware of the "obfuscation" done in the name of "faith". Irrespective of whether or not Shri Nara speaks about it, public awareness is no less these days.
The main problem here is almost everyone misunderstood Surajs post.
i will put a punch dialogue here hope this clears things up:
Yen Vali Thani if your way and my way dont see eye to are free to go your way and I am free to go my way but no one needs to take the highway out of here..