In all states, Dhaarmic or otherwise, a powerful king is necessary. Otherwise chaos ensue.
In Dhaarmic way of life there is security and prosperity and needs of people are met with each individual able to pursue his purushaartha according to his gunaadhisaya. In adharmic way of life purushaartha is more often denied and frustrated.
Is it achievable? Yes, of course! Otherwise it would be the utopia of your dreams. Hindus do not talk of things that are not achievable.
But in order to achieve we have to win the battle royal with the secularists who are bent upon destroying our Dharma. Actually they are destroying themselves too! If Hindus can be united which is what the Acharya Sabha is doing, we should be on the march to re-establish the dhaarmic rule. Please remember what Ramaaji said viz. that the 'economic crisis' created by the worldwide asuric forces would result in their clamour for re-division of the world that would result in the third world war. That will be the end of secularism.
Is people's punyam necessary for the re-establishment of Dharma? Nowhere it is said so. All Bhagavan said is "Dharma samsthaabhanaarthaaya sambhavaami yuge yuge".
This is a total misrepresentation of Dhaarmic way of life.For Dharmic culture – One mighty King who lovingly sees the subjects as his children a sort of enlightened despotism is the only answer. For that we need a lot of punyams from the people.
In all states, Dhaarmic or otherwise, a powerful king is necessary. Otherwise chaos ensue.
In Dhaarmic way of life there is security and prosperity and needs of people are met with each individual able to pursue his purushaartha according to his gunaadhisaya. In adharmic way of life purushaartha is more often denied and frustrated.
Is it achievable? Yes, of course! Otherwise it would be the utopia of your dreams. Hindus do not talk of things that are not achievable.
But in order to achieve we have to win the battle royal with the secularists who are bent upon destroying our Dharma. Actually they are destroying themselves too! If Hindus can be united which is what the Acharya Sabha is doing, we should be on the march to re-establish the dhaarmic rule. Please remember what Ramaaji said viz. that the 'economic crisis' created by the worldwide asuric forces would result in their clamour for re-division of the world that would result in the third world war. That will be the end of secularism.
Is people's punyam necessary for the re-establishment of Dharma? Nowhere it is said so. All Bhagavan said is "Dharma samsthaabhanaarthaaya sambhavaami yuge yuge".