Raji Ram
Active member
Best humor of the day!Was it approved by the godman?
Do godmen teach such things to their bhakthAs!! :becky:
Best humor of the day!Was it approved by the godman?
Where do you recommend kissing in the 21st century? Have humans changes in 21st century?
Dresses of indian women change when they go abroad.Today we went out for lunch at a nearby veggie restaurant. Though slight rain was pouring, the place was almost full. I could
spot many Boston brahmins with their parents from India, like Ram and me!! All the mAmAs and mAmis were wearing jackets
to protect themselves from the cold wind. But the mAmis who were visiting for the first time wore sarees; those who visited for
the second time were in salwar and kameez and the most experenced ones wore jeans and T'shirts! They commented about the
food in Tamil. The movie 'I' was on the TV and youngsters were instructed in English not to see the ugly face shown in the movie.
There were two choices - Buffet or by ordering the items of our choice. We adults had buffet lunch and the kids had roast dosA.
An African American politely asked how many of us are having the buffet lunch and brought moLagAipodi dosAs for all of us!
And........ for the first time in my life, I drank jigarthandA! It was not authentic as per Google search but tasted good.
A nice experience indeed!![]()
Best humor of the day!
Do godmen teach such things to their bhakthAs!! :becky:
Thumbs up for post#577 prasadji .Keep it up.
I thought it was only for x tians!Thumbs up for post#577 prasadji .Keep it up.
1. You might the ONLY active member <40! Ravi is not to be seen now a days. :spy:............ 1. Anybody in this forum who is under 30 or under 40 and who shares the opinion of strict TB culture etc etc ?
2.Those who agree should also be practicing !
3.Would also help to know the gender of the member, if revealing that is not an issue. ...
I dont want to create controversy, but one head of the mutt, in one of his visits to combatore had visited my friend's house. It was a dolo ceremony there. The head directly started asking my friend's father about his finances and when he learnt that one of his son was in the US, he immediately asked him to send more money to the mutt. As blatant as that....
BTW, I have seen that the rich mAmAs get more attention and respect in mutts and the head of the mutt talks only to such persons.
How else can the mutts generate money?opcorn:
1. You might the ONLY active member <40! Ravi is not to be seen now a days. :spy:
2. Do members tell (type) truth and ONLY truth?
3. Gender? Difficult to find. Not many post their pictures or videos in our forum!
1. You might the ONLY active member <40! Ravi is not to be seen now a days. :spy:
2. Do members tell (type) truth and ONLY truth?
3. Gender? Difficult to find. Not many post their pictures or videos in our forum!
I dont want to create controversy, but one head of the mutt, in one of his visits to combatore had visited my friend's house. It was a dolo ceremony there. The head directly started asking my friend's father about his finances and when he learnt that one of his son was in the US, he immediately asked him to send more money to the mutt. As blatant as that.
Everybody, including the heads, is aware that money has the most vociferous voice. And they make sure that some of the sound is diverted to their cause.
True. How else can the mutts generate money?
Does everybody who don the upanayanam know the meaning of maha samkalpam done on avaniavittam day? A lot of tb culture is hidden there.
One more observation - In this forum, I presume that it is the late 40s and over 50s that bemoan the loss of TB numbers and the fruitfulness of keeping the hoary TB tradition alive. The age is important as it denotes that they have somewhat become financially successful in life and have (or in the process of) worked out a path for their children (eduction and possibly career). So thoughts turn to culture, customs, traditions and spirituality. This is somewhat similar to Maslow's theory.
Anybody in this forum who is under 30 or under 40 and who shares the opinion of strict TB culture etc etc ? Those who agree should also be practicing ! Would also help to know the gender of the member, if revealing that is not an issue.
I think we should take a poll just as we did for the ic & ir statistics. That would reveal the correct wavelength.
For the record I am about to touch 40 (technically in my late 30s).![]()
Maha sankalpam gives better or elaborate geographical co-ordinates of the place where the upakarma is being done and the time of action is specified in the Hindu astronomical/astrological time frame of nakshatra, thithi, month, year (Jupitarian year), yuga etc.
Which aspect of TB culture is hidden in the sankalpam, can you please elaborate? The audio link for mahA sankalpam is here and the language used is simple sandhi-viched samskrutam, so it is quite easy to follow.
मम इहजन्मनि पूर्वजन्मसु मया क्रुतानाम् ब्रह्म्नहत्यादि सवर्णस्तेय सुराबान शास्त्र अबिकमानादीनाम् विद्वत् बाल्येवयसि कौमारे यौवने वार्धके जाग्रत् स्वप्न सुशुप्ति अवस्तासु मनोवाक्काय कर्मेन्द्रिय व्यापारै ज्ञानेन्द्रिय व्यापारैश्च सम्सर्ग निमित्तानाम् भूयोभूय: अभ्यस्तानाम् तत्रतत्र गर्भोद्बत्ति निमित्तानाम् तत्सहभोजन तत् उच्चिष्ट भक्षण गो वध पश्वादि प्राणिवध निमित्तानाम् स्त्री शूद्र विट्क्षत्रिय वध मित्तानाम् अयुग्दलवण पक्वान्न मधुक्षीर तिल तैल माम्स मूलभल साग रक्तवास स्वर्ण कम्बळादि विक्रिय निमित्तानाम् अश्वादिवाहन इक्षुकाण्ड धातक परापवादनपृतगाद्यापन असत्प्रतिग्रह्ण वृक्षच्छेदन धान्य रौभ्य पशुस्तेय वार्दुशि करण शूद्रसेवा शूद्र प्रेश्य हीनजातीप्रतिग्रह हीनसख्य पङ्तिभेदन भागभेदन परान्नभोजन असश्शास्त्रालाभ क्रमादिकार मडादिकार पौरोहित्य परीक्षा पक्षपादक तडाकाराम विक्रय तडाकविच्छेदकादि समपातकानाम् ज्ञानत: सकृत्कृतानाम् अज्ञानत: असकृत्कृतानाम् ज्ञानत: अज्ञानतस्च अभ्यस्तानाम् अध्यन्त अभ्यस्तानाम् निरन्तर अभ्यस्तानाम् निरन्तर चिराभ्यस्तानाम् चिरकाल अभ्यस्तानाम् शङ्कलीकरणानाम् मलनीकरणानाम् अपात्रीकरणानाम् जातिभ्रम्शकरणानाम् अविहित कर्माचरण विहितकर्म त्यागधीनाम् भ्रगीर्णकानाम् उप पादकानाम् महापादकानाम् सम्पादकानाम् एवम् नवानाम् नवविधानाम् बहूनाम् बहूविधानाम् सर्वेषाम् पापानाम् अपनोदनद्वारा अयाज्य याजना असत्प्रतिग्रह अभक्ष्या भक्षणा अभोज्य भोजना अपेय पेयाधि समस्त पापक्षयार्थम् सेतु माधव काल भैरव सीता लक्ष्मण भरत शत्रुग्ण हनूमत् समेत श्री रामचन्द्र स्वामि सन्निधौ मम इष्ट देवता कुलदेवता स्वामि सन्निधौ समस्त हरिहर देवता सन्निधौ देव ब्राह्मण सन्निधौ श्रावण्याम् पौर्णमास्याम् अध्याय उपाकर्मा करिष्ये ततंगम् माध्यान्निक स्नानमहम् करिष्ये
may be in that time, you would become like the current "me" ...May be there is a possibility or likelyhood that in about 15-20 years time, you too would start to have the same concerns the members express here about future generation![]()
After the latitude and longitude is established using google map in the maha samkalpam, there begins an explanation of the type of sins that a brahmana may have committed by thought, word or deed including women, surabhanam, non-veg, and including brahma hatthi dosham.
It is clear that when a brahmana is asked to repeat the mahasamkalpam to cleanse himself of the sins that he may have committed, we are no more an elite or pious clan as is generally thought of. The various facades of purity and obscure rituals are just to thwart off any notion that would open them up as mere mortals of flesh and blood.