Dear Mr. Kunjuppu!
If you are gifted with words, please do re-arrange the words.
I was a bit taken back , when people question the sanity of a person quoting scriptures?
If you can word it nicely please do it so.
Does one need to experience fire, shock to get to know about it?
I've seen men , grown up men utterly defeated by the alcohol and fall like a dust in the streets literally - Does one need any more real eperience to know? It is a slow-poison, even the one having control over this habit, needs only a trigger point to go beserk.
A person with this habit is like playing with a venemous coiled serpent.
Please google search on alcoholism and learn its ill-effects.
I'm not that gifted in my liguistic skill , please excuse my language.
i would like to abjure any pretense of gift of words or language re the english tongue. i see it as those same 200 or so odd words, that we rearrange in several formats, to reflect different meanings and various moods.
i have already mentioned about our mental filters to you, in an earlier post. what we read is words, what we understand is what we filter through our prejudices, and maybe, not what necessarily what the author means. the right thing is to follow up with request for clarification.
perhaps you are justified in being shocked about the query presented to you. i think, a better response, is not to reply in kind ie in the same way you perceived the comment or taunt. titting for tat serves no purpose.
instead, request verification and further explanation. that way, not only have you disarmed any potential threat to your status, but also given the other person a chance to explain.
don't you think, that this is a better to resolve an issue, than degenerating into a verbal duel. these catfights are great spectacles for people to watch, but seldom resolve any issues. all that is left is damaged egos and hurt pride. that is what i think anyway.
maybe this is the time to tell you a story, which happened a while ago, re my continuing education from that famous school ie 'the one of hard knocks'.
about 2 years ago, when i was already an old geezer, but not forum smart, i got into a verbal gunfight with another poster in another forum. believe me, it was brutal on both sides, with no holds barred.
when it came too much for me, i quit the forum and while i was licking my wounds, had time to reflect on myself.
i found that i do not like fighting. maybe it was because i lost; but more important, i did not feel good about myself after that and it bothered me. the bad taste would not go away, no matter in whatever way i tried to justify my actions to myself. plainly i was ashamed of myself.
so i tended an abject apology to my erstwhile adversary and resolved that from then on, i will learn myself to fine tune my postings. with which i have mostly succeeded, i feel.
the net effect of this trauma, was to release me from my instant-response-anger mode, to one of patience and persistence.
apart from generating overall goodwill, this approach has turned my conscience once again to pristine levels of purity. i only have love now for my ex adversary.
nowadays, i also have a guardian angel here. the angel watches over me, and does not hesitate to pull me up, should i indulge in any transgressions. that too helps.
so, dear arattai, the bottom line, is to keep opposing views engaged. ultimately there are more things in common, than what divides us.
to me, each posting is a challenge, but something i have come to enjoy. ultimately, you may experience the same.
by the way, i agree with you, that there is no need to inject a hiv infected needle to understand the malaise of aids.
but we can drive a car safely, following the rules of the road, get to places while quite enjoying the ride. can't we? in my books, a glass of claret is more akin to a car than a hiv needle.
hope that helps.
thank you
ps.. you have excellent english in my opinion. but then, i am no judge of the english language.... just kidding mon.. have a giggle, and enjoy the sojourn here.