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Introduction to Vedic Astrology


Active member
The inspiration to open this thread is queries about astrology on some threads which I also tried to reply to the extent of my knowledge. Here I would try to post materials relating to Vedic Astrology with one can easily understand the basic concepts and put them in practice. I have completed the Jyotish Acharya course conducted by the Bharatiya Vidhya Bhawan, New Delhi. I also have done some research work on effect of 6[SUP]th[/SUP] lords Dasa and planets placed in 6[SUP]th[/SUP] house’s Dasa in one’s horoscope co relating them with real life experiences of people. I am sure much learned and experienced persons in the field of astrology are around there in this forum and would like to request them to kindly point out mistakes if any found in my postings. There are certain things you may find on contrast to the scientific beliefs of present world. But in deep analysis you will find that to days science is also indebted to our own Astrology for many of its findings. For example Sun according to science is stationary and all other planets revolve around it. In astrology we consider Sun and Moon as Grahas(Planets) and earth is excluded from the list of planets and is considered as stationary. Let us begin …..
Om Sri Gurubhyo Namaha…
Everything related to Hindu religion is based upon our Vedas. Astrology is no different and is an integral part of our Veda and as such called as a Vedanga. Veda the sacred scriptures of Hidus embody eternal knowledge. To understand the true essence of Veda one has to possess and practice strict moral and spiritual values and indulge in deep study of the subject. During ancient times this knowledge was spread through Sruti and Smriti only before the writing skills were developed. That’s why this vidhya is practiced in form Slokas as it is always to easy to remember. There are six Vedangas such as i) Shiksha ( understanding Vedic Varnas, Swaras, Mantras and technique to pronounce words properly) ii) Chanda ( maily relates to lyrical delivery of Vedic Suktas) iii) Vyakarana ( as evident deals with grammer) iv) Nirukta ( explanation of difficult words) v) Kalpa (understanding the uses of various Mantras and practice of rituals) vi) Jyotisha : Is the Chakshu or eyes of Veda mainly because it helps to see or visualize the past present and the future and is considered the most important anga of the Veda.
All of you will agree that our body or for that matter any living things body is made of Pancha Bhoota i.e Agni, Vayu, Jal, Akash and Bhoomi. Celestial bodies consist of enormous energy and could influence almost all terrestrial phenomena with their position in the Sky. That’s why need to calculate the position of every planet at a given time (say birth of a child) at a specific place on earth. In Astrology we try to co-relate and analyze the impact of influence of planets on an event on earth by placing their position in a chart which is called horoscope.
As we have already discussed, we consider the Earth stationary for the purpose of astrology and consider Sun, Moon and other grahas moves around. That way the area around earth ( or we can say a point we stand on earth) is divided in to 12 parts called RASIs consisting 30 degrees each (since 360 degree makes a circle) They are Mesha,Rishaba,Mithuna,Karkitaka (kataka),Simha,Kanya (kanni) Tula, Vrischika,Dhanu, Makara, Kumbha and Meena. Like Sun rises every morning the area comprising these rasis continuously comes and goes before our view that is what we call rising of each Rasi. So if we consider the 24 hours of a day, let us assume that length of a Rasi remains for 2 hours roughly. Since this month is Simha (Tamil month aavani) (17th Aug to 16th Sep) let us say Sun rises at about 5.50 in the morning in Chennai, it will be Simha rasi at that time. (we will learn about accurate calculations later). like that kanni, tula etc will come one after another. So we have to find out which Rasi was on the rise at the given point of time with the help of Panchanga (Ephemeris). The Rasi on the rise (udayam) at a given point of time (say a child birth or a muhoortha) is called LAGNA or LAGNAM in tamil. So during the month of Simha (Aavani) Simaha Rasi remains as lagna for two hours from sunrise on day one of month of month of Simha then slightly lesser period for day two (method of calculation will be explained later) and so on. After a month next Rasi starts appearing at the time of sun rise like that.
Dear Ganesh Sir,

Good to see this thread. :)

Just a suggestion. Please make short paragraphs with a space in between, for easy reading.

Thank you.
On which scientific basis, our karmic burdens of the past or how any one even the astrologer, who calculates know what type of good or bad deeds one has committed in the previous births and how this affects in this birth. instead of telling generally these scientific basis.I have seen people predicting correctly even without astrology and seen people who predict wrongly even with precise astrological calculations.How can you explain these type of phenomenon through natal or birth charts?
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On which scientific basis, our karmic burdens of the past or how any one even the astrologer, who calculates know what type of good or bad deeds one has committed in the previous births and how this affects in this birth. instead of telling generally these scientific basis.I have seen people predicting correctly even without astrology and seen people who predict wrongly even with precise astrological calculations.How can you explain these type of phenomenon through natal or birth charts?

Dear Mr Subhrama,

What you have asked is a question for the advanced stage. This thread is just born and will take some time to reach that stage. Let us take the lessons step by step. I will attempt to solve your query through Personal message.

i like to join this thread....i like to discuss many things...i have some basic knowlegde of vedic astrology and as many as

more than 100 books in astrology....i like serious discussion and knowledge based debate is fine....NO VIDANDA VAADHAM PLSSS...
Sri Ganesh65.

I applaud you for your initiative to share your knowledge in a manner that is understandable to all. This kind of initiatives make the forum more valuable for members.

i like to join this thread....i like to discuss many things...i have some basic knowlegde of vedic astrology and as many as

more than 100 books in astrology....i like serious discussion and knowledge based debate is fine....NO VIDANDA VAADHAM PLSSS.
starting with Laganam....we can discuss about north indian chart and south indian chart....

Thank you and you are most welcome not only to join but also to contribute your bit to improve our knowledge Sir. It is quite interesting subject and I was meddling with this idea for quite some time. Now since it is started let is make it as useful as possible for this forum
On which scientific basis, our karmic burdens of the past or how any one even the astrologer, who calculates know what type of good or bad deeds one has committed in the previous births and how this affects in this birth. instead of telling generally these scientific basis.I have seen people predicting correctly even without astrology and seen people who predict wrongly even with precise astrological calculations.How can you explain these type of phenomenon through natal or birth charts?

Dear Subharama,

Initially I thought let me explain through PM. But later changed my mind as PM would be beneficial to you only where as sharing on this thread will help it to be seen by others which in turn also pour more suggestions and also bring in any difference of opinion and critical views as there are more learned persons in this forum.

Astrology is a vast subject and the possibilities has to be analyzed depending upon the formation of planets in ones horoscope. The placement of planets, their aspects on one another, aspects on different houses, their lordship of different houses, mutual friendship/enmity, improvement/deterioration of position in subsidiary charts , Dasha and Position of Dasha lordships at the given point of time, impact of transit of various planets etc etc... (all this we will discuss in this forum when we reach that stage) I hope you must have got the answer for your query why people go wrong even though they have got the right charts with them. If some one analyses all these aspects correctly his chance of going wrong is very limited. It is like a game of chess where despite knowing the game very well you fail to notice a strong move of the opponent and gets defeated. It is there we depend on the divine help. That's what we call 'arul' or'Kairasi' etc.. In Kerala, most of the professional astrologers undertake propitiation of their ishta Devata to over come this problem.

Again, Karma of past life is analyzed from 5th of the horoscope. Here we look at 5th house,5th lord, planets present in 5th house, aspects on 5th house and its lord, planets in associate with 5th lord and many more to give accurate possible result. 5th house is also checked for various other factors like Progeny (children), inclinations, pleasure, artistic talent, recreation, amusement, sports, romance, competitive activities like cards, crosswords, lottery, gambling or betting, love affairs, ambassadors, good or bad morals, mantra-tantra, religions mindedness, high learning and wisdom, intelligence, enormous riches, spiritual practice etc.
As I have already said I can go on explaining this but afraid the post will go lengthy..
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Dear Shri Ganesh,

Good initiative. I hope experts in various other fields of spirituality will come forward and offer their knowledge for the benefit of everyone.
Address me as SR that is enough. I feel even though this is scientific, this is not laboratory proved science.The calculations differ from different, different astrological system. Finding the time of the birth is also very difficult even if you precisely calculate.For me nobody has calculated anything correctly except one person who observed strict celibacy and a devotee of Anchaneya. Therefore, I lost belief in this after loosing money heavily.
Nothing worked out as per our chart. My chart is not that bad and my life is worser than a donkey,monkey and pig. I hate these type of false hopes.
In continuation of post no. 2, after Lagnam, let us understand Rasi. Although the 12 zodiac signs are referred to as Rasi, when we are asking what is your Rasi, we are referring to the Moon sign in or the sign in which the moon is placed. We know that Sun stays in a Rasi for a month where as the moon stays in a Rasi for two and a quarter days. That way it covers the entire Rasi Chakra of 360 degrees in 27 days. That ways moon roughly travels 13.33 degrees a day which is called a Nakshatra. It doesn't mean that Moon exactly travels through a Nakshtra every day. Like 360 degrees have been divided into 12 Rasis of 30 degrees each, the span of every Nakshtra is also specified in the Rasi Chakra. That way Rasi contains 2 &1/4 Nakshtras in it. Like a solar day is considered as 24 hours, it is counted as 60 Ghati (naazhi in tamil) Ghati is further divided as Bhaaga (minutes) (Tamil-Vinaazhi) and Kala (Seconds). Similarly Span of a Nakshatra is divided in to 4 Paadas for the convenience of calculation. As such we can say a Rasi contains 9 Paadas of Nakshtras or 2 and a quarter Nakshtra. The following table will give you an idea of 12 Rasis and Paadas of Nakshatra it contains....
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[TABLE="width: 653"]
[TD]Nakshtra Paadam
Nothing worked out as per our chart. My chart is not that bad and my life is worser than a donkey,monkey and pig. I hate these type of false hopes.

Dear SR,
I understand you must have some really bad experience in life which has forced you to make this post. But please believe me, it is not the end. May be you are destined to do something strong for which the destiny is preparing you. There is a proverb, "when going gets tough, the tough gets going" So be tough and get going. You have posted your query here because you believed in Kama of past life. So there may be some thing bad in your past life which is now getting neutralized think like that. Let me give you an example from Mahabharata which will give you an idea about the impact of past Karma's in one's life.
After the Mahabharata War was over Dhritarashtra, posed one question to Krishna;
Tell me, Krishna, I had 100 Sons, no one is left even to do my last rites, what did I do to have such a brutal fate?
Krishna replied, some 50 births back you were a hunter and have killed 100 hatchlings of a Krauncha bird and earned its curse to have a similar fate and you paid your debt in this Janma.
Why did I get it in same or next Janma, why it took so long and 50 births to take effect? asked, Dhritrashtra
Krishna replied with a smile, Look, having 100 sons needs immense Punya. You took 50 births to accumulate that much of Punya to have 100 sons in your life!! and then repaid your debt you made 50 births back.

I think, this story makes it clear that to gain punya is not easy- it takes 50 births to neutralize the Papa of one birth. Just imagine the amount of Papas we are doing to day. How many births it is going to take to neutralize its effects?
Now we know about the basic contents of a horoscope. The Lagnam, Rasi and the Nakshtra. All these we derive from the time of birth or the time of occurrence of an event. A good ephemeris (Panchangam) would give you the position of planets. Or you can easily find it with easy software available free of cost online. But in case some one is interested to do the calculation manually please let me know (the process is quite interesting, but not explaining it here as easy methods are available) So with just three information i.e. time, date and place of birth you are ready to rock. Simply enter these details in the software, and you will be provided with a horoscope. Now comes the stage of understanding other factors so that we can analyze the horoscope.

Style ofSouth Indian Chart:


[TABLE="width: 80%, align: center"]
[TD]Meenam (12)
Poorattathi 4
Uthirattathi 1,2,3,4
Revathi 1,2,3,4
[TD]Mesham (1)
Aswini 1,2,3,4
Bharani 1,2,3,4
Krittikai 1
[TD]Rishabam (2)
Krittikai 2,3,4
Rohini 1,2,3,4
Mrigaseersham 1,2,
[TD]Mithunam (3)
Mrigaseersham 3,4,
Thirivathirai 1,2,3,4
Punarvasu 1,2,3
[TD]Kumbam (11)
Avittam 3,4
Sathayam 1,2,3,4
Purattathi 1,2,3
[TD="colspan: 2"]00 TO 360 DEGREES
Aswini to Revathi Nakshatra
27 Constellations divided
by 4 quarters each.
[TD]Katakam (4)
Punarvasu 4,
Pusam 1,2,3,4
Ayilyam 1,2,3,4
[TD]Makaram (10)
Uthiradam 2,3,4
Thiruvonam 1,2,3,4
Avittam 1,2
[TD]Simmam (5)
Makam 1,2,3,4
Puram 1,2,3,4
Uthiram 1
[TD]Dhanusu (9)
Moolam 1,2,3,4
Pooradam 1,2,3,4
Uthiradam 1
[TD]Virichikam (8)
Visakam 4
Anusham 1,2,3,4
Kettai 1,2,3,4
[TD]Thulam (7)
Chithirai 3,4
Swathi 1,2,3,4
Visakam 1,2,3
[TD]Kanni (6)
Uthiram 2,3,4
Hastham 1,2,3,4
Chithirai 1,2

North Indian Style of Chart


In south Indian Chart, the Rasis are fixed. Starting from Mesham, we move clock wise to reach the 12th Rasi Meenam. And as per our time of birth, if we get Kannya as the Lagnam we mark Lagna {L or Asc (ascendant) } in Kanya Rasi and go on placing other planets in various Rasis (houses) as per the calculations arrived. And when we want to analyze the house we start from the Rasi in which we have marked Lagna and start counting clockwise. So the House marked Lagna is the 1st house and the hose next to it clockwise is the second and so on.
The difference in north Indian chart is the house are fixed. That means we always start with Lagna and move on clock wise. Or in other words, we put the Lagna Rasi in colomn no. 1 then the rasi comes next to it in column 2 and so on. The benefit of this system is it is always the house comes first.
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Outline of South Indian chart not come out well in this post. The table is missing. Let me check and fix it. In the mean while, TBS sir, you are well come as the subject you wanted to discuss has come. Please do contribute.
Outline of South Indian chart not come out well in this post. The table is missing. Let me check and fix it. In the mean while, TBS sir, you are well come as the subject you wanted to discuss has come. Please do contribute.
hi ganesh sir,

lets discuss lagnam first.....becoz first house in chart.....what is difference between rasi/laganam?....in detail manner....
Before moving ahead let us see some interesting facts about time:
[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD="width: 100%"]Ancient method of time reckoning[/TD]
[TD="width: 100%"] Our Vedic scholars had an elaborate methodology to calculate time. They combined genius with religion so that it appealed to the intellectual and the devoted alike. There were several methods of reckoning time. One standard method was as follows:

[TABLE="width: 70%"]
[TD]1 Asu (or Prana)[/TD]
[TD="width: 3%"]=[/TD]
[TD]4 (sidereal) seconds[/TD]
[TD]6 Asus[/TD]
[TD]1 sidereal Pala (or Vighati or Vinadi or 24 seconds)[/TD]
[TD]60 Palas[/TD]
[TD]1 Ghati (24 minutes)[/TD]
[TD]60 Ghatis[/TD]
[TD]1 day (24 hours)[/TD]
[TD]30 days[/TD]
[TD]1 month[/TD]
[TD]12 months[/TD]
[TD]1 year[/TD]
[TD]43, 20, 000 years[/TD]
[TD]1 Yuga[/TD]
[TD]72 Yugas[/TD]
[TD]1 Manu[/TD]
[TD]14 Manus[/TD]
[TD]1 Kalpa (or 1008 Yugas)[/TD]
[TD]2 Kalpas[/TD]
[TD]A day and night of brahma[/TD]
[TD]30 day-nights of Brahma[/TD]
[TD]1 month of Brahma[/TD]
[TD]12 months of Brahma[/TD]
[TD]1 year of Brahma[/TD]
[TD]100 years of Brahma[/TD]
[TD]Life of Brahm (or 1 Mahakalpa[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 3"]In addition to the above, the following methods of reckoning of time were used for astrological purposes :[/TD]
[TD]1. Sidereal day[/TD]
[TD]Time interval between one star-rise to the next[/TD]
[TD]2. Civil day[/TD]
[TD]Time interval between obe sunrise to the next[/TD]
[TD]3. Lunar month[/TD]
[TD]One new moon to the next[/TD]
[TD]4. Solar maonth[/TD]
[TD]Interval between entry of Sun from one sign to the other.[/TD]
[TD]5. Solar year[/TD]
[TD]Period of one solar revolution[/TD]
[TD]6. Jupiterian (Barhaspatya) year[/TD]
[TD]Period of Jupiter's motion through a sign.[/TD]
We already know there are 12 Rasis and 27 Nakshatras. Let us understand their lordships and Characteristics.
[TABLE="width: 100%"]
Table depicting rashis with their lords
[TD][TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD][TABLE="width: 65%, align: center"]
[TD="width: 9%"][/TD]
[TD="width: 17%"]Sign[/TD]
[TD]English equivalent[/TD]
[TD="width: 13%, align: left"]Symbol[/TD]
[TD="width: 19%, align: left"]Lord[/TD]
[TD="width: 21%, align: left"]Extent in degrees[/TD]
[TD="width: 9%"]1[/TD]
[TD="width: 17%"]Mesha[/TD]
[TD="width: 21%"]Aries[/TD]
[TD="width: 13%, align: left"]_[/TD]
[TD="width: 19%, align: left"]Mars[/TD]
[TD="width: 21%, align: left"]0-30[/TD]
[TD="width: 9%"]2[/TD]
[TD="width: 17%"]Rishabha[/TD]
[TD="width: 21%"]Taurus[/TD]
[TD="width: 13%, align: left"]^[/TD]
[TD="width: 19%, align: left"]Venus[/TD]
[TD="width: 21%, align: left"]30-60[/TD]
[TD="width: 9%"]3[/TD]
[TD="width: 17%"]Mithuna[/TD]
[TD="width: 21%"]Gemini[/TD]
[TD="width: 13%, align: left"]'[/TD]
[TD="width: 19%, align: left"]Mercury[/TD]
[TD="width: 21%, align: left"]60-90[/TD]
[TD="width: 9%"]4[/TD]
[TD="width: 17%"]Karka (Katakam)[/TD]
[TD="width: 21%"]Cancer[/TD]
[TD="width: 13%, align: left"]a[/TD]
[TD="width: 19%, align: left"]Moon[/TD]
[TD="width: 21%, align: left"]90-120[/TD]
[TD="width: 9%"]5[/TD]
[TD="width: 17%"]Simha[/TD]
[TD="width: 21%"]Leo[/TD]
[TD="width: 13%, align: left"]b[/TD]
[TD="width: 19%, align: left"]Sun[/TD]
[TD="width: 21%, align: left"]120-150[/TD]
[TD="width: 9%"]6[/TD]
[TD="width: 17%"]Kanya[/TD]
[TD="width: 21%"]Virgo[/TD]
[TD="width: 13%, align: left"]c[/TD]
[TD="width: 19%, align: left"]Mercury[/TD]
[TD="width: 21%, align: left"]150-180[/TD]
[TD="width: 9%"]7[/TD]
[TD="width: 17%"]Tula[/TD]
[TD="width: 21%"]Libra[/TD]
[TD="width: 13%, align: left"]d[/TD]
[TD="width: 19%, align: left"]Venus[/TD]
[TD="width: 21%, align: left"]180-210[/TD]
[TD="width: 9%"]8[/TD]
[TD="width: 17%"]Vrischika[/TD]
[TD="width: 21%"]Scorpio[/TD]
[TD="width: 13%, align: left"]e[/TD]
[TD="width: 19%, align: left"]Mars[/TD]
[TD="width: 21%, align: left"]210-240[/TD]
[TD="width: 9%"]9[/TD]
[TD="width: 17%"]Dhanu[/TD]
[TD="width: 21%"]Saggitarius[/TD]
[TD="width: 13%, align: left"]f[/TD]
[TD="width: 19%, align: left"]Jupiter[/TD]
[TD="width: 21%, align: left"]240-270[/TD]
[TD="width: 9%"]10[/TD]
[TD="width: 17%"]Makara[/TD]
[TD="width: 21%"]Capricorn[/TD]
[TD="width: 13%, align: left"]g[/TD]
[TD="width: 19%, align: left"]Saturn[/TD]
[TD="width: 21%, align: left"]270-300[/TD]
[TD="width: 9%"]11[/TD]
[TD="width: 17%"]Kumbha[/TD]
[TD="width: 21%"]Aquarius[/TD]
[TD="width: 13%, align: left"]h[/TD]
[TD="width: 19%, align: left"]Saturn[/TD]
[TD="width: 21%, align: left"]300-330[/TD]
[TD="width: 9%"]12[/TD]
[TD="width: 17%"]Meena[/TD]
[TD="width: 21%"]Pisces[/TD]
[TD="width: 13%, align: left"]i[/TD]
[TD="width: 19%, align: left"]Jupiter[/TD]
[TD="width: 21%, align: left"]330-360[/TD]
[TD]The twenty-seven nakshatras also extend along the zodiac from 0° to 360°. They too are owned by planets. But in case of nakshatras, the planets Rahu and Ketu are also allotted the ownership. Each nakshatra is further divided into four parts called the Padas or charanas. There are thus 108 nakshatra padas or quarters in the twenty-seven nakshatras. Each nakshatra quarter measures 3°20'. The relation of nakshatras with rashis, along with their extent and owners, are shown in Table given below :[/TD]

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