hi MM sir,srk sir,
that's true - even now many gurus are available fitting the ideology.
Thanks to the works of many advaitha peedams, in particular Shringeri, Kanchi, Ramakrishna Missions, and many swamijis ...
Works in particular of learned traditional scholars who are expert in both Dharma and Moksha ,who devoted their lives and effort are also available still now and many thanks to them.
Even in the time of danger the lamp of wisdom is available, please make use of that.
vasu sir!
you did replied something, but i deleted my inbox - so I 've no reference now.
But I got the gist of it.
you said something like life beyond body... etc...
you gave an analogy of computers....
still the connection is missing.
when a person dies - it is something similar like falling in to sleep. there is no way to get enlightened in sleep state. so even the life or jeeva exists after death, it is covered by tamas or sleep.
enlightenment is possible only in waken state. not in a dream or deep sleep state. because buddhi is not available at that state.
computer is sleep mode cannot function so too in powerless state. but the potential to perform exists .
hithe missing postings are from this week, monday, tuesday and wednesday.
purusha sooktham says one thing , you interpret another thing.
how to remove the curse?
not many ways - only one way - that is " teaching immersed in parampara" make no mistake about it.