Many years ago I expressed the same sentiments to my grandfather. He admonished me saying if you have High School level Tamil it will come if you try. I must say he was right. Dhivya Prabhandam is much more accessible to ordinary people than any sanskrit text..... As for your urge for learning, I can say that, if you attempt to read Divya prabandam, it would be very hard. To make anything by-heart, will not be feasible.
Though SVs hold Veda as aupuresheya and inerrant, they eulogize DP as superior even to vedas for many reasons, among them are (i) it is in Tamil, not prohibited to any varna like the Vedas, and (ii) it is only about moksham, nothing else.
So, if you are inclined to these beliefs, do take DP up, it will come to you with time, it did to me. Even now I enjoy the literary beauty. Just take a look at Andal's Thiruppavai, it is perfect in every way literary, so much so, SVs revere it as the seed of all Vedas, "வேதமனைத்துக்கும் வித்தாகும் கோதைத் தமிழ்".