If god does indeed exist, will he/she be brahmin/obc/sc/etc? ..
God is brahmin.
If god does indeed exist, will he/she be brahmin/obc/sc/etc? ..
If god does indeed exist, will he/she be brahmin/obc/sc/etc? How is the Hindu god different from muslim and christian gods? And if we say all gods are one, why do we need hinduism? Why will a muslim/ x-ian never acknowledge Hindu gods? We Hindus always say there's just one "God" to prove we are "secular" and blend ourselves with christians and muslims, while they care a chit about us..in fact our caste system is a big mockery..
Dear Sangom Sir,
If you eat anything before your better half offers it to God, she can very well think,
'கணவனே கண் கண்ட தெய்வம்!' and be happy + satisfied!![]()
BTW, what more proof is required to show that the idol is just an idol and offering what we like to eat to that idol is no substitute to feeding a poor and hungry human being first, before we ourselves eat. How many brahmins/non-brahmins of today will like to follow this practice for a change?
My wife's pooja is not elaborate. She offers one or two yellow plantains and generally it is eaten by herself or myself later on, if we feel like. So the contingency cited by you does not normally arise. And I am not very fond of or particular about food, in general.
show me just ONE person who has seen the real GOD, the so-called CREATOR. We always see "god" in beggars lepers etc, but we never see GOD. I'm beginning to think God was the product of a fertile hallucinating mind, high on psychotropic substances. Why should god eat plantains, why not a bottle of Cognac?
I am undergoing a very very difficult period, and no god or whatever's helped me. I must admit, I do read Sai Satcharita etc, but that 'saint' knew telekinesis, in my opinion.
Why should god eat plantains, why not a bottle of Cognac?
show me just ONE person who has seen the real GOD, the so-called CREATOR. We always see "god" in beggars lepers etc, but we never see GOD. I'm beginning to think God was the product of a fertile hallucinating mind, high on psychotropic substances. Why should god eat plantains, why not a bottle of Cognac?
I am undergoing a very very difficult period, and no god or whatever's helped me. I must admit, I do read Sai Satcharita etc, but that 'saint' knew telekinesis, in my opinion..
All these goody-goody talks are OK because the god does not eat even a speck of whatever is offered as naivedyam. But imagine what will be the state of affairs if god was to be really present in the idol/s and will "kAlify" the vessels in which all those sAtveeka and what not, foods are kept, like what Ganesha was supposed to have done in the breakfast offered to him by Kubera?
BTW, what more proof is required to show that the idol is just an idol and offering what we like to eat to that idol is no substitute to feeding a poor and hungry human being first, before we ourselves eat. How many brahmins/non-brahmins of today will like to follow this practice for a change?
BTW, what more proof is required to show that the idol is just an idol and offering what we like to eat to that idol is no substitute to feeding a poor and hungry human being first, before we ourselves eat. How many brahmins/non-brahmins of today will like to follow this practice for a change?
show me just ONE person who has seen the real GOD, the so-called CREATOR. We always see "god" in beggars lepers etc, but we never see GOD. I'm beginning to think God was the product of a fertile hallucinating mind, high on psychotropic substances. Why should god eat plantains, why not a bottle of Cognac?
I am undergoing a very very difficult period, and no god or whatever's helped me. I must admit, I do read Sai Satcharita etc, but that 'saint' knew telekinesis, in my opinion.
Thanks for all your support. They say 'God' tests us, and those who 'pass' the test are rewarded. Which 'god'? The Christian/ Jewish god demands wine, the islamic god demands a goat, the hindu gods demand everything. So which god do we turn to, in times of difficulty? People with a comfortable bank balance can afford to engage in godly pursuits to mask their anguish, what about those who have no money? Do they die on the streets?
Thanks for all your support. They say 'God' tests us, and those who 'pass' the test are rewarded. Which 'god'? The Christian/ Jewish god demands wine, the islamic god demands a goat, the hindu gods demand everything. So which god do we turn to, in times of difficulty? People with a comfortable bank balance can afford to engage in godly pursuits to mask their anguish, what about those who have no money? Do they die on the streets?
I did not say anything about god testing you/us and god rewarding later, etc. What I said or tried to say, was that all the present sufferings are the reactions or results of the past karmas with which you have been born as ashwin_ash and no power, not even the mightiest of all the Chrisian, Jewish, Islamic or Hindu gods can do anything to interfere in this karma playing out its course; but if there is any favourable karmas too in the balances you have come carrying, may be some timely help will come to you. Till then you can remain stoically, bearing all the sufferings or show your frustration in any whichever way you want. The better way is to keep a stoic attitude. You will always find people who are less lucky than yourself in this world; that is one of the enigmas of this world.
In case you give your DOB, TOB & POB, I can prepare your birth horoscope and may be I will be able to tell you how long your sufferings will continue.
One interesting viewpoint I heard recently was what if God exists, but is not omnipotent? God is like a child who has collected a lot of ants in a bottle. The ants fight it out amongst themselves, struggling for existence. To them, the child seems all powerful and can mete out life or death. But outside the ant universe, the child has his own challenges.
What if God can't really provide all the answers? Just a being more powerful than we are.
hi sangom ji,
nice write up....thanks....generally karmic theory more philosophical.....but we feel....sometimes we want immediate relief....
so pariharam ...,may be for just mental satisfaction....like ayurveda based on vaatha/pitha/kapam....these three doshas....
it takes long time to cure the disease ....but no side reactions....but allopathic medicines give immediate relief ...with side
affect too..so all pariharams for mental satisfaction/psychological feelings....
hiShri tbs,
Even when an astrologer advises some parihaaram/s.....he is not sure of results.... only expense...physical strain...but some mental satisfaction...temporary, of course is obtained.... if the parihaaram proves useless and the bad thing happens to pass ... people blame their karma ....or say "god has willed otherwise", etc.,.........and find mental peace ultimately.......is it not?..........so, why not trust in the karma theory from the first itself?
its not easy to digest karmic theory.....
Dear Shri Ashwin,
The concept of a superior almighty god who is at once a dispenser of divine, impartial justice as also the very personification of kindness to the bhaktas or devotees of that god almighty, was the imagination of normal human minds who had, probably by that time, come to see and experience powerful men taking over as kings, emperors and monarchs. The human imagination seems to have simply magnified some of the powers and characteristics of these kings/emperors and made those into aspects of god. I do not think minds under hallucination are/were necessary to achieve this.
But I agree that hallucinating (?) minds have possibly passed off as persons with godly powers and even as people who had direct experience of god. The best instance that comes to my mind is Narendra Dutta (a.k.a Vivekananda) climing that he had direct vision of god by a simple touch by Ramakrishna.
Though cognac may be costly, there is a famous temple in Kerala at Parassinikkadavu and the offerings here are fish, meat and toddy (Muthappan Temple - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). Hence there is nothing against cognac in hinduism I will say, but I do not know whether cognac alone without something else to neutalize its effects on god, may be advisable
God as I said earlier, is the power or force or energy which manifests as "Life", nothing more. It has only that marvellous power to manifest as life, nothing more. Our problems, good times and bad times, even worst times, are all results of our own past karmas and only if we had performed some karma/s to mitigate the evil effects of our bad karmas we will get some timely external help or relief from the sufferings.
In one of your earlier posts you had written that your father's demise, someone who was alive or was even a mere physical body, a few minutes ago turns into a pot of ashes in five minutes, and that has changed your life view completely. That is the real, real, truth because once god which is making you alive, leaves this body, then this body alone becomes a very bad nuisance for humans and they will better hurry to dispose it off by burning or intering, as soon as possible so that the rotting, foul-smelling body does not spread diseases to others who want to live!
This physical body is just like a cloak which is activated into life and living state by god, but subject to the Karmas which cause such a birth in the first instance. Once this Karma covering says "my job in this cloak is finished!", even the life-giving god has no power to stay on and has to depart. The karmas cause a new birth just as we throw away an old car and buy a new one which, again, will run for only a few years.
I understand that you are having tough times. The best course is to analyze the situation, its causes and what steps you can take to nullify the problems. Astrology is sometimes of use in this. One Shri Rishikesan has been saying that his wife gives guaranteed predictions and pariharams. May be you would like to try that. Reading Sai Satcharitra or anything else for that matter will be of any help until you have experienced the results of the past karmas. Kindly do not lose courage, there will be good times for you as you grow old.
Dear TBS garu,
The truth is always difficult to digest..so Truth is made into "Pariharam"capsules and swallowed!
For that matter even the practice of Shraddha itself is questionable.
When a person has his own Karma to work out even after death..does Shraddha done by his descendants really help?
If Shraddha works and helps lessen Karmic burden I don't see any reason why Sanjay Dutt should not be pardoned?
Pardoning is like a Pariharam/Shraddha where deeds previously done can be erased!LOL