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God Exists

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Shri Nara,

Doesn't the capacity for selflessness increase in higher forms? You ascribe it to a physical process but I say there is a spirtiual underpinning to it. But it is ok with me even if you deny that as long as you recognise the importance of such qualities and hence are moving in the right direction. The real undesirable thing to happen is the spread and establishment of selfish qualities which I am afraid is what we are seeing today. Hence the need to discourage such tendencies and encourage ones that bode good for the society. The notion of God exactly serves that purpose on those who have naturally selfish tendencies. Once you begin to get the perception that there is no God, you lose a very strong force opposing corruption of mind and would be on the way to a total rot. So in my view real rationalists even if they do not believe in God need to understand at least the useful purpose it serves in making people hold on to values and prevent decay of mind.
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So, I take it you believe ANYBODY who treats a patient sincerely is a DOCTOR, whether or not he or she has earned a Doctoral Degree?

In India, there used to be LMPs, they also were called Doctors! Even some Pharmacists call themselves as Doctors! All who wear a White Coat were called Doctors!!

My son says in Haiti even Voodoo Artists are called as Doctors! All because they treat patients!!

Anyway, I stop this here.


All -

I consider this posting to be tasteless and mean spirited. This is not about sharing a fact or opinion but a put down. Period.

This put down was possible because Dr Renu chose to share her background voluntarily while we all know this poster comes to denigrate Hinduism and its icons more than a few times without *voluntarily* providing disclosure about which aggressive religion he was raised in. He is not required to but is this a demonstration of fearlessness that he claims he is born with?

Please do speak up if you see as sense of arrogance and a sense of superior attitude in this post - (note - his daughter went to a US medical school).

US Medical Doctors are not superior to anyone in my experience of dealing with them. Four years of college with a degree in a useless field need not be a prerequisite - it is a conspiracy of the American Medical Association to keep the scarcity up.

The standard to call someone a Doctor is not defined by USA or its courts - they have one of the worst healthcare system in the industrialized nation. I live here and I know. There is this arrogance thinking that if one spends more years in college then they will be better doctors instead of spending more time learning the craft and treating patients.

Based on my experience, there are superb Doctors all over the world worthy of being called Doctors. If a person in Haiti needs medical help and can only get that from a local native and if that person is effective in providing treatment then he or she is worthy of respect and being addressed as a Doctor, in my view.

I know this poster's friends (like Sri Nara) will be lining up to 'protect him' from such observations I have made here based on past actions. If they do that or do not speak up against this post that reflects their sense of fairness as well in my view. We do not need any intervention from moderators in my opinion.
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Sri.Yamaka Sir, Greetings.

Your commenting Dr.Renuka's qualifiacations is not in good taste. That has nothing to do with the topic in hand. In my opinion, you owe an apology to Sowbagyavathy Renuka.

You are not in a position to comment on qualifications of doctors. What you have written is plain derogatory.

Sowbagyavathy Renuka went out of the way to explain the procedure in Malaysia, while she has no obligation to do so.

You mentioned you are stopping in post #173. Kindly consider apologising to Sowbagyavathy Renuka. Thanks.

I agree, faith is your own business. What superstitions give a believer his/her satisfaction is nobody's business but his/her own. But, contrary to the claim that most believers think this way is not true, the fact of the matter is, as can be seen from the plethora of posts in this very thread, most people want not to just assert faith of any kind -- even if they are fundamentally self-contradicting -- but that faith in a god, any god, is superior to rejecting faith. They are not satisfied promoting their superstitious faith, but they have to put down the natural state of human beings before they are poisoned by religion and faith, i.e. free of religious faith, in the most gross and ridiculous terms, like equating mass murder to atheism. While these people of faith are united against those who want to be nothing more than mere humans, they are bitter enemies amongst themselves. VA says A is pure poison. A says SVs are narrow minded. Christians say Hindus are demonic. Hindus think Christians are unethical proselytizers. Sunnys think Shiite are blasphemers. They both think Ahamadia are not even Muslims. The list is endless. Faith is too bogged down with putting down and demonizing those who dare to disagree. The faithless may argue fiercely, but love everyone for the humans they are, nothing more is asked of them, they don't have to accept Jesus as Christ, Nabi as the last prophet, or Vedas as the supreme inerrant truth. They don't even have to return to their natural state of being just humans, before the poison that is religion is poured into them. Atheists by definition love everyone just because, for no other reason.I agree that theists have no obligation to prove anything, except when they make these claims in public. If they choose to do so, then they have that obligation.Cheers!
Dear Nara GOD is present everywhere he also says love everyone just like u said Atheists by definition love everyone just because, for no reason. I think by this definition he is present in all atheists also , see god didnt made any religion its all human made so why to blame god for that.
I had posted about conception of GOD in various discussions. Started a thread for that.

Now the conception varies from individual to individual. From Philosophy to Philosophy.

Many Hindus use the term Devas. This term is translated as GODs. This is itself wrong. GOD is believed to omniscient and omnipotent. Devas are neither omniscient nor Omnipotent. Their powers are limited. That is why we have countless Devas each looking after a particular function or fulfilling a particular role. This is similar to the conception of Gods in Greek and Roman religions.

This is the early Vedic religion of the Karma Kandas. Purva Mimansa.

There is no Omniscient, Omnipotent GOD in early Vedic religion/Purva Mimansa. The Devas had limited powers, they were given human attributes and also did indulge in fights among themselves. The Puranic stories are based on this concept.

Some of the practitioners believed that they could even control the Devas. Mantrikam of this variety (Kerala) believes in this. Since the Devas were given human attributes, there were the Good, Bad and the Ugly.

The concept of Asuras or the evil cousins of the Devas came into being.

The concept of the omnecient and Omnipotent GOD came during the later Vedic period. In the Jnana Kanda. But it was never accepted by all the Hindus.

Note: I will develop these ideas if members are interested. Please let me know.

Thank You.
In this context it is necessary to analyse why GOD was conceived?

It was necessary in the old societies to preserve social order. Remember the story of Moses and the ten commandments. We always talk about fearing GOD. I had written this when I talked about Karuppanna Swami in Tamil Nadu. A wrathful God who punished the evil doers. In districts where murders are more of a way of life, it was necessary to have God like Karuppnna Swami who would chop off your head if you commit a murder. There was no police or any system of law.

Such situations were prevalent throughout India. There was little crime prevention system. If a murder is committed a relative of the victim should identify the culprit and then lodge a complaint with the King.

The Society needed Gods for its survival. For social order. Such terms like "put the fear of God into him" "God fearing" came.

But does the society need the concept of a wrathful and punishing God now?

May be not.

That is why we changed the concept of GOD.
I had posted about conception of GOD in various discussions. Started a thread for that.


Note: I will develop these ideas if members are interested. Please let me know.

Thank You.

Namaste Sri Nacchinarkiniyan,

I sure am interested. Please start at the earliest.


Dear Shri Nara,

My view on why the DNA being programmed to be selfless is not just a physical process. The body consisting of a number of physical parts needs co-ordination to carry out its activities. This co-ordinating agent itself should not be made up of physical parts as that needs co-ordination. So the energy that co-ordinates the body is mental or when refined is spiritual energy. So there is a need for something like what we call as soul. This is just to say that no physical process can stand by itself. There is always something spiritual behind it.

Now, evolution occurs because of coming together of highly evolved among a specious ,also being highly compatible. The offspring that is the result is a quantum leap over those of the existing population in the specious. The resulting offspring transcends the barriers that were limiting the capabilities of that population.

So I would not think evolution is a result of chance but is purpose driven, the purpose being to create species which are more and more capable of understanding the world and the own self.
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But does the society need the concept of a wrathful and punishing God now?

May be not.

I think whether a God is needed for any societal purpose is a question quite different from whether God exists in some consistent logical system.

IMHO, thought experiments are as good as real experiments and if God can exist in your thought, then he exists. If he doesn't exist in your thought experiment, then he doesn't. How can a concept like "God" take two different values in two different occasions? Of course it can. Such things happen very frequently in real world. Take the Joker card in your set of playing cards. You assign any value to it when convenient. Or you take a variable "x" in math. You give any value to it you want. Does that mean "x" doesn't exist? Variable still exists. It takes different values at different times.
Dear Raghyji and TKSJi,

I appreciate you guys standing up for me but I feel its Ok yaar cos Yamaka was not clearly well informed about Medical Registration in different countries and I did my part to clear his doubt about it.

I found his line about Vodoo real funny cos I was imagining myself in my white coat with a figurine of Yamaka with me and I was happily doing acupuncture in the best of regions and was wondering how will any doc in USA treat this.

Just sharing my thoughts:

Yamaka: Doc I have pins and needles sensation all over my body.

Doc 1: Do you have diabetes mellitus?

Yamaka: No I dont.

Doc 1: Ok I will run further test.

Yamaka goes for MRI etc.

Doc 1: Yamaka we have good news!! We have found the cause for your ailment.
You MRI showed countless needles in you and on enlarging the image the
the needle showed "made in Malaysia"

Yamaka: That Renuka!!! I knew she will do something!!!

Doc 1: Did you just say Renuka? Is she a doc from Malaysia?

Yamaka: You know her?

Doc 1: Ya!! I studied with her in Manipal?

Yamaka: What!! you are an Indian grad?

Doc 1: Ya, I am.

Yamaka: I want a second opinion!!

Yamaka gets refered to an made in USA doc.

Made in USA doc also say the same(Yamaka has countless needles stuck in his body)

Yamaka:Help me out here please!! what do I do?

Doc No 2: Ok see we cant handle this..I know a doc who practises in Haiti he has handled many such cases before.You have no choice Yamaka or else you will be seeing Yamaha soon.

Yamaka: You know who is Yamaha?Doc how do you know about Yamaha?

Doc 2: I log in to TB forum sometimes when I am free.

Thats the story of how Yamaka went to Haiti and got to know about the Vodoo Doctors there.
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Dear Raghyji and TKSJi,

I appreciate you guys standing up for me but I feel its Ok yaar cos Yamaka was not clearly well informed about

Oh well, I wasn't well informed either. When I came first here I assumed you are a Hindi film actress... so you can't blame others not knowing you are a doc! You need to wear the proper attire, the stethoscope around the neck, carry around a syringe, add some kgs and sport a scary look! This college girl look doesn't represent a Doc!

The Voodoo exchange is hilarious!
Oh well, I wasn't well informed either. When I came first here I assumed you are a Hindi film actress... so you can't blame others not knowing you are a doc! You need to wear the proper attire, the stethoscope around the neck, carry around a syringe, add some kgs and sport a scary look! This college girl look doesn't represent a Doc!

The Voodoo exchange is hilarious!

Dr Barani,

This pic was taken in a shopping mall on Sep 26th 2010 and may be next time I will upload a pic of me as how I am at work.
may be next time I will upload a pic of me as how I am at work.

Right, a doctor with a syringe on hand... Guaranteed to send me running like a 8 year old!

That gives me an idea... take the syringe, show it to atheists and tell them... "Accept God or Else!"...

And why is it wrong if Voodoo docs in Haiti push some needles into our body, but it is ok if Acupunture docs in China do the same?! That seems like a double standard! I demand jokes about acupuncture now!
First, Lets analyze you original argument before your counterargument. Your original argument is summarized in one line: "I am an atheist because I see paradoxes".
DrBarani, once again you are assuming and putting words into my mouth. You seem intent on mischaracterizing my position -- since you are doing this even after I explained my position in detail I suspect this is intentional, the alternative to this is you simply don't understand.

As pointed out earlier, there is no mistatement about your position. You use paradoxes as a platform to embrace Atheism.
I said was logical paradoxes are proof of nothing. I never said my day-to-day atheism is because of it. I see that you have a penchant to assume, put words into my mouth, and simply make things up from whole cloth. All I can do is to ask you to stop this, but if you continue, either because of malice or ignorance, which only you can tell, I have no power to stop you.

Simply because we see Head it doesn't mean the other one didn't occur.
So, simply because we don't see an invisible pink unicorn it does not mean it does not exist? But then again, you are missing the point all together. If something cannot be proved, then it has to remain a conjecture. Why is this so difficult to understand???

The Andromeda Galaxy doesn't care about human condition. We should sack all Astronomers? Hubble Telescope? Space missions? You see, not everything is about wealth. Human knowledge came from curiosity, not from search of wealth.
Once again, completely irrelevant and silly, in the same lines as the Barber story.
Ravi, I did not have reliable internet for a couple of days -- I am on the road vacationing in the state of Maine, a beautiful and picturesque place -- this is the reason for delayed response.

I now have no doubt, I am sure you didn't use "Ayya" in a mocking way. I welcome you addressing me any way you feel comfortable, for me, I like to be informal and friendly.

Ravi, I have made several fine friends here in this web site, thanks to Praveen. I agree and disagree with all of them to one extent or another, but that has never stopped us from being affectionate to each other. I count you as one of my friends also, we don't have to agree on all issues for that.

best wishes dear brother ...


Nice to read your post.

As far as I am concerned, I never had and not having any distinguished relationship with any members from my side. For me all the members are same and I react only to their posts.. I like each of the members who all share all their views with their honesty and without insulting others.

I appreciate all here who take debate in right spirit and respect other's views and opinions. I prefer to respect every member for their posts, that helps me to learn something and help me to counter argue.

Neither, with the sense of friendship, I line up my arguments to protect his/her view, nor I plunge my views here to deliberately and meaninglessly attack some posts, considering the poster, my personal opponent.

I post my honest views and honest replies to any member's post based on what I know, understand and believe and not based on who the poster is.

I also have the tendency to give credit to the post by clicking "Like" that satisfies me some way or other (Fully/Partially), doesn’t matter if the poster's views are totally identical to mine or not.

I have the principle and tendency to not to mock on some one, not to attack some one indirectly, not to indulge in referring to other poster's name in my comments and not to worry of who is clicking "Like" to whom and for what and just be focused on my true views and opinion and post them all here in response.

It is nice to not that you made several fine friends here in this website and you are very much thankful to Mr.Praveen. With no doubt, I have the confidence that you will maintain your true friendship without any bias and make several new friendships too.

As far as I am concerned, I never had a requirement to make a friendship. Because for me, all are the same as one. If I have anything distinguishing, that are all only the debating points and not the members. Here I am having a good chance to share with all the members with true spirit, with good sense of respect and an attitude to give credit to the post that I could understand and accept some way. I am thankful to Mr.Praveen too, to have given us a fine chance to share and I bear the moral responsibility towards him, to not to burden him with unwanted issues and complications from my side.

Thank you for your love and wishes, Ayya.

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Here in the US, if the Foreign Medical Graduates with just MBBS inform their patients that they don't have an MD, they will go out of business even though they are licensed!

its not u.s alone, even a small village in india is very well aware to look for the MD tag, and their consultation fees are set in this rate. MD (Pedi) Rs.300, MD Gynec Rs250, MD Gen Med Rs.200 and MD Ortho Rs. 150. This is the rate for a doc for a 3 minute consultancy in metro.. but you need to take appointment one week in advance. after all, we were doctored in childhood to look for a certificate from the british education system.

but the family docs are most valued and treasured ones. look, if some one having chest pain, at 23:00Hrs, do you call a doc who calls for weeks ahead appointment. I would rather call a voodoo, who can do CPR... a doctor who comes handy in timely help in saving life is what matters, not the technolgoy. in certain instances, the certified first aid professionals had fared well better than docs.

anyways, you may come clear with the linguistic skills, but I strongly condemn the tone/usage of the words used on our pet Malaysian doc. may be i would give the benefit of doubt, if you were few pegs down :) pls accept this smiley, dont portray it back as personal attack.

Manipal is still a better , esp in blore, an admired medical institution where she studied,.its truly a well admired institution.. have a stop over in Majestic bus stand and ask where Manipal Hopital is, any tom tick n harry would tell, its in Airport road.. my child was born there, though it cost a bomb and paid it though my nose, for choosing the executive labor room on second floor

any ways, sorry, i slipped out of the topic.. but I should raise my voice. also, i have a humble request to dr.renu..pls remove the counter post of that imaginary discussions with Yamaka/Haiti/voodo.. giving back the same taste of medicine, is ok, but lets not retaliate, with the same medicine. we should try for a sedative injection :)

Ps: hope, not, its sunrise across atlantic, sh.yamaka would wake in few hours to log in to tb.com , and come clear with an open apology to doc.renu,.. my thanks in advance for his good gesture in tendering the same. (English language can always be used to ones convenience, that why every one like english")
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If we realize that physical energy is the projection of spiritual energy, it is easier to see that the universe is simply a projection and accept that its source is God and also to accept the presence of God.

Also, every physical thing has an underlying holistic energy.Interpreting using senses alone gives a wrong notion about the nature of this holistic energy. Consider a speck of dust C which let us say is made of parts A and B which we are able to comprehend. Also the holistic energy of C is greater than that of the sum of its parts. But what we see as dust is really not that but represents the God Himself. The reason we see the dust is because our self is evolved only to such an extent that interconnections in space only are clearly seen and thus we see the physical whole. The interconnections through time is not fully grasped or in extreme cases never grasped and therefore we see that illusive thing only.

Thus to see God we need to comprehend the reality in totality and grasp the spiritual essence. This is where the expereinces of the mind is important which alone can grasp the interconnections through time. Sense organs cannot do that.
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Ayya (with due respect) said, I said was logical paradoxes are proof of nothing.

when questioned to prove the point that god does'nt exist, the reply was directed to the originator of this thread, which I found it silly claim, though there is a meaning behind his view;.

And then threw the most ridiculed paradox of betrands cellestial pot, which any of the novice philosopher would counter it easily. it states If I were to suggest that between the Earth and Mars there is a china teapot revolving about the sun in an elliptical orbit, nobody would be able to disprove my assertion provided I were careful to add that the teapot is too small to be revealed even by our most powerful telescopes.

as a theist, why not, i can always ask for a telescope with infinite resolution and infinite scan speed, i can always locate that tea pot!. and logically I can track that. but when it comes to god, the concept of god, God is not defined as an object, or a tea pot thrown on a finite area, but too large to search.. no no no. as dr.barani said, its like using a tailors tape to measure the temperature.

so , if atheists want to give the burden of proof of God to atheists, then they should not go by who originated this thread and pass the burden. rather, go to the level and find out the definition of god according to theists, and try to refute it.

the problem here is which platform to choose for a debate.. yamaka talking about poverty .. not acceptable and was convinced enough.. choose better modes..

anyway, an interesting thing about paradox.. can we have a triangle with 270 deg of its sides sum.. its possible.. Euclidean geometry answers.. walk from north pole up to equator, then walk 90 deg on equator half through globe, walk up north 90 deg to meet north pole.. There you are..

So quoting paradox, to shift the burden of proof, doesnt make sense.. lets talk it out..
I said was logical paradoxes are proof of nothing.

What! That is what *I* have been saying all along and you were fighting me! In addition, I have shown that paradoxes also do not offer any "disproof" of anything.
I never said my day-to-day atheism is because of it. I see that you have a penchant to assume, put words into my mouth, and simply make things up from whole cloth. All I can do is to ask you to stop this, but if you continue, either because of malice or ignorance, which only you can tell, I have no power to stop you.

I am perhaps very ignorant, I admit, but I wasn't the one who cited a paradox to defend some position. According to your latest turnaround a paradox doesn't prove Atheism or Theism. Then what was the purpose of using it and making repeated assertions? Are you defending agnotism with a paradox? In that case, I must once again point out that a paradox won't even defend agnotism.

So, simply because we don't see an invisible pink unicorn it does not mean it does not exist?

According to mathematics if there is a finite probability of occurence, then I must argue that invisible pink unicorns do occur in some Universe. Otherwise, "if we don't see an invisible pink unicorn" it means "we don't see an invisible pink unicorn" and nothing beyond.

But then again, you are missing the point all together. If something cannot be proved, then it has to remain a conjecture. Why is this so difficult to understand???

That is because a "proof" is nothing but a set of arguments based on certain assumptions. This is what I tried to explain using the Football/Cricket analogy. When the rules change, a "proof" or "disproof" disappears.

Altogether I see we actually aren't very far in agreements. I tend to walk very carefully on the logical plane as I recognize the limitations of binary logic system. On the otherside, you take a jaywalking approach to the topic of logic. That seems to be the main difference. I have no issues with regards to your belief/nonbelief system.
quoting sh.naras post to barani.. my response are underlined.

DrBarani, once again you are assuming and putting words into my mouth. You seem intent on mischaracterizing my position -- since you are doing this even after I explained my position in detail I suspect this is intentional, the alternative to this is you simply don't understand.

its again a personal talk , and high handedness with artistic language skills. no message was conveyed to the common readers. if he has done before, pls quote the same

I said was logical paradoxes are proof of nothing. I never said my day-to-day atheism is because of it. I see that you have a penchant to assume, put words into my mouth, and simply make things up from whole cloth. All I can do is to ask you to stop this, but if you continue, either because of malice or ignorance, which only you can tell, I have no power to stop you.

but sir,you quoted 'celestial tea pot' to shift the proof of burden. and its true, you shifted to agnotism from atheism, as dr.barani has put is nicely 'from a high horse'. and telling some one 'putting words in to your mouth', its again a flowery language, but no meaning to it. again taking malice, ignorance, i think you are stooping down.. dr.barani, has given you a good write up his binary logic on par with you, though he said openly, there are better modes and scales

So, simply because we don't see an invisible pink unicorn it does not mean it does not exist? But then again, you are missing the point all together. If something cannot be proved, then it has to remain a conjecture. Why is this so difficult to understand???

should we talk about 'pink unicorn', i can share a good thought here. the problem here is, many viewers are innocent, and one can steal them with all these jargons.. for sure it can be countered.. pls post your views on that.. sure will take it up.anyway, dont forget to respond to what dr.barani said with binary logic. even im curious.

Once again, completely irrelevant and silly, in the same lines as the Barber story.

that barber story! followed by some of Yamakas imaginations.. huh.., it didnt convey any useful argument to this topic. i would request you to come something concrete, by which we are in a level playing platform. thank you

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Dr Barani,

I am speechless!!!

Thalaivar Vazgha!!!!

im bit late here.. Dr.Baranis post no 194 is amazing.. I would join here to say, Im also speechless!! an intellect , who speaks to the point, without any flowery english scripts......and btw, the Thalaivar Vazgha in tamil is.."தலைவர் வாழ்க !!"" Dr.barani, you are indeed a genious!..

we all should give a standing ovation for his post no:194
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So, I take it you believe ANYBODY who treats a patient sincerely is a DOCTOR, whether or not he or she has earned a Doctoral Degree?

In India, there used to be LMPs, they also were called Doctors! Even some Pharmacists call themselves as Doctors! All who wear a White Coat were called Doctors!!

My son says in Haiti even Voodoo Artists are called as Doctors! All because they treat patients!!

Anyway, I stop this here.


if someone wants to play with words in english, just to evade an apology, so be it..

definition says, A person, especially a physician, dentist, or veterinarian, trained in the healing arts and licensed to practice..he needs a license,thats it..

do you want me to buy you, that, before americans and british , there were no doctors in this world?.. according to you Dhanvantri is not a doctor, cos he was not certified by americans, 3000 years ago, when Americans were making a living on the branches of trees, on par with monkeys.

lets not benchmark everything with american way, just because someone found solace there.
im bit late here.. Dr.Baranis post no 194 is amazing.. I would join here to say, Im also speechless!! an intellect , who speaks to the point, without any flowery english scripts......and btw, the Thalaivar Vazgha in tamil is.."தலைவர் வாழ்க !!"" Dr.barani, you are indeed a genious!..

we all should give a standing ovation for his post no:194

Thank you. I truly feel honored by such words. I am merely a peasant in the democratic republic of Scientists!

Personally I think Mr.Sravna's posts are exemplary and superior quality. He is able to see the big picture. My posts were rather easy because I was attacking the weakest argument (paradox). Other than that, I think most posters, including Mr.Nara, are well above my talents. Perhaps Mr.Nara threw one easy ball and I charged at it. That doesn't change the game!
Personally I think Mr.Sravna's posts are exemplary and superior quality. He is able to see the big picture.

i also think the same way.. probably he should fine tune to articulate his views on par with THEM , in their writing excellence.

perhaps, most of them threw balls, and every body minced, but you are the only one who charged back, by passing the ball out on the opposite court. many be, many of the readers had the energy to kick the ball anywhere, but you made it in such a way, that, it lands in the center court.

lets wait for sh.nara & sh.yamaka to respond to the point...thank you sir.. you are great..
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its not u.s alone, even a small village in india is very well aware to look for the MD tag, and their consultation fees are set in this rate. MD (Pedi) Rs.300, MD Gynec Rs250, MD Gen Med Rs.200 and MD Ortho Rs. 150. This is the rate for a doc for a 3 minute consultancy in metro.. but you need to take appointment one week in advance. after all, we were doctored in childhood to look for a certificate from the british education system.

but the family docs are most valued and treasured ones. look, if some one having chest pain, at 23:00Hrs, do you call a doc who calls for weeks ahead appointment. I would rather call a voodoo, who can do CPR... a doctor who comes handy in timely help in saving life is what matters, not the technolgoy. in certain instances, the certified first aid professionals had fared well better than docs.

anyways, you may come clear with the linguistic skills, but I strongly condemn the tone/usage of the words used on our pet Malaysian doc. may be i would give the benefit of doubt, if you were few pegs down :) pls accept this smiley, dont portray it back as personal attack.

Manipal is still a better , esp in blore, an admired medical institution where she studied,.its truly a well admired institution.. have a stop over in Majestic bus stand and ask where Manipal Hopital is, any tom tick n harry would tell, its in Airport road.. my child was born there, though it cost a bomb and paid it though my nose, for choosing the executive labor room on second floor

any ways, sorry, i slipped out of the topic.. but I should raise my voice. also, i have a humble request to dr.renu..pls remove the counter post of that imaginary discussions with Yamaka/Haiti/voodo.. giving back the same taste of medicine, is ok, but lets not retaliate, with the same medicine. we should try for a sedative injection :)

Ps: hope, not, its sunrise across atlantic, sh.yamaka would wake in few hours to log in to tb.com , and come clear with an open apology to doc.renu,.. my thanks in advance for his good gesture in tendering the same. (English language can always be used to ones convenience, that why every one like english")

Dear ShivKC,

Actually I feel its Ok, Yamaka doesnt really have to apologize to me and I also wrote that funny Voodo exchange just to have some fun and not as in Tit for Tat response to Yamaka.
Dont worry, everything will be fine.I am sure Yamaka has some sense of humor.

Thanks anyway Shiv.

P.S Shiv my college was Kasturba Medical College Manipal Karnatka its near Udupi.
Now its known as MAHE(Manipal Academy of Higher Education).
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