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Indian Secularism engenders fissiparous tendencies

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Too many reservations
Pratap Bhanu Mehta
Posted online: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 at 2245 hrs IST (Indian Express)

When the Gurjjar agitation started, knowledgeable observers had widely feared that its denouement would be something resembling war. More than 50 deaths, several districts under blockade, some virtually under a state of siege, mobile services suspended, transport interrupted, leaders unable to move freely, and a deep sense of foreboding, all suggest that the worst fears about this agitation have come true. Like so many tragedies, this one was long in the making. But no one, not the state government, not the opposition, not society at large, was willing to face up to the fact that Rajasthan was digging itself deeper and deeper into a hole. And positions are now so entrenched that a just and honourable resolution of the underlying issues seems all but impossible.

The state government's attitude to this agitation, ever since it started, has been a mixture of condescension and brutality. When the agitation first started, it did not take it seriously. When violence broke out, it bought time for itself by creating a facade of a procedure whose outcome everyone knew would not resolve the issue. Simply put, the state government was not going to recommend ST status for Gurjjars. But it did not use this window of opportunity to politically engage the Gurjjars. Rather, it thought, with condescension typical of this government, that it could buy out Gurjjars by giving them a ministerial berth or two. It says something about the state of the country that when the Gurjjars peacefully courted arrest in the thousands last year, we all breathed a sigh of relief. Peace was associated with declining momentum for the movement, and we all went to s leep. The only lesson the Gurjjars learnt as a result was that violence is necessary to get attention.

The state, for the most part was stuck. Having reduced classifications for affirmative action to a power play, buttressed by a facade of a procedure, it could not move in any direction. If it gave Gurjjars what they wanted, it risked a backlash from powerful communities like the Meenas. On the other hand, it could not acknowledge that the net result of the state's caving in to Jat assertion of power and granting them OBC status, was to send a signal to communities like the Gurjjars that the whole system was unfair. And even now the government (and the Congress) are stuck: damned if they do and damned if they don't. Within the current paradigm of classifications, the Gurjjar concerns had some justification. But the political terrain has already shifted from reasoned argument to violence.

But it would be a mistake to think that this agitation is about legal classification. The social equilibrium of Rajasthan has been under considerable stress for a number of years. Three underlying trends are particularly worrying. First, many of those killed were in the age group of 16 to 25. Access to bad-quality education has created an odd social disequilibrium: youths too educated to be satisfied with their traditional status, too untrained to participate in the new economy. Government jobs matter to them precisely for this reason. That is why they feel so much is still at stake in changing their legal classification to ST. All across North India, this disquieting possibility exists. Sub-groups within the broad classifications like OBC and SC feel that benefits under those classifications are going only to a few sub-castes. This issue is going to come to the politica l forefront in the coming years. When these groups get minimally educated and feel cheated that their education has not equipped them for much, a social catastrophe will be in the making. It is no accident that this agitation comes at the end of the decimation of quality higher education in Rajasthan, abetted by all parties.

Second, a slow and incipient culture of violence has been spreading through Rajasthan's villages. Arms have become more ubiquitous, paradoxically because the few who have benefited from the increasing land values need guns to protect their new riches. But in several districts like Sawai Madhopur the state has been suffering attrition at the local level. It was perhaps symbolic that one of the first people to console the victims was a prominent local "anti-social element" to use the government's bizarre euphemism. There are several districts in Rajasthan where the potential of recurring violence is increasing by the day: an odd combination of social discontent which can easily be hijacked by elements that are looking for a pretext to be violent.

Finally, there is an utter breakdown of the political process. Communities like the Gurjjars do not have a leadership that can take a long-term view. They feel for their community, but have no long-term vision for expanding opportunity for them. One indication of this is their harping on one theme, that the state government send a letter to the Centre recommending ST status for Gurjjars. This is not likely to end the legal issue, nor is it likely to seriously impact the spectre of alienation that hovers over the youth of the community.

The chief minister's instinctive response to political problems is to respond with excessive force, as if the expression of any social discontent is simply a form of impunity. It is the state's responsibility to quell violence. But it cannot do this if it does not back its might up with an intelligent political process. But the tragedy of Rajasthan is that there are very few social mediators left. It is not an accident that the chief minister has found it very difficult to reach out. The Gurjjars, on the other hand, are wary of letting Bainsala negotiate alone in Jaipur. Their last experience of negotiating was, many in the community feel, an exercise in bad faith. It is absolutely amazing that police firings are so rapidly on the rise. Even after so much experience dealing with crowds, the state has not found ways to manage them without large number of casualties. The C ongress is, as always, timid at best, trapped in vague gestures of protest. In short, there is no political force that is capable of changing the paradigm within which questions of social inclusion are posed.

It would be comfortable to dismiss all of this as Rajasthan's exceptionalism. But the truth is that our politics is driving us into an explosive cul de sac. The recent, terrible violence is a reminder of what happens to societies when they can neither endure their current social condition, nor the means to overcome it. It will take extraordinary political imagination to overcome this condition.

The writer is president,Centre for Policy Research, Delhi
Scheduled Tribe Status for Paharis in J&K: A Gujjar Nightmare?

Priyashree Andley
Research Intern, IPCS

On 2 August 2006, the J&K Government discussed a 'Scheduled Tribe' (ST) status for the Paharis with the Centre. Ghulam Nabi Azad reiterated the importance of the community for the State's composite culture and plural character. The Paharis' demand for ST status is based on a claim that their socio-economic condition is similar to the Gujjars, who got ST status in 1991. The Congress recognized this demand in its manifesto and the Common Minimum Programme (CMP). The Government of India had rejected this demand in 2000 and 2002, based on the recommendations of a Parliament panel due to lack of evidence supporting the existence of a Pahari tribe. Recently, the Jammu & Kashmir Pahari Cultural and Welfare Forum complained that Pahari areas in Kupwara were without electricity, water, roads and schools. Hospitals in these areas are ill equipped and schools a re without infrastructure and teaching staff.
The people of the two Muslim-dominated districts of Jammu, Rajouri and Poonch, mainly belong to the Gujjar, Bakerwal and Rajput communities. The Gujjars are predominantly nomadic pastoralists, with low levels of wealth and literacy. The ST status of the Gujjars, under Article 342 of the Indian Constitution and Section 50, sub-section 6, of the J & K Constitution, are allowed reserved seats in the Lok Sabha, State Assembly and State Legislative Council.
However, even after 15 years of enjoying this status, the community has only progressed marginally. Granting a similar status to the Paharis is unacceptable to the Gujjars because, firstly, they are still struggling for their rights; secondly, this issue gets embroiled in the politics of terrorism; and thirdly, political groups are using these vulnerable tribal people for electoral gains. This article addresses these issues and their possible repercussions.
In February 2006, Haji Buland Khan, President of the Gujjar-Bakerwal Conference, asserted the need to address the injustice to Gujjars and Bakerwals. One way to achieve this was by implementing the policy of reservations. For years, development funds meant for Gujjar areas were used elsewhere; while the State Government failed to provide them with basic amenities like safe drinking water, electricity, health and education. Besides, the government notification provided for a 10 percent reservation in employment, which has been limited to 5 percent. The percentage of funds allotted to housing for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe communities, under the Indira Aawas Yojna, has not been adhered to.
Though the Gujjars have suffered from terrorist attacks in Poonch and Rajouri districts, they have also played a key role in anti-terrorist operations. Village Defense Committees (VDCs) in Jammu division comprise Gujjars, which boosts their morale in isolated villages, despite being poorly equipped. A new trend is the increasing numbers of women in the Pir Panjal ranges enlisting as VDC cadres, who are getting trained in using weapons. Apart from terrorist threats, the Gujjars also suffer due to natural calamities, losing family members and cattle in avalanches. Survivors often flee tosafety when the civil administration warns them of impending calamities.
Gujjars claim that the Pahari movement has the patronage of leaders like Sikandar Hayat Khan in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. In 2004-05, questions were raised about their cross-border linkages when it was found that Sardar Rafiq Khan, a Pahari leader in Poonch, was Sikandar Hayat Khan's relative. However, some Gujjars have also figured in anti-national activities by colluding with terrorists in executing their plans. Is this not a cause for worry since Gujjars are the most patriotic tribe in the State? With the arrest of Indian Muslims in the recent Mumbai blasts case, forming the modules of terrorist organizations, will 'dissatisfied' Gujjars also change their allegiance?
The Gujjar tribe's large population plays a key role in the electoral calculations of the political parties in the State. This could explain why they were not invited to the round table conferences held by the PM. In 2004, the PDP led government used the proposal to grant of ST status to Paharis to create a constituency for itself in Jammu and the Pir Panjal region. In September 2005, Omar Abdullah accused Mufti's government of dividing the people of Rajouri and Poonch between Gujjars and Paharis by creating a wedge between these two communities, resulting in the Jammu-Poonch parliamentary seat being won by a Congress MP. Mian Altaf, a Gujjar NC leader, recently won elections from the Kangan constituency of J&K. He pointed out that the Gujjars are suffering because of this tug-of-war between the different coalition partners. Meanwhile, the Paharis complain of be ing ignored by earlier governments.
For years, the Gujjars have displayed pro-India sentiments but are now feeling neglected. The Gujjars are not against Paharis but they do not want them to attain ST status, as they fear losing their own minimal share. Moreover, the Paharis will benefit from ST status only if the government addresses the basic problems being faced by the Gujjar tribe.
http://www.ipcs. org/printArticle .jsp?kValue= 2111
And lastly.......

http://www.indianexpress.com/ story/314823. html

Justice Chopra Committee rejects Gujjars' demand for ST status

December 18, 2007 | 17:15 IST

A high-level official committee has rejected the demand by Gujjars in Rajasthan for Scheduled Tribe status but suggested a special package to members of the community living in under-developed and remote areas of the state.
Significantly, the Bharatiya Janata Party government in the state decided to forward the report to the Centre without any comment or recommendation of its own, Digamber Singh, chief spokesman and Health Minister, told media persons in Jaipur on Tuesday after a cabinet meeting presided by Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje.
The summary of the 294-page report submitted by the committee headed by Justice Jasraj Chopra said it would be desirable to provide the benefits to Gujjars in a special package rather than incorporating them in already existing schemes.
The report suggested scrapping of the criteria used so far to include any class of people in the list of Scheduled Tribe as these have become 'obsolete and outdated.'
It asked the state government to take immediate steps to set up a board to attend to the problems faced by the people living a life of abject poverty in inaccessible and remote areas like ravines, forests and hills where development has not yet reached as these are the places where most of the backward among the Gujjars reside and for whom their community leaders had raised their voice.
The Gujjars had waged a violent campaign across Rajasthan for ST status in May and June this year during which 26 people were killed in police firing and clashes with Meena community members who already enjoy ST status but oppose the same for Gujjars.
The Chopra committee report said development of remote and inaccessible areas where Gujjars live should not wait for the outcome of a classificatory exercise.
For this purpose, the government should benevolently allocate sizeable funds for a reasonable period of time by re-prioritising its developmental activities, according to the report.
Emphasis will have to be paid on building roads to link the communities living in underdeveloped and remote areas with the mainstream, motivating the children of these families to get educated and improving health and hygiene of their members through provisions of drinking water, immunisation against major illness and better care of children and of the aged, it concluded.
The state cabinet announced the setting up of a four-member committee to prepare a special package for Gujjars based on the committee's report. The committee will be headed by BJP Treasurer Ramdas Agarwal and have three ministers G S Tiwari (Education), Digamber Singh (Health) and Madan Dilawar (Social Justice and Empowerment) .
The committee is of the view that the existing criteria to classify a particular community as ST should be replaced by quantifiable criteria that are relevant in the present context and could stand judicial scrutiny and enable future commissions or committees appointed by the government to examine the issue with exactitude and reliability.
The Chopra committee said 'it remains a naked truth that the benefit of reservation has not obviously percolated to the needy among SC and ST masses as intended but at the same time it is stolen either by the elites and the developed among SC and ST masses or by others who masquerade as SC and ST.

'Several people -- leaders, scholars and even the judiciary -- have expressed their concern over continuing plight of the people who are included in the SC and ST categories. To quote just one example, in its judgment in the case of Nagraj vs Union of India, delivered on October 19, 2006, the apex court had observed: Periodic extension of reservation itself recapitulates a fact that major chunk of SC and ST brethren are still waiting to be uplifted by way of reservation, the report pointed out.

The fact that the Gujjar community that is already in the category of OBC, and therefore officially recognised as backward and thus enjoying the benefits attended with such recognition, including reservation, has made a demand for reclassification gives the strong message that gaining OBC status has not helped much the members of this community.'
It is this desperation that led the leaders of Gujjar community to compare their lot with others included in the ST category and belonging to the same region, it added.
The demand for the tribal status for the entire community covered by the umbrella term of Gujjar is an example of over accentuation to bring home the point that development has not reached all sections of the society despite several years of positive discrimination as part of the policy of reservations, it said.
Thank you Saabji for the postings. Very informative. I do not know if there were any govt. on earth that meddled with the population to make what it calls a 'historical correction' by the secularist humbug of reservations. The only historical correction we need is to bring back the dhaarmic rule that these secularist marauders trample under foot.

Here is an exerpt from a email from Sri J.G.Arora who is former Chief Commissioner of Income Tax that is relevant to matter under discussion.

Since history warns that advanced civilisations were attacked and defeated when they became too soft and lost the will to fight, the most crucial concern for worldwide Hindu society now should be the survival of Hinduism and Hindu civilisation.

It is deplorable that though there are numerous countrywide daily newspapers and television channels promoting anti-Hinduism in the name of secularism, there is no all-India daily newspaper or television channel projecting Hindu concerns. As a result, Hindu concerns remain suppressed; and the writers, journalists and activists defending Hindu interests remain like warriors without weapons.

Since most Hindus have been de-Hinduised by Macaulayan education and brain-washed by anti-Hindu media, only pro-Hindu mass media will awaken, unite and strengthen Hindu society. It will educate Hindus about Hindu religion, Hindu heritage and Hindu history; and make them pro-active to save Hinduism and Bhaarat. Besides, it will liberate Hindus from sham secularism.

Pro-Hindu media will restore Hindu self-esteem and fighting spirit. It will expose the lies of terrorist friendly media, and debunk deceptions like multi-culturalism, Aryan invasion theory and the so-called caste system.

This media will also help to create a genuinely secular political party which would give justice to all and appease none. It will help to remove enactments and laws which discriminate against Hindus. It will liberate Bharat from countless terrorists and crores of Pak-Bangla infiltrators bent upon creating one more Muslim country on Bhaarat’s soil.

Helped by this weapon, Hinduism and Hindu civilisation will survive and prevail. Accordingly, all pro-Hindu organisations, individuals and Hindu social and religious leaders all over the globe should do their utmost to create the all-India pro-Hindu daily newspapers and television channels at the earliest.

This is the only way to save Hinduism and Hindu identity of Bhaarat.

As per Kathopnishad, “Uttishthta jaagrta praapya varaan nibodhat” (Arise, awake, and do not stop till the goal is achieved). When pro-Hindu mass media is in place, no government will ever question the existence of Bhagwan Ram and Ram Sethu."
Dear Sri RamAA!

I'm not talking about caste politics. The subject here is inter-state migration management. If you think it is divide and rule tricks - I couldn't connect - For in the case of SS - they are against settlement of Biharis in their lands, which they preceive as a threat.

In WB , Bihar, UP etc.. unchecked immigration from Bangladesh is posing law and order problem. Recent bombings in Jaipur , points to illegals from bangladesh, we better manage it now before the issues would spiral and cripple the law and order.

With no military backing the states, the nation won't get splitted.


It is the divide and rule tricks of politicians.

If there be a law that anyone who incite racialism or parochialism - such as we have suffered in the hands of Karunanidhi and his DMK and the DK and in the hands of Sonia and her congress party - should spend 25 years of RI then you wouldn't find anyone of the DMK or Siva Sena or Congress culture. Did we not see the moment there was a law that advocating division of the country is sedition the DMK gave up their demand for Dravida Nadu?

You are seeing the violence of the Gujjars in Rajasthan which is spreading to other states. You know after 60 years of independence a section is suddenly demanding that they be incuded in schedule caste list. Tomorrow there will certainly be another demanding it as long as the legality of such a list exists. Once you outlaw these things then such silly demands would not take dramatic turn and the politicians who try to make it happen will face the music.

It is the character of the Dhandam that is in question. தும்பை விட்டு வாலைப் பிடிக்கக்கூடாது.
You would agree that the Bangladeshis are not Indian nationals and therefore they should be rounded up and thrown out. This secularist creed that is ruling the country and West Bengal are the root cause of letting those Muslim hoards coming in.

If the Bangladeshi's don't take back those infiltrators then it is clear that they are indulging in aggression and would have to pay for it by forfeiting their right to rule that country.

What is the use of India having a military if it cannot defend itself?

Now, what is there to 'manage' this migration from Bangladesh?

Also it is time you tell us how you would 'manage' migration if you really want to.
I'm talking about the need for good management on the I-S immigration. Govt. of India is not even managing immigration between countries is a different issue altogether. I bought this up just to emphasis on neglection or mis-management of an issue.

Point I'm making is the root of the issue is not lack of patriotism from marathis but a lack of willingness to consider the empirical facts of a problem .

If you do not address the root cause you would end up doing a patch work that won't sustain you even overnight. You keep ignoring them and keep insisting that there is a way to 'manage' this. So I am asking you again to address the following two questions I raised.
Please tell us how do you propose to manage inter-state migration of people.

Secondly, please also tell us what would you do if the Supreme Court strikes down any restriction on the movement of people within the country as ultra-vires the constitution.

We can discuss your thoughts.
Terrorist infiltrations and Article 370
-Himanshu Shekhar Jha

The continuation of Article 370 under whose cover the state of Jammu & Kashmir enjoys a special status, is totally unjustified and it is within the power of the President of India to make it inoperative.

An Indian citizen who is an ordinary resident of Jammu & Kashmir is not allowed to contest elections there. Does it not show that Jammu & Kashmir has become virtually an oligarchic state?

The incorporation of Article 370 in the Constitution of India was a purely temporary measure, but even after the lapse of nearly 60 years it continues to operate as a mandate of the state. It may be recalled that only within a few days of Partition, Pakistan waged a proxy war against India to grab Kashmir.

It took the plea that the attack had been launched by the Azad Kashmir Forces. Pakistan had attacked on October 24, 1947.

Maharaja Hari Singh
signed an Instrument of Accession on October 26, 1947 and empowered the Union of India to have absolute jurisdiction in respect of three subjects namely defence, foreign affairs and communication.
In executing the said Instrument the Maharaja’s sole object was to save his state from the onslaught of Pakistan and her allies.

It was jointly decided that the final decision from which there would be no change regarding accession of Jammu & Kashmir to India would be taken by the Constituent Assembly and till that is done the state will have a special status. In order to grant that special status stipulated in the Instrument of Accession a purely temporary provision was made by incorporating Article 370 in the Constitution of India.

After the execution of the Instrument of Accession the Constituent Assembly was convened by the people of Jammu & Kashmir on the seventeenth day of November 1956 whereby they adopted, enacted and gave to themselves a new constitution which they called the Constitution of Jammu & Kashmir.

In this context the most important point to remember is that according to the agreement between the erstwhile ruler of Jammu & Kashmir and the Union of India the final decision regarding accession of Jammu & Kashmir to India was taken on November 17, 1956 by the Constituent Assembly which made a written commitment in the Preamble to its newly framed Constitution that Jammu & Kashmir was an integral part of India.

In order to clear all doubts in this regard Article 3 of the said constitution also clearly and definitely stated, “The state of Jammu & Kashmir is and shall be an integral part of the Union of India.”

Thus all controversies regarding accession of Jammu & Kashmir to India automatically came to an end.

There was no question of retaining Article 370 in the Constitution after the Constituent Assembly acting on behalf of the people of Jammu & Kashmir finally decided that Jammu & Kashmir was an integral part of India.
The matter ended there for good and the only task left before the Centre was, and still is, to amend the Constitution for abrogating Article 370 and to repeal the constitution of Jammu & Kashmir which grants special status to that state.

The constitution of Jammu & Kashmir has created a state with its own flag within the sovereign State of India. Jammu & Kashmir has not only its separate flag, it has a separate constitution and distinct official language.

It is an anomalous situation which ought to have been removed the day it had arisen. If it is allowed to continue it will accelerate destabilisation not only in the state of Jammu & Kashmir but in the whole of India.

It is true that when the Constituent Assembly representing the people of Jammu & Kashmir had taken the final decision regarding the accession of that state to India and the Constitution thereof had also proclaimed that “the State of Jammu & Kashmir is and shall be an integral part of the Union of India” (Article 3), the Centre took no action to make the guaranteed integration real. Instead of abrogating Article 370 and abolishing special status of Jammu & Kashmir by annulling its unconstitutional constitution the Nehru government evolved the obnoxious and unwise policy of appeasement of Muslims in the Kashmir valley and thus committed the blunder of making a non-issue an issue.

It is also true that the subversive elements were active even at that time, both in Pakistan and India, but who prevented the then Prime Minister Nehru to crush them with the help of the armed forces which were always at his disposal. Nehru went on committing one blunder after another. Even today the Centre is pursuing the same cowardly and conciliatory policy towards the enemy.

Article 370, which according to part XXI of the Constitution of India, was a temporary, transitional and special provision ought to have been firmly annulled either by invoking Presidential power under Clause (3) of the same Article or through constitutional amendment under Article 368 read with Article 355.

When the Instrument of Accession was executed on October 26, 1947 and the Constituent Assembly acting on behalf of the people of Jammu & Kashmir accorded final sanction to the said accession on November 17, 1956 the Kashmir chapter was closed for ever for the supreme good of both the Hindu and Muslim masses. Why was a closed and concluded matter made a subject of controversy again?

Clause (3) of Article 370 of the Constitution of India clearly states, “Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing provisions of this article the President may, by public notification, declare that this article shall cease to be operative only with such exceptions and modifications and from such date as he may specify.”

The Proviso added to the said Clause that “the recommendation of the Constituent Assembly of the State referred to in Clause (2) shall be necessary before the President issues such a notification” has become ineffective and cannot act as a constitutional bar to Presidential proclamation for the simple reason that it is no more in existence.

The question of its consent, therefore, does not arise.

The erstwhile Constituent Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir has been replaced by the Legislative Assembly. Article 46 of the constitution of Jammu & Kashmir states, inter alia, that “there shall be a legislature for the state which shall consist of … two Houses to be known respectively as the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council.”

The word “New Kashmir” which occurs in Article 13 of the Jammu & Kashmir constitution does not and cannot mean independent Kashmir. It only means “better Kashmir” whose prime object would be the promotion of the mass of the people by establishing a socialist society free from all exploitation of man by man.

From the perusal of these facts it becomes abundantly clear that the continuation of Article 370 under whose cover the state of Jammu & Kashmir enjoys a special status, is totally unjustified and it is within the power of the President of India to make it inoperative.

It should never be forgotten that Article 370 incorporated in the Constitution of India at the behest of Nehru has become a strong shield of protection in the hands of terrorists and their patron the state government. It is due to this mischievous Article which gives special status to Kashmir that more than 3000000 Kashmiri Pandits comprising 78,000 families, have been forced to leave the Kashmir valley and live a miserable life as refugees in their own country.

Article 370 has been used to build political oligarchy in the state of Jammu & Kashmir. Although the Constitution of Jammu & Kashmir talks of liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship no such thing exists there in practice.


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Article 370 has been used to build political oligarchy in the state of Jammu & Kashmir. Although the Constitution of Jammu & Kashmir talks of liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship no such thing exists there in practice.

After the formulation of Operation Topic by the then dictator of Pakistan Zia-ul-Haque in November 1987 a reign of terror was unleashed in Kashmir which continues unabated even today.

In the very beginning of the said operation more than 800 Kashmiri Hindus, 100 non-Kashmiri Hindus and a number of Sikhs had been reportedly killed in the most callous manner.

The mass attack on the Hindus had begun in a pre-planned manner in January 1990. It culminated in gangrape, kidnapping, loot, arson and murder in the most unthinkable manner as time rolled on. Poor and innocent people belonging to Hindu community were butchered like beasts.

The servants of Satan masquerading as messengers of Allah gangraped a school teacher working at Bandipora and subsequently sliced her on a mechanical saw. Neither the Centre, nor the State government took any meaningful measure to nab the culprits and punish them.

Sporadic attacks had started as early as February 1986 when, according to authentic reports, 56 temples and 150 houses were burnt in a single day and more than 1500 houses belonging to Hindus were looted.

All these calamities would have been easily averted had the centre taken pre-emptive action by giving army a free hand after giving a deathblow to the special status to Jammu & Kashmir on the basis of its own constitution as well as on the grounds already existing in the constitution of Jammu & Kashmir referred to above in the foregoing paragraphs.

Article 370 and the resultant special status of the state of Jammu & Kashmir have given rise to many anomalies. Article 5 of the Indian Constitution recognises only one type of citizenship but the so-called constitution of Jammu & Kashmir accords recognition to a particular category of citizens whom it designates as permanent residents.

In view of the fact that as per entry 15 of the first schedule of the Constitution of India, Jammu & Kashmir is a state of this country and every citizen of this sovereign state called Bharat’ ipso facto becomes a citizen of that state too and is entitled to reside and settle there and hold property to carry on any occupation, trade or business.

But the constitution of Jammu & Kashmir makes unlawful discrimination between permanent residents defined in Article 6 and others who are citizens of India within the meaning of Article 5 of the Constitution of India.

Due to this anachronistic law a citizen of India who is not a permanent resident of the sate of Jammu & Kashmir faces great difficulties in the enjoyment of his fundamental rights there.

An Indian citizen who is an ordinary resident of Jammu & Kashmir is not allowed to contest elections there. Does it not show that Jammu and Kashmir has become virtually an oligarchic state run by Muslims although both the constitutions i.e. the Constitution of India and the constitution of Jammu & Kashmir unequivocally declare that it is an integral part of India?

There is no doubt that all these legalistic problems arise only because of the special status granted to this anachronistic state by incorporating Article 370 in part XXI of the Constitution of India.

The moment this mischievous Article is abrogated and the constitution of Jammu & Kashmir is annulled by an all of Parliament followed by a non-communal government with a strong will and arms to eradicate terrorism from the valley comprising three regions, all these baffling problems will be solved and the valley will be no more a place for terrorists to indulge in heinous crimes and deadly sins in the name of religion and God.

There are two options for the abrogation of Article 370.

The first option is to invoke Presidential power exercisable under that Article itself. Article 370 lays down: “Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing provisions of this Article the President may, by public notification, declare that this Article shall cease to be operative or shall be operative. Only with such exceptions and modifications and from such date as he may specify. Provided that the recommendation of the Constituent Assembly of the state referred to in clause (2) shall be necessary enforce the President issues such a notification.”

The consent of the Constituent Assembly of the state of Jammu & Kashmir for the exercise of the Presidential power is not required because the said Constituent Assembly is no more in existence.

The other efficacious remedy is to abrogate Article 370 and declare the constitution of Jammu & Kashmir null and void being ultra vires the Constitution of India by amending the Constitution under Article 368 read with Article 13(2) and Article 355.

Since the very day Ind ia was declared to be a Sovereign Republic persons in power have never cared to change obsolete and obnoxious laws which have been plaguing our great motherland for several decades. There is an urgent need for drastic changes in the entire legal system.

Section 18 of the Indian Penal Code framed by Macaulay doesn’t regard the state of Jammu & Kashmir as a part of India. It says: “India” means the territory of India excluding the state of Jammu & Kashmir. Why has not this utterly false, unlawful and objectionable section been repealed by the Indian Parliament as yet?

The continuance of this section speaks to the ignorance, selfishness and callous indifference of politicians in power to the interests of our nation.

Abrogation of Article 370 and subsequent annulment of the special status of Jammu & Kashmir is a sacred duty of all and sooner it is done the better it will be.

you have posted in verbatim, articlles from the organizer, which is a mouth piece of the ertswhile jana sangh. not sure if it reflects the voice of bjp now.

also, you have verbatim articles by subramaniam swamy, who is a politician. if i remember correctly, he is currently without a seat in the federal parliament. not sure what his constituency is.

these reflect what is commonly addressed as right of the political centre views. apparently it is ok with admin too.

i am quite sure there are other folks here, who might want to post their political views as represented in various other political journals.

hope that is also acceptable, in the name of fair play, whether these reflect sonia gandhi or prakash karat or karunanidhi or even the maoists.

i am not sure whether there are folks lining up to post the various stands on the political spectrum. but it would be nice to know that all views are welcome.

thank you.

I posted these with reference to article 370 and the migration of people within the country and the dangers posed to the country from inflitrators from Bangladesh, Pakistan and Srilanka.

Instead of seeing it from a coloured glass please tell me which part of it that you find illogical.

You are trying to take the discussion under the topic to something extraneous and irrelevant. In my view I have no objection if you become a mouthpiece of Sonia Gandhi but I would always argue on the merit of the case.

As far as Dr.Subramanian Swamy is concerned, he is a Tamil Brahmin and who is a great devotee of Kanchi Mahaperiava. He is very well educated man unlike Sonia and Karunanidhi. He teaches at Harward, a most coveted University. His hands are clean unlike those of other political hues whose hands are dripping with stolen money. He is the one politician both Sonia and Karunanidhi wish that he disappears but the Grace of Kanchi Mahaswamy protects him. Sorry, he is not one of your kind. Hope you would NOT mind him being around for the Tamil Brahmins.
The following is an exerpt from the book written by Narender Sehgal, a pure Kashmiri Hindu Brahmin and not of a mixed Muslim blood like Pandit JN and his santhathis. In a forum that is proud of its heritage as a Tamil Brahmin and which is groping for the preservation of its values, I feel privileged to post the the travails of a fellow Brahmin from Kashmir the holy land that we Hindus consider as the head of Bharathamaatha.


Article 370

Article 370 of the Constitution is making a mockery of secularism, nationalism and the structure of unity. This temporary constitutional provision has, in fact, been providing encouragement for the establishment of Muslim nation.

Article 370 of the Constitution, which has grouped Jammu and Kashmir as a special and different state, ridicules this declaration that Kashmir is an inseparable part of India. This special status delinks the state from rest of the country. It won't be an exaggeration if it is called constitutionally recognised separatism. On the basis of this "special status" people of Kashmir, Pakistani rulers and diplomats and intellectuals in the world raise of volley of questions in front of the Government of India. Is accession of Jammu and Kashmir complete like other states ? If the accession is complete, why then the special appeasement ? Is it so because there is Muslim majority ? Had there been Hindu majority in the Kashmir valley, would there have been this clause of the Constitution ? Does not this clause give an opportunity to the world to doubt our honesty ?
Everybody knows that Maharaja Hari Singh signed the accession papers on October 26, 1947 under which the state acceded to India. The accession of Jammu and Kashmir with India was carried out on the same pattern other states acceded to it. But as a result of the misfortune of the country, Nehru pressurised the Maharaja for handing over power to Sheikh Abdullah. The Maharaja gulped the bitter draught and exhibited his patriotism. The misfortune does not end here. On the request of Sheikh Abdullah it was decided that the State Assembly will take the final decision on the accession and it was done to appease the Muslim society in Kashmir. From here the State was given the special status. The question arose as to what should be done till the Assembly took the final decision ? For this period Article 370 was incorporated in the Constitution as a temporary measure. But even when the State Assembly ratified the state's accession to India, the Article was not scrapped. There can be no other bigger instance of treachery than the interest of the vote bank and the politics of appeasement.
With the blindfold of political interest we lent permanancy to the temporary character of the Article making our position not only ridiculous before the world but also provided a golden opportunity and solid base for separatist-oriented terrorism to grow in Kashmir. The most shameful part is that we are not ready evennow to throw off the soiled blindfold. Instead we are keen to keep this blindfold as a permanent feature.
Our Government has deliberately concealed the dangers of Article 370 because it will expose the hollowness of its secularism. The exposure of its dangerous consequences will cut asunder the web of pro-Muslim policies.
It is because of this Article that the Government of India cannot enforce any law connected with Jammu and Kashmir without the approval or concurrence of the State Government. Only defence, external affairs and communications fall in the central list. Against this the Parliament has the powers to frame laws for rest of the states in the country. But Article 370 of the Constitution restricts the hands of the Union Government and the Parliament in doing this in case of Jammu and Kashmir. Its dangerous consequences have been witnessed in recent years when the law prohibiting misuse of religious places could not be extended to Jammu and Kashmir with the result the state does not come within the ambit of secularism. And even after the independence the ignoble thing happened in Kashmir where hundreds of temples were destroyed and where people belonging to a particular community were victimised and subjected to cruelties. On the question of Ayodhya nnd the consequent Babri Masjid episode the Union Home Ministry had been issuing threats to the Uttar Pradesh Government and ultimately the Government was dismissed under Article 356 of the canstitution but this article cannot be implemented directly in Jammu and Kashmir.
The President of India cannot dare to issue any order under Article 356 to Jammu and Kashmir. The President has no right to suspend his Constitution in the State. The National emergency under Article 352 of the Constitution can be extended to Jammu and Kashmir to a limited extent and the financial emergency under Article 360 cannot be enforced in Jammu and Kashmir.
Under part four of the Constituion of India there is procedure for one constitutional practice, one administrative structure and one economic pattern. But under Article 370 Jammu and Kashmir has its right under its own constition to do whatever it likes. It is because of the separate flag and separate symbol that two flags flutter on the Government buildings in the state. For hoisting freely the National flag, permission has to be sought from the State flag because it is necessary to hoist the national flag with the state flag.
There is only one system of citizenship for the people of the country but in case of Jammu and Kashmir, it is dual citizenship, one of the state and the other of India. The citizens of Jammu and Kashmir are citizens of India but the citizens of the rest of India cannot be citizens of Jammu and Kashmir. He does not have the right to have property and the right to vote in Jammu and Kashmir. If a girl belonging to Jammu and Kashmir marries a boy from outside the state, who is not a state subject, she loses all her rights in the state. Even the wealth tax cannot be imposed in the state. The Urban Land Act, 1976, which is in force in the entire country is not applicable to Jammu and Kashmir. The result of it is that rich landlords, belonging to the majority community in the Valley, indulge in economic exploitation of the poor and the Indian citizens, who are non-state subjects and living in the valley, cannot even secure loans from the financial institutions.
It is because of Article 370 that political groupism receives encouragement and no local nationalist Government can remain durable if it is not the product of anti-national elements. The state Government did not accept the Anti-defection law adopted in the country and instead made several amendments. Here the decision on defection is not taken by the speaker of the Assembly but by the leader of the connected political party. This gives constitutional legitimacy to the unbridled authority of the leader of the party. Since the Governor usually is not a citizen of the state, he has no right to vote, the separatist elements treat him an outsider and equate themselves with slaves. During the 80's the Wazir Commission had recommended measures forpolitical reforms in Kashmir but due to Article 370 these recommendations have not been implemented.
Burning of the national flag is not a cognizable offence in Kashmir because there cannot be proper arrangement for the basic duties enshrined in the Constitution under which the tricolour, the national anthem and the national symbol have to be shown due respect. Under Article 370 the Indian Parliament cannot increase or reduce the borders of the state.


The Union Government implements international agreements and accords under Article 253 of the Constitution but Jammu and Kashmir is beyond its jurisdiction. Muslims from other parts of the country become successful in getting the citizenship of the Jammu and Kashmir but about one lakh Hindus, who had been uprooted in the neighbourhood at the time of the partition, have not been given citizenship so far. Under the umbrella of Article 370 the fundamentalists have received strength in their campaign for Islamisation.
Article 370 revives the two-nation theory and secures security for it in the future. On one side we proclaim in the world that in India their is no discrimination on the basis of religion, community or sect, on the other hand special facilities are being given to Kashmir because there the Muslims are in majority. If these special privileges are being given on the plea that Kashmir is a backward area, is there no other place in india where backwardness and poverty are less important ? In fact several thousand crores of rupees have been spent in Kashmir and the result is apparent. Anti-national elements are active. Instead of bringing the people to the national mainstream, we have, in comparison to other states, given unlimited rights to the people which have made them a pampered lot. People of Kashmir became suspicious about the accession and the anti- national elements got an opportunity for launching an open disinformation campaign against India. Pakistan supported these separatist organisations. The result was that Kashmiri youths picked up arms against India and forced over three lakh Hindu patriots to leave their houses and property in Kashmir and live in the plains a life of penury and misery.
Our Constitution gives equal rights to all citizens but this right is not available in Jammu and Kashmir. It is the tale of local versus non-local who are not state subjects. They do not enjoy any political and economic rights. Their wards cannot get admission in the colleges in Kashmir. Article 370 has violated the principle cf Indian citizenship. The maker of the Constitution of India, Dr. Ambedkar, had cautioned Nehru on the plea that it can create difficulties in full integration of the state with India. This Article would sow the seeds of separatism in the Valley. At least Dr. Ambedkar's warning can be understood now but the politics of vote appeasement does not allow it.
It is quite evident that Article 370 has not integrated Jammu and Kashmir with India but it has delinked it. There in Kashmir is no place for secularism and nationalism in the mind of the youth. The feelings of regionalism, communalism and separatism have been developed in their mind. Instead of coming closer to the national mainstream, they have distanced themselves from it and have now started raking up the question of independence. On April 7, 1958 the Plebiscite Front, of Sheikh Abdullah adopted a resolution and the wording of the resolution clearly indicates how Kashmiri leaders have been working for making the Muslim society anti-India and pro-Pakistan and for this the leaders took the refuge under Article 370. The resolution had made a mention of this Article and said:
"Jammu and Kashmir state has not yet acceded to any of the two dominions, India and Pakistan. Therefore, it will not be right to call Pakistani invasion on Jammu and Kashmir as an attack on India."
Under Article 370 Kashmiri Muslim leaders have been opposing any welfare schemes formulated by the Government of India. No scheme relating to family welfare, formulated by the Government of India, is in force in Kashmir. The programme was implemented in the Jammu region becawe of being a Hindu majority area. A former Chief Minister, G.M. Shah, had said that the aim of the Government family planning programme was to convert the Muslim majority into a minority. Such type of false propaganda has given birth to separatism which received shelter under Article 370.
According to a former Governor, Jagmohan, Article 370 should be scrapped because it has become an instrument of injustice and inequalities. It waters the roots of corrupt elements. It nourishes narrow-minded and reactionary forces. It fully accepts the principle of two-nation theory. It fills the mind of the youth with the garbage of false desires. It gitres birth to narrow lines and narrow faith. This encourages and nourishes regional tensions.
Historical facts reveal that prior to this Article, both Hindus and Muslims were part of the national mainstream. There was no animosity or hatred. During the 1947 Pakistani aggression on Kashmir, Kashmiri Muslims not only welcomed the Indian Army but also assisted them in nabbing the infiltrators. Then why the same Muslim society is launching an attack on the Indian Army at present? This is the result of the poison of Article 370. On seeing the Poisonous impact of this Article on the Kashmiri mind that a former External Affairs Minister, M.C. Chagla, had told the United Nations that the Article was a temporary measure. This Article should be abolished. The two former Chief Ministers of Jammu and Kashmir, Bakshi Ghulam Mohammad and G.M. Sadiq, too wanted this Article to be repealed. The Government of India too had assured people that when the time comes, the Article would be scrapped. But our political interests and the mean and directionless politics of vote bank based on appeasement have not allowed this to materialise. By duping people in the name of secularism, removal of poverty and promotion of equality our leaders have abolished the Privy purses but it is difficult for them to abolish Article 370 for the sake of the integrity of the country. Who will make these leaders understand that after having tasted the bitter fruit of Article 370 let them watch the other side of the coin by abrogating the Article. The armed struggle for liberation is not something separate from the demand for plebiscite and self-determination.

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This Article, meant to be a temporary clause in the Constitution, has become a special barrier which is promoting and encouraging Muslim state in the Kashmir valley. This anti- national Article has strengthened its roots because of our weak policies, wavering decisions and growing Islamic fundamentalism and this Article cannot be abrogated so long Governments, favouring the policy of appeasement, remain in power in the centre. This Article opens the door for subversion in the country. The basic idea behind the Anandpur Sahib resolution of the Akalis is the same Article 370. This Article is not a constitutional necessity. The special status given to Jammu and Kashmir is an insult to the people of all other states in the country. There are innumerable facilities, under this special status, for the people who have begun their revolt against India and who are conspiring for Islamisation of entire India, against helplessness and suffocation for people who are nationalists and are one with the ups and downs of India. Article 370 is like a piece of bone stuck in the gullet: if it is swallowed, it may lead to death and if not, still death is there. But when the bone has become dangerous for the existence of the body. it is better to throw it out. There is now need for the abrogation of Article 370 in the interests of security and integrity of the country. It is the need of hour to fully integrate the state with India by abolishing the special status and by abrogating its own consitution.
A political section is of the opinion that this Article cannot be abrogated. But according to Dr. Babu Ram Chauhan, an expert on international law and the Constitution of India, this Article can be scrapped even without the concurrence and approval of the state Assembly The President of India and the Indian Parliament can repeal it. It is clear from Articles 3 and 5 of the State Constitution that Jammu and Kashmir state will remain an "inseparable" part of India. The Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir has been framed under the Constitution of India. Why cannot the Government abrogate the Article in the interest of the nation when the same Government has allowed the State to frame its constitution ?
The utility of Article 370 has been finished now. Its utility has ceased with the people in Kashmir having launched an open revolt and with their guerrilla war against the Indian Army. It is nothing but ridiculous to tell a man, who has come to kill you, to slap you and forge an agreement. What is the meaning af the bait af Article 370 for those who are fully equipped with arms to secure independence for Kashmir? Will a glutton feel satisfied with a crumb ? Now only one way is left: launch a full military campaign against the anti-national elements for finishing them and start, on a war footing, measures for bringing the remaining Kashmiri society to the national mainstream. For this there is need for a search of nationalist leadership among the Kashmiri youth, particularly the Muslim youths. This plan can fructify only after giving up the politics of narrow-mindedness. This is certain that it can pave the way for the national plan of abrogating Article 370.
thank you ramaa.

i am with you 100% re dangers posed to india through infiltration from our neigbours. also, these could be breeders for jihadist terror. they should be dealt firmly and quickly. no doubt about that.

the rest of your post, i am not so sure. my thoughts were on completely different lines. please permit me to explain. thank you.

i consider that politics is the last refuge of a scoundrel. honest politician, in my view, is an oxymoron. having said that, i do have a few personal favourites. this is a personal thing, but when i view their political agenda, there are disagreements.

i go by issues rather than by a blanket agenda of any organization. i tend to aver violence, and i think, violence is against the grain of tamil brahmins.

re your articles - the tone of these articles appear to indicate that there is a disaster lurking round the next corner. the national press is remarkably quiet about these things. somewhere there is a disconnect, as it appears to me. perhaps there is a conspiracy of silence among the crooks?

a couple of other points - re swamy, i am aware that he is a tamil brahmin. i see that you are an admirer of him. i have no problems with that.

re kanchi mutt being swamy supporter, that too i have no problem. if i understand you correctly, what you are saying is that kanchi is involved in politics through swamy. this is the first time that i am hearing of kanchi mutt getting involved directly in politics. things have certainly changed since my times.

re sonia gandhi: i am not a fan of sonia. she may have to wait a long time, if she is depending on me to be her mouthpiece. fortunately, there is a big line up for that job, and my consideration for that job is a mute point, i think. not sure where you picked that up from my post.

i mentioned her in context with a few others. why sonia in particular? just curious. that's all.

if you really have to prod me to vote for a political outfit, for hand raising purposes, please permit me aye to go for the maoists. at this moment, they appear to be the only idealists left in india.

sir, concluding, you have insinuated several personal attributes to me. nowhere in my note are these warranted, i think.

i have only raised queries, which were kindled by your posts, and they were topic directed ordinary queries, targeted towards the subject of the post and not the person.

i request you to show me the same courtesy, if you don't mind.

thank you.

Thanks for your posting.

if i understand you correctly, what you are saying is that kanchi is involved in politics through swamy. this is the first time that i am hearing of kanchi mutt getting involved directly in politics.
I did not say that and neither do I believe that Kanchi Mutt is involved in politics through Dr. Swamy. Kanchi Acharyaal was involved in negotiating with the Muslim to get back three (YES, JUST THREE) of over hundred thousand temples destroyed by the Muslims. They were the Kaasi, Mathura and Ayodhya temples. The Muslims like the kaurava hoards refused to give back even one. For your info, against the fond wishes of the secularists that the Hindus would forget and eat the rejection of the Muslims humbly, this indeed would be settled only by another Bharatha Yuddham.

Kaanchi MahaperiavaaL is, (yes I am using the present tense, for He is there invisibly and is) guiding the Hindus. You may not believe it and I have no qualms about it.

re sonia gandhi: i am not a fan of sonia. she may have to wait a long time, if she is depending on me to be her mouthpiece. fortunately, there is a big line up for that job, and my consideration for that job is a mute point, i think. not sure where you picked that up from my post.

i mentioned her in context with a few others. why sonia in particular? just curious. that's all.

if you really have to prod me to vote for a political outfit, for hand raising purposes, please permit me aye to go for the maoists. at this moment, they appear to be the only idealists left in india.
See, here you have revealed yourself and thanks for letting us know. If Sonia would turn out to be a Maoist you would be her big fan however she is more interested in exploiting the gullible Indians to amass personal wealth. Each one has a personal preference! In any case everyone has politics lurking in them. Why try to pretend otherwise. Personally I am averse to the Dravidian politicians of all hues and shades and I have disgust towards Congress and the BJP. I do like Dr.Swamy but everyone knows he is a one man politician. That is the trait of all Tamil Brahmins!

you have insinuated several personal attributes to me. nowhere in my note are these warranted, i think.
I sure do not paint anyone with a malicious intent and that goes for you very much.

If I had said anything that you wanted to be corrected you have every right to do so and no one should prevent you from doing so and infact you have indeed done so. Thus there are two views that the readers have before them and so you need not worry at being portrayed differently.

Kunjuppu, please do not be afraid about talking about everything on earth and on everyone's views. You have a mighty pen which you have profusely used. So what is the problem?

We, You and I included, have parents and grandparents who were very submissive and have behaved with a ready 'yes sir' in their lips and 'yours faithfully' in their address for they lived in a time they were sole breadwinners and were constantly worried about bringing food to the table and educating their children. We live in a time of fearlessness. We could have respect for our elders and yet correct all the insults and injuries thrown at them.

My father used to say that a 'aasthikan' is merely a trustee who inherits material and ideal values and pass them on to the posterity. As a trustee we can add to the trust but never subtract or destroy. A 'naasthikan' consumes and destroys the trust and breaks the link and hides behind his fault-finding of his ancestors.

We all have a choice.
"We should ensure a non-communal government in the country that would keep up secularism. Let not those dividing the country in the name of religion come to power, as it does not augur well for the country, especially its secular ethos," he (Karunanidhi) said in his birthday felicitation function, attended by various national leaders, here."

Karunanidhi's pep talk. See: http://www.hindu.com/thehindu/holnus/002200806040320.htm

Now you know who is the beneficiary of secularism!

Karunanidhi enjoyed the company of the BJP till the very end and made money as ministers in the NDA cabinet. And when he realized that they may not make it in the next election he dropped them like hot potato. That is secularism! The 'anti-communal' stand is just sloganeering. In fact he is the worst communalist of the Anti-Brahmin variety.
Temple thefts: Preying on God's abode
Wednesday June 4 2008 09:58 IST Arjun Raghunath
T'PURAM: They call it God's Own Country. Only, the gods in Kerala aren't safe anymore.

Giving the temple authorities and the powers that be sleepless nights are the innumerable temple thefts - some proving to be tough nuts to crack.

Last year, on an average, there had been at least one temple theft each day in the state. The value of the booty would run into several lakhs! According to the data available with the State Crime Records Bureau (SCRB), 364 temple thefts were reported in 2007 (it was 291 the previous year). Only 88 cases in 2007 and 111 cases in 2006 have been detected so far. The rate of detection is as low as 24 percent and 38 percent respectively during the two years.

Among the districts, the state capital leads the tally with 65 cases in 2006 and 47 the following year. While 31 cases were detected in the district in 2006, only 19 cases reported in 2007 could be detected till date.

Kozhikode comes second in the list with 42 thefts (2007) followed by Kollam (35) and Ernakulam (31). In 2006, 38 cases were reported in Kollam, 35 in Malappuram and 31 in Ernakulam.

The absence of proper security measures in temples is cited as the major reason for thefts. "Most of the temples neither have security personnel nor security features like lockers or burglar alarms. The hundis of most of the temples are installed in such a way that it is easier to take money out of them rather than put something in them," said a senior police officer.

"The police have stepped up vigil near temples in view of a number of thefts. The local sub-inspectors were directed to regularly monitor the security of major temples," he said.

thank you ramaa.

i am not familiar with kanchi mutt negotiations with the muslims. i agree, that had that borne fruit, it would have gone a long way to build bridges. and also enhanced the prestige of both the parties. did not happen. so be it.

re sonia and maoists: sir, i did not explain very well, and it is my remiss. i am not enamoured by any of the indian political participants. my comment re maoists, was more of a rhetorical kind, that if i am cornered into raising my hands.

i have no stomach for violence. in the very narrow path of definining them as idealists, i would to stick to maoist idealism, as opposed to the methods of their enforcing their ideals. too violent for me. i have heard that though their immediate beneficiaries are tribals, the leaders are young, educated men/women despairing about the state of the country, and the direction in which it is moving. sad.

ramaa, please correct me if i am wrong. in many of the documents that you post, i detect a sense of anger. a sense of being cheated out of something rightly owed, and as a result, there is a need to destroy the perpetuator(s). it almost seems to be an instigation to violence.

i hope this is not so, and i am reading too much into the theme of these postings. the reason is simple. in our experiences, there are things, incidents and peoples whom we do not like. we would like to wish them away. how wonderful if that wish comes true.

but the reality is that the objects of our dislike do not fade away but continue to exist or live with us. so they have to be dealt with. dealings, in the context of eschewing violence, and dealings in the context of a democracy, perforces us to discussions, negotiations and accommodations, all within the framework of a decorum.

i am quite sure that these articles are all composed keeping our democratic traditions in mind and nourishing it, rather than a desire to destroy it and replace it with something despotic. perhaps you can confirm the same.

ramaa, i do believe in checks and balances. the dominance of one set of thoughts to the level, where other thoughts and practices are exterminated, is the worst thing that could happen to our country. extremism of whatever order, is ultimately self destructive. all thoughts need to fearlessly expressed, so that the country does not veer towards a path of no return. which is why, i am happy that people like you are there, to provide a certain viewpoint, and in the process be the needed check and balance to some others. and vice versa ofcourse!!

i am always concerned of those armchair detractors of democracy, who with a few scribbles inculcate seeds of mistrust in ordinary decent trusting folks that have potential to explode to self immolations and suicides, all in the name of a cause. these guys are the last ones to volunteer to carry a self killing grenade, i think.

the is the saddest way to lose a son, a father or a grandson. those who incite such incidents and actions, are the biggest criminals, in my opinion.

thank you.
Dear kunjuppu,

ramaa, please correct me if i am wrong. in many of the documents that you post, i detect a sense of anger. a sense of being cheated out of something rightly owed, and as a result, there is a need to destroy the perpetuator(s). it almost seems to be an instigation to violence.
You are right, I am sometimes angry at the state of affairs of my country but I am just one man army! No one gets instigated least of all Tamil Brahmins! One of the readers certified the Tamil Brahmins as cowards. I may not call them cowards. May be pacifists like you could be the right description. So don't worry! No harm done!

By the way I too realized that someone was instigating you appealing to your pirde. I am sure you reject such preying.

there are things, incidents and peoples whom we do not like. we would like to wish them away.
That's an insinuation! I do not wish anyone away. I only was pointing out to what that gentleman swore to us and retracted. That cannot be turned around to say I wished him away. Twisting is a sport for some! It reminds me of 'Who is afraid of virginia woolf?' (The play's title, which alludes to the novelist Virginia Woolf, is a parody of the song "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?" from Walt Disney's animated version of The Three Little Pigs.) Should I sing "Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush,"?

The rest of your posting is vintage you! I guess you and I could keep talking in the 10th cloud to the utter dismay of others! But who cares, we do have fun! Don't we?!
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