Dear Shri Gane,
FYI, I am living in India and not anywhere abroad. One of my distant relative's (tabra, of course and now aged around 80 or so years) only daughter, a highly paid software engineer could not be married due to horoscope matching problems for some years. The girl chose (fell in love? I don't know) a Scheduled caste man, her colleague, informed her parents that she was marrying him by means of a civil marriage. The father, an orthodox tabra of my generation, could not bear this news and immediately threw his daughter out of the house. She took a room in a local hotel, got married as scheduled and went to live with her husband in Trivandrum itself in a flat.
This father-daughter enmity went on for a few years during which the father wanted to disinherit his daughter of the house property and bequeath it to his brother's son who it was hoped, would also do anthyeshti for the couple (periyappa & periyammai). The news somehow leaked to the daughter who promptly sent a lawyer's notice stating that her moneys had been utilized in acquiring the plot, building the bungalow and also maintaining it from time to time and so, if there is any scheme for disinheriting her, she would file a criminal complaint and get her parents, chithappa's family, the document writer, etc., implicated and also claim one crore of rupees as compensation for loss of her prestige plus return of all the moneys taken by her father with court interest (this principal amount was shown as some 70 lakhs) and she claimed that she had all the bank records to prove her case. (I came to know of such details because this old man's nephew is a friend whose daughter loved a Nadar Christian boy and, after initially trying to talk her out of that alliance failed, my friend and his wife agreed to that marriage in a church, etc.) The old father simply had to drop his vengeful idea. After a year or so of this episode, the daughter got pregnant, the mother disregarded her husband's order not to have any contact with the daughter and went to help her during her days of morning sickness, and later during delivery, etc. Today the daughter, her husband and their child are living with her parents in her flat!!
That is how the reality of the world is. I am giving you this true incident so that you as also all readers will think of the many aspects of emotional decisions and their practicability in the real situations of the society and the laws governing us today.