The part I have highlighted is totally opposed not only to the reality but also Brahmins. All brahmins in my circle incuding me have more NB friends (including Dalits) and we eat together, go together, and what not. Brahmins are the ones to break the caste first. Bharathi adorned Daliths with poonal. Vaidnatha IYER took them to Madurai Meenakshi amman temple. Brahmins were one of the firsts to go and live in flats. Brahmins were quick to seize the opportunity to go overseas. In all these cases, they knew they had to accept other castes and they did it. Just because brahmins have their own identity in culture or custom or language does not mean that they uphold casteism.
not sure if vaidyanatha iyer could be strung along with bharathiar.
iyer was famous for running an ashram, with two pandhis, one for brahmins, and other for NB, even though the food was the same.
this was one of periyar's grief against the brahmins - no matter what they espouse, when it came to the crux of the matter, they stood apart.
on the whole, i agree with you, that we as a community, have come a long way.
i do not know how many of us practice double tumbler system at home.
not that it matters, as almost all of us, eat outside in restaurants, and who knows who ate in those plates, or drank from those glasses.
i think, the concept of ritual purity is so strongly inbuilt into us, that it will take a few generations to remove the belief that others are 'tainted'.
ganga river may be polluted, but still sacred. a panchama might have just showered, but still 'untouchable'.
surprisingly, in the land where you live, south africa, as per my tour guide, even now, 20 years after apartheid, living colonies are still segregated by race. not because of the law, but because of economic affordability.
the area where you live, is it predominantly indian, expat indian or white or mixed? if you dont mind. this is more a query on post apartheid of south africa - apartheid a concept just as bad as our manu's laws.
btw, i came across a guy, tambram, whose name is manu