Looking for Isvara in all the wrong places
Here lies the problem. People, rationalists, refuse to accept HIM as a designer.
It has been hard to keep up with the number of posts in this thread.
In trying to follow this thread, let me say this respectfully - there are great descriptions here and there coupled with seriously flawed models.
Rather than go through what is right and where the paradoxes are let me share the following.
Feel free to critique.
There is an old song that is appropriate quote here in my view -
'looking for love in all the wrong places' .
In the same sense there are many that are 'looking for Isvara in all the wrong places'
To search at the right place, we have to get past a few myths
1.Myth 1: There is an external world and an internal world with our body acting as a demarcation point.
All information about our body, sense organs and universe is actually collected as mental events in what we perceive as brain (another mental item) which are further operated upon by other 'non-external' stored patterns of experience. It is all series of mental event that is being realized by the Subject. It is hard to separate 'what is happening out there' from what is perceived which is affected by our stored patterns of past experience. In that sense everything that one experiences are the mental events. The subject-object differentiation that one feels is really an experience
2. Myth 2: One appearing many is a assertion and not in scientific
In fact we know almost anything we see is described in terms of elementary particles and their interaction. The string theory is an attempt to reach ultimate unification of all the 'forces' seen. A few elementary particles in various arrangements have resulted in appearing as many diverse items in the universe. If there is unification one day - a single concept such as strings is then perceived as many. In Upanishads, even the Subject and Object differentiation is appearance of One and only Brahman.
2. Myth 3: It is hard to experience the state of one-ness by us.
In fact, every night when we have deep sleep without dreams we experience loss of subject identity and all ideas of universe (object). The experience of time has stopped and there is only "I" undifferentiated in terms of subject-object experience. However in deep sleep there is ignorance. Realizing this one-ness while not in deep sleep is Self-realization
It is impossible to prove existence of anyone since they are all mental events.
The only 'item' that requires no proof is our own existence as "I" that reveals all the mental events (wakeful state or dream state) as experience. It is not possible to understand the nature of this subject "I" that reveals all the mental events with any of our sense organs or any other logic processing capacity because it is this "I" that makes all those 'visible' in the first place. We need another means of knowledge to understand the nature of "I" but existence of "I" is unquestioned.
So if someone wants to search for Isvara it is silly to go search for them in the collection of mental events (Universe as experienced) but rather understand that the 'experiencer' is really the Isvara.
So if someone thinks Science has the answer then consider this. Imagine a scientist wearing a white coat looking though a machine (microscope) to see if there is Isvara that can bedetected! You have to say Isvara can never be found on the other end of the machine when 'HE or She' is manifest in the One looking through the machine!!
So the only proof if 'God exist' is to know that "I" exist!
I have provided a very 'loose' description of what is in Upanishads using my own words coupled with some of the descriptions in Adi Sankara's
Lord Dakshinamurthi Stotram