Sowbagyavathy Amirtha, Greetings.
The concept of truth and the concept of illusion, both are illusions. There no such thing as 'truth'. We just want to beleve what ever is comfortable for us to believe. Irrespective to whether we think 'from outside the square' or ' from inside the square' or ' think from no square at all position', still we can not know everything. Still there are going to be unexplained events around us every now and then. We can never understand everything. So, we may not learn the truth ever.
In that kind of situation, what is the relative truth? What ever truth we realise is only going to be relative. We may end up in a different dimension where what ever we imagined could be just irrelevant! We don't even know all the available dimensions, do we? So, I am absolutely happy to learn what is just around me. That is enough for me. All I like to do is, just be as helpful as possible to others and just enjoy my time. I am not worried about anything else.
Only truth I know is, I am not a 'good person'. Weekly JD, enjoy browsing through beauties, listening to nice songs and writing what comes to mind. I am very happy,.. one would show my case and say " one should never be like him!" .. I am not sad about that. I just got one life; I just want to be as cheerful as possible... just light up the sorroundings with a big smile... So, am I going suffer stroke or heart seizure one day? That's fine. Before that, I like to help at leat few persons, improve at least few lives ( have helped few so far; literally have 'saved' ( mostly from drowning) few so far)... when the time comes, just go!.. Am I going to come back again again and again? So be it! at least, I know this place!
So, 'truth' differs from person to person. Most persons end up in delusions when they go behind someone seeking 'truth'. I met a few acutely ill in observation area. I don't want to go into their religious delusions. The most unfortunate was a girl just 17 years old. I am very glad I am not in the acute observation area anymore. Why I am saying this? They all thought they were speaking the 'truth'.
Personally, I don't even like to know the 'truth'. What ever happens, is fine with me.