hiDiscussion on komanam is branching off to different direction.
dear visa,
there are folks like your brother in law, with some tangential interests in women's affairs. anything ranging from mild curiosity to absolute perversion. best to keep away from those folks.
it is amazing, that as a community, we take the gold medal in how we treated our women during their periods.
incidentally, if you see the movie angadi theru, there is a scene, where the brahmin middle class, dismisses her young maid on achieving puberty. incidentally, in almost all other tamil communities, this event is celebrated, even today with pomp (the movie star vijay came to toronto to celebrate his niece's attaining of age)
jeyamohan, the writer, who scripted this movie, was accused of anti brahminism..to which he replied - that the way the brahmins treated their own females was much crueller, than what this lady did to the maid.
incidentally my mother did the same thing. we had a malayali maid at home, live in, and the day she attained puberty, she was packed off to badagara. me being young, did not know the reason, till many many years later. something in our psyche, i guess.
Dear VR ji,
I disagree with what you wrote cos generally Indian girls are well behaved with matters related to sex.. basically the lower socio economic status girls will be timid and shy but sometimes too innocent and end up being manipulated by others.
As Kunjuppu ji rightly said ..none of us girls experimented and manipulated our bodies after puberty as to land up pregnant.
Dear VR ji,
BTW attaining menopause does not stop anyone from having sex..so even if the Thooram has stopped the Dvaram(doors) can be still wide open"!LOL
Dear Kunjs,
I remember reading something like this in some Dalit Blogspot sometime back where they were commenting on the practices of treating Brahmin females badly during menses by Brahmins.
Now I understand why some females makes such a big deal of having a head bath after menses..I used to think what is the big deal of any bathe since we all bath 2x a day and some of us(like me) wash our hair daily too..so the standard of hygiene is high to start with..so why make a big deal of a head bath after menses?
So I get it now..cos women of the past were confined without bath for 3 days and so I guess the head bath after those 3 days was a much needed event.
BTW a normal menstrual cycle can range from 3-7 days...so what about those who had a longer cycle??
Were they confined for 7 days?
Discussion on komanam is branching off to different direction.
But they were allowed to take baths and their clothes can not be washed with the clothes of others and they had separate pails for clothes worn during menses.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Renu ,You have rightly said.The reason behind separating mensural ladies is purely on hygeine aspect .With their limited knowledge compared today's They knew that discarded blood will spread bacterial infection. They didn't have disinfectant or napkins on those days.so they wanted to restrict their movement so spreading of infection would be minimal.Further on those days they had large houses so these were possible.Today we have better options so we speak in this tone.I request the forum members not to blame our ancesters because you don't like their practices and you were not there to correct them then not even born.
Were the men angry and upset that 5 out of 28 precious days (nights) were simply being wasted?? :noidea:
Dear VR ji,
I read some Dalit blogspots from time to time and share my views too...they are just like everyone else...no difference.
I fact I read one blogspot where it was sad to read how a Dalit woman felt...she said the Dalit woman is the receiving end of the Indian society cos no one respects the Dalit man and the Dalit man has to subjugate himself to everyone else and the Dalit wife becomes the punching bag of her husband cos he needs to exert superiority on someone when the whole world looks down upon him..so the Dalit women ends up even being physically assaulted by husband.
VR Ji..every human has a sex drive..so any caste man may or may not feel that those 5 out of 28 days is wasted.
very true. the dalit women have the worst of the worlds that is india. if there is a bottom rung, it is them. even among dalits, there are grades, and some dalits consider themselves 'superior' to other dalits.
very sad, this whole varna culture thanks to manu and his still existent followers - some even here in this forum. fortunately this is a shrinking number, but i dont know, if it is shrinking fast enough to save hinduism from wholesale conversions. happening in nadu in great numbers.
For conversion I have a story.A boy was aliways scolded or even beaten by his father for not studying his lessons.But his neibhour mama used to play with him softly and give him chocolates.So at some time he started calling his neibhour mama as his dad.
When the rules of no bath was made could be it was the times where people took bath at temple ponds or tanks..so no contamination was allowed on hygienic grounds...but when there was bathrooms and water supply at home...do people still needed to follow this not allowing bath??
Those new tools are for convenience, that doesnot rule out the concept of asuddhi (bad-energy) and not obstruct the worship.
it is this endometrial lining the embryo lies on.punarapi jananam punarapi maranam
punarapi jananii jathare shayanam
विवादे विषादे प्रमादे प्रवासे
जले चानले पर्वते शत्रुमध्ये ।
अरण्ये शरण्ये सदा मां प्रपाहि
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥७॥
Vivaade Vissaade Pramaade Pravaase
Jale Ca-[A]nale Parvate Shatru-Madhye |
Arannye Sharannye Sadaa Maam Prapaahi
Gatis-Tvam Gatis-Tvam Tvam-Ekaa Bhavaani ||7||
7.1: During Dispute and Quarrel, during Despair and Dejection, during Intoxication and Insanity, in Foreign Land,
7.2: In Water, and Fire, in Mountains and Hills, amidst Enemies,
7.3: In Forest, please Protect me,
7.4:You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani.