Using the old cotton saris for the monthly cycles was a painful affair. We had to wash them free of smell, free of stains and dry them unseen, untouched, un-smelled and unknown to everyone BUT IN THE SUNLIGHT! :faint:
hi renu,Dear TBS garu,
Do you have any pic of your vedapathashala days?LOL
Generally only old dhothis is used and not colored cloth.
It is amusing to see the discussion on komanam is as long as komanam itself.
Like pattu komanam.It is amusing to see the discussion on komanam is as long as komanam itself.
No handling water or touching of the water taps, no bathing, no brushing the teeth and no washing of ANY of the clothes for three full days. :scared:
A world without borders = Globalization
An underwear without borders(without seams) = Komananization!
OMG! This is disgusting!
How can anyone survive this...without bathing or brushing teeth for 3 days.
Like pattu komanam.
dear visa,
there are folks like your brother in law, with some tangential interests in women's affairs. anything ranging from mild curiosity to absolute perversion. best to keep away from those folks.
it is amazing, that as a community, we take the gold medal in how we treated our women during their periods.
incidentally, if you see the movie angadi theru, there is a scene, where the brahmin middle class, dismisses her young maid on achieving puberty. incidentally, in almost all other tamil communities, this event is celebrated, even today with pomp (the movie star vijay came to toronto to celebrate his niece's attaining of age)
jeyamohan, the writer, who scripted this movie, was accused of anti which he replied - that the way the brahmins treated their own females was much crueller, than what this lady did to the maid.
incidentally my mother did the same thing. we had a malayali maid at home, live in, and the day she attained puberty, she was packed off to badagara. me being young, did not know the reason, till many many years later. something in our psyche, i guess.
Dear Mr. kunjuppu,
Suppose these girls experiment with their hormone - manipulated bodies and get pregnant!!!!
That must have been the main reason for dropping the girls who attain puberty like hot potatoes.
They want people who are NOT in the fertility period of their lives...either small girls or old ladies free from the monthly cycles.
My M.I.L would ask the applicant for the post of a maid point blank "ThooraM ninaachchaa?" :moony:
Dear Mr. kunjuppu,
Suppose these girls experiment with their hormone - manipulated bodies and get pregnant!!!!
My M.I.L would ask the applicant for the post of a maid point blank "ThooraM ninaachchaa?" :moony:
that the way the brahmins treated their own females was much crueller, than what this lady did to the maid.
Now I understand why some females makes such a big deal of having a head bath after menses..I used to think what is the big deal of any bathe since we all bath 2x a day and some of us(like me) wash our hair daily the standard of hygiene is high to start why make a big deal of a head bath after menses?
So I get it now..cos women of the past were confined without bath for 3 days and so I guess the head bath after those 3 days was a much needed event.
BTW a normal menstrual cycle can range from 3-7 what about those who had a longer cycle??
Were they confined for 7 days?
dear renus,
from what i know and understand, the concept to be obeyed is ritual purity. someone somewhere long ago had prescribed 72 hours as the period of impurity. and once that passes, the female can cleanse herself.
personally, i suspect, many many females, in my own family, had periods lasting longer, as was evidenced by tell tale signs.
but after the 3rd day, they could get back into the 'society', and were eagerly welcomed by the fools the malefolks were, who were thankful for a hot fresh meal. that is all it amounted too.
in retrospect, disgusting and despicable... i am even ashamed to have such an heritage as part of mine.