Aryan Invasion Theory- An Insult To Non Bramin Women???
SIRS- most of the 'rational' leaders like the 'periar' & Ambedkar, the yellow shawlist & communists, secularists all have painted bramins as barbarians, heartless sadists, perverts, womanisers , foreign invaders, destroyers, destructors and what not. even orthodox hindu saints and hindu gods like vishnu, shiva & brahma are all depicted as womanisers. if this is true, then can it be inferred that bramins would not have spared non bramin women as well? then does that mean there are no dravidians at all presently in the world, as all of them should have born out of bramins' sperm, because as per Aryan Invasion theory, bramins are all foreign invaders. would these invaders have spared the non bramin women.?
in case of muslims and british , the case is different. in islam & christianity, there is scope for conversions, so the women in india, raped by muslim & christians should have converted to islam & christianity. but in brahmnism, there is no scope for conversions also. so what happened to the non bramin women allegedly sexually exploited by the bramins? the children born out of this so called exploitation are , for all purposes bramins. so, if the aryan invasion theory is to be believed and the depiction of bramins as sexual perverts is true, then the resultant deduction is more insulting to non bramin women than bramins in all ways.
So, this aryan invasion theory should be deleted atleast from all govt. records & offcial forums as it is an insult to the honour of non bramin women.
By harping on this theory, 'rationalists' are throwing mud on the chastity of their own women.
Bramins consider meat eating as a sin, and so they consider non vegetarians as un touchables. Had non bramins stopped eating meat or atleast stopped killing animals, may be there would not have been any untouchability in hinduism. one may or may not agree with the emphasise of bramins on vegeteranism. but to potray all bramins as sexual bigots just because of this causes more harm to non bramin women than bramins.
All hindus, all bramins and all non bramins are natives & original inhabitants of india. Bramins did not sexually exploit non bramin women. All women of all caste , creed & religion were treated with honour by bramins always. Non bramin women, as a group, never forfeited their chastity to bramins.
SIRS- most of the 'rational' leaders like the 'periar' & Ambedkar, the yellow shawlist & communists, secularists all have painted bramins as barbarians, heartless sadists, perverts, womanisers , foreign invaders, destroyers, destructors and what not. even orthodox hindu saints and hindu gods like vishnu, shiva & brahma are all depicted as womanisers. if this is true, then can it be inferred that bramins would not have spared non bramin women as well? then does that mean there are no dravidians at all presently in the world, as all of them should have born out of bramins' sperm, because as per Aryan Invasion theory, bramins are all foreign invaders. would these invaders have spared the non bramin women.?
in case of muslims and british , the case is different. in islam & christianity, there is scope for conversions, so the women in india, raped by muslim & christians should have converted to islam & christianity. but in brahmnism, there is no scope for conversions also. so what happened to the non bramin women allegedly sexually exploited by the bramins? the children born out of this so called exploitation are , for all purposes bramins. so, if the aryan invasion theory is to be believed and the depiction of bramins as sexual perverts is true, then the resultant deduction is more insulting to non bramin women than bramins in all ways.
So, this aryan invasion theory should be deleted atleast from all govt. records & offcial forums as it is an insult to the honour of non bramin women.
By harping on this theory, 'rationalists' are throwing mud on the chastity of their own women.
Bramins consider meat eating as a sin, and so they consider non vegetarians as un touchables. Had non bramins stopped eating meat or atleast stopped killing animals, may be there would not have been any untouchability in hinduism. one may or may not agree with the emphasise of bramins on vegeteranism. but to potray all bramins as sexual bigots just because of this causes more harm to non bramin women than bramins.
All hindus, all bramins and all non bramins are natives & original inhabitants of india. Bramins did not sexually exploit non bramin women. All women of all caste , creed & religion were treated with honour by bramins always. Non bramin women, as a group, never forfeited their chastity to bramins.
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