சிங்கம் உறும வேண்டும்; பாம்பு சீற வேண்டும்! இல்லையேல் zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz தான்!
ஆனாலும், ஒரு நாளுக்குள் சூடு பிடித்ததாகக் காட்சி அளிக்கிறது! :ranger:
dear friends,
You have time till 11 A.m tomorrow for answering the riddle about Adam.
In case no one answers it, I will give the answer with my next post in the same thread.
Dear Mr. Sangom,
If you do not read my posts then both of us are losers.
I miss a learned reader and you miss good posts-
those which appear in literature section especially.
Thanks for the prompt response.
with warm regards,ray2:
Mrs. V. R.
Mrs. V.R.
I am unable to look at bold fonts for more than a few seconds. So it takes much more time to read. That's why.
How the wives of identical twins live with their husbands?
Dear Mr. Sangom,
I have problem with small thin letters and my silly mistakes do not show up in them.
What to do?
I have selected colors pleasant or cool to reduce the intensity of the bold letters.
May be I can type in a big font and reduce it before posting!
How about this post? Is it OK or is it better?
May be in a joint family it happens. It appears that such instances have
appeared in Tamil Movies. But I am told that such twins have their own
identification in their movements and sometimes with their behavioral
patterns etc. to avoid mix up and embarrassment amongst themselves.
We have twins in our family and we have not heard any such problems so far.
I came in eagerly hoping to see the answer to the Adam and Eve riddle!
கால பைரவன்;108444 said:Adam did not have umbilical cord?!
Riddle for today!
It was a small town with just two barbers or hair stylists.
The new comer to the place visited the first barber.
He was spic and span and very presentable.
The second man sported a weird hair style.
Which man did he prefer to be his hair stylist and why???
and why???