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Indian Secularism engenders fissiparous tendencies

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Ahmedabad after Bangalore: Glaring lapses
Sudhi Ranjan Sen
Sunday, July 27, 2008, (New Delhi)

http://www.ndtv.com/convergence/ndtv/story.aspx?id=NEWEN20080059007&ch=7/28/2008 11:19:00 AM

An audacious attack in Ahmedabad, barely a day after serial blasts in India's IT capital Bangalore, leads us to several obvious questions.

Is India now a sitting duck for terrorists? What is causing these men to attack India at will and get away with it?

Also, what about the role of intelligence agencies and the network formed to be in the know of any such attacks?

How could Ahmedabad be targeted hours after Bangalore?

What lessons have we learnt from similar attacks in the past and why have there been no conclusive breakthroughs?

There are more questions than answers.

Let us take a look at the first intelligence lapse that occurred. The Gujarat blasts took place within hours of nationwide alert after Bangalore blasts.

How could 16 bomb blasts take place in Ahmedabad when the entire country was on high alert?

In Ahmedabad, most bombs were placed on cycles and went off within a short time span like in Bangalore, Jaipur, Uttar Pradesh and Malegaon.

The second lapse was that the groups of serial bombers could not be traced.

It takes several people to carry out a serial blast, so how come they can't be traced? And even those who provide them logistical support like houses, phones and transport could not be traced.

Modi and Gujarat are prime targets of the terror since the 2002 riots. How could intelligence agencies not even get a whiff of such an elaborate network? This was the third lapse on the part of the intelligence.

For the last three years, terrorists have been making minimal use of telecommunication devices before and after each strike, making it difficult for security agencies to track them.

Had there been a strong human intelligence network or local policing, things would have been easier. And this constitutes the fourth lapse.

And an expert like A S Dulat, former secretary of RAW, who has spent his entire life tracking terror, feels something is definitely wrong.

"It is very evident that there is an intelligence failure. I think there is a need to do a threat assessment of metros. For instance, leaders and state governments should take terror more seriously and not just depend on what is given to them," said Dulat.

Under pressure, this is exactly what the Centre intends to do. Home Minister Shivraj Patil will meet chief ministers of all states, hoping to push through police modernisation and reforms. The Intelligence Bureau too will be upgraded.

Police reforms would in no doubt help but the big question is whether states would agree and more importantly how long will it take?
George Bernard Shaw wrote:

‘I am, and have always been, and shall now always be, a revolutionary writer, because our laws make law impossible; our liberties destroy all freedom; our property is organized robbery; our morality is an impudent hypocrisy; our wisdom administered by inexperienced or mal-experienced dupes; our power wielded by cowards and weaklings, and our honour falls in all its points. I am an enemy of the existing order’.
Without the trappings of any public or political office, in a faint, feeble, limping and lack-lustre manner, I too am an anemic enemy of the status quo!

When I read the above I thought that he was writing about the present day India!

Perhaps history repeats itself.

I am frustrated at the constant barrage of terrorism perpetrated across the country. The government seems to be more concerned about saving its marauding group of politicians called the UPA in its unabashed mission to to steal and stash the booty in foreign lands.

I have no hope they will save us from internal terror of islamists and naxalites abetted by foreign enemies from Pakistan, Bangladesh, China and even Srilanka.

All they can do is blame the opposition parties and encourage these terrorists in these states ruled by the opposition.

From Kashmir to Kanyakumari the miserable experience repeats ad nauseum.

I have lost faith in this constitutional democracy. It engenders division of the people on communal and caste basis and robs their pride as a nation. It extols the virtue of an unpad au pair who is perhaps a multi-billionaire now, as a martyr and saviour of the country. It has robbed our pride in our heritage and drove our innocent millions from their homes in constant search of livelihood throughout India and abroad. The starkest reality is that there is no moral leadership in this country. This thought has never stopped frustrating my hopes for our humanity.

I am beginning to fervently hope that the military would step in, overthrow this system and rob the luxury of these corrupt politicians and pack them to Andaman for the rest of their lives. Then our people can pick up the pieces and start rebuilding.

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Hindu Temple Lands Auctioned, Christians get Subsidy; Stay Orders are being sought.

Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) American statesman, scientist and philosopher.

Recently the government of Andhra Pradesh has sold 5 acres of land in Nellore in spite of our protests and demand to stop the auction. There is no law and order, no morals, no principles, overly zealous to destroy Hindu culture by selling the lands and diverting the Temples. Deception is rampant. Trickery is widespread. Honesty is gone. We have to make people aware of all these practices so that they will be equipped with the government's anti-Hindu stance. Hopefully they will exercise their voting rights so that they will elect people who treat all religions equally without giving preference to one religion over others. Equal treatment should be law of the land.

Also AP government has issued a GO setting aside 2 crores of rupees for Christians to go Jerusalem Bethelham etc. using government money. Where do this money come from? It comes from the Temple money since all the Hindu Temples are required to pay 18-21 percent of their revenues to the State government. This money is in turn used to subsidize Christians pilgrimage and Hajj travel arrangements.

Hindus should wake up to the reality. What is the reality? Reality is that the both Central government and State governments are anti Hindus and try any means to destroy it. How can they do it? Because Hindus are so indifferent, so apathetic, so unconcerned about their religion, they refuse to read, refuse to listen, refuse to accept, refuse to exercise their voting right, refuse to unite as one group. We are in deep slumber. By the time we wake up, we may be in chains dragged and forced the way like our fore fathers who were forced, killed for ten centuries of Islamic rule in India. Hindus have to learn their lessons. They have to make conscious effort to learn as to what happened to their fore fathers, how may of them were killed, how many of them were forced to convert, how many women were raped, how many murthies were broken, and how many Temples were damaged, destroyed, and leveled to the ground.

It is happening now. But Hindus do not see it. They turn their eyes away from their religion which is being maligned. They do not take active part to defend their religion, they do not express their anger, and they do not support any efforts to defend it.

You and your children may not enjoy the freedom you are enjoying today, if you allow your religion to attacked, hacked, mutilated by external forces and other religions who bent on establishing the supremacy of their religion.

What are we (Global Hindu Heritage Foundation and Hindu Devalaya Parirakshana Samithi) doing about these issues? We are consulting and taking up these issues with our lawyers to challenge the and get stay order.


In the mean while, please send your emails to Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh about:

1) selling of Temple lands and diversion of Temple funds
2) the GO granting subsidy to Christians to go to Jerusalem, Bethelham and other places.
SC admits petition challenging subsidy for Haj pilgrims
New Delhi (PTI): The Supreme Court on Monday admitted a petition questioning the constitutional validity of a legislation providing annual financial assistance to Muslims going on the Haj.
A Bench comprising Justices R V Raveendran and L S Panta issued notice to the Centre on the petition challenging the Haj Committee Act, 1959 providing special subsidy to the Muslim community for the pilgrimage.
The petition filed by Prafull Goradia, a former BJP MP, alleged that the estimated Rs 280 crore annually incurred by the Government for funding the Haj pilgrimage was not only unconstitutional but a drain on the tax payers' money.
He contended that the provision for special subsidy to Muslims, without any similar assistance to others like Hindus, Christians, Buddhists and Sikhs, was violative of the Constitution as the State cannot discriminate between the citizens on the grounds of religion, caste or creed.
The petition has quoted various provisions of the Constitution, including Article 27, which provided, "that no person shall be compelled to pay any taxes, the proceeds of which are specifically appropriated for the payment of expenses for the promotion and maintenance of any particular religion or religious denominance. .."
The special financial assistance to the Haj pilgrims from the tax payers' money was discriminatory as no such facilities were being extended to Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs and other communities.
The petitioner argued that other communities too had their own special pilgrim places located in Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Vatican, Japan, Cambodia and elsewhere but no such financial assistance was being extended to them. http://www.hinduonn et.com/thehindu/ holnus/001200807 281803.htm
More live bombs surface in Surat, bomb squads busy
Tuesday July 29 2008 15:07 IST IANS

SURAT: Seven more bombs were found in this south Gujarat city Tuesday by the afternoon, taking the number of unexploded bombs found here in the past three days to 12. The first lot had been found Sunday, a day after serial blasts in Ahmedabad killed at least 50 people and injured 200.

Four bombs were found on Sunday and one late Monday evening. More unexploded bombs could pop up before the day ends, said a police constable.

Most of the bombs found here Tuesday were in the Varacha area. The first was found in the morning behind the Labeshwar police post when a provision store owner was opening his shop at about 9 a.m. As he was pushing his shutters up a packet fell down. He immediately called the police. Police inspector V.B. Patel reached the spot with the bomb disposal and dog squads.

A little while later another bomb was found near Baroda bridge in Santoshnagar area close to a garment shop, Mahavir Fashion. The bomb was placed inside an electric meter box. It was defused. Both bombs were found within an hour and defused.

On Tuesday afternoon, another bomb was found on the branches of a peepul tree close to the Matawadi police post in the Varacha area and defused. Even as the cops were heaving a sigh of relief, they had to rush to Varacha's mini diamond market where four more bombs four. All four were defused.

The bomb found late Monday night was also in the Labeshwar area. All the bombs found in the neighbourhood were planted withing a kilometre of one another.

None of the bombs found in Surat so far has exploded, leading to all sorts of theories here on whether the city was being used as a staging post and a cache by the terrorists on their way to Ahmedabad.
Amarnath vs Haj

Ramesh Naidoo


The unfortunate events in Jammu & Kashmir regarding the transfer of land by the government to Shri Amarnath Shrine Board call for each one’s urgent attention and involvement.

What began as a simple effort to facilitate Amarnath pilgrims has suddenly developed communal and political overtones. This is appalling when compared to the facilities offered to the Haj and the Vaishno Devi pilgrims.

In an attempt to bring this to the attention of every responsible citizen of India, we would like you to have the benefit of some facts stated below.
In keeping with public policy statements, the Government of India makes elaborate arrangements for the welfare of Haj pilgrims and strives to improve the facilities provided to them every year. That is how it should be. The Government of India, and the ministry of external affairs in particular, deserves credit for providing perhaps the best arrangements that any government makes for their Haj pilgrims.

For eg: As reported in a newspaper article, here are the facts about the facilities provided to Haj pilgrims.

1. To begin with, the government provides an airfare subsidy to about 100,000 pilgrims selected by the Haj Committee of India who go for Haj annually. Pilgrims pay only Rs 12,000 for their air travel. This figure has remained unchanged for at least a decade or more. According to official figures, this subsidy was Rs 280 crores in 2006, or about Rs 28,000 per pilgrim. Today, with rising fuel prices, this figure would have gone up to Rs 350-400 crore. There is also a seperate Haj Terminal at Delhi International Airport.

2. There is a separate Haj cell in the ministry of external affairs. The Haj Committee of India has its own premises in Mumbai. Similarly the State Haj Committees have their own premises in various other Indian cities. These facilities have been built on land provided by the state governments.

3. Accommodation in Mecca and Medina is decided keeping in mind the need to provide maximum convenience and comfort to the pilgrims. Typically, all accommodation has lifts, telephones, running water, electricity and telephone at the minimum. There is total computerisation of pilgrim location and movement.

4. For Haj 2007, a contingent of 115 doctors (including 63 specialists with post-graduate degrees) and 141 nurses and other para-medical staff, 3 coordinators, 46 assistant Haj officers, 165 Haj assistants and 186 Khadimul Hujjaj were sent from India on short-term deputation to Saudi Arabia. Special attention is given to medical facilities for the pilgrims.

5. Some of the facilities provided by the government are: arrangements for polio, meningitis and influenza vaccinations for pilgrims before departure; a 75-bed hospital and 12 branch offices-cum-dispensaries in Mecca; a 15-bed hospital and 6 branch offices-cum-dispensaries in Medina; three medical teams at Jeddah airport to provide medical care round the clock to Haj pilgrims; 17 ambulances in Mecca and Medina; supply of medicines, medical supplies and critical medical equipment from India. All this adds up to the total money spent by the government to facilitate a hassle-free Haj pilgrimage each year for tens of thousands of Muslims from India.
What is due to one community by logic and fair practice is due to another. And yet in a discriminatory treatment lakhs of pilgrims who have been going to Amarnath for years have been denied basic human facilities. The question is what took them so long to consider these facilities and not whether or not they should be provided.
There isn’t any adequate medical and sanitary facilities for the pilgrims of Amarnath Shrine. As the agitation continues, it has been reported that a water bottle costing Rs 14 was sold at Rs 70. And a khacchar or a pony that took pilgrims at the cost of Rs 1,500 charged an abominable Rs 10,000. Compare this with the subsidies for Haj Pilgrims. Buses of pilgrims were also stoned by unruly elements.
The whole agitation was started by the Peoples Democratic Party on the absurd presumption that providing these basic facilities to the travelling pilgrims will result in a changed “eco-cultural character” of the state. Does this imply that Kashmir only has a “Muslim” character?
Kashmir originally and lawfully belongs to both Hindus and Muslims. Nevertheless, 4,00,000 Kashmiri Pandits were driven out of Kashmir and are living as refugees and now even the very thought of Hindus settling in Kashmir is creating such violent repercussions. Is this a sign of a secular, healthy, fair society?

Even if we were to presume that it has a Muslim character, how can travelling pilgrims possibly change eco-cultural character of a place. Can there be a likelihood of someone settling down at the height of 13,500 ft? There can not be any possibility of Hindus settling down in the proposed land.

It is ironical that though the Hindus are being denied basic hospitable facilities to enable their pilgrimage, the temporary, pre-fabricated shelters built by the Amarnath Shrine Board were dismantled and sent for emergency relief operations during the earthquake in Kashmir in October 2005. “About 60-70 pre-fab shelters were sent to Uri and Tangdhar, where they housed thousands,” a senior Government official is reported to have said. “The Amarnath Board also sent pre-fab toilets. There was no objection from any political party at that point.”

For centuries pilgrims have been making the arduous trip to Amarnath cave without any benefit from the state. They have to depend to private philanthropy for food, accommodation and other facilities. It is shameful that people have lived in torn taurpaulin tents. But a caring State in independent India can and should do more.

View online exhibition on exodus and selective killings of 4,00,000 Kashmiri Pandits from Kashmir at

From Significance of the Amarnath yatra, 2008/07/29 at 2:24 PM
An astonishing report on cash-for-votes scam.

13 buffaloes to appease empress who is doo-aast (phrase taken from Tughlak's delhi door aast).

Among all the reports and columnists' analyses on the scam so far, this report in the Telegraph (Kolkata) takes the prasadam (the cake).

In a media starved of brilliance and honesty in reporting with concern for national interests, this report is a reality check.

Flaunting the defamed 1000-rupee notes (which is the idiom for the empress' chamchas' pathetic attempt to stay in satta), expenses of bali of goats are peanuts.

It is a pity that Samrite is only an MLA. Soon, he will graduate and become an MP with the 43 cases of murders on his belt.

This report is the very epitome of the fact that something is rotten in the state of Hindusthanam.


Sacrifice for trust vote win

- Samajwadi MLA with criminal record camps at Kamakhya

Guwahati/Bhopal, July 28 (Kolkata Telegraph, July 29, 2008): The UPA may have won the trust vote with Mulayam Singh Yadav's help, but the Samajwadi Party is not yet done appeasing Goddess Kamakhya.

Samajwadi MLA Kishore Samrite — who arrived in the city a day ahead of the trust vote — today said he had sacrificed 13 buffaloes and more than 200 goats at the Kamakhya temple. The sacrifice will continue till July 30.

For the record, Samrite has over 40 cases of murder, loot, kidnapping, criminal intimidation and assaulting government officials on duty against him.

While the SP leader was busy with the rituals, People for Animals (PFA) erupted in anger today, saying it was unbecoming of an elected representative of the people to participate in an ancient ritual soaked in blood. The PFA sent a memorandum to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to put a stop to the "madness". Copies of the memorandum were also sent to UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi and Assam chief minister Tarun Gogoi.

Samrite, who is an MLA from the Lanjhi Assembly constituency in Balaghat district of Madhya Pradesh, said the sacrifice at the Shakti shrine was to express their gratitude to the goddess for "ensuring" the victory of the UPA government during the confidence vote.

Samrite said he has been offering puja and animal sacrifice following a party high command directive.

"The puja was offered to Kamakhya for the victory of the UPA government, progress of the Samajwadi Party and to see Mulayam Singh Yadav become the Prime Minister after the next general election," Samrite told The Telegraph here today.

Samrite's priest at the Kamakhya, Ranjeet Sarma, said the MLA was offering Dasamahavidya puja for which 15 buffaloes and 317 goats would be sacrificed.

For his long stint in Guwahati, Samrite has even rented a room near the temple.

The members of the PFA took out a rally from its office at Uzan Bazar to the Kamrup (metro) deputy commissioner's office demanding a stop to this "act of cruelty in the name of religion".

Chairperson of PFA's Assam chapter Sangeeta Goswami said, "It is indeed a great shame for all of us that when the country is moving towards nuclear power, some of our politicians have gone back to those days when illiteracy reigned."

On March 19, 2008, four months before cash reached Lok Sabha, Samrite had stunned Bhopal by claiming that the state Congress had offered him Rs 10 lakh in exchange for his support to Vivek Tankha, a former advocate general of the state and Congress-backed nominee for Rajya Sabha polls.

A calm Samrite showed crisp notes of Rs 1,000 denomination spread on his table at a guesthouse.

When Samrite was elected to the Madhya Pradesh Assembly, a big feast followed in his hometown. In the presence of Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav's son, Akhilesh, Samrite is said to have sacrificed 108 goats in Balaghat.

Cash-for-vote scam: Why was the sting operation foiled?

By Swapan Dasgupta (Free Press Journal, 29 July 2008)

If ethics, morality, propriety and ordinary decencies are kept aside, the Trust vote victory last Tuesday evening was one of the most successful operations ever mounted by the Congress and its UPA allies, with a little help from intelligence agencies. In converting a 10 MP deficit into a 19-vote majority, the Manmohan Singh Government showed managerial skills of a high order. Had a fraction of this energy, out-of-the-box thinking and single-mindedness been employed in governance and the fight against terrorism, India would unquestionably have been a much better and safer place to live in.

For the UPA Government, it was tragic that the huge political dividends that should have accrued from this successful operation were checked by one act of counter-audacity by a beleaguered Opposition. The dramatic protest by three BJP members flaunting the wads of Rs 1,000 notes, allegedly paid to them as bribes by UPA managers, shocked the country. This is not because the three MPs were suggesting something bizarre but because they were confirming what was widely suspected to be happening in Lutyens’ Delhi.

For 72 hours prior to the vote, the Government’s spin doctors went into overdrive with feeds to ever-obliging TV channels that all the Opposition parties (barring the Communists) would be affected by defections and abstentions.

TV channels competed among themselves for dramatic sourcebased stories of a crumbling Opposition. Last Sunday night, for example, it was suggested by channels that both H.D. Deve Gowda and Ajit Singh were going to turn turtle again and vote for the UPA; that some six Biju Janata Dal were going to either abstain or vote for the Government; and that three Shiv Sena MPs had made up their minds to switch sides. In hindsight, this psychological warfare which combined triumphalism with disinformation may come to haunt the UPA for a long time. It certainly created the atmosphere for the last-minute BJP protest on the floor of the House to be taken seriously. Additionally, it had the unintended effect of covering the Indo-US nuclear agreement with moral disrepute. That the Government was caught totally unawares by the flaunting of currency notes in the Lok Sabha was pretty obvious. The reason was that by the afternoon of Tuesday (just four to five hours before the actual voting) the UPA leadership had been informed by its friends in the corporate world that a BJP-inspired sting operation to implicate the Samajwadi Party leadership in the purchase of MPs had been foiled.

The information was not entirely incorrect. Apparently on Monday afternoon, a BJP member from Madhya Pradesh was approached with the suggestion that he help out the UPA. He contacted a BJP functionary who then thought of the bright idea of entrapping the UPA. The BJP itself certainly had the wherewithal to record phone conversations and even use a hidden camera. However, it was thought that any sensational story backed by film and audio evidence was likely to enjoy more credibility if it had the certificate of a reputed media organisation. A media house was sounded out and the approval of its editor secured.

Between midnight on Monday when a SP leader visited the BJP members and 10.30 am on Tuesday when the “advance” was paid by the secretary of a flamboyant leader, the conversations and transactions were electronically captured. The BJP expected that the sting would be first telecast on Tuesday afternoon.

By 3 pm on Tuesday, it became evident to the BJP that its socalled media partner had absolutely no intention of either telecasting the sting or handing over the raw footage to the party.

The possible reasons for its abrupt U-turn-profound respect for the sanctity of parliamentary democracy, a desire to not appear as a friend of the BJP, its shareholding pattern or belief that the nuclear agreement was good for India-is a matter of conjecture. Whatever the real reason, the relevant people in the UPA and its friendly agencies were aware that a potentially damaging, last-minute crisis had been narrowly averted thanks to the good sense of those who had faith in a “free vote” in Parliament. The conduct of the media house is certain to become the subject matter of a wider debate on journalistic ethics in the weeks to come. However, for the BJP, the realisation that it had been “double-crossed” was a bitter blow. It is not that the party believed that a single sting telecast would alter voting patterns and neutralise the UPA growing advantage in the numbers game. Having been completely outwitted and outmanoeuvred in the battle to remove the UPA Government, the party wanted to end the campaign on a moral high. The refusal of its media partner to keep its side of the bargain jeopardised its damage limitation plans. After frenetic negotiations, the media partner agreed to send a copy of the electronic evidence to the Speaker of the Lok Sabha for his consideration. It is a different matter that the tapes finally reached Parliament House nearly 24 hours after the Trust vote thereby exposing the media channel to possible charges of additional subterfuge.

It was at this juncture that some BJP leaders, including, by his own admission, L.K. Advani, took the decision to let the three MPs lay the evidence before the whole Lok Sabha and, by implication, the whole country. That their dramatic gesture was novel and didn’t correspond to the exacting standards set by Westminster is unde niable. Yet, in the light of suggestions by the UPA that this was a pre-planned gimmick concocted by the BJP to subvert parliamentary democracy, it is important to note that the protest was an act of desperation by an Opposition that proved unable to resist the UPA’s no-holds-barred determination to win the vote.

Like the unedifying picture of Bangaru Laxman accepting money across the table, the image of currency notes being flaunted in Lok Sabha will be etched in the public memory for a long time. It has certainly become the defining image of the Trust vote and, by implication, the Indo-US nuclear deal. It is too early to say if this “cash for votes” scandal contributes to further cynicism or translates into a quiet disgust with the UPA. All that can be said with certainty is that the impression that some 22 MPs changed sides on non-political considerations may come to haunt the Prime Minister. Yet, the BJP cannot but express its complete indebtedness to the three MPs who refused to sell their soul to the highest bidder. It is worth speculating what would have happened if the cash transactions had remained in the realms of subterranean whispers and the UPA had won with a 19vote majority. First, Manmohan Singh would have emerged politically much stronger-as P.V. Narasimha Rao did after defeating the 1993 no-confidence vote in broadly similar circumstances.

The defectors would have been packaged as those who voted according to their conscience.

Secondly, the Samajwadi Party would have been even more uninhibited in projecting themselves as the single-window policy clearance agency.

At present the party leaders are under some tension. Finally, the Government would have claimed the scalp of the Leader of Opposition. The stage had been set for the defections to be accompanied by charges within the BJP that Advani had lost the moral authority to be the NDA’s shadow Prime Minister.

A revival of internal dissidence would have created chaos and demoralisation in the main Opposition party in the run-up to the general election. The Government thought big, planned big and almost succeeded. The whistleblowers were the spoilers.


It is astonishing that in our country, the Congress and other secular parties, including communists, are in the forefront, in observing Babri Divas - a ploy to please the muslims - sheer vote bank politics. What happened to hindus and hindu-temples in Bangladesh when Babri masjid was demolished in India. The following is the brief report:
“almost every public temple in entire Bangladesh and many thousands of private shrines inside the Hindu houses were damaaged and many completely destroyed. Even the shrine of the holy mother of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His consort in His ancestral home of Dhaka Dakshin near the Sylhet town were destroyed. The library of the Indian information office and the Indian airlines office in Mattijheel in Dhaka were attacked by muslim mobs and set on fire.
About 25000 houses, 3600 places of worship and 2500 commercial establihments were destroyed in Bangladesh due to severe mob attack in different districts of Bangladesh on December 6, 1992 and onwards. During this holocaust many people were killed, 1925 injured and 2600 women were raped and abducted. MANY OF THE ABDUCTED YOUNG GIRLS ARE BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN SHIPPED AND SOLD IN MUSLIMS COUNTRIES IN MIDDLE EAST FOR PROSTITUTION AND SLAVERY. Property worth nearly 200 crore takkas was either destroyed or looted.
Bhola district had majority of hinduj population. Till 1992, practically no hindu family had migrataed to India. The hindus mastered the art of growing good crops on marshy lands. Nearly 50000 hindu families were victims of genocide in this district. The muslim mobs, mostly composed of Jammat e Islam goondas and members of the Awami League Party violently looted, damaged and set fire to the houses and commercial centres and temples in the entire district towns and villages. Practically, everything was either looted or destroyed. The condition of women and children was pitiable as there was no food, no shelter and no clothes.Three hundred young girls, mostly minors, were raped, even gang-raped, in front of their parents and families. In one village alone, more than 200 women were abducted and have never been heard of again.
All political parties in India and the pseudo-secular media, have been apologising to the muslims for the destruction of Babri Masjid. Their stupid secular action, provided justification and fuel for the muslims for rioting and resulting in the genocide of hindus in Bangladesh.
See, for the demolition of a dilapitated structure in India, how the hindus in Bangladesh had suffered. Jyoti Basu, Somenath Chattrjee, Buddhadheb Bhattacharjee, Siddarth Sankarray, all kept quiet - mind you, they are all refugees from East Pakistan.
Taslima Nasrin in her boojk LOJJA had remarked that HINDUS SEEM TO HAVE THE HIDE OF A RHINOCEROS - meaning Hindus are so thick-skinned that they could not help their own brethren. What a shame for Hindus!
I request the learned Editor to bring these facts to the notice of esteemed readers.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely
23 bombs defused in Surat, India remains on edge
Wednesday July 30 2008 00:00 IST IANS

SURAT / AHMEDABAD / NEW DELHI: Just when Gujarat was returning to normalcy after 50 people were killed in Saturday's serial bombings in Ahemdabad, 23 low-intensity bombs were recovered from Surat by Tuesday evening as cities across India remained on the edge.

"It's been only because of a vigilant public that we managed to reach in the nick of time and defuse them. We have asked people to avoid crowded areas," said the city's police commissioner R M S Brar.

Brar ordered closure for the day of all cinema theatres, colleges, schools, malls and parks even as panic gripped people.

He also asked leaders of textile industry and diamond market associations to keep their businesses shut Wednesday.

Seventeen bombs were recovered Tuesday from Varachha area where a large number of diamond processing units are located. One bomb was recovered from the city outskirts in Mahinderpura.

Four bombs were found from Varachha two days ago and one more late Monday evening.

Tuesday morning, the first bomb was recovered from behind the Labeshwar police post when a provision store owner was opening his shop around 9 a.m. As he was pushing his shutters up a packet fell down. He immediately called the police and a team led by police inspector V.B. Patel reached the spot with the bomb disposal and dog squads.

A little later another bomb, placed inside an electric meter box, was recovered near the Baroda Bridge in Santoshnagar area close to a garment shop.

Later in the afternoon, a bomb was recovered near a peepul tree close to the Matawadi police post in Varachha. Even as cops were heaving a sigh of relief, they had to rush to Varachha's mini diamond market where four more bombs were recovered.

Of the 17 bombs found from Varaccha area, three were placed precariously on an advertisement banner over a bridge.

Strangely, none of the detected bombs exploded, leading to various theories on whether the city was being used as a staging post and a cache by terrorists on their way to Ahmedabad.

On Sunday, two abandoned cars laden with explosive materials were found from Surat, Gujarat's second largest city.

In Ahmedabad, investigators were yet to get a fix on the perpetrators behind the torrent of 21 blasts that rocked the city Saturday evening and were still rummaging the blast sites and questioning survivors for vital leads.

Abdul Halim, a Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) activist from Uttar Pradesh, was detained by the police for interrogation. Officials also said the arrest of three suspects from Surendranagar could provide some vital clues. The three were picked up soon after the blasts and handed over to the Ahmedabad police crime branch.

In New Delhi, the central government was contemplating to rewrite the Explosives Rules of 1983 so as to regulate the commercial usage, handling and sale of ammonium nitrate that has become the preferred choice of terror outfits for assembling explosives.

The commerce ministry was reportedly considering curbs on the potent and highly inflammable grades of the compound.

“We are trying to study the rules formulated by the US and the UK to regulate the usage and sale of explosives such as ammonium nitrate,” said an intelligence official.

Already under severe pressure for not being able to crack any of the 11 high-profile terror attacks in the country since the pre-Diwali blasts in Delhi in October 2005, home ministry officials were trying to work out an internal security doctrine that would be shared in the proposed conclave of the chief ministers.

There was an uneasy calm in Ahmedabad even as the day began on a bright note after Monday's heavy rains.

"It seems as if the almighty has washed away our tears with the rain," said Sattarbhai, owner of a pan shop in the Khanpur area.

Residents flocked newspaper stalls to learn new details of Saturday's bomb blasts, which killed at least 50 people and left about 200 injured.

Sketches of the suspects behind the bomb blasts were printed in various newspapers.

Elsewhere, a middle-aged man was arrested for his alleged connection with the Pakistan-based terrorist outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) from a southern West Bengal district.

"The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) has arrested Mohammad Mustaq Ahmed from Raghunathganj area of Murshidabad district. The sleuths also seized some gelatine sticks and a laptop with some other objectionable documents," West Bengal Inspector General (Law and Order) Raj Kanojia told IANS.
எம்பிக்கள் லஞ்ச விவகாரம்

புதுதில்லி ஜுலை-29 (டிஎன்எஸ்) அமெரிக்க அணு ஒப்பந்தத்திற்கான நம்பிக்கை வாக்கெடுப்பில் தங்களை லஞ்சம் கொடுத்து வாங்க முயன்றதாக பா.ஜ.க.எம்பிகள் சிலர் சாபாநாயகரிடம் புகார் கூறினர். அதற்கு சபாநாயகர், எழுத்து மூலமாக புகார்களை அளிக்குமாரும், அதன் அடிப்படையில் விரிவான விசாரணை மேற்கொள்ளப்படும் என்றும் உறுதியளித்தார்.

இதற்கிடையே நாடாளுமன்ற குளிர்கால கூட்டத்தொடர் தொடங்கவுள்ளது. இந்த கூட்டத்தொடரை தள்ளி வைக்க மத்திய அரசு பரிசீலித்து வருகிறது.

இதில் லஞ்சம் விவகாரத்தை கையில் எடுத்துகொண்டு அமளியில் ஈடுபட காங்கிரஸின் முக்கிய எதிர்கட்சிகள் முடிவு செய்துள்ளன. இதனை தவிர்த்திடும் வகையில் ஆளும் கட்சியான காங்கிரஸோ கூட்டத்தொடரையே ஓரிரு வாரங்களுக்கு ஒத்திபோட முடிவு செய்துள்ளதாகத் தெரிகிறது.
ராஜஸ்தானிலும் வெடிகுண்டுகள் கண்டுபிடிப்பு

ஜெய்ப்பூர் ஜுலை-29.(டிஎன்எஸ்) பெங்களூர், அகமதாபாத்தைத் தொடர்ந்து பாஜக ஆட்சி புரியும் ராஜஸ்தானிலும் வெடிகுண்டுகள் கண்டுபிடிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளதால், மாநிலம் முழுவதும் போலீஸார் உஷார்படுத்தப்பட்டுள்ளனர். ராஜஸ்தானின் இரு நகரங்களில் 3 வெடிகுண்டுகள் கண்டுபிடிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளன.

பாஜக ஆளும் கர்நாடகா, குஜராத்தைத் தொடர்ந்து தற்போது ராஜஸ்தானிலும் வெடிகுண்டுகள் கண்டுபிடிக்கப்பட்டிருப்பது பெரும் பரபரப்பையும், பதற்றத்தையும் ஏற்படுத்தியுள்ளது.

பெங்களூர், அகமதாபாத் தொடர் குண்டுவெடிப்புகளைத் தொடர்ந்து குஜராத் மாநிலம் சூரத்தில் அடுத்தடுத்து வெடிக்காத வெடிகுண்டுகளை போலீஸார் கண்டுபிடித்து வருகின்றனர். இதனால் அங்கு பெரும் பீதியும், பதட்டமும் நிலவி வருகிறது.
Was Chennai next target?
Chennai, July 29, 2008, Deccan Herald
The serial blasts triggered on two consecutive days in Bangalore and Ahmedabad late last week, were apparently part of an elaborate operation code-named “BACK” under which Chennai and Kolkata were to be the next targets.
Reports quoting intelligence sources said that Bangalore and Ahmedabad gave the first two letters to the operation BACK, while the other two cities were denoted by the last two letters. Acting on these intelligence reports which indicated that Chennai could be the next target, Tamil Nadu police moved in swiftly and arrested two who were plotting to plant bombs in the state capital on August 15.
One of the arrested, Abdul Gafoor (39) was believed to have shifted to Tirunelveli recently, to prepare the groundwork for the plot. The two had been planning to bomb trains starting from Chennai and Tirunelveli railway stations on August 15 and they were also targeting the Tirunelveli collectorate. A third person has also been detained for questioning.
Tirunelveli Police Commissioner M N Manjunatha said that Gafoor was arrested in Petta area of the town on Sunday.
Timer devices, model electrical circuits, battery cells and plastic containers were recovered from his house. Besides, the police have also recovered maps of Chennai, Tirunelveli and Madurai with certain places like railway stations and places of worship circled as possible targets.
Gafoor was expelled from the Tauheed Jamaat after he had allegedly joined hands with terrorists. He was working in a footwear shop in Chennai and was also an expert in assembling improvised explosive devices (IEDs), police said.
On the basis of information provided by him, the Tirunelveli police on Monday detained Mohammed Anwar Basha, an electrician who allegedly helped him in circuitry. In another development, the special division of the State police dealing with terrorism arrested one Heera in Chennai in connection with the plot which was allegedly masterminded by Ali Abdullah, a member of the banned All-India Jihad Committee and the Islamic Defence Force.
Abdullah is allegedly involved in eight cases of bomb blasts and murders. Abdullah is lodged in Puzhal Jail in Chennai since his arrest in.
‘Probe into UK charities funding terrorism in India’
27 Jul, 2008, PTI
LONDON: An umbrella organisation representing over 300 Hindu outfits in the UK on Sunday appealed to the government to probe into reports about British charities suspected of sending funds to terrorist groups in Pakistan that have been launching attacks against India.
The appeal by Hindu Forum of Britain (HFB) comes in the wake of serial bombings in Gujarat in which at least 45 people were killed.
The HFB requested Home Secretary Jacqui Smith to order a probe into reports of British charities sending funds to Pakistan-based terrorist groups.
Indian authorities have said the Indian Mujahideen, which claimed responsibility for the attacks, seems to be a front outfit for terrorist organisations operating out of Pakistan.
“India has been suffering from terror attacks by Islamic militants for many years. The Ahmedabad blasts that killed 45 people yesterday are not isolated. There have been several other blasts that have taken place recently in Jaipur, Bangalore and other places,” HFB secretary general Ramesh Kallidai said.
“But what is of great concern to British Indians is that there have been several reports of British charities sending money to Pakistan that are being diverted to terrorism against India.”
According to Tahseen Ullah Khan of the National Research and Development Foundation, a Peshawar-based NGO that promotes madrasa reform, militant funding also comes from donors in the UK.
“If I go to the UK as a cleric and tell people that Islam is under attack, I can come back with lot of funding,” she had said in a statement.
Bangla infiltrators now kingmakers in Assam: HC judge
Samudra Gupta Kashyap, July 30, 2008
GUWAHATI, JULY 29: “Bangladeshi infiltrators have not only intruded into every nook and corner of Assam, but have already become kingmakers. And, if this trend is not arrested they will soon intrude upon the corridors of power.” This is not a statement by any BJP or AGP leader, but an observation made by the Gauhati High Court last week.
Justice B K Sharma, disposing 23 petitions moved by 61 people who had been declared foreigners by the Foreigners’ Tribunals, passed a 95-page order last Friday, directing the police to immediately take 49 of the 61 petitioners in custody and keep them there till their deportation to Bangladesh.
“The day is not far when the indigenous people of Assam — both Hindus and Muslims and other religious groups — will be reduced to minorities in their own land and the Bangladeshis who are freely and merrily moving around the fertile land of Assam, will intrude upon the corridors of power,” Justice Sharma observed.
In July 2005, the Supreme Court had scrapped the Illegal Migrants (Determination by Tribunals) Act of 1983.
In his order, Justice Sharma pointed out that the 61 petitioners were not only avoiding proceedings against them in courts and migrant tribunals, but had also got enrolled as voters in India.
“Till now, the petitioners have been successful in avoiding the proceedings against them as well as their deportation from India. In the process, they have incorporated their names in the voters’ lists on the basis of which they must have cast their votes. Thus the petitioners and such other large number of Bangladeshis present in the State of Assam have a major role in electing the representatives both to the Legislative Assembly and Parliament and consequently, in the decision-making process towards building the nation. They have become the kingmakers,” he noted.
“It is no longer a secret or in the domain of ‘doubt’ that illegal Bangladeshis have intruded every nook and corner of Assam, including forest land. In some cases, the petitioners themselves stated before the police that they were occupying and living in government and forest land,” he said.
Man held for plotting terror strike in Varanasi
Wednesday July 30 2008 14:38 IST IANS

LUCKNOW: One of the about 50 terror suspects detained by the police in Uttar Pradesh following the Bangalore and Ahmedabad blasts was planning a terror strike in Varanasi, the police alleged Wednesday.

Police surveillance was stepped up in the state after serial blasts in Bangalore and Ahmedabad together claimed over 50 lives last week. About 50 terror suspects were being interrogated, police sources said.

On Monday, The Anti Terrorist Squad (ATS) arrested a suspected Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) agent at the state capital here. Sources said call details of the suspect's phone revealed that calls were made to Karachi in Pakistan and several Indian states.

The suspect, Shakeel, was working as a salesman at a hardware shop. "He is a Pakistani national and during interrogation it was revealed that he was giving shape to a major terror attack in Varanasi," a Special Task Force (STF) official told IANS on condition of anonymity.

He added that Shakeel used to visit Varanasi frequently and had provided the police with names of his accomplices in the Hindu holy town.

Additional Director General of Police (Law and Order) Brijlal Tuesday held a meeting with top officials of the railways and the Government Railway Police (GRP) to review security measures.

"We held a meeting with the additional divisional railways managers of both the zones and senior officials of the GRP. The meeting was to review the security measures adopted by various departments in view of Independence Day and the rally of the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) to be held in Lucknow Aug 9," Brijlal said.
'Porn pics may carry terror plans'

Downloading or forwarding picture messages in the internet may land you in a terror network now.

For the terrorists are playing havoc by increasingly adopting a technique called steganography for communicating devastating message in codes with their cronies, say cyber law experts.

Steganography involves hiding a message which could contain text, images or maps inside a picture, music file or video on a web page or by e-mail.

These messages are harder to find than encrypted ones, or scrambled e-mails, because they can be hidden among any of billions of innocuous-looking web pages.

Hidden messages may be contained in a picture of Britney Spears, a pornography site or elsewhere, and can only be found by someone who knows where to look, say experts.

So the 36-24-36 bimbo you last saw on a site or that picture of Aishwarya Rai you downloaded from the net might actually have contained a devastating message.

Terrorists have adopted this method in two high- profile cases, one is the 13 December 2001 Parliament attack case by Kashmiri militants (according to Hyderabad forensic lab report) and the other one is 11 September attack on World Trade Centre.

Speaking about the technique, cyber law expert Na Vijay Shankar said, ‘terrorists use a high-tech version of invisible ink, or hidden messages on the internet, to coordinate and accomplish their plan’.

They can easily hide vital and sensitive communication by mixing it with large amounts of public data. Seemingly normal files can have embedded secret message data that will appear usual to an innocent observer.

An example is hiding messages within the noise of a digital image, in which some bits that make up the image are used to encode a secret message without altering the image significantly.

So it is advisable not to forward any message sent by unknown persons. Though expensive tools are available to detect such messages, it can be done and identified only by experts, he says.

There are millions of images on the internet that you would have to develop a list of suspicious websites and scan them on a regular basis, he adds.

A cyber crime official on condition of anonymity says the attackers consider steganography as a wise tool as a phone call (used for communicating their plan) can be traced within minutes, while it is difficult in the case of this method.

Shockingly, there are over 50 sites which give you the information for making RDX bombs, he said.

Four blasts injured die, Ahmedabad toll reaches 55
Friday August 1 2008 18:23 IST IANS

AHMEDABAD: With four injured people, including two children, succumbing to their wounds since Thursday the death toll in the Ahmedabad serial bombings has reached 55.

The Civil Hospital announced two more deaths - of Ishwar Chavda, 38, and Bhavesh Kabira, 20. Earlier, two boys had died in the V S and Civil Hospitals.

Mohammad Idris, 6, who was admitted to V S Hospital along with his mother Sukrabanu Saturday - on the day of the blast - died Thursday with some of the splinters still lodged in his brain. Idris and his mother were hit at Narol Chowkdi Saturday evening in the blast and rushed to hospital. Sukrabanu is recovering and is said to be out of danger. She is a resident of Janatanagar of Ramol area.

Rohan Vyas, 12, died Thursday at the Civil Hospital of the severe burns that he had suffered in the blast that fateful day. His father, Dushyantbhai, was killed on the spot while his younger brother Yash, 9, suffered 70 percent burns. Yash is battling for life and was shifted to Apollo Hospital after his condition further worsened late Thursday.
We will give the benefit of doubt until the cause is established.


Fire in Gouthami Express, 32 killed
Friday August 1 2008 21:09 IST IANS

HYDERABAD/NEW DELHI: At least 32 people were killed and eight injured when a passenger train caught fire in Warangal district of Andhra Pradesh early Friday.

Five coaches of Gowtami Express, going from Secunderabad to Kakinada, were gutted in the fire which broke out around 2 am when it was passing near Mahboobabad, about 250 km from state capital Hyderabad.

Officials said 32 people were killed. The bodies were burnt beyond recognition. Forensic experts rushed from Hyderabad to gather the charred remains.

Officials said the fire broke out in the S-10 coach of the train and spread to other bogies, creating panic among passengers who were fast asleep. Those killed included three handicapped people and a pregnant woman.

The fire broke out in S-10 coach and spread to 9, 11, 12 and 13. Eleven bodies were found in the S-10 coach, which was completely gutted.

Some passengers pulled the chain to stop the train and detached the affected bogies with the help of the train crew, Andhra Pradesh Animal Husbandry Minister G Surya Rao said. He was among the passengers on the train. He escaped unhurt.

"There was panic after some passengers spotted the fire. Nobody knew what to do," said the minister, who saw two charred bodies.

The railway authorities said the mishap occurred when the train crossed K Samudram station on the Warangal-Khammam section of South Central Railway. The cause of the fire is not known but officials said an electrical short circuit could have led to the mishap.

Railways Minister Lalu Prasad said: "The exact reason of the fire has not been detected yet and an inquiry is on. But there was no bomb blast."

Warangal District Superintendent of Police V C Sajjanar said rescue workers had a tough time reaching the accident site as it was inaccessible by road. He and other officials had to walk two kilometres to reach the spot.

Rescue and relief operations could not be taken up immediately due to darkness in the area. The rescue work began early morning.

The train with 25 coaches had left Secunderabad railway station at 9.15 pm on Thursday.

After detaching the affected coaches, the train left for Kakinada with the remaining passengers.

Eyewitnesses said they woke up after some passengers alerted them and ran towards the adjoining coach. They said a few handicapped people could not escape and were burnt to death.

Majority of the dead were from the coastal East Godavari district. The injured were shifted to M G M Hospital in Warangal town.

Moving scenes were witnessed at the accident site and at M G M Hospital as anxious relatives looked for their near and dear ones among the dead and injured. Hundreds of people thronged the Kakinada railway station, waiting for information about the passengers.

A special relief train was sent from Secunderabad with medical staff.

The accident brought train services to a halt on the Warangal-Khammam section and many long distance trains were either diverted or cancelled.

Chief Minister Y S Rajasekhara Reddy visited the accident site and expressed shock over the tragedy. He said it was not caused by terrorists.

"It was an accident," Reddy said, adding that compensation of Rs 100,000 each would be given to the families of those killed. This is in addition to the compensation announced by the railways.

The railways minister has announced compensation of Rs 500,000 for the families of each of those killed and Rs 100,000 for each injured. He said one member of each family that has lost someone in the fire would be given a job with the railways.
Do we need passport and oath of allegiance to Islam to enter Kashmir?

Amarnath land row: Uma Bharti was detained in Jammu
Saturday August 2 2008 14:53 IST PTI

JAMMU: Former Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Uma Bharti was detained on Saturday in the trouble-torn Jammu region while Sadivi Ritambhara was sent back, official sources said.

Bharti arrived at Jammu airport on Saturday morning from New Delhi and was to address a press conference here but police took her into custody. She was later taken to Udhampur district.

Another fire-brand Hindu leader Sadhivi Ritambhara was not allowed to enter Jammu. Sources said she was sent back to the national Capital from Jammu airport.

However, senior BJP leader who is also in-charge of party's Jammu and Kashmir unit Arun Jaitley was stopped by police at the airport for over an hour before being allowed to go to BJP headquarters.
பயங்கரவாதத்திற்கு ஆள் சேர்ப்பு மையமாக மாறி வரும் தமிழகம்: 'சிமி' தடையால் புதுப்புது பெயரில் அமைப்புகள் உருவாக்கம்

பயங்கரவாதத்திற்கு ஆள் சேர்ப்பு மற்றும் பயிற்சி மையமாக தமிழகம் மாறி வருகிறது. உத்தரப்பிரதேசத்தில் தொடங்கப்பட்ட "சிமி' அமைப்பிற்கு உலகளாவிய பயங்கரவாத அமைப்புகளுடன் தொடர்பு இருப்பது தெரிய வந்ததைத் தொடர்ந்து, 2001ம் ஆண்டு செப்டம்பரில் அந்த அமைப்பிற்குத் தடை விதிக்கப்பட்டது. அவர்கள் வெவ்வேறு பெயர்களில் அமைப்புகளை ஏற்படுத்திச் செயல்பட்டு வருகின்றனர்.

இந்த அமைப்புகள் அனைத்தும், "உலகம் முழுவதும் முஸ்லிம்களின் ஆளுகைக்குக் கொண்டு வர வேண்டும்' என்ற கொள்கையை மையமாகக் கொண்டு செயல்பட்டு வருகின்றன. இதற்காகப் பிற மதத்தினரை முஸ்லிம்களாக மதம் மாற்றுவது, அவ்வாறு மதம் மாறிய இளைஞர்களுக்குப் பயிற்சி அளிப்பதைப் பிரதான பணியாகக் கொண்டுள்ளன. இந்தப் பணி தமிழகத்தில் பரவலாக ஆங்காங்கே நடைபெற்று வருகிறது. வறுமையில் வாடுபவர்கள், இளம் விதவைகள், கணவரால் கைவிடப்பட்ட பெண்களை இலக்காகக் கொண்டு மதம் மாற்றுகின்றனர்.

குறிப்பாக, தஞ்சை மாவட்டம் திருப்பணந்தாள் தாலுகாவில் ஆதிதிராவிடர் இன மக்களை மதம் மாற்றும் சம்பவம் மிக வேகமாக நடைபெற்று வருகின்றன. இதற்கு இந்த சமுதாயத்தைச் சேர்ந்தவரும், நீலப்புலி அமைப்பின் தலைவருமான டி.எம்.மணி (சமீபத்தில் இவரும் முஸ்லிமாக மதம் மாறிவிட்டார்) பெருமளவு உதவி செய்து வருகிறார். வறுமை மற்றும் தீண்டாமை கொடுமையால் அவதிப்படும் இப்பகுதி மக்களிடம், இவற்றில் இருந்து விடுபட முஸ்லிமாக மதம் மாறுவது ஒன்றே சரியான தீர்வு என்ற வகையில் மதம் மாற்றி வருகின்றனர்.

இவைத்தவிர, பள்ளிகளில் படிக்கும் இளம் மாணவிகளை முஸ்லிம் இளைஞர்களைக் காதலிக்க வைத்து தங்கள் கட்டுப்பாட்டிற்குக் கொண்டு வருகின்றனர். பெண்ணைத் தேடி வரும் பெற்றோர்களிடம், மதம் மாறினால் பெண்ணை அனுப்புவதாக கூறுகின்றனர். தங்கள் குடும்ப கவுரவத்தைக் கருதி பலர் மதம் மாறுகின்றனர்.

சமீபத்தில் பாபநாசத்தில் டாக்டர் ஒருவரின் கிளினிக்கில் வேலை செய்த சகோதரிகள் இருவரை சென்னைக்கு அழைத்துச் சென்று தங்கள் கட்டுப்பாட்டில் வைத்து முஸ்லிமாக மதம் மாற்றினர். இந்தப் பெண்களின் பெற்றோர் சென்னை ஐகோர்ட்டில் "ஹேபியஸ் கார்பஸ்' மனு தாக்கல் செய்த பிறகே தங்களது மகள்களைப் பார்க்க முடிந்தது. இருப்பினும் அந்தப் பெண்கள் தாங்கள் விரும்பியே முஸ்லிமாக மதம் மாறியதாக கோர்ட்டில் கூறினர்.

இதுபோன்று பல்வேறு வகைகளில் பிற சமூகத்தினரை முஸ்லிம்களாக மதம் மாற்றி வருகின்றனர். மதம் மாறும் முதியவர்கள் மற்றும் பெண்களுக்கு கும்பகோணத்தில் உள்ள அன்பகத்தில் குரான் கற்றுத் தரப்படுகிறது. இளைஞர்களுக்கு, நெல்லை மற்றும் தேனி மாவட்டங்களுக்கு அழைத்துச் சென்று அங்கு மாதக் கணக்கில் தங்க வைத்து பயிற்சி அளிக்கின்றனர். இங்கு என்ன பயிற்சி அளிக்கப்படுகிறது என்பது அந்தந்தப் பகுதிப் போலீசாருக்கே தெரிவதில்லை. அரசின் நிதியுதவியுடன் நடைபெறும் அரபிக் பள்ளிகளில் கூட போலீஸ் உள்ளிட்ட வெளியாட்கள் எவரையும் அனுமதிப்பதில்லை.

இவ்வாறு பிற மதத்தினரை முஸ்லிம் மதத்திற்கு மாற்றிட உள்ளூர் மற்றும் நாட்டின் பல்வேறு பகுதிகளில் உள்ள முஸ்லிம் அமைப்புகளும் பண உதவி அளிக்கின்றன. இவைத்தவிர, மதம் மாற்றும் நிகழ்ச்சியை "சிடி' தயாரித்து, வெளிநாட்டில் உள்ள முஸ்லிம் அமைப்புகளுக்கு அனுப்புகின்றனர். அந்த அமைப்புகள், தமிழகத்தில் மதம் மாற்றும் பணியில் ஈடுபட்டுள்ள அமைப்புகளுக்குப் பெருமளவு நிதியுதவி அளித்து வருகின்றன. இந்த வெளிநாட்டு நிதியுதவி "என்.ஆர்.ஐ.,' கணக்கில் அனுப்பி வைக்கப்படுகிறது.

"நெட் ஒர்க்கிற்கு எடுத்துக்காட்டு': சென்னை ஐ.சி.ஐ.சி.ஐ., வங்கிக் கிளையில் பணியாற்றிய முஸ்லிம் பெண் ஊழியர் சில மாதங்களுக்கு முன் திருவாரூர் கிளைக்கு மாற்றலாகி வந்தார். அவர் முஸ்லிம் என்பதை அறிந்த உள்ளூர் முஸ்லிம் அமைப்பின் நிர்வாகிகள் சிலர் சந்தித்து மதக் கோட்பாட்டுப் படி "பர்தா' அணிந்து பணிக்கு வர வேண்டும் என வலியுறுத்தினர். அந்தப் பெண் அதைப் பொருட்படுத்தாததால், ஆத்திரமடைந்த முஸ்லிம் அமைப்பினர், வங்கியில் பணி முடித்துவிட்டு வந்த பெண் ஊழியரை நடுரோட்டில் தாக்கினர்.

இதுகுறித்து அந்தப் பெண், சக ஊழியர்களின் உதவியுடன் திருவாரூர் போலீசில் புகார் செய்துவிட்டு விடுப்பில் சென்னைக்குச் சென்றுவிட்டார். அதை அறிந்த முஸ்லிம் அமைப்பினர், இரவோடு இரவாக சென்னையில் உள்ள தங்களது அமைப்பினரிடம் பேசினர். மறுநாள் காலை, அந்தப் பெண் போலீஸ் ஸ்டேஷனில் தொலைபேசியில் தொடர்பு கொண்டு தனது புகாரை வாபஸ் பெற்றுக் கொண்டார். தற்போது அந்தப் பெண் ஊழியர் வேறு ஊருக்கு மாற்றல் வாங்கி சென்று விட்டார்.
Jammu Protests - An Inside Story

Images can have a profound impact and make a lasting impression even on the most cynical among us. They can also act as a force multiplier in a conflict zone. Recall the photographs and television footage of teenaged Palestinian boys in Gaza and the West Bank confronting Israeli tanks armed with no more than shepherd’s slings; of young men, their faces half-covered with handkerchiefs and kafiyeh, racing through billowing clouds of tear gas to hurl stones at soldiers armed with assault rifles; of middle-aged and old women violating police pickets and defying curfew. That was the first time we heard of a little-used Arabic word, intifada, which literally means to shake off but in recent times has come to mean a rebellion premised on the Biblical tale of David vanquishing Goliath, a relentless mass protest born of festering anger, deep-seated grievance and overwhelming, uncontrollable rage.

We are witnessing a similar intifada in Jammu province where young and old, men and women, are locked in an unequal battle with the police — and, since Friday, the Army — demanding the immediate revocation of the Government order cancelling the transfer of 800 kanals of land to the Sri Amarnath Shrine Board. The land was meant for creating temporary facilities for pilgrims who trek to the Amarnath shrine every year, braving inclement weather and jihadi attacks. This time, it’s a Hindu intifada, an outpouring of pent-up anger which has brought life in Jammu and other towns and villages in the province to a standstill.

It’s been more than a month that the Hindus of Jammu have taken to the streets, burning tyres, taunting policemen, braving tear gas and real bullets, violating curfew and blockading the highway to Srinagar. The images emanating from Jammu are eerily similar to those that emanated from Gaza and the West Bank during the Palestinian intifada. More tellingly, the tactics that have been adopted by the protesters are those that have often brought Kashmir Valley to a standstill. If you look at the photographs of the Hindu intifada, you will get a sense of how Jammu has decided to give Kashmir a taste of its own medicine — in this case it is Dum Dum dawai.

The details of the land transfer fiasco are well-known. The Congress-PDP Government headed by Mr Ghulam Nabi Azad had instructed the Forest Department to transfer the land to the SASB. Within days Muslims in the Kashmir Valley, led and instigated by pro-Pakistani separatists, took to the streets, insisting no land should be provided for pilgrim facilities. The All-Party Hurriyat Conference spread three canards: First, the transfer amounted to alienation of ‘Kashmiri land’; second, it would lead to intrusion of ‘Hindu culture’ in Muslim Kashmir; and, third, it would cause ecological damage.

The PDP, sensing an opportunity to revive its pro-separatist — if not brazenly anti-India/ anti-Hindu — image in the run-up to the Assembly election in Jammu & Kashmir, joined the protest and subsequently withdrew from the Government. To his credit, Mr Azad stood firm and refused to budge from his Government’s decision, till Mr NN Vohra took over as Governor, replacing Gen SK Sinha. Mr Vohra, in his capacity as ex-officio chairman of the SASB, wrote a letter to Mr Azad, returning the land and also offering to relinquish the board’s task of organising the annual yatra, thus making the pilgrimage to the Amarnath shrine subordinate to the Valley’s Muslims über alle politics and Delhi’s equally odious politics of Muslim appeasement.

Mr Vohra reportedly sent his letter to Mr Azad at 8.30 pm on June 28. “The news of that abject surrender provoked an explosion of outrage across Jammu,” says a senior member of the Amarnath Yatra Sangharsh Samiti, a broad-based organisation without any political affiliation which is at the forefront of the protest. “The Governor has violated the SASB Act. He cannot act unilaterally. Any decision of the board has to be endorsed by at least five members,” says Prof Hari Om, academic and activist. “He is also in contempt of the High Court which had passed an interim order approving the transfer of 800 kanals of land to the board in Baltal,” he adds.

For all his efforts to appease the Muslim protesters in Kashmir Valley by ‘returning’ the land that had been allotted for Hindu pilgrims, Mr Vohra was unable to save the Congress-PDP Government. The PDP pulled out from the ruling alliance on June 28; on July 1, Mr Azad, obviously under mounting pressure from his party bosses in Delhi, reversed the earlier decision.

Meanwhile, in Jammu there was a spontaneous shutdown on June 30. “I don’t recall such a massive bandh in recent years,” says a lawyer who has been involved with the protest; he does not wish to be named, fearing harassment by authorities. Neither do the protesters wish to be identified because they fear they will be picked up from their homes by the police who take their instructions from Srinagar.

So, every morning, afternoon, evening and night, students, workers, professionals, senior citizens and housewives take to the streets, engaging the police in dogfights, hurling tear gas shells back at their tormentors, chasing cops when they are outnumbered, retreating into narrow alleys when the men in uniform regather, and then surging out all over again. Their faces masked with handkerchiefs, they hurl stones; their eyes reflecting their rage. Scores have been shot and wounded; three of them have died; a young man was chased across rooftops by the police — he jumped to his death.


“Each death only makes us more determined. We are not going to be bullied by the Valley any more. Jammu wants a voice of its own. Jammu’s Hindus will no longer tolerate oppression by Kashmir’s Muslims,” says a young protester, still in his teens, from his house in downtown Jammu. His voice has just begun to crack.

The day after the June 30 bandh, Jammu flared up with street marches and protest rallies. The authorities responded by clamping curfew, in an effort to force people to remain indoors, till July 7. Women came out of their homes and dared the police to shoot them. An enduring image of the Hindu intifada is that of an aged woman, a Pandit who was forced out of the Valley along with her family and three lakh other Pandits in the early days of jihadi terror, threatening a Kalashnikov-sporting policeman at a curfew picket with her tattered and torn slipper.

On July 7, the Congress-PDP Government officially exited office; the next day the Sangharsh Samiti suspended its agitation, giving the Governor a fortnight’s time to either have the land restored to the SASB or resign from office. “Mr Vohra did neither. He only added fuel to the fire by telling some people who went to plead with him, ‘Why should I bother about Jammu? Does Jammu matter? Does Jammu exist?’ He has been insensitive and his actions have only served to provoke the protesters,” says a senior official in the Jammu administration.

“Years of neglect of Jammu by Kashmir has resulted in what you are seeing today. The people are frustrated. The Pandits have at last found a platform to vent their anger. Jammu has more people than Kashmir, but the lion’s share always goes to the Valley,” says Prof Hari Om.

Jammu province has 37 Assembly seats and two Lok Sabha constituencies. Kashmir Valley has 46 Assembly seats and elects three Lok Sabha MPs. Of the 37 Assembly constituencies in Jammu province, 25 have a Hindu-majority population; the remaining 12 have a Muslim-majority profile. “Our voice naturally gets drowned,” says an advocate who is a member of the Sangharsh Samiti.

The natural beneficiary of the Hindu intifada would be the BJP. It could end up sweeping all the Hindu-majority seats in Jammu province and even emerge as the single-largest party in the next Assembly. The Muslim vote in the Valley would be divided between the National Conference and the PDP. The Congress could get wiped out — it has little to claim as support in the Valley; following the intifada in Jammu, it can’t look forward to winning 15 seats in this province as it did in 2002.

This should have set alarm bells ringing at the Congress headquarters in Delhi. Strangely, the party’s ‘high command’ doesn’t seem to care. Or so it would seem from the near non-response to the protest.

Mr Vohra and his patrons in Delhi have “clearly underestimated the determination of Jammu’s long-suffering Hindus who have had to cope with denial and deprivation for decades as the State Government focuses only on the Kashmir Valley,” the advocate-activist says.

This explains what happened on July 22. Kuldeep Raj Dogra, in his mid-30s, who was participating in a hungerstrike at Jammu’s Parade Ground, decided to do something tragically dramatic: He consumed poison, stood up to read out a passionately patriotic poem he had penned, faltered and fell dead. “It was his way of registering his protest against Mr Omar Abdullah’s speech in Parliament … he was incensed by the National Conference leader’s duplicity,” says Prof Hari Om.

The police panicked. They forcibly took away Kuldeep’s body to his hometown, Bisnah, 15 km from Jammu, and “tried to cremate it using old tyres, kerosene oil and liquor”, according to a Sangharsh Samiti leader. Kuldeep’s widow, Shilpi, tried to prevent the cremation and raised a hue and cry. The police have been accused of “insulting, abusing and assaulting” Shilpi to silence her. But a huge crowd gathered and snatched Kuldeep’s body from the police. It was taken to Jammu and the situation subsequently just went out of control.

Since then, the Hindu intifada has gathered both force and speed. Curfew has been clamped on all of Jammu and Samba. The Army has been called out. The Governor has been virtually forced to remain confined within the Raj Bhavan by protesters who continue to gather at the gates in large numbers with every passing hour. Mr Vohra’s ‘eight-point formula’, which included “allowing” the SASB to “maintain infrastructure during the yatra period”, to end the deadlock, has been spurned. The Sangharsh Samiti is adamant that it will settle for nothing less than restoration of the 800 kanals of land to the SASB for Hindu pilgrims.

Just how determined the protesters are can be gauged from the manner in which thousands of them laid siege to the airport after hearing that Mr Farooq Abdullah of the National Conference and PDP president Mehbooba Mufti were flying in. They had to be flown from the airport to the Raj Bhavan in a helicopter after the protesters refused to let them through.

Since Friday night, the intifada has escalated and spread to virtually every corner of Jammu province. Protesters, defying curfew, have been relentlessly pouring out into the streets throughout the night, daring policemen and Army personnel to shoot them. Two men were shot dead, 35 were injured when the police fired on protesters ransacking the District Magistrate’s office in Samba. By mid-afternoon on Saturday, the intifada was truly raging in Jammu and beyond.

All trucks headed for Srinagar have been stopped by protesters at Samba and on the Jammu-Pathankot national highway. No trucks are being allowed to enter Jammu from Srinagar. Kashmir’s Muslims could yet get to know what it feels like to be at the receiving end of popular fury and mass anger, as opposed to the Valley’s made-in-Pakistan rage.
Jammu stands up to Kashmir
Sandhya Jain

Jammu continues to burn as Hindu nationalists struggle alone but undaunted against sabre-toothed partisans of Allah who seek to efface all vestiges of civilisational heritage from the land of Rishi Kashyap.

Backed by a de-nationalised media and a shameless political dispensation at the Centre, the events in Jammu & Kashmir must be seen in the context of a perverse drama enacted in Parliament on 21-22 July 2008, when the UPA won a tainted trust vote to pursue a subordinate alliance with Washington.

We shall never know if the Islamic political theatre witnessed in Parliament was scripted or pure ad-libbing; certainly it was impressive. The backdrop was the warning by the Left and Bahujan Samaj Party that Indian Muslims were opposed to the nuclear deal with the United States.

This gave the erroneous impression that Hindus favoured surrendering national sovereignty to the US, a falsehood abetted by an effete BJP leadership that coyly endorsed the substance of the deal and strategic alliance, while siding with the Opposition in the matter of the trust vote.

This absurd stand left the party with egg on its face; the un-exposed sting operation on cash-for-abstention increased its discomfort; and the ‘domi nant faction’ had to take full responsibility for the fiasco.

The brouhaha over the Muslim vote, however, pushed the ruling coalition to prove that Muslims in Parliament were on its side. Mr Salahuddin Owaisi of the Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen shrewdly defended his decision to side with the Government by enumerating the enormous financial outlays made exclusively for Muslims.

This set the tone for the unwholesome projection that the Muslim community alone could legitimately endorse or oppose Government policy. Ms Mehbooba Mufti’s shrill ranting about the Babri Masjid and Gujarat riots, and demand that Jammu & Kashmir be treated with extra sensitivity, augmented the view that the UPA needed to pamper Muslim leaders alone.

But it was Mr Omar Abdullah — much celebrated since by the anti-Hindu media as the ’star’ of the trust vote — who took the cake, raging against the aggrieved Amarnath pilgrims and claiming to speak as a “Muslim and an Indian”.

Now, the first thing a bona fide Indian would know is that Hindustan has a hoary Hindu ancestry, and that it is impossible to be truly Indian without having some kind of ‘Hindu face’.

Interestingly, Mr Farooq Abdullah takes care to make nominal obeisance to Bharat Mata, Sri Ram, and often visits Tirupati Balaji.

Mr Omar Abdullah, however, pretendin g shock at the allegation that Kashmiri Muslims want to stop the Amarnath Yatra, raged against himself for staying put in the NDA Government during the Gujarat riots — a pure drama scripted for a communal constituency in the coming State Assembly election.

This pandering to a communal vote-bank was completed with the astonishing question: “Why does the land need to be transferred (for Amarnath pilgrim facilities)?”

One good reason is that Kashmir was an ancient Hindu kingdom with a living Hindu civilisation, until centuries of religious persecution and systematic ethnic cleansing reduced it to a cultural wasteland where politicians can shamelessly ask why Hindus should be given a toehold in land so carefully purged of their presence.

It is irrelevant that ordinary Muslims en route serve the pilgrims and make a living out of this service. What is relevant is the political ethos of a State that declares Hindu pilgrims to be ‘guests’, not citizens equally at home in another part of the same country!

Far from being ashamed of his intransigence, the MP went on to defend persons born of foreign parents, an allusion to his British, and Christian, mother. He spoke vaguely to the media about “the passport that I carry”, and it is unclear if he meant that he avails of ‘dual citizenship’ laws in other countries.

What we do know however, is that Mr Omar Abdullah married a Hindu girl who naturally had to convert to Islam, and that, unable to resist pressure from more fundamental political rivals in his State, he has joined the bandwagon of competing for communal votes at a very base level.

This is what propels him to talk of strengthening Article 370, when everyone knows it is in the interests of even Kashmiri Muslims to throw it into the dustbin.

Jammu has understandably been in flames since the so-called impassioned speech. The very next day, a young man, Kuldeep Kumar, who was participating in a chain hungerstrike against revocation of the land transfer to Sri Amarnath Shrine Board, died after consuming poison. Several persons were injured in the protests that followed; curfew had to be imposed in Kathua, Samba and Udhampur towns.

The situation took a turn for the worse when thousands of protesters assembled at Bishnah town, Samba district, and seized Kumar’s body from the police who were trying to cremate it with old tyres and kerosene oil.

Armed with swords, sticks and rods, the protesters injured half-a-dozen policemen and marched towards a police station, pelting stones.

The Prime Minister and Home Minister have remained mute spectators; and nothing should be expected from the supine Governor.

Since then, a collaborationist media has not even reported that angry Hindus have been blockading the Kashmir national highway! Renewed clashes between protesters and the police have now let the cat out of the bag.

One does not have to subscribe to the foolish view that the serial bomb blasts that took many lives in Bangalore and Ahmedabad, with Surat narrowly averting a similar tragedy, were the handiwork of the Centre to avert attention from the cash-for-votes scam.

What cannot, however, be avoided is the perception that the blasts were intended to inform a Hindu audience (hence BJP-ruled States) that others will decide the moments of peace and the hours of anguish.

E-mails to news channels revealed it was jihad — being waged to fragment the ancient unity wrought by the tapas of 12 Vedic seers from whom all Hindus claim descent.
Media has noticed the targetting of centres of traditional and emerging economy (diamonds, IT), but the aim is to frighten Hindu business and professional middle classes; to convince them of jihad’s awesome power; and persuade them to fall in line behind the pusillanimous political class.

Developments in Jammu should convince Islamists that Hindus can think on their feet.

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