Janaki Jambunathan
Active member
Mandatory warning from Doctor.
This is Doctors Special!
Mandatory warning from Doctor.
Who would not like a mature girl who can hold her drink?I like girls who can hold their drink...just my opinion.
YEAH! I have seen a few tambrahm ladies in Bangalore and in the U S of A! :dizzy:......... Do they exist?
In delhi, converted christians from tamilnadu [mostly OBC and SC }are not accepted by original christians of north who frequent church of jesus and mary.
They have floated a pentacostal order to service these christians.
There is caste and language bar also in christianity.
I like those who can give boys a run for their money.YEAH! I have seen a few tambrahm ladies in Bangalore and in the U S of A! :dizzy:
For whom do we live?
We need no certificate from others on our brahmin heritage .
We live for ourself with our own code of conduct.
As long we do not hurt others, we can follow our hearts and passions.
There are no correct or wrong path.
Everyone chooses his own path.
If it does not hurt others around them , it is fine.
One can carefully choose venues to indulge in own likes .
Many mAmAs have THESE ideas and hence brahmins have become a laughing stock! :sad:Bold words ...
Please see some Tamil movies and Hindi movies!No one laughs at tamil brahmin mamas except their mamis...........
Please see some Tamil movies and Hindi movies!![]()
Many communities gets caricatured , not brahmins alone.
Brahmins because they are considered to be at the top of caste pyramid and majority do not belong to that class.
Baniyas for their money mindedness ,as they think money making all the time.
Kshatriyas and Rajputs known for valour and having false ideas of honour by portrayals of false pride and cowardly behavior.
There are also caricatures of women generally portraying them in bad light.
Movies exaggerate everything to draw attention and crowd.
Some instead of entertaining are sick.
But one does not behave differently to ensure cinema portrays them in a better way
Also, ALL who live in South India are Madarasee!!Hindi movies think even South Indian is a TB ..they just do not know anything. .....l.
just info....i am going to attend wedding reception for same sect TB wedding reception this weekend in chennai...its rare
for some reasons for me....In USA...i attended all IC/IR weddings ONLY....next week end ...i am going to attend
IC/IR wedding in USA...
Dear Renu,Dont run away with the brideLOL
Isolation and closing eyes to a subject does not make the issue go away.
Dear Renu,
Have you seen this interesting video?
Subramanian Swamy ties mangalsutra on bride by mistake