Dear All
Thanks for all your answers.
My View:
Where is the question of punishment from god? God is all love and all pervasive. He is right within us, so if he punishes us, he is punishing himself.
Now, let’s look at our memory and what we call as punishment. Let’s say we clean our shelf and find a long lost jewel. Our immediate reaction would be to get over that pleasant surprise and may be thank god for the luck. If we look at this very logically, there is no term for luck here, we kept it there and forgot about it and assumed we lost it. We call this luck or grace of god because the result was in our favor. Now let’s look at another example. Say you slapped or scolded a person and you totally forgot it, after many years the person still remembers it and comes back to give it to you. You will be surprised by his behavior and cry to god that god has punished you. If you had remembered your past you would not have blamed god. Or if it was a baby you would have forgiven the child and moved on.
This is also applicable to our erosion of memory from past lives. Everything is self created. Our previous actions or thoughts were either too powerful that it follows us to this birth or were so weak that it took these many births for it to come into action. Just imagine that you have a board with stickers stuck one top of another. You probably will forget soon what stickers are below which one. Say there was a random mechanism by which these stickers will appear on top, the stickers that are easy to pull off will come first and those that are glued tough will come little late. But you would have by now forgotten all the stickers you have stuck. This is the same condition with our karma or the so called god punishing us.
Anything and anybody coming into our lives are just mere postmen; you cannot hug the postman or reward him for giving you good news and punish him for giving you a bad telegram. God has given us all free will. He has sent us to this planet to live the way we want to live. It is we who have messed it up solid by our thinking patterns and life style. If you really look at this closely, all our so called punishments and luck are all nothing but impression in our mind. If we are sharp enough we can tap into our subconscious mind and recollect all our past memories and then we will wonder how we created such a big mess for us instead of blaming god. At a clear state of mind, these impressions start to wipe out. This is because mind is nothing but a collection of past impressions. Yoga and mediation and self less service make our mind clear and make much past karma to vanish. Why is this because our mind and ego seizes when you live in this moment and yoga and other techniques are tools to achieve this.
Instead of crying “Why me, what did I do to deserve this” to god when we are not happy with results or out comes, if we ask god “Why me what did I do to deserve this” when good things happen that in itself will start wiping out impressions in our mind as when we are in gratitude our mind becomes calm and comes to the moment.
Also, every time when things get messed up instead of crying for ourselves if we feel sorry for the god with in us and realize that by we being sad we are making the god with in us sad and suffer we will quickly rebounded.