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Indian Secularism engenders fissiparous tendencies

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For Dharmic culture – One mighty King who lovingly sees the subjects as his children a sort of enlightened despotism is the only answer. For that we need a lot of punyams from the people.
This is a total misrepresentation of Dhaarmic way of life.

In all states, Dhaarmic or otherwise, a powerful king is necessary. Otherwise chaos ensue.

In Dhaarmic way of life there is security and prosperity and needs of people are met with each individual able to pursue his purushaartha according to his gunaadhisaya. In adharmic way of life purushaartha is more often denied and frustrated.

Is it achievable? Yes, of course! Otherwise it would be the utopia of your dreams. Hindus do not talk of things that are not achievable.

But in order to achieve we have to win the battle royal with the secularists who are bent upon destroying our Dharma. Actually they are destroying themselves too! If Hindus can be united which is what the Acharya Sabha is doing, we should be on the march to re-establish the dhaarmic rule. Please remember what Ramaaji said viz. that the 'economic crisis' created by the worldwide asuric forces would result in their clamour for re-division of the world that would result in the third world war. That will be the end of secularism.

Is people's punyam necessary for the re-establishment of Dharma? Nowhere it is said so. All Bhagavan said is "Dharma samsthaabhanaarthaaya sambhavaami yuge yuge".
Sri Saab!

The varna system which emphasis more on duty rather than rights have to be forced through the King who appreciate and understand the order. Acharya sabhas can't enforce any thing we need a ruler. There duty stops at the level providing intelligent information relying on the scriptures.

If Dharmic way of life can be sustained without kshatriyas , then Bramhaji wouldn't have created the varna. That jati or varna which maintains the law and order has disappeared. If we thought why they disappeared , it will boil down to subjects not appreciating duties,lack of Raja bhakti, viswasam etc. etc.. That's why punyams are needed. Papam clouds the intelligence first, (ava ava , papa puniyathirku etha mathiri than ava ava buddhi amaiyum).

Till then some kind of sanity should prevail, we have to work for that. That's the best we can do for time being.

Your last statement is absolutely true , but for that to happen we may have to wait for a long long time.


Paapa and Punya belong to the individual not the collective.

Kshathriyas have not disappeared, they just forgot their role. We reinstate them by bringing back their consciousness. I have said before that for both dharma and adharma you need the kshathriya.

What is always there is the four varnas, not dharma or adharma. Dharma and adharma have ascendancy over each other.

Varna system is not enforced, (Hindus do not believe in forcing anyone) they begin to play their part at the right condition. We bring about the right condition by fighting for dharma. DharmO rakshathi rakshithaha.
Dear Sri Kunjuppu!

Attitudes are contagious....

If you look back at our conversations earlier, you would note that, one group are supporting the economic upliftment of our community at the cost of Dharmic life is the better thing happened to our community. Other group were lamenting at the loss of dharmic values in our community.

Now please refer to the tribal community we talked about , ain't we shared earlier somewhat similar bonding like the tribal community among us.

Another point you said..

sad it may be. also when i mean tribals, it is just only a term to identify these ancient groups, and nobody should treat this as deragatory.

Can you see the same idea between jatis - no jati is deragatory. The fanning of complexes between them is a calculated assault for some mean political ends. Each and every community is important. By preserving the uniqueness of each communities we can establish a sense of bonding which give humans a emotional stability a value structure, could you see the beauty behind this?

In a community, if you are accepted because of your duty consciousness and not because of how much money you has, then doing your duty will become your primal instinct in defining the success for you. Eventually this will enable you to enjoy the rights . This idea of identifying communities based on duty is a very positive one. could you agree sir?

I'm trying to answer your question step by step , so please bear with me.

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Sri Saab!

Papa punyan work at both level, Collective sufferings of people is due to their collective papams - Vyeshti and Samashti is there in every sphere in short.

For Adharma why we need kshatriyas? our own democracy is good enough - Anyway i need to look into the dictionary for the meaning of kshatriyas.

Dharama and Adharma ascendancy.... i totally agree with you. In Shivapuranam , Sage Vyasa gives on beautiful description of Samasara with the waves of Dharma and Adharma ......

THANDA NEETHI is a kind of enforcement, without enforcement nothing works. But it's done with backing of unfallible intelligence in scriptures. It is like good parents instilling discipline to their children.

MMji, kunjuppu,

English language is woefully inadequate when you translate Samskrit words. I see the word 'duly' is often used. Is this the translation for the word 'dharma' just as you would describe 'kshathriya dharma' or 'vaisya dharma' etc.?

Individuals are natural members of the society. Individuals live in groups and therefore groups are natural parts of a society. Such natural parts are not contradictory but complementary.

A situation has been created by injecting ideas that pitted naturally forming groups into loggerheads with each other. Many people do not question this alien idea that tears apart our society. Because of this they contribute to the worsening of the division and destruction of the society.

This alien idea is secularism that has to be uprooted. It takes time to uproot this poisonous weed that has lived in the body for some 300 years. Believe me, just as it came it will go too. It is not permanent, though some like to see it as permanent.

Ignorance can be removed by education but desire cannot. Even God cannot remove one's desires! Therefore such of those who love the alien idea with passion is condemned with it.

Collective is fleeting and therefore Maya. In relation to the collective the individual is real. I repeat karma belongs to each individual and he or she acquires the karmaphala. There is no collective karma that would be the the destiny of any individual. Can you not see that an individual can simply not perceive the disasters all around him and be happy and contended? Yet I and you and many others can see the disasters and be dismayed. Such is our karmaphala of each one of us. In the ultimate analysis the individual alone is real and he/she realizes this.

You posed the question: "For Adharma why we need kshatriyas?" You seem to forget Parasurama Avataram!

You seem to be learning samskrit through Tamil! It is Dhanda Neethi. 'Dhanda' as in 'DhandapaaNi'. Dhanda Neethi is for exceptional people. Normal people follow dharma instinctively. Normal people are the vast majority otherwise they cannot be called 'normal'.
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Parvathi came before Sri Rama in the form of Sita. Sri Rama ignored Parvathi. Surpanaka came before Sri Rama in the form of Sita. Sri Rama told her to get lost.

I am Rama's devotee and I follow his footsteps.
Sri Saab!

My replies in blue...


Collective is fleeting and therefore Maya. In relation to the collective the individual is real. I repeat karma belongs to each individual and he or she acquires the karmaphala. There is no collective karma that would be the the destiny of any individual. Can you not see that an individual can simply not perceive the disasters all around him and be happy and contended? Yet I and you and many others can see the disasters and be dismayed. Such is our karmaphala of each one of us. In the ultimate analysis the individual alone is real and he/she realizes this.

If people gang up to do a social service, then can we call they are doing punyams collectively ?

Karma means action - destiny or fate is the karma phala. The caged birds in a bird park reap their karmaphala . Collective action results in collective result.

Let's not discuss about advaita here, we can only talk about vyavahariha satyams or empirical facts which dominates Samanyars.

You posed the question: "For Adharma why we need kshatriyas?" You seem to forget Parasurama Avataram!

Kshatriya means - One who protect/ rules. Implicitly one who protects the order as prescribed in Vedas. When the order is in danger , one can safely understand the Kshatriyas are absent.
As told in Shiva-purana , the kshatriyas are not protecting the order at the time of Parashurama Avataram - they are so haughty headed. So GOD descended to teach them a lesson and to restore Dharma.

The trigger point came in the form of King KarthaVeerya Arjuna - He visited Parashurama's father ashrama and saw the cow Kamadhenu, he asked and his father rejected saying that's provides sustenance for Yagna and living. He killed his father and coveted the cow. - Clearly transgressing his duty which is to protect others.

Having learnt the Adharmic action of the King, Parashurama vowed to uproot the whole kshatriya varna.

The Lord's anger here is justified. The Kings are supposed to protect but they acted like the "Velliye payira menja katha" . So he taught lesson to the whole kshatriyas.

This is my understanding , if I'm wrong please correct me.

You seem to be learning samskrit through Tamil! It is Dhanda Neethi. 'Dhanda' as in 'DhandapaaNi'. Dhanda Neethi is for exceptional people.

"chorkutrram porrukka" - In a tight schedule I'm posting some post. So kindly bear with me for spelling mistakes, mis-pronouncing etc...

Normal people follow dharma instinctively. Normal people are the vast majority otherwise they cannot be called 'normal'.

Then why Brahmaji created Kshatriyas for protection?

"Order and out-of order are within the Order".

Dharmo Rakshati Rakshita: - meaning if we protect the dharma , then dharma will protect us. Everything is dependendent on every other thing.

Yagna's are unique to our culture. Yagna's will be disturbed without the protection of Kings by Rakshashas. Do I need to say more...

I've decided to post some extracts form the book the Vedas - sayings of Mahaperieva - where the terms "Dharma", "Yagna" etc.. are clearly defined.
till then let us not get into arguments.
Sri Saab!

MMji, kunjuppu,

English language is woefully inadequate when you translate Samskrit words. I see the word 'duly' is often used. Is this the translation for the word 'dharma' just as you would describe 'kshathriya dharma' or 'vaisya dharma' etc.?

Yes in a sense...

Individuals are natural members of the society. Individuals live in groups and therefore groups are natural parts of a society. Such natural parts are not contradictory but complementary.

A situation has been created by injecting ideas that pitted naturally forming groups into loggerheads with each other. Many people do not question this alien idea that tears apart our society. Because of this they contribute to the worsening of the division and destruction of the society.

This alien idea is secularism that has to be uprooted. It takes time to uproot this poisonous weed that has lived in the body for some 300 years. Believe me, just as it came it will go too. It is not permanent, though some like to see it as permanent.

Ignorance can be removed by education but desire cannot. Even God cannot remove one's desires! Therefore such of those who love the alien idea with passion is condemned with it.
Dear MMji,

As told in Shiva-purana , the kshatriyas are not protecting the order at the time of Parashurama Avataram - they are so haughty headed. So GOD descended to teach them a lesson and to restore Dharma.
When a kshathriya turns bad does he cease to be a kshathriya? Is this not the same argument that a Brahmin is not doing what he is supposed to do, therefore he is not a Brahmin?

The caged birds in a bird park reap their karmaphala . Collective action results in collective result.
Thousands of warriors participate in war and get slain or rejoice victory.

Thousands of workers build a dam.

Perhaps you are one of them. Do you cease to be an individual?

Yesterday actress Sharon Stone said that Chinese earthquake was due to bad karma. I was reminded of a westerner asking Bhagavan Ramana why people are dying in second world war. Bhagavan replied to him: "Find out to whom is the suffering?"

Do you see the difference in the replies?

Is your birth and death a 'collective birth and death' or a 'individual birth and death'?

You have to discriminate between what is real and what is appearance. This is done by 'buddhi' which is incited by meditation on Gayathri.

"chorkutrram porrukka"
No problem. It is not meant to find fault. It is meant to increase awareness.
Then why Brahmaji created Kshatriyas for protection?
Why would Brahma create three worlds instead of one? Why would he also create Devas and Asuras and Raakshasas and Gandharvas and yakshas and so on? These are part of the 'grand scheme'. However even Devas have comiitted mistakes and reaped their karmaphala. You know what mistake Indra committed and how he ended up with thousand yonis. You know what mistake Shiva committed and ended up with being 'Brahma kapaalapaaNi'. Does that mean that Indra cease to be Indra and Shiva cease to be Shiva?
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Sri Saab!

What's the matter? - Did I reject Individuality? I made a point I accept both Vyeshti and Samashti - didn't I? did i miss anything???

If order can be restored without the help of kings - so be it. If some ideal party going to rule the country as intelligently as possible then I welcome it. I'm not against it.

Any sort of ism, like capitalism, secularism, communism, socialism - if anything is going to work for the collective well-being of all - Good I welcome it.

I just simply stated, King played a pivotal role in societes of the past. If he relied on good intelligence then the events would not have turned this bad and as per scriptures a land without King is prone to dis-order.

If one doesn't do his duty - then he is definetly not following the order and he needs to be restored - he may belong to any varna.

I simply reflected on the law of cause and effect. What's wrong?

Re - Lord Shiva - He is Brahma Kapala pani - because not of his fault because of the fault of Brahma - he took the head which lied to him.
Did I communicated anything wrongly ? I couldn't relate why you are posting this.

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Dear MMji,

Hope you don't mind interjecting in your discussion with Sri Saabji.

The population of the thrilokas are inhabited by the four varnas. There are four varnas among Devas; there are four varnas among asuras; there are four varnas among naraas and so on. This means there are four varnas among christians and muslims too but they may not admit it!

A person of a varna can be dhaarmic or adharmic yet he belongs to that varna say a kshathriya or a Brahmana.

A person who does what is naturally expected of him is doing it dhaarmically. A person who shirks it is adharmic. He still belongs to the same varna say for example a kshathriya.

You seem to contend that a kshathriya would only do what is expected of him - for example, protect a Brahmana - and if he does not do that then he is no more a kshathriya. You have to rethink on such contention.

You seemed to agree that Indra made a mistake and so he got thousand yonis.

The story of Siva becoming brahmakapaalapaani is as follows:

Both Siva and Brahma had five heads. Once because of the five heads Parvathi mistook Brahma to be Siva and hugged him from behind. Siva got angry and plucked one of Brahma's heads with his two fingers. But since it is a violence inflicted on Brahma for no fault of his own, dharma devatha stuck the head on Siva's hand to show everyone that he did the meanest thing to Brahma. After roaming over the world with his hand stuck with Brahma's head Siva came to Kaasi where he took a dip at Ganga and was removed of his sin. This is the sthala puraana of kaasi.

You seem to confuse with the sthala purana of Arunachala where Brahma lied that he saw the head of Siva. Siva did not cut his head but cursed him that he will not be worshipped as he had lied. That is why there are no temples for Brahma.

There is another story where Brahma was insulted this time by Lord Subrahmanya. Once Brahma came to visit Siva at Kailaasam and Subrahmanya was doing the sentry job. He stopped Brahma and said only qualified person can see Siva and so he is going to test Brahma and asked him if he knew the meaning of Pranava. Brahma thought it was impertinent of a youngster to stop him and question him and try to move on without answering Muruga. Muruga got mad at the defiance and instantly cut Brahma's tuft off as a mark of disrespect and put him behind bars and took over the creation himself by reproducing himself. Since muruga was a perfect person his creations were all perfect and without paapa and punya attached to them the creation was slowly grinding to a halt. Vishnu as the preserver sought Siva's help in restoring the job of creation to Brahma. Siva then called Muruga and asked him if he assumes himself to be the tester of everyone's qualification how would Siva know Muruga is qualified. Muruga said he would reveal it provided Siva becomes his disciple. Siva then became Muruga's disciple and knew that Muruga is truly qualified. Muruga from then on was known as Swaminathan. Thereafter Siva requested Muruga to release Brahma and restore the job of creation. And so he did.


I made a point I accept both Vyeshti and Samashti - didn't I? did i miss anything???
My point is that there no such thing as a 'group karma' that brings about a 'group karmaphala'. Karma and karmaphala are always of an individual. That is why ours is called the religion of the individual. In the ultimate reality only the 'individual' is real. It is he who realizes himself that there is nothing apart from himself.

If one doesn't do his duty - then he is definetly not following the order and he needs to be restored - he may belong to any varna.
I agree. But this does not always happen. We all do mistakes. Even Gods commit mistakes. You and I and the Gods belong to the Prakrthi. Prakrthi is 'naturally' imperfect! That's what is keeping it going.

So we have varnas, dharma and adharma and karma and karmaphala and above all the bhoktha and karmi and the karmaphala dhaatha. All are governed by the 'thrigunas' These are the bricks and mortars of our creation.

It is not important being a Brahmana or a kshathriya or a vaisya or a sudhra. What is important is being Dhaarmic. A dhaarmic sudhra is equal to God and an adharmic Brahmin reaps the worst karmaphala. This is the crux of the point.
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Sri Saab!

Without individual there is no society - a society is a collection of individuals. A community means units-comming to gether. A community is capable of doing Karma. Government represent community and it acts. An organisation or company is a collective force. A corporate is a collective force. An army is a collective force. They all act and reap result. I don't want to say anymore.

Realization of ultimate - is not the subject matter here.

A mistake is one thing , to act exactly opposite to what is designed is another thing.

A muscian may exhibhit different degree of talent in a given time. But is remembered for the best of him. If the same musician doesn't perform also is still a musician. But if the music is offending to the ears - he is no more a musician.

If you are going to tell whoever rules - dharmic or adharmic is Kshatriaya , whoever going to teach dharmic/adharmic is Brahmana . I 've nothing to say.

In adharma the order is absent, In the absence of order - there is no varna or other concepts . No point in talking on the relevance of that state.

I heard this from somebody...

We don't define GOD is unfallible, We define what is unfallible is GOD.

We can't compare Indra with Lord Shiva. Indra is still in Samsara. Where as the Lord is the very definition of Freedom. Whatever appears is a sport of HIM, for us to learn some "TATTVAMS".

Indra after commited the sin,realized the mistake,was remorseful, seek forgiveness did a lot of penance and purification to dissipate that.
The affected Seer after cursed him also relented to forgive him. This is not happened in the case of Kartha veeryaarjuna. He never seek fogiveness and duly paid the price.

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Dear MMji,

Bhishma and Drona and millions of soldiers belonged to the kaurava army. Were they all incurring the same sin as Duryodhana?

The vasus were together in stealing Kamadenu and incurred wrath of sage Vasishtha. But the one who stole had to take greater responsibility and stay in this world for a longer time as Bhishma while others were immediately released on birth. This shows even though it appears as a collective endeavour there is individual responsibility and the karmaphala is administered proportionate to each individual's action.

While you accept Indra's mistake you are trying to ignore Shiva's plight as BrahmakapaalapaaNI. You must be Lord Shiva's Bhaktha and so I do not insist.

We do have Gods in plural. As a God each one has an individual role. Yet seeing each of the God individually we learn the exemplary Dharma they represent and shine as the 'Saguna Brahman'. That is the thathwam.

By your example of the musician you are casting out a Brahmin or a kshathriya on the basis of his performance of his dharma.

A Brahmin or a kshathriya or a vaisya or a sudhra is born as a Brahmin or a kshathriya or a vaisya or a sudhra by devine will and you cannot alter divine will by casting him as different from who he is by his actions. One's action is his free will. No one can deny the free will of others.

A kshathriya failing to perform his duty will still be a kshathriya and will have opportunity to correct himself throughout his lifetime. For the kshathriya dharma he performed he will acquire Punya and for the wanton non-performance or performing the duty of another varna by usurpation he will incur sin. When he is dead he will be reborn on the basis of his past deeds.

A sudhra is a dhaarmic sudhra if he performs his duties as a sudhra.

He will be adharmic sudhra if he performs the duty of a Brahmana even if he does it so well. He will incur the wrath of karmaphala dhaatha because he is defying the divine will. Can he defy? Of course he can! Because it is his free will but he will reap the consequence of his bad karma.

If a sudhra performs the duties of a Brahmana even if it be excellently done would you call him a Brahmana? You would realize that calling a sudhra as a Brahmana or calling a kshathriya not a kshathriya but something else midway in his life is not your job. They were born as Brahmana or a kshathriya or a vaisya or a sudhra and will die as a Brahmana or a kshathriya or a vaisya or a sudhra. That is their divine right.
OK, Ok. We have deviated enough from the main topic. It all started with the right to migrate within the country. MMji wanted it to be restricted but such a restriction as is ill-evident from the rights accorded to Kashmir state by the infamous article 370 by Pandit JN. proves disastrous. Can we move on?
Sri RamAA

I don't want to be restricted, I want inter-state migration to be managed. Neglection is the cause of the chaos there.

Dear MMji,

Let's assume that you are given the powers. Please tell us how do you propose to manage inter-state migration of people.

Secondly, please also tell us what would you do if the Supreme Court strikes down any restriction on the movement of people within the country as ultra-vires the constitution.

Sri RamAA!

Before I register my views, since you are a management proffessional. Could you agree with me on the necessity of inter-state migration management?

How I 'd go about the management , I 'll definetly register after getting your feed-back.

Dear MMji,

Why is my view so important for you to elaborate on your views that is well known?

Yet as a courtesy to you let me tell you that I am not prone to the idea of restricting people from going to places in search of livelihood.

Dear Sri RamAA!

Again , to emphasis,I 'm not talking anywhere about restriction but what I said is any problem should be managed and not neglected. But if you say that it is not at all a problem . Then as a case-study , please highlight the root-cause for the violence in Mumbai and SA.

Your feedback is important as it will enable me for effective communication.
It is the divide and rule tricks of politicians.

If there be a law that anyone who incite racialism or parochialism - such as we have suffered in the hands of Karunanidhi and his DMK and the DK and in the hands of Sonia and her congress party - should spend 25 years of RI then you wouldn't find anyone of the DMK or Siva Sena or Congress culture. Did we not see the moment there was a law that advocating division of the country is sedition the DMK gave up their demand for Dravida Nadu?

You are seeing the violence of the Gujjars in Rajasthan which is spreading to other states. You know after 60 years of independence a section is suddenly demanding that they be incuded in schedule caste list. Tomorrow there will certainly be another demanding it as long as the legality of such a list exists. Once you outlaw these things then such silly demands would not take dramatic turn and the politicians who try to make it happen will face the music.

It is the character of the Dhandam that is in question. தும்பை விட்டு வாலைப் பிடிக்கக்கூடாது.
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Dear Ramaji,

I am posting some articles on the Gujjars agitation that will help our readers understand in perspective.

http://hindutva97. blogspot. com/2008/ 05/certifying- lowest-status- whither-quota. html

Certifying the lowest status: whither quota raj?

Gujjar agitation is a demand for ST status that is a status lower than that of OBC.

Will grant of the status solve Gujjars' perceived problems? Or, will it generate a process of schedulisation with every jaati demanding the lowest status possible for the crumbs of the quota raj?

Schedulisation is the inclusion of a jaati in the special schedules of the Constitution (as Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe or now also as Backward Class or Other Backward Class). This schedulisation is the exact reverse of what MN Srinivas called sanskritisation.

Politicos are competing with themselves in achieving the lowest schedulisation possible for every jaati on the assumption that jaati identity is a critical vote-bank criterion.

Ain't there no other way of ensuring affirmative action to undo the status of deprivation? Is quota raj the only method known to a civil society?

Jaati is a proud identity of an extende family. Let not this noble identity become a pawn in the hands of politico-s. Scrap the schedules of the Constitution and declare every Hindu a scheduled citizen of the nation entitled to equal treatment and justice. Aam admi is being misled that the downtrodden people are being cared for by this quota raj; what in fact is happening is that the politico-s are ensuring special privileges for their own clans.

The Youth for Equality are fighting a rear-guard battle for enshrining excellence in the process of admissions or special privileges instead of merely fooling around with terms like 'creamy layer'. Courts are also playing the political game, little concerned with the shattering impact on the larger national identity which should inform every jaati. Yearning for a day when there will be one Hindu jaati, one Hindu identity.

We are burdened with a polity where a foreign-born person is ruling as the empress who claims offices of profit. Where do we go to get the sense of pride of being a citizen of a swarajya rashtram?
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Gujjar stir: A fallout of quota raj

The raging Gujjar agitation for Scheduled Tribe(ST) status is the creation of a lopsided reservation policy followed by the Government. In fact, Gujjars are now agitating for a lower status from that of OBC to ST which will fetch them more benefits of reservation.

The government is now caught in a dilemma of its own making. If it rejects the Gujjar demand, the agitation will intensify and take a more violent turn. Already 36 people have died in police firing. Last year, over a dozen Gujjars lost their lives fighting for the same cause.

If, on the other hand, the government yields to their organised might, it could lead to similar demands from other castes and sub-castes. For instance, the Kurubas of Karnataka and the Dhangars and the Ramoshi-Berads of West India have been demanding ST status for long.

After the government decided to implement the Supreme Court verdict on OBC quota, there is a clamour from various communities in different states for inclusion in the OBC category. There will be endless demands for special status so long as the quota raj continues.

It is high time to have a relook at the communal reservation reservation policy. As the founding farthers of the Constitution envisaged, there has to be a periodic review of the status of the communities enjoying reservation benefits and a timeframe should be fixed for continuing reservation. Reservation based on economic backwardness is another option worth pursuing.

Source: India Syndicate

http://news. in.msn.com/ national/ article.aspx? cp-documentid= 1420669
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