It used to be here & there in the 60's & 70's (like US VP Kamala Harris mother) or running away with the Dhobi or barber. Ex DMK leader Murasoli Maran's wife is a Tambrahm. In the 80's it made a jump. But post liberalization in 90's it picked up pace. In Delhi & Mumbai, Tamil Brahmins continued to marry within the community. In Delhi most studied in the DTEA schools where Tamil was taught. There were South Indian temples across all major Indian cities & Kanchi Sankaracharya played a stellar role in building these & consecrating the temples. But post 2000 IC marriages galloped. With the Dravida parties being in continual power since the 60's in Tamil Nadu, our girls were coveted by the Dravidias. But now our boys too have gone berserk and 70% of the Tambrahm families in Chennai have intercaste marriages in their families & almost 100% in extended families. Moving away from Agraharams, women's education, anti-brahmin movement in Tamilnadu resulting in large scale migration to other States all this have caused the decline!@vgane , from when did IC marriages start? What's the history?
I can only guess. South is a lot more conservative than Delhi. Are you sure it is much higher in Delhi than in Mumbai? If so I am not sure why. Other members may help answer the question.@sravna do you know when IC marriages started in Delhi?, why is it so high Delhi compared to Mumbai or the south,
Did women start marrying out first in Delhi, how did shortage of brides hit men, How did they Marry or did they remain unmarried.
@sravna who would know about this, please add them in the discussionI can only guess. South is a lot more conservative than Delhi. Are you sure it is much higher in Delhi than in Mumbai? If so I am not sure why. Other members may help answer the question.
I don't think he knows, do you know anyone else who knowsAs far as I know Shri Ganesh(vgane) is very knowledgeable. He has already expressed his views. He may answer your query.
Ganesh Sir would you want the address the query?
The IC marriages happen of the second and 3rd generation who are settled in Delhi region. They are convent educated, hardly can read & write Tamil and jump to Hindi in a conversation. They may not have studied in Tamil schools. I am not aware of any sort of pressure being applied. Very recently a TB girl married a Gujjar(ST) boy with consent of parents. Boys choose any girl-can be a Punjabi or Bania or a Rajput or a Kayasth allmost all with consent of parents@sravna who would know about this, please add them in the discussion
My understanding is that Delhi is a very racist city and misogynist city back in the day as it's today and south Indians unfortunately suffered racism, also sex ratio in Delhi is skewed which drove demand for women, which unfortunately meant Women from South Indian communities (TB, malayalis etc), were in unfavorable position and preferred to do IC to escape conservate families as well as to be with a local strongman if you will for protection, thats my hypothesis at least
Why our brahmin boys and girls well educated and hailing from respectable families are running after NB girls and boys to marry them. What are the biological reasons and attractions towards them. Though I gathered some informations through some of my knowledgeable sources , I would like to know the views, suggestions, reasons for such exodus ,from our well informed forum members.Is it not our responsibility to arrest such trend.? :
There is no special biological reason. The hormones and pheromones are the driving forces since primordial times. The opportunity and proximity are the immediate facilitating factors. In the young age boys perhaps think " age cannot wither her; nor custom stale her infinite variety" and fall for the girls. The values inculcated never allow them to ditch even when the familiarity bred contempt raises its head. Then it is marriage and a routine humdrum life with children, ration card, gas cylinder, hospital and also a car and a holiday in London/Europe once in a while. Thus goes on...
So, all of you want the entire brahmin families must go in for IC AND IP marriages and also convert themselves as NV fellows. Why should not you gentlemen and ladies show the way to others by getting your marriageble wards married to socalled intelligent NBS, converted ST and SC , muslims etc., and publicly releasing the invitation cards mentioning boldly the marriage is an IC or IP without first approching any brahmin family for an alliance for your wards. Doyou all have the guts to do that before preaching to others. You could also inform your religious heads...
It is disheartening to note that many bramin girls marry outside the caste and even outside the religion. If the trend continues , there will not be any brahmin community after 25 years. What is to be done to arrest the trend is a big question mark.
Unless one understands and practices what it means to be a Brahmin there are really no issues and hence no solutions. When a child goes outside the customs taught at home it often means life of contradictions at home or it might mean lack of genuine connection with the child etc. The identities of new group of Indian children are confused to say the least - They born with Bollywood movies and low class mega-serials which set their value system, government corruption as an accepted way of life, and confused parents who provide contradictory messages. To make the matters worst there are...
Not only Brahmin Girls but also Brahmin Boys are getting married outside the caste and religion. This is happening not only among Brahmins but also all other castes and religions as well. Inter caste marriages are not welcomed by any of the castes in India.
This change has nothing to do with the upbringing of the children. The parents should not blame themselves for this. Of course it is common for parents to claim credit for the success of the children and also whatever happens in their lives. Once you start taking credit for their success you start blaming yourselves for their...
Did you have a choice? I think Vasumathi has.