Sowbagyavathy Renuka, Greetings.
If I operate without breaching the kama, krodha, lobha, moha, mada and madsarya qualities, such desires are perfectly alright. For example, if I wanted to enjoy moha pleasure with my wife, why should I control my desires? Just go full monty and enjoy as much as possible and some. That's my policy. Similarly with diet, earning money etc, if it is ethically correct, why should I control such desires?
Ok lets discuss further:
We go step by step:
Krodha...I have very less these days, I hardly get angry these days cos when I get angry I feel much weaker and I can actually feel the energy loss hence anger is slowly slipping away from me.
Even when I was in India and I knew some people were trying to cheat me I was talking to them without losing my temper.I worded my words well without getting angry.
Recently I got a string of weird PMs in forum which would have many any person really angry but I decided not to get so mad but each time I read the PM I would show a gesture to the lap top screen and laugh.
The person who was sending me the PM's sent again PM's to me admiring me for not losing my temper.
I was think "the person has no idea how many gestures I showed the lap top screen!LOL
So you see instead of getting all angry like some Tasmanian Devil I decided to just deal with it in a different manner.
So you see anger is there in everyone but its just how we manage it.
Lobha..Ok this I can safely say I do not have it..In my life so far I am thankful to God for what I have and do not hanker for what I do not have.
Mada: I hate to be proud becos pride comes with prejudice and also what is there to be so proud about?
Everything in our lives can change in a split second.
Seen cases where people driving a car meet an accident and lose both limbs.
In a split second whole life can change.
So its no use being proud of anything.
Further more when we are proud we tend to look down upon others and who knows once upon a time we could have been what we hate in a previous its 100% no use being proud of anything.
Matsarya: What is there to be so jealous of anyone?
I see girls feel jealous of each other and compete in beauty.
Big deal yaar..if I see a person who is better to me in anyway..I do not feel jealous but try improve on myself and use that person as the motivating factor.
Ok now we will discuss Kama and Moha..I always keep juicy details last for discussion.
Kama:Kama with wife is fine BUT NOT excessive!
Over indulgence in Kama can weaken our body and immune system cos we are not getting sufficient rest and sleep by gunning it all night long.
Over indulgence makes us fantasize about the next encounter and this to a certain extent takes our mind away from our Nithya Karma.
Remember the story of Melpathur Narayana Bhattatiri who after marriage was neglecting his Nithya Karma becos of overindulgence until he was scolded by his father in law?
Only then he realized his over indulgence and started being more focus and eventually wrote the Narayaneeyam.
So same way..keep everything in moderation.
No one is asking anyone to just do pooja 24 hours and not indulge in Kama activities with spouse...cos Have Gun Will till Gun functions..Bullets will fire.
Now coming to Moha..
Moha is sort of attachment/infatuation and I can safely say that addictive habits can be listed under this.
We all know that addiction takes us no where in life.
So excessive Moha is also not advocated.