let me try to bring the focus of the thread back to it's moorings.
the concern of care5 is probably a reflection of the crossroads at which the brahmin community finds itself ;
on one side is the fact that brahmins cannot but embrace the changes in the society and we can no longer afford to live in islands of excellence. by this i am not for a moment suggesting that taking to the bottle is a change that we should adapt to but we should if required not hesitate to venture into a pub in discharge of our official responsibilities.
it is a fact that the social values re : drinking have undergone a sea change ; yours truly was once part of a group enjoying a brunch at one of the leela's celebrating our colleague's job offer at bermuda. part of our group was a heavily pregnant colleague, sipping 'sparkling wine' along with us.
sundays, otherwise reserved for more kozhambu and the likes was spent sipping several glasses of sparkling wine (on the house you see and hence the indulgence, he he

) and sampling the various salads.
pregnant woman sipping wine was probably an obnoxious thought couple of decades ago. not now ; not anymore.
i am of the view that is plain naivety to judge others by our value systems. our value systems are for us, others have their own and there's no rule that fits all.
having said that, i sense from the words of care5 that he cares about certain last standing vestiges of brahmins that distinguishes a community which for long has been known to be in religious service.
so, if one by choice has adopted the vocation of religious service, shouldnt he be true to it ? he better be.
a constitutional expert, obviously cannot disregard the constitution ;
a criminal lawyer swears by the Cr Pc;
so why shouldnt a brahmin priest or any other priest for that matter adotp a pristinely lifestyle, unwavering in his committment to the service of the lord and resist the temptations of the common folk.
afterall abstaining from liquour isnt half as difficult as being a celibate.
i find this argument tenable and not out of place.
so the need to abstain from the worldly pleasures of teachers, bag piper, christian brothers or a cabernet sauvignon should perhaps be decided by the chosen vocation and not merely because one is a brahmin.
i also recently read that the scientists are now starting to doubt the goodness of alcohol.
Alcohol’s Good for You? Some Scientists Doubt It
and here's my take.
Doubts have now been cast
On worth of hitting the bottle
Does it really do any good
As we run life at full throttle
Truth is still deep in the dark
Even as we unscrew next cork
Will it cause a temporary halt
To the next bottle of single malt
Will it send distillers into panic
Reducing Sales of cognac and tonic
Or will spirits show their command
Proving liquor’s inelastic demand
Scientists’ words are still not final
The research undoubtedly seminal
It may not have done much to rattle ; But
Caution advised, before the next bottle