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Indian Secularism engenders fissiparous tendencies

  • Thread starter Thread starter Saab
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thank you ramaa.

i too look forward to exchanging views with you. there will be points where we meet, and others we will differ. the points of acquiescence, is self explanatory and satisfying. i am more curious about examining differences, and particularly, if we can identify that proverbial last straw on the camel's back, which causes the break in ideas. what do you say?

back to your note, your first para. i have indeed asked the poster vanam some explanations as to his comments. hopefully he doesn't mind doing that.

when i take a stand usually i have reasons. then there are occassions when it is my prejudice. i believe that as humans all of us are prejudiced, and it is the degree and nature of prejudice that separates or unites us. here, i mean prejudice in the neutral sense.

we could fairly assume, that we are all here in this forum, not only due to common background, government classification, food habits, but also common prejudices. :)

i understood the part about my pride, only after reading your second set of comments. please be assured, that krs is not part of the dialogue between you and me. that would not be fair to either you or moi, let alone krs. please let us leave out of this. thanks.

i do not quite understand what 'vintage me' means in the context of your 10th cloud. pray enlighten me. :)

i am inclined to read those last lines favourably, but my pride gets in the way. just kidding sir.

thank you

ps.. on a serious note, of late, i have reading books which have to do with globalization and how interconnected all of us all over the world are. collaboration appears to be a key word. please let me think it over, and bowl some googlies and chinaman to you on a wet pitch. tks. :)
One should base on unfallible intelligence to govern rather than mere numbers. Democracy is failed not only in India, also in the west.

democracy or despotism is not the question, the intelligence behind the governance is the question.

Without the support of Vedicism nothing is going to work.

But if one is going to believe other ism's is going to work. Then it is like proverbial "Kekaravan kennaina eruntha keepaila nei vadiyumam" case. We can only pity them. Nothing can be done.
One should base on unfallible intelligence to govern rather than mere numbers. Democracy is failed not only in India, also in the west.

democracy or despotism is not the question, the intelligence behind the governance is the question.

Without the support of Vedicism nothing is going to work.

But if one is going to believe other ism's is going to work. Then it is like proverbial "Kekaravan kennaina eruntha keepaila nei vadiyumam" case. We can only pity them. Nothing can be done.


i agree with you 100% in your second para.

i do not understand your third para on two counts
- can you please explain vedicism as a governance to person like me, who are not familiar with the vedas;
- the second: how is the support of vedicism linked to the intelligence behind governance

please use simple english as quoting sanskrit or tamil classical works, goes over my head, and does not quite produce the results of your efforts to explain and comment.

thank you.

on a serious note, of late, i have reading books which have to do with globalization and how interconnected all of us all over the world are. collaboration appears to be a key word.
Sure! I love it! Yes, do bowl some googlies.

I hope you do keep in mind a vital basic without which the subject will digest us instead of we digesting it.

The basic is this. All phenomena have a beginning, life and an end. Every phenomenon ultimately yields to another and is succeeded by another. The thrill in discussion is not merely comprehending WHAT IS but in predicting the end game. It compounds manifolds when our emotions get involved. That is where the thrill lies!

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Dear Sri Kunjuppu![/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]We “Aasthikas” believe , this creation of the universe with Sun,moon,earth,plants,animals,humans all are vibrations/manifestation of Paramatma. There is an underlying “Order” for the proper functioning of the whole system.[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]To put-together something in an order with a function we need intelligence as a pre-requiste. Thus if you look at a radio, tv, internet,pc or any meaningful thing with an order it is obvious there is an intelligence behind it. In the same vien, if you observe our Earth, Sun , Moon, Plants ... and their relation, it is all put to-gether in an order. There must be some intelligence behind this order. [/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]That intelligence which MANIFESTS, SUSTAINS AND DISSOLVE this universe with multitude of galaxies called Brahmandam we call “GOD” before that our human intelligence is like ......... (left to your imagination)[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Now let's see what is “VEDAS”– It is defined as breathe of God, Ishvara's prana. If you think about the life-breathe it is nothing but vibration. Lub – Dub . Now physics teaches us at sub-atomic level it is all vibrations you can't even say sub-atomic is space or particle. We can only say there energy vibrates.[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Now we all know sound is nothing but vibrations, our Rishis due to there “Tapas” developed this hearing to subtle level so that they could hear the subtle vibrations of Ishvara's Prana and the intelligence revealed not only how the thing works, defined a society and set a way of governance to gradually mature a jiva through many samskaras or assigning duties to straighten his angularities and prepare him for final realization or release/freedom from his sense of limitedness. [/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]In short, the intelligence revealed in Vedas recommends a duty based society rather than a rights based society. Here the goal is to refine human intelligence , vratas/austerities are encouraged to over-come the attachment to body. So you find many people vegetarian, tee-totaller, celibate in the days of yore. [/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]With human intelligence, you only get hedonistic forces at play – for them this body despite beings a reservoir of sewer, a salt box, a badsmelling box and food grabber means everything and they are ready to commit all papams to get their fix. We can only pity them. With there intelligence they are ruining not only themselves but also the world with pollution and ecological disaster and many others I've posted before... ( The Asuras – they hold the head of the Vasuki and when the pull is favoured on their side, the Vasuski spit the poison unable to bear the pain. ) (Does Vasuki represents mother earth? Puzzling.... )[/FONT]

“[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Addakam amararul Uikkum – Adangamai[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Arrirul Uithu vidum”[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Thirukkural ....[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Sorry I can't help it, why don't you learn Sanskrit / Tamil books and improvise yourself instead. ? (Anyway this is a minor issue, even you don't understand doesn't matter much)[/FONT]

Did this somewhat answered your queries?

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Regards[/FONT]
Continuing my postings on the subject of this thread...

Ensuring biters stop or get bit
Saturday June 7 2008 09:04 IST We firmly oppose all coercive methods of making a point, as a basic in a civilised society. It is hard not to feel some degree of amusement at the report that a cabinet minister of the CPM-led government in West Bengal got a taste on Thursday of what it feels to be on the receiving side of such tactics. The CPM and the rest of the Left Front, their ministers all supportive, enforced a bandh through the state on Thursday to mark their displeasure at the Central Government's hike in petro prices. Among other things, trains were stranded by party workers squatting on the tracks; one of those affected was the Bengal-bound Darjeeling Mail, at Kishanganj on the border with Bihar. Only, Municipal Affairs Minister Asok Bhattacharya was on it; when the area police chief sent a car to take him off, it appears, irate passengers wouldn't allow it. And the minister had to stay there for eight-odd hours, with people insistent that he get a taste of what it feels to be a victim in such a situation.

Marxists are consistent votaries of what they term 'people's power', as long as it is applied on their opponents, preferably under their direction. If they were consistent in their beliefs, they should be sympathetic to those who confined their minister. Instead, the minister appears to have complained of 'threatening and abusive' behaviour, which led to criminal charges against some passengers. Odd, when you consider some of the arguments made by the Left at the recent High Court and Supreme Court orders to restrict the scope of bandhs and penalise organisers for any coercive behaviour; their spokesmen argued angrily that judges were trampling on the legitimacy of public protest.

This is of a piece with their own protest at high petro prices; traditionally, among the state governments imposing the highest taxes and levies on petro products have been the Left-ruled ones, as a check of the data shows. It is a pity that Left parties bridle at any mention of facts like these and the suggestion that such varying standards do not promote a healthy polity. It would help if more citizens convey the message that coercion in public life evokes disgust and a political cost, not tired acceptance.
The battle of succession coming is to the fore!

So much for democracy being doled out! All those who see grand idealism in this feudal domain should wake up!

Sun TV chairman to 'meet' Stalin in London

The Chairman of Sun TV, Kalanidhi Maran, left for London Monday on his private jet apparently for talks with Tamilnadu minister MK Stalin who is receiving medical treatment there.

Maran is believed to back Stalin against MK Azhagiri - both sons of Tamilnadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi in the divided DMK party.

The visit comes as cable television distributors Sumangali Cable Vision owned by Maran and Royal Cable Vision operated by Azhagiri face a growing dispute over sharing Sun TV's popular programmes.

Sun TV, the former media arm of the DMK, was forced out of the party after a clash with Azhagiri.

Rumors say Stalin and his family boycotted the DMK party's grand women's conference in Cuddalore on Saturday over preference given to Azhagiri at the event.
Cinematic Politics!

Mon, 16 Jun, 2008,02:27 PM

Tamil Nadu is a state, which produced and gave this great nation an army of patriotic freedom fighters in service to liberate it from the clutches of British.

But, within two decades after independence, the political atmosphere in the state got totally changed, as it fell under Dravidian-Racism.

Sadly and unfortunately it had happened, not for good, but for worse and even after four decades the Tamils have not woken-up and realized their folly.

Tamil Nadu’s Dravidian-Racists reached the masses through two mediums, one cinema and the other media, both sticking to rationalism.

They were quite successful, thanks to the lethargy and disunity among congressmen.

The irony was that, it was all started by a Congress man himself, that is E.V.Ramasamy Naicker, who came out of the congress party and started the Dravidian Movement brainwashing the gullible masses with his Aryan-Dravidian Racism theory and his own brand of rationalism.

Anna Durai, who was all along with him in the initial stages, realized at one point that though the Aryan-Dravidian technique was successful due to the anti-Brahminism strategy, the policy of atheism did not go down well with the God fearing masses.

So, he came out of DK, of course due to many other reasons also, and formed DMK diluting the stand of Atheism with the pronouncement ‘One Race; One God’ (Onre kulam; Oruvane Devan).

Anna himself being a journalist, novelist and a scriptwriter utilized both the print media and cinema and groomed two stalwarts,

Karunanithi as a scriptwriter and M G Ramachandran as a hero. Very soon the party captured power defeating the Congress in the 1967 assembly elections and since then it has been ‘Cinematic Politics’ all the way.

While Karunanithi was shrewd enough to attain the mantle of leadership after the demise of Anna, MGR realized his own potential as a hero in Tamil Cinema and called it ‘quits’ in 1972 and floated his own party ADMK and then changed it to AIADMK.

He nurtured his film career in a well-planned way and captured power in 1977 and remained and reigned supreme till his death.

If Anna slightly shifted from ‘Atheism’ to ‘One God’ principle, MGR diluted it further by openly visiting Kollur Mookambika Temple showcasing his belief in God.

Jayalalitha, a famous heroine herself, took the mantle of leadership of AIADMK after MGR’s demise and made AIADMK as a God fearing and believing party and her party men and cadres also openly flaunted their theistic credentials.

Now, even the atheistic Karunanithi is prepared to join hands with religious leaders in the name of welfare of the city, as evidenced by Satya Sai Baba’s visit to his house and his visit to Vellore Golden Temple, apart from accepting Mata Amirthanandamayi’s welfare measures for tsunami victims.

On the other hand, the people have become so obsessed with cinema that, they are ready to accept any one from the industry as a leader.

Vijayakanth, who launched his own party DMDK two years back, was able to capture six to eight percent of vote share within the first year of launch
and Sarath Kumar, who launched his party AISMK a few months ago is raring to go with a considerable mass following particularly from Nadar community.

Now, the latest in the offing is Karthik’s AINMk (Akila Inthiya Nadaalum Makkal Katchi), though it brings a sort of comical relief especially at a time when the state is overdosed with cinematic politics.

With regards to Kamal Hassan and Rajinikanth, who have a huge fan following, Kamal has been a persona of confusion and Rajini has been a persona of indecision and they may not fit into politics like shivaji Ganesan, who was a failure.

As the grand old party Congress has reduced itself to a pillion rider with either of the Kazhagams losing its vote share, the BJP could not even take off in this ‘Draividian’ soil.

There are a few also-rans like PMK and VCK, which are able to show some strength purely because of caste votes, and they are also ready to plunge in cinematic media.

While Thirumavalavan has already started acting in movies, Ramadoss has his own TV Channel and Print Media.

So, in Tamil Nadu one cannot launch and run a party without caste or cinema power, which goes to prove that the concept of Nationalism, its identity and progress have been totally wiped out.

The people have seen social justice, empowerment, progress and prosperity only in cinemas and in reality they are being insulted with freebies, backward quotas, caste walls and two-tumbler systems.

The forty years of cinematic politics has ensured the progress of only cinema industry and the self styled politicians and their families, but the state still remains the same as backward as it was in 1967, as evidenced by three measures of rice for one rupee then and Two rupees per kg of rice now.

Cheers to Dravidian Politics!
http://newstodaynet.com/newsindex.php?id=8376 & section=13
*Women empowerment in Kerala - A secular hypocrisy!*

* *

Monday, 16 June, 2008 , 03:22 PM



* *

Women empowerment, like social justice, has been a pet theme for the
politicians, but both have not been achieved even after sixty years of
independence. The main reason for this failure is the whimsical and cynical
way by which the politicians handle these two issues, only to accomplish
their self interests instead of true national interests. The Congressmen,
Marxists, Dravidians and other P-Sec parties vie with each other in this
regard, which results in utter chaos not serving the purpose.

The state of Kerala, which has been ruled alternatively by the Congress and
Communists, constituted the 'Kerala Womens Commission' in the year 1996, as
per the Section 5 of Kerala Women's commission Act 1990 vide GO (P) No.
9/96/SWD dated 14-03-06 with a Chairperson and six members, in order to
improve the status of women and inquire into the unfair practices affecting
them. The present Commission headed by Justice Sreedevi looked into the
Church's practice of appointing 'Nuns' and the issues affecting them, as per
the direction of the present CPM led LDF government.

The Churches in Kerala have a practice of appointing even minor girls as
'Nuns' and there is a feeling among the Christian community that the nuns
are not properly taken care of by the institutions. Cases relating to
physical and psychological abuse of nuns and usurping of their properties
have been widely reported in the media every now and then and the 'Sister
Abaya' case is an apposite example of such an ugly practice going on in

After making an in-depth study on the issue, Justice Sridevi Commission came
up with a recommendation that restrictions have to be made in the process of
enrolment of nuns by Churches. It has suggested the government to enact a
Law to prescribe an age limit for appointment of nuns, so that, legal
actions could be taken against those parents, who send their minor girls to
Churches for becoming nuns. The Commission has also asked the government to
formulate measures for the rehabilitation of the nuns who return from the
Churches and Convents after relinquishing their nun-hood due to the ill
treatment meted out to them by the Churches and other institutions. The
commission was critical of the fact that the Churches, which take over the
properties of the girls who get appointed as nuns, do not have the habit of
giving them back to the ladies when they relinquish nun-hood for some reason
or the other, leaving them in lurch with no means for livelihood.

The Congress party, due to 'obvious' reasons, came down heavily on the
Kerala women's Commission for making such recommendations and termed it as
an act of interfering in the religious rights and practices of the minority
community. The KPCC President Ramesh Chennithala charged that the
Commission's recommendations were a part of the CPI-M's evil agenda to
attack the faith and traditions of religious minorities. He has even
demanded the resignation/sacking of the Chairperson of KWC Justice Sreedevi.

The point to note here is that, the Church and the Catholic community have
become 'pull and push' objects between the Communists and the Congress
parties. Of late the relationship between the Church and the ruling CPM
government has touched a new low and hence the KWC's interference in the
affairs of nuns is seen as an act of vendetta perpetrated by the Communists,
which has naturally compelled the Congress to side with the Church.

Another important point to note here is that the concern, shown by the
Congress party with regards to the minority community, has not been shown
for the majority community, which has been treated with utmost contempt and
disregard by the Marxist government. Right from the beginning, the present
government has been creating havoc in the affairs of Devaswoms and the
traditional practices of Temples. Atheists and people from minority
communities are being appointed in various posts in the Devaswoms. The
Temple revenues are being diverted to other sectors instead of using them
for the benefit of Temples and devotees. The government has tampered with
the traditional practices in the Temples to a great extent unnecessarily.
Such acts of the government have hurt religious sentiments of the Hindu
majority and forced them to go for legal remedies.

The Congress party, which rises against the government in support of the
Christian and Muslim community, deliberately turns a blind eye to the
sufferings of Hindus.

For example, the restriction for entry of women between the age group of 10
and 50 at Sabari Mala Shrine and the 'dress code' in Guruvayur Temple have
been made up as big issues and politicized by the Communist government
unnecessarily and the Congress party also plays along with the government in
denigrating the Hindu Temples and traditional practices. While the true and
believing Hindu women have no issue at all with such traditional practices,
the atheistic Communists and the pseudo-secular Congressmen have been
wantonly creating problems in the functioning of Devaswoms hurting the
religious sentiments of Hindu majority.

The Congress party, which rises in revolt against the Sabarimala and
Guruvayur Temples in the name of women empowerment, has been conspicuous by
its support for Church's practices against nuns and by its silence on the
non-entry of women in Mosques. Both the ruling Communists and the opposition
Congress have scant regards for the Hindu majority, as it is a 'minority' in
terms of 'vote bank' against the combination of 'Atheists and Minorities',
which forms a solid vote bank. This is 'secular hypocrisy' of the worst
order and 'God's own country' would soon be disowned by God Himself.
Ahmadiyas are Indians too

The cancellation of a conference of the Ahmadiya community by the Andhra Pradesh Government last Sunday is a gross infringement of the secular principles on which the country is founded.

The State Government cancelled this conference, which was to be held at the open air Lalitha Kala Thornam in Hyderabad, by citing a patently spurious 'technical' reason -- that there was a "major breakdown" in the electricity supply line.

This would have held more water had it not been that several f undamentalist Muslim organisations, which are not particularly representative but claim to be so, had threatened to besiege the place if the Ahmadiyas were allowed to hold the proposed meeting.

Clearly the Congress Government in the State was eager to oblige these organisations and thus appease mullahs as part of the party's minority appeasement policy that subverts India's secular polity and divides its society along communal lines.

This abject capitulation is in keeping with the manner in which the Congress-led UPA Government at the Centre has been pandering to Muslim fanatics under the cover of 'secular' politics.

Such capitulation flies in the face of constitutional guarantees and is unacceptable. Followers of every religion, faith and sect are free to practice and preach their beliefs in India; by disallowing the Ahmadiya conference, the Government of Andhra Pradesh, which has sworn to uphold the Constitution of India, has abridged this fundamental right and thus harmed the cause of liberty.

Indeed, what the Congress has done is to legitimise the persecution of Ahmadiyas by fundamentalist Muslims -- what is widespread in Islamic countries where theocracy prevails over democracy, has now been given official recognition in India.

Coming as it does in the wake of Bangladeshi dissident writer Taslima Nasreen being hounded out of this country simply because some mullahs and their cohorts wedded to intolerant Islam and given to violence in the name of Islam willed it so, the cancellation of the Ahmadiya meeting only serves to confirm, if at all confirmation was needed, that the Prime Minister's "Muslims first" policy is in reality "Muslim fanatics first" policy.

In the process, India has been shamed, though not for the first time on account of the Congress's perverse notions of 'secularism' .
http://www.dailypio neer.com/ indexn11. asp?main_ variable= Edits
Combating Marxist Murder March Agaianst The HIndus

18 March, 2008 07:08:00 Dr. BABU SUSEELAN

[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]The fall of Berlin Wall and the collapse of the bureaucratic Stalinist regimes of Russia and Eastern Europe have been heralded as the end of "Marxism".
Now Marxists who are in power in Kerala and West Bengal are rattling their sword and encouraging Marxist criminals to join with Jihadis, smugglers, bandits and mafia, whose modus operandi uses bombing, assassination, kidnapping, extortion and terror. Marxism meant in practice is bloody terrorism, deadly purges, lethal gulags, and forced labor, manufactured famines, extrajudicial executions and genocide. It is also widely known that thousands of innocent Hindus have been murdered in cold blood in Marxist ruled states in Kerala, West Bengal and Tripura. The Marxists have joined together with Maoist groups, Jihadi terrorist organizations and Peoples War group for the premeditated killing of Hindus in Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Bihar. They are also causing the death of Hindus through reckless and wanton disregard for human life.

Marxist party justifies terrorism against Hindus on grievances. In fact, Marxist murder mayhem is not sparked by grievance, but rather, it is inspired by Marxist intolerance, hatred and prejudice against Hindus. Marxist opposition to spirituality, openness, pluralism and tolerance is nothing new. It is as old as Marxism.

Terrorism is an essential part of the Communist Manifesto. Marx and Engels state that history is essentially the history of the class struggle. And the history is full of violence and terror; -terror from above-and terror from below. Of course terrorism is not only a form of political struggle but it is one of the most common strategy Marxists use against its opponents.

While terror constitutes the heart of the Marxist war plan, their goal cannot be achieved without the support of the anti-Hindu forces in India. Marxists are not standing alone in such mass murder of Hindus. The Marxists are tapping into the Islamic terrorist group, the Congress Party, and the anti Hindu press. The Marxist party is using pseudo secular words to charm the vain and muddled leadership of the Congress Party. The Marxists also need an outpouring of Islamic emotions to place secular judiciary, government, and the police on the defensive and make them supporting Marxist war on Hindus.

In foreign countries, Marxism and Islam waged bloody wars. Nevertheless, for a long time, there has existed an implicit Marxist-Islamic alliance in India against Hindus. It operates in politics, and in acquiescence or implicitly in terrorism against Hindus. Leftist writers are free to attack Hindus, but they remain blind to the excesses of Jihadi Muslims. The Marxist-Islamic alliance is strong for a variety of reasons. Marxism and Islam are blind, non-compromising, totalitarian dogmas opposed to free thinking Hindus. Marxist-Islamic hatred against Hindu liberalism is neither logical or practical. The ghost of Marxism remains alive in different parts of India and its goal is to extend its power and influence over free spirited Hindus. The Marxist-Islamic alliance and their deadly hatred against Hindus survives in India because the majority never questioned it. Moreover, Marxist governments in Kerala and West Bengal never allow Hindus to channel their grievances through legal forms. The Marxist government uses state institutions for repression of Hindus.
Prior to, during and after independence, Hindus have faced repeated episodes of genocides, collective violence and state sponsored terrorism. Relent anti Hindu media coverage seemed to make individuals and entire Indian society less sensitive to the horrors of the carnage. As the number of the episodes of mass Hindu killing increased in Kannur, Thalassery and Panoor, the public reaction was mute. Hundreds of Hindus had disappeared, detained, tortured, imprisoned and murdered by the Marxist criminals in Nadapuram, Kasargode, Kozhikode, Thalipparambu, Kilimanoor and Malappuram. Since July, 2007 more than 85 Hindus have been brutally murdered by the Marxist criminals. Most of the victims were killed by machete attacks. The Hindu victims died a slow and painful death. Between 2006 and 2008, there were 124 bombings, small arms attack, home invasion, and roadside murder attempts. The lethality of the Marxist bombings and terrorist incidents also increased. The Marxists justify heinous crimes against Hindus as a necessary battle to destroy "old thought", "old culture", "old habits", and "old customs".

How to confront the systematic murder of innocent Hindus in Kerala by the Marxist goons, an event of unprecedented magnitude and horror?. What are we to make of the calculated cruelty of the Marxists and the indifference of the Congress Party and bogus secularists?. The majority are still indoctrinated by Psychological warfare operatives whose main role is to disseminate disinformation and carefully manipulated information about Hindus. The Marxists and the Congress Party along with the Islamists have joined together with the secular media to conduct awareness operations that would influence public opinion. These awareness operations, perception management, and mental misdirection campaigns are conducted through propaganda and disinformation.

The conspiracy of media silence also covers up the fact that Marxist funds are still funding these murders. The media determined not to rock the boat has been pretending not know that Marxist party money was greasing the murderers.

Common sense is one of the rarest of commodities these days. And it has been made rarer by the gradual transformation of our society in the past sixty years into a pseudo secular culture. The three basic values of the secular culture are tolerance of aberrant behavior, a non-judgmental attitude, and a sense of entitlement for the organized thugs.

It is time for Hindus to join together and show their strength. They should somehow get their heads out of the sand and realize that the world is a dangerous place and their pacifism, tolerance, indifference, denial, self-criticism, and apathy will get them nothing but a one way trip to loss of the freedoms that they take so much for granted. Anti-Hindu forces have embarked upon a multi-faceted strategy for defeating Hindus. Can Hindus resist the organized and shameless oppression? Is there a way to preserve Hindu self-respect and not to feel helpless, neglected, abandoned and unwanted?
Hindus are facing existential threats similar to those faced in the 8th century from the invading Muslims. Indeed the danger today is worse because Hindus are now dominated by hostile groups. Hindus around the world should awake and courageously assert Hindu rights. Courage is not an emotion, it is an act of will. Hindus need to be proactive with the manner in which we achieve desired outcomes. Our denial, apathy, tolerance, pacifism and irrational defenses should not hamper our offensive abilities. Hindus have been on the defensive on multiple fronts. We must be on the offensive regardless of world opinion. If we continue to tolerate Marxist and Jihadi murder mayhem and their intolerant dogmas, we will not be able to achieve anything. We will be butchered and enslaved for ever.


[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif] Hindu organizations should resort to positive violence and massive retaliation all across India against Marxist criminals. Marxists with criminal thinking, criminal needs and risk taking behavior are not willing to change through negotiation, unconditional positive regard or counseling. We must understand how Marxist criminals think and realize they have a fundamental different view of the world from that of Hindus who are basically tolerant and responsible. These miscreants should be cornered, contained and a force continuum shall be applied to save the community from these deadly criminals. We must specially target these criminals and their thinking errors if positive outcomes are to be achieved. Hindu organizations must demonstrate sophistication needed to be viable and visible, and assertive in the changed political world. In order to survive in this changing world of communication, political realities, information warfare and mind manipulation requires Hindus to move beyond mere survival. Hindus need to design an action agenda for turning passive reaction into proactive realities in the public field.

It is time for Hindus to wake up from the slumber, join together and show courage and determination to discriminate between good and evil and to create a strong community. It is a culture war. It is a constant and continuing war on our spiritual values in order to weaken our nation. We must stand up and take sides in this war for the minds.

Hindu organizations must have emotional bonding with Hindus from all over the world. Organizational force, particularly when wielded by a strong Hindu organization, can carry substantial clout. Successful use of organizational power is warranted against perpetrators or its sponsors of terrorism against Hindus. Part of the purpose for displaying Hindu strength and organizational power, in addition to eradication or discouragement of specific murder groups, may be to send a strong message to the target terrorist group that any attack against Hindus comes with a price.
Did you ask me what Indian Secularism is leading to?

Communists are preaching atheism to Grade 7 students in Kerala.

The Church, the Muslim League and the Nair Service Society allege that large portions of the book betray an attempt to instil atheism into schoolchildren’s minds. They also claim that the book, which cites caste cruelties, will sow sectarian discontent.

At the heart of the controversy lies a chapter titled “No Religion for Jeevan”, which advises children not to enter their religion in school registers. It describes how an inter-caste couple, while enrolling their child at school, insist that the columns against religion and caste be left blank.​
M.R. Chandrasekharan, once a pro-CPM teachers’ union leader, said the lessons appeared to have been drafted by people well versed in preparing material for CPM study classes. The book has been prepared by the State Council for Education Research and Training.

Education minister M.A. Baby has ruled out withdrawing the book, either in full or part, saying no one has pinpointed any part of the book as unfit for Class VII students. He said the book mirrored the modern, secular ethos of Kerala but added that he would make corrections if genuine criticism was brought to bear against the book.

The minister insisted that the book did not contain material that was more anti-religion than that in CBSE texts.​
Ominous midnight message for media
Thursday June 26 2008 09:25 IST G S Vasu
ALL those who watched Tuesday night’s police swoop on the office of a Telugu daily in Hyderabad might have got the impression that an international gangster had sneaked in and the cops were desperate not to let go the opportunity to somehow nab him.

But the victim or the accused in the eyes of the police - K Srinivas - was no bandit or smuggler. A journalist for over two decades and a strong votary of Dalit rights, he is the editor of Andhra Jyothi.

Yet, the police chose to visit the newspaper office late in the night, insisted on picking him up then and there, did just that despite protests and took him to a magistrate past midnight as if he would otherwise have taken the first flight out of the country.

What was his crime? He was part of a rally taken out by staffers of the paper protesting the attack on their office by members of Dalit organisations who chose to get physical rather than take the innumerable forms of protest available to them to convey their resentment over the newspaper’s reportage.

Even during the protest rally, there was no evidence to suggest that the editor had resorted to any indecent act. Anyhow, the police found reason enough to arrest him.

Rightly or wrongly, burning or slippering an effigy has become a form of protest across the country, including AP, and if all such protesters are to be booked, the present police force would be grossly inadequate.

Look at the response of the mandarins of this government consequent on the arrest: A full 12 hours after the incident, the Home Minister tells television channels in the morning that he has no details because he has come to know of it just then.

This website's newspaper contacted the DGP on Tuesday night itself but he was unwilling to speak to the media. The Information Minister sought to assure newsmen today his government had full respect for them and the incident should not be seen as an attack on freedom of the press. Who are they trying to fool or are they fooling themselves?

Several police officers to whom this website's newspaper spoke on Wednesday felt there was no justification for the arrests under the SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act (in any case, the matter can now be left to courts to interpret).

Even the body language of the officers, who went to effect the arrest, left no one in doubt that they were acting under instructions from a political establishment long wanting to take revenge on the newspaper in question for its reports critical of the government.

Chief Minister YS Rajasekhara Reddy and his cronies might be indulging in a moment of bravado following the arrest but the incident has once again exposed this government’s utter lack of tolerance of criticism, an essential ingredient of a democratic polity, which Reddy represents.

A servile media does no good to any party in power. It is a different matter that the newly launched paper run by the family of the Chief Minister is applying the same robust yardstick, although selectively.

Sad tidings for the media
Thursday June 26 2008 09:55 IST

A fascist act carried out by a government which is increasingly seeking to rationalise authoritarian rule. That is the only way we can describe the arrest of the editor of a leading Telugu daily Andhra Jyothi on Tuesday night while he was at work.

In doing so, the YS Rajasekhara Reddy government in Andhra Pradesh sent out a loud and clear message to the media choosing the very day Emergency was clamped 33 years ago: either toe the line or face intimidation.

The issue? The newspaper dared to publish an article a month ago accusing leaders of some Dalit organisations of indulging in questionable means to make money rather than working for the interests of the communities they represent. The response: the daily’s office was vandalised by members of the Dalit groups who even tried to set afire some staffers. The newspaper’s journalists responded by taking out a protest rally in which they burnt the effigy of the Dalit leader in question and allegedly slippered it as well.

A case was slapped against the editor and several other journalists under the SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act based on which the arrests were made on Tuesday night. The underlying political message is not difficult to understand considering the numerous public statements made by the chief minister against the newspaper in question, often bordering on threats. Moreover, the manner in which the arrest was effected — late in the night and in full glare of television channels notwithstanding suggestions that the editor would be available to the police the next morning — was a deliberate move to impress upon journalists that this government would go to any extent to muzzle them.

Apart from the debate over how committed governments in independent India have been to ensuring freedom of press, the other fundamental question that arises from this episode is: can a political movement, even one concerning Dalits, be beyond criticism and, if so, would it be able to carry forward the struggle and achieve the goals?

We have, no doubt, that the Rajasekhara Reddy government has cleverly used this event to discredit the Dalit leaders as much as it has tried to browbeat the media. Also, what is undoubtedly a powerful Act meant to protect the interests of SCs has been trivialised for use against mediapersons when thousands of complaints filed by Dalits under the same law have not been acted upon for years. There is need to debate on this.

‘Traffic’ Ramaswamy forced to trek to office

http://newstodaynet.com/newsindex.php?id=8725 & section=7

Sat, 28 Jun, 2008,04:02 PM

‘Traffic’ Ramaswamy, known for his Public Interest Litigations (PILs) and spearheading various causes for the public, on Saturday undertook a march from his residence at Rangarajapuram to his office at Parrys after his security personnel, appointed by the State government, refused to drive his vehicle citing official orders.

The 75- year- old man left his house at 7 am and reached his office at 10.30 am. He has been provided security by the government for the past six years.

According to Ramaswamy, the Armed Reserve Police which usually provides him the protection, has been creating problems of late.

Earlier, security personnel used to accompany him on their two-wheelers. Later, the personnel refused to use their vehicles for the benefit of Ramaswamy.

Yesterday, when one of Ramaswamy’s friends gave his car to reach home, the security man refused to drive the car citing official reasons. It was only after some persuasion that the personnel agreed to accompany him.

Ramaswamy wonders ‘if the security personnel cannot accompany me either on a bike or car, then do the police want me to violate the law by travelling in a bus with a gun-toting man.’
He said, ‘They have made a 75- year- old walk for three-and-a- half hours, do they have any concern for the welfare of the aged?’.

When queried on the reason for the ‘harsh treatment’ meted out to him, he said that it was politically motivated.

Ramaswamy had already spoken to the City Commissioner of Police on the issue and he promised to look into the matter.
Govt had role in our arrests: Srinivas
Saturday June 28 2008 09:59 IST Express News Service
HYDERABAD: Andhra Jyothi editor K Srinivas on Friday warned that it might become a habit to the Government to harass the media.

Speaking to reporters here at the Press Club after his release from the jail, Srinivas said that they were not ready to believe that the arrests took place without the knowledge of those in power.

'No one is ready to buy the argument of Chief Minister YS Rajasekhara Reddy that the Government had no role in the episode,' he said.

He also recalled the observations made by some of the prisoners in the jail that they were waiting for some journalists to join them.

Srinivas wondered how one should understand registering a case under Prevention of SC, ST Atrocities Act against the receptionist. Madiga Reservation Porata Samithi (MRPS) activists poured kerosene on her when they attacked the office of the Andhra Jyothi.

He also said that cases are pending against more than 100 employees of their organisation. He thanked one and all who extended support in their struggle.

Indian Journalists Union Secretary Genereal K Srinivasa Reddy, Press Academy chairman D Amar said that the journalists community was not ready to bear harassment from the Government and ready to fight it back to protect the freedom of the press.
Why is Indian PM Manmohan Singh so eager to stage a do or die battle for the India –US nuke deal?
Khaleda Kiani
Jun. 27, 2008
Indians in the main streets of New Delhi are now getting irritated and surprised at the Prime Minister. This UK educated politician is planning to stage a do or die battle to please of all the people – failed US president George Bush. But the biggest question is why?

Some believe Dr. Singh wants to make it happen to register his legacy as the Prime Minister of India. Some say, that all bull. The Congress party of India has received major kickbacks from the interested parties. $100 billion will be paid from Indian taxpayers pockets to the American companies like GE, Westinghouse and so on.

The communists in India are also questioning the Prime Minister’s intensions. According to media reports, the CPI(M) on Friday squarely blamed Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for the prevailing political crisis saying his "renewed bid" to go to the IAEA to seek its approval for the safeguards agreement to operationalise the Indo-US nuclear deal was the main reason. The Marxist General Secretary Prakash Karat said the cause for this ongoing crisis "lies squarely in the Prime Minister's renewed bid to go to the IAEA" to get the agreement approved.

Why is PM Manmohan acting like a backdoor manipulator? How much is he gaining personally from the deal? Why can he not wait for the election to happen and let people of India decide what to do?
Some say, besides money, this UK educated Ph.D is obsessed with ‘looking good’ at the G8 meeting in July 7th. If he cannot get things approved, he will bad.
But should he sacrifice the norms of democracy and give up mother India’s nuclear sovereignty to please a failed president of a superpower who staged a war against a nation with lies manufactured in the Whitehouse?

$100 billion American dollars – Lalu goes for wooing Samajwadi Party with share of the possible kickbacks – Sonia reluctant to share

American corporation will make $100 billion by selling nuclear reactors to India.

Congress party and the UPA leadership cannot forego the possible underhand kickbacks from that. In the middle of crumbling UPA coalition, Lalu Prasad Yadav, the Indian master of corruption has finally assumed the leadership of sharing the kickback bounty.

He met Congress President Sonia Gandhi and is understood to have discussed the issues related to the impasse over the Indo-US nuclear deal.

Money talks. Lalu now says ‘Samajwadi Party has a wide popular base, it is secular and socialist.’

Lalu is trying his best to broker a deal between UPA and SP to replace the Left p[arties in the coalition. His approach is simple. It better to have some of the American kickbacks than none. It is better to share and have some that none. Sonia Gandhi is not that sure about sharing the bounty with the SP. She wants to keep her share intact just like Bofors.

Sonia Gandhi on Saturday asked party leaders to get ready for general elections by the year end, party sources said, as the Left vowed to take back its support to the government over the India-US nuclear deal.

At a meeting of the Congress general secretaries and leaders in charge of the states at her residence here, Gandhi asked them to prepare for elections by November or December.
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Editorial in Organiser

Russian firm paid Rs. 90 crore
Power project kickback turns heat on UPA
Interpol confirms to CBI on bribe

The disclosure of a Russian kickback confirmed by the Interpol to the Central Bureau of Investigation published in The Economic Times (June 18, 2008) is likely to become a huge embarrassment for the ruling Congress Party preparing for an early winter election. The Party has not so far reacted to the disclosure. The report however says that a Congress national general secretary was interrogated by the CBI in this connection. Sources say that the general secretary, a former chief minister likely to play a crucial role in the Rajasthan election and two other top party officials are also involved in the kickback. There is no doubt the scandal has all the makings of a major political controversy.

The Congress will try to push the scam under the carpet. And this is not the first occasion when payoff revelations involving the Russian deals and the Congress party have surfaced. Congress like the Communists is a long-time beneficiary of Russian kickbacks. Only that after Valdimir Putin’s ascent, the Russians have at least officially put an end to the long-standing government to party kickback pipeline. That according to sources is the reason for this indirect deal through two power firms.

According to the report, the Interpol confirmed to the CBI that Technoprom, a Russian company, paid a bribe of Rs 90 crore for the purchase of equipments for NTPC’s Barh project. The payoff meant for a top Congress leader was remitted in an account in London in the name of Ms Raveena Khurana, daughter of a retired vice admiral. It is now for the CBI to take the investigation further and reveal the whole scandal. The report says that the scandal pertains to 2005, when the late P.M. Sayeed was the union power minister. Following allegations of payoffs, in the purchase of equipments for the Rs. 8600 crore power project in Bihar’s Barh from the Russian company, the CBI had sought the Interpol help. Investigations conducted by the Interpol detected the kickback in the course of its inquiry into suspected terror account remittances in London. The kickback was deposited into the account of Ms Khurana, who is allegedly a close friend of two Congress general secretaries.

The report also points to allegations of the probe being politically calibrated at the instance of an AICC general secretary. Now with the Interpol confirming Ms Khurana’s involvement, the agency cannot drag on with the probe. Is it true that the agency was going slow on the investigation because of pressure from the ruling party? In fact this seems to be the case. The first move, freezing of Ms Khurana’s account was made on April 20, 2006. The agency had conducted searches in many premises of the NTPC brass and Ms Khurana in the following month, says the report. But there has been practically no further action in the case after that.

The Russian kickback is likely to snowball into a major national scandal. There are sources who believe that after Russia became a free market economy the Congress party was finding it difficult to freely channelise its sleaze money from that country. Hence it had to take the indirect route of going through private individuals who were willing tools in the hands of Congress higher ups.

The Barh issue is not just about ethical improprieties but it also has something to do with the economic destiny of power-starved Bihar and its neighbouring states. The project has already been delayed by two years. Disputes between the Indian and the Russian company over alleged kickbacks have virtually stalled the project. The central government had directed the NTPC last week to renew contacts with the Russian companies in India and Moscow to sort out the differences at the earliest. The two Russian companies Technoprom Exports and Power Machines are now demanding a price escalation citing higher steel prices. The first company was to supply boilers to the project while turbines and generators were from Power Machines. It is clear that in the coming days the controversy is likely to hit headlines damaging the UPA image further.
Major issues against the majority

Saturday, 28 June, 2008 , 04:42 PM
The Jammu and Kashmir government, after deliberations in the Cabinet (PDP was also a part of it), decided to transfer 40 hectares of forest land along the pilgrimage path to the Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board (SASB) to construct tenements, toilets and other conveniences for the benefit of the yatris.
The Shrine Board would be paying Rs.2.5 crore to the government as a gesture of its appreciation. The land belongs to the `secular' government and the government has all the right to give it to the Shrine Board as a welfare measure. But, this is objected by the Muslim leaders Mufti Mohammed Sayeed of PDP, Farook Abdullah of NC and the leaders of the Hurriyat conference, which instigated the Muslim majority of Kashmir to resort to violence and arson attacking government buildings and other business establishments and even the buses carrying the Amarnath pilgrims injuring many of them.
Ice Lingam at Amarnath Cave Shrine
When the police tried to prevent the escalation of mob violence, three protestors died in the police firing. Now, the holy yatra stands suspended for the third time this year and thousands of pilgrims have been stranded. The PDP, which is a coalition partner, has demanded that the Congress-led government take back the allotted land before 30 June and warned that it would withdraw support in the event of government's failure to withdraw its decision of transferring the land. The Chief Minister and Congress Leader Gulam Nabi Azad has exposed his spinelessness through an order restricting construction activities in the allotted land. Then why was it allotted in the first place?
Stranded Amarnath pilgrims
The protest by the Kashmiri Muslims is uncalled for and unwarranted and the provocative behaviour and arrogant statements of PDP, NC and Hurriyat leaders indicate that they treat Kashmir as their own fiefdom. The Centre is allocating funds to Kashmir, which is ten times more than what the other states are getting. While the per capita Central assistance for other states is around Rs.1500/- Kashmir is getting around Rs. 10000/-, which roughly works out to Rs.45000/- per family per year! But, when the State-wise contributions to the nation are compared, where does Kashmir stand? Why and what for they should be given this undue recognition and care? While surviving with central assistance, which is mostly contributed by the Hindu majority, what is that they have done to the Hindu brothers in the valley? The Kashmiri Pandits have been driven out of their own land, their properties, lands and Temples have all been looted, their women raped and they are living as refugees in their own land. Very recently the National Conference leader Omar Abdulla himself has confessed that the Kashmiri Muslims have connived with terrorists in the ethnic cleansing of the Pandits. While Kashmiri Muslims are getting so much of assistance from the Centre, what is that the Pandit refugees are getting? Nothing!
And what about Haj pilgrimage? That again is subsidised and maximum contribution is from the Hindu majority! Whereas, the SASB has been allotted just 40 hectares, only a one-time measure, that too for a payment of Rs. 2.5 crore! On what basis the Muslims object to it? It is very sad and unfortunate that the Muslims object on the grounds that it is their `own' land. If a majority community assumes that the place belongs to it, then what will happen in future in other places, or rather in the country itself? Are the Kashmiri Muslims prepared for it? Let them compare their status with that of their brothers living in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, so that, they can realise how well off they are here! The present imbroglio in Kashmir created by the Muslim leaders is outrageous and the Central and State governments must put an end to this madness immediately.
The Bangladeshi and Bengali Muslims have created a similar atmosphere for the last ten days in West Bengal. Sagar Island is a place at Ganga Sagar, which is the confluence of the Holy River Ganaga and the Bay of Bengal. This is one of the holiest sites being worshipped by the Hindus, particularly during Mahara Shankranthi, when millions take bath and worship Ganga Matha, Barath Mata and Mahadeva. `Hindu Samhati' a Hindu cultural organisation was about to conduct a training programme and a workshop on the current socio-political scenario at Eastern India from 12 June to 15 June 2008. After finishing the first day of training the hundred and seventy members including women and children visited the Kapila Muni Mandir after bathing at the confluence. The enthusiastic members raised slogans like `Jai Shri Ram' and `Barath Mata Ki Jai'. The dominant Muslim community consisting predominantly Bangladeshis illegal immigrants strongly objected to the slogans and threatened the devotees. Later in the night a mob of 5000 Muslims attacked the building where the Hindu devotees had been staying. The local authorities sent only 15 police men, who were also attacked by the mob and every devotee has been injured, some of them seriously. The building, along with another belonging to the VHP was set on fire. The `secular' Communist government, in an act of `patriotism and humaneness' and concern for law and order, arrested 15 Hindu devotees including Tapan Kumar Gosh, the leader of the Samhati, for being the victims and remaining disciplined and tolerant! The other devotees are recuperating in hospital. The government has not taken any action on the perpetrators of violence and arson, who are not the citizens of this country, but illegal immigrants. It is understood that thousands of such illegal immigrants have been ensured legal status by the Communist government by giving them ration cards, voter-ID cards as a `passionate' measure of `human rights'!
As this nation is secular in itself, it recognised the concerns of minorities and respected their aspirations and hence ensured their religious freedom through various clauses in the Constitution. But unfortunately, the same respect doesn't seem to be reciprocated by the minorities, as evidenced by the alarming increase in religious extremism and conversions. The situation has come to such a sordid state that shouts of `Barath Mata Ki Jai' and `Jai Shri Ram' are not being tolerated! If Hindus cannot worship their Land, River, Nature and God in their own nation as per their own cultural traditions, where else can they go?
Pilgrims Guest House at Ganga Sagar
Three months back in Chennai, an Art Exhibition on the `True History' of Aurangazeb (as per his own records) was not allowed and the State police yielded to the pressure of the fundamentalist elements in the minority community and thwarted the exhibition.
During the centenary celebrations of the birth anniversary of Guruji Golwalkar in Bangalore, the peaceful procession organised by RSS/VHP was stoned and attacked by the minority community. For the display of Mohammed Cartoons in Denmark, the Hindu shops in Hyderabad and Lucknow were attacked! For the hanging of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, the entire country was taken to ransom through protests! Amarnath pilgrims have been attacked and Ganesh Chathurthi processions have been frustrated! Such things have been happening quite frequently, and this is not to speak of the terror attacks and bomb blasts at regular intervals.
Burning Guest House at Ganga Sagar
The Hindu minorities in Bangladesh and Pakistan have been persecuted and the population of Hindus has dwindled to below 2% in Pakistan from 16% and below 10% in Bangladesh from 32% in the last fifty years. Malaysia has joined the list of Muslim nations persecuting Hindu minorities. Whereas, here in India, the Hindus have been treating the minorities like brothers and sisters, even during and after the partition, despite repeated occurrences of terrorism and evangelisation. But what are they getting back and how they are paid back? The so-called secularism cannot be a one-way traffic! The pampering and pandering of the minority communities by the self-interested vote bank chasing pseudo-secular political parties have to be blamed for the present volatile state of communal affairs in this country.
They must realise that there is a huge resentment developing in the minds of the majority community, which doesn't augur well for the communal amity of the country.

Pilgrims deserve better

It is distressing and alarming that communal tension is rising over the decision of the Jammu and Kashmir [Images] state government to transfer a little less than 40 hectares of land to the Sri Amarnathji Shrine Board to enable the latter to provide accommodation facilities to the thousands of Hindu pilgrims who visit the Amarnath shrine every summer. One cannot expect separatist and militant outfits in Jammu and Kashmir to make a sober and mature appraisal of the larger issues at stake. It is the attitude of mainstream political parties that is most disappointing and worrying.
The specious grounds for the the Peoples Democratic Party's objections are that the implementation of the decision of the state government would change the "eco-cultural character" of the state. What is the nature of this eco-cultural character of Jammu and Kashmir that is so fragile that it cannot survive the transfer of a small tract of land? Does the Kashmir valley have only a "Muslim" character? What happened to the much-touted Kashmiriyat? Or is that a politically correct platitude that has become an inconvenience to be ignored now that most of the Kashmiri Pandits have been hounded out of their homes in the Valley to Jammu, Delhi and elsewhere in India? Kashmiri politicians owe it to the rest of India to clarify their position on this issue.
To my mind, whether or not the land in question should be transferred to the SASB is only a technical question, not the heart of the issue. The more important thing is whether the state government feels that it has an obligation to improve the facilities that would make the pilgrimage of thousands of Hindu devotees more secure and more comfortable. For centuries pilgrims have been making the arduous trip to Amarnath cave without the benefit of any facilitation by the state. They relied on the local people for food, accommodation and other facilities. They lived in tents. But a caring State in independent India can and should do more.
It would be instructive to see what the Government of India does for Haj pilgrims visiting Mecca and Medina. The government is, in the words of External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee, "committed to ensure that the best possible arrangements are put in place for the comfort and well-being of Indian pilgrims to facilitate their sacred pilgrimage." The "welfare and well-being of Haj pilgrims," he says, "is always a matter of utmost concern to the government."
In keeping with these public policy statements, the Government of India makes elaborate arrangements for the welfare of Haj pilgrims and strives to improve the facilities provided to them every year. That is how it should be. The Government of India, and the ministry of external affairs in particular, deserves credit for providing perhaps the best arrangements that any government makes for their Haj pilgrims.
And what exactly does the Government of India do? For starters, it provides an airfare subsidy to about 100,000 pilgrims selected by the Haj Committee of India who go for Haj annually. Pilgrims pay only Rs 12,000 for their air travel. This figure has remained unchanged for at least a decade or more.
According to official figures, this subsidy was Rs 280 crores in 2006, or about Rs 28,000 per pilgrim. Today, with rising fuel prices, this figure would have gone up to Rs 350-400 crores. Although there is a 2006 Allahabad high court judgment ruling against this subsidy, it continues to be given because the government got the Supreme Court to pass a stay order.
Add to this the losses suffered by Air India, and the inconvenience to passengers because its planes are diverted to carry Haj pilgrims. For the convenience of pilgrims, charter flights are operated directly from 16 airports in India to Saudi Arabia. Returning pilgrims can transport 10 litres of holy Zam Zam water with them free of cost. At Delhi airport there is a separate Haj terminal. To improve the comfort of pilgrims, Air India has been advised to use wide-body jets in future for their Haj flights.
Great attention and care to Haj matters is given at the highest levels of government. The United Progressive Alliance government has successfully lobbied with the Saudi government to increase the quota for pilgrims from India, as a result of which the annual quota has increased by 38,000 over the last four years. It will go up by a further 3,000 or so this year because of the exertions of External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee during his visit to Saudi Arabia in April this year.
There is a separate Haj cell in the ministry of external affairs. The Haj Committee of India has its own premises in Mumbai. Similarly the State Haj Committees have their own premises in various other Indian cities. These facilities have been built on land provided by the state governments.
Very high priority is given to Haj matters in the mandate given by the government to both the Indian ambassador in Riyadh and the Indian consul general in Jeddah. Every government in Delhi has ensured that only Muslims are appointed to these posts, a practical decision intended to facilitate their travel to Mecca and Medina, where non-Muslims are not allowed. There is also a separate consul for Haj matters in the Indian consulate general in Jeddah.
Accommodation in Mecca and Medina is decided keeping in mind the need to provide maximum convenience and comfort to the pilgrims. Typically, all accommodation has lifts, telephones, running water, electricity and telephone at the minimum. There is total computerisation of pilgrim location and movement. During Haj, a large contingent of seasonal local staff, supervisors, data entry operators, as well as drivers and messengers (whose job is to round up and bring home safely elderly pilgrims who may have got lost) is appointed by the consulate general of India, Jeddah, during the Haj period.
For Haj 2007, a contingent of 115 doctors (including 63 specialists with post-graduate degrees) and 141 nurses and other para-medical staff, 3 coordinators, 46 assistant Haj officers, 165 Haj assistants and 186 Khadimul Hujjaj were sent from India on short-term deputation to Saudi Arabia. Special attention is given to medical facilities for the pilgrims.
Some of the facilities provided by the government are: arrangements for polio, meningitis and influenza vaccinations for pilgrims before departure; a 75-bed hospital and 12 branch offices-cum-dispensaries in Mecca; a 15-bed hospital and 6 branch offices-cum-dispensaries in Medina; three medical teams at Jeddah airport to provide medical care round the clock to Haj pilgrims; 17 ambulances in Mecca and Medina; supply of medicines, medical supplies and critical medical equipment from India. All this adds up to the total money spent by the government to facilitate a hassle-free Haj pilgrimage each year for tens of thousands of Muslims from India.
Perhaps our self-righteous and petty Kashmiri politicians in India's only Muslim-majority state should reflect over these facts and tell us whether they think it is at least their moral if not political obligation to be more caring and sensitive to Hindu pilgrims visiting Amarnath. If we can do so much for Indians going on a pilgrimage abroad, should we not be able to do as much if not better for pilgrims at home?
For a start, should not the Jammu and Kashmir government at least try to match the facilities given to pilgrims to Vaishno Devi shrine, which is located in the same state? And is it too much to expect our politicians and other "secular" leaders to be a bit more courageous and vocal in trying to knock some sense into the heads of shortsighted and irresponsible Kashmiri politicians?
As those in power, both in Delhi and Srinagar [Images], ponder over this matter, the litmus test has to be whether the decision finally taken adds to the comfort and convenience of the pilgrims.
Indian citizens and taxpayers deserve honest answers to the questions posed above.
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BPL households paid Rs 8,830 mn as bribe last year: survey


New Delhi, Jun 30 (PTI) The level of corruption is "alarming" in the states of Assam, Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, says a new survey based on experience of BPL households in availing various public services last year.
The 'India Corruption Study 2007', brought out by NGOs Transparency International India (TII) and Centre for Media Studies (CMS), found that about one-third of Below Poverty Line (BPL) households in the country bribed officials to avail a total of 11 services -- from police to PDS.

According to the survey, which covered 22,728 households in all states and Union Territories, Rs 8,830 million, in all, was estimated to be paid as bribe by BPL households last year.

The report grouped states into four levels on extent of corruption -- alarming, very high, high and moderate.

While five states come into the "alarming" category, the corruption level is "moderate" in states like Himachal Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Haryana and West Bengal, the survey found.

Karnataka, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu fall into the "very high" group, according to the report that took into account corruption experienced by poor families while availing basic services like PDS, hospital, electricity and water supply as also need-based services like land records and registration, housing, banking and police service.

Among the smaller states and UTs, in Nagaland and Goa, most of the 11 services had high or very high or alarming level of corruption whereas it was moderate in Chandigarh and Tripura.
PM’s fresh offer on N deal fails to convince Left
Tuesday July 1 2008 00:00 IST PTI
NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s offer to come to parliament before operationalising the nuclear deal did not cut much ice with the Left parties on Monday, which said they would withdraw support the moment it goes ahead on the agreement.

The common refrain of the four Left parties - CPI(M), CPI, RSP and Forward Bloc -- was that there was “nothing new” in Singh’s statement and that he was trying to present a “fait accompli” before the parliament by pleading for permission to complete negotiations with IAEA and NSG.

The top leaderships of CPI, RSP and Forward Bloc are meeting in the Capital on July three separately to finalise their move in the event of government moving ahead with the deal. The CPI(M) Politburo had met on Sunday and decided to withdraw support to UPA as soon as steps are initiated to implement the deal.

“There is nothing new (in the Prime Minister’s assurance. Our politburo’s stand is very clear,” CPI(M) General Secretary Prakash Karat told reporters soon after Singh made the remarks.

Singh told senior journalists here that he was only seeking a nod to go to IAEA and NSG and after all processes are completed, he would come back to parliament to get its approval before operationalising the agreement.

Left leaders expect that the government will formally apprise the UPA-Left committee and await its findings before going ahead to IAEA.

“The Prime Minister has said there is nothing new in the left stand. We are saying there is nothing new in PM’s stand as well,” CPI(M) Politburo member Sitram Yechury said reacting to Singh’s comments.

“If they move ahead formally to sign the safeguards agreement with IAEA, we will then implement our politburo decision to withdraw support,” Yechury said, adding they would see what the government does.

He said the Prime Minister has time and again given statements about returning to parliament after completing the processes like signing safeguards agreement with IAEA, getting a waiver from the NSG and an endorsement by the US Congress.

But when he comes back to parliament, “it will be more difficult to stop the agreement. They will say the whole world is in favour of the deal,” he said, adding that the government and left have divergent views on the issue.

On Singh’s remarks about coming back to parliament after clearing the IAEA and NSG hurdles, CPI national Secretary D Raja said, “what will be left to discuss in parliament. He is trying to present a fait accompli before the parliament.”

Terming Singh’s statement as “political deceit”, RSP General Secretary T J chandrachoodan said the Prime Minister's formula of coming back to parliament for discussion did not mean anything as the deal will be virtually operationalised as it clears the us Congress.

“If they (Congress) think that they can tie the Left at their stable, they are mistaken. Once the deal is discussed at the IAEA, NSG and US Congress, the deal is on. Then there is no role for us and the government cannot change anything.

“The Prime Minister’s remarks are an indication that the government is moving ahead and that there will be an inevitable separation of the UPA and the Left,” he said.

Chandrachoodan wondered how a minority government could go ahead with the deal in the event of Left parties withdrawing support to the coalition on the nuclear issue.

Forward Bloc secretary G Devarajan said Singh’s statement arose out of a “misconception” about the Left parties. “It seems that the Prime Minister does not know the Left parties very well.

They take a decision on any issue after giving it a lot of thought. Once a decision is taken, normally we don’t go back and in nuclear deal also, we are not changing our stand,” he said.

“For us, the deal is not a technical issue, it is a political question,” he said. Alleging that the UPA has become a “one-issue” government, he said that the government appears not concerned about rising prices and inflation.

A senior Left leader said the Congress did not seem inclined to have an “acrimonious” separation on the issue as they feel that they could need the Left parties' support after the elections.

“The UPA wants another UPA-Left meeting and we expect them to present the proposal for going ahead with the deal which will force us to withdraw,” the leader said.
Email received from my friend Gurunath Prakash:


The issue of "Land for Amarnath Yatra's Yatris" has been used by Muslim separatist forces as a referendum for a separate Kashmir. All the Kashmiri Political parties in turn who represent the people of Kashmir have made a statement that they are on the verge of attaining their own Country or they have one. PDP, NC, Congress and ISI have been smart but the smartest is Omar Abdullah, who has used the words Kashmir and Jummu for Muslims and Hindus. That has a lot of significance.

If land is allotted, it will hurt the Kashmiri pride and Kashmiriat! Where is Omar from? From the Womb of an English Nurse! Where did the Kashmiriat go then? Most of the Hurriayat leaders(they must be eliminated) have American or European wifes interestingly! Wonder, if one has to separate from their husbands or divorce or be a Widow like Indira, Sonia and Mahabooba to be in power!!

Is Land to Amarnathji a big deal? Oh! Yeah, its a big deal. So, says most Kashmiri leaders.

Commies have no reaction. Regional Parties are non committal and are worried about their votes . People who made it a huge cry on Raj Thackeray are silent on this very important issue.
BJP is making feeble noises, VHP and all the peace time torch bearers are silent. Whatever protests one has seen in Jammu, by the Hindus are spontaneous, its all local leadership. It is sad that Hindu movement has become leadership less and has no Central command.

Can you beat it, we are funding all those Kashmiri leaders to bash us(Hindus) at will? Their tourism money is from Hindu pockets? Where does all the money from Amarnath Yatra go?

On an average, Rs 45,000 INR is doled out to each family in Kashmiri Muslim from the Center. Now, what do the Kashmiri Pundits gets???? Nothing, in fact they are looted, forced into prostitution, gang raped, left to beg , as one KP has put it, "Wish I was born as a dog"!! All that they got was tears, heart attacks and loads of humiliation. Why this indifference?? At the time of partition, all the Hindus mostly Punjabis were welcome , land grants, business grants, home grants etc were doled out!!( at that time, there was humanity, Nationalism ). But for KP , there is nothing even after close to 20 years. They are simply put up in different places, marrying or live-in with every and sundry to make two ends meet!! Girls were kidnapped from Camps and were never seen again! Their sin, they are born Hindus and the Hindu leadership is spineless, Gutless and is too self centered around themselves and people of their own ilk.

Infact, almost all the KP's born after 1989 have a problem in voting. Where will all the votes go?? Where will all the 450, 000 votes go?? Where will all the Kashmiri Hindu votes go??

All the Kashmiri Hindus got is NOTHING. Nothing from Congress, Nothing from BJP and now, their land is permanently taken away from them for free!!

My dear friend, THIS IS HISTORY IN THE MAKING! I used to wonder how come everyone looted India, how come Babur's men build a Mosque on our Ram lala's Mandir? IT WAS LIKE THIS!!!

How come 15 % of Hindus in Pakistan and 30% in Bangladesh vanish, it is LIKE THIS!!!

How come Andhra Pradesh is rapidly becoming Christian? it is LIKE THIS! ALL OF US ARE WITNESSING HISTORY IN MAKING.

Don't blame the people, its the leaders. We simply do not have leaders of caliber, who can impress the common Hindu to take up the issues. A leader who can win the trust of Hindus.

I smell similar circumstances as in 1857! Revolt from the Common man is imminent.

And, I will not be a mute or a mere spectator.
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