Who made Guru a requirement? A GURU of course.
The same sources from where you quoted the mahavakyas, make Guru a requirement. (I am not referring to any websites here, but to the Upanishads)
Who made Guru a requirement? A GURU of course.
Rāmānuja's guru was Yādava Prakāśa, a scholar who was a part of the more ancient Advaita Vedānta monastic tradition. Sri Vaishnava tradition holds that Rāmānuja disagreed with his guru and the non-dualistic Advaita Vedānta, and instead followed in the footsteps of Indian Alvārs tradition, the scholars Nāthamuni and Yamunāchārya.
So obviously Sri Ramanuja did not surrender to his Guru.
So your praise of Guru and Sri Ramanuja is a contradiction.
Sir, if in life you just keep compromising so that you do not offend your friends, life is not well lived. You need to have strong convictions and follow your individual path.
When you see a discrepancy you need to call it, and not just sweep it under the rug.
And for the reference to Aurangjeb see my post#17.
I have respect for all teachers, but I follow my own path.
As for Aurangzeb, where's your point? His firmans and other evidence in history reveal his extremely discriminatory attitude against his Hindu subjects, trying to get them converted to Islam by hook or crook, while adopting a policy of leniency towards his muslim subjects. That he made one Abul Hasan Qutb Shah to surrender peacefully, doesn't prove anything at all.
Again read my post #13. If you do not understand that there is no point in having a discussion.
My point with the dictator quote was that there is about .00000001% chance of your mercy plea being granted. There is NO chance of prayers for the gratification of material goods from "god" being granted.
I do not beg. Knowing fully well that is not what we are expected to do.
I never praised Auragjeb or any other dictator. Why is it so difficult to understand.
You have made some illogical conclusions in your message above. What I stated is the importance of the the Guru in Advaita tradition and then I went on to add a note that I highly respect Sri Ramanuja, while making it clear that I am not a follower of his path. Even accepting that Sri Ramanuja disagreed with his Advaita Guru and joined a different parampara, why should that make me respect him any less, given his other superlative contributions to Sanatana Dharma as a whole? I might also respect Guru Nanak, Kabir, Ramana Maharshi, Ramananda and many others. So where is the contradiction that you speak about? You are making a point that respect for another should be an open or shut case, which is how only a fanatic or a fundamentalist will think.
Now, surrender to a Guru does not mean that one should, for lifelong, agree with every single thing that the Guru had to say. Sri Ramanuja did not repudiate the Vedas, nor did he join the order of the nastikas like Buddhists or Jains or Charvakas. From an advaitin's perspective (and Advaita is a very broad category, there are many philosophical differences within Advaitins themselves) the Vedas, Upanishads, Brahma Sutras, and the Gita reign supreme - and Sri Ramanuja extolled the same, and considered them authoritative, eventhough he explained some of their concepts (but not all, and maybe surprisingly to some of you, the points where he agrees with the Advaitins vastly outnumber the points of disagreement, although they are major points of disagreement) in a different way from that of Sri Sankara or Sri Bhartrprapancha or Bhaskara.
And moreover, the path followed by Ramanujacharya predated Nathamuni and Yamunacharya by many many centuries. It had it's origin in the pancharatra school which was partially rejected by Sri Sankara in the Brahma sutra bhashyam.
You said one must completely surrender to their Guru. If you surrender to a Guru, there is no room for disagreeing.
Mr. Sharad Power did not get what he wanted, he broke away from INC and created NCP.
Nothing wrong in that, but it means Mr. Power did not surrender his individuality.
I know English may not be our language but your understanding of my post is completely wrong.
You said one must completely surrender to their Guru. If you surrender to a Guru, there is no room for disagreeing.
I respect a lot of people for their position on a given topic. I may not agree with them on all occations. I do not Surrender to anyone.
My point with the dictator quote was that there is about .00000001% chance of your mercy plea being granted even by the worst person in power. There is NO chance of prayers for the gratification of material goods from "god" being granted.
I do not beg or Pray for material gains. Knowing fully well that is not what we are expected to do.
My GOD (Brahman) is NOT corrupt and is just. everything is in Brahman.
There is no knowledge outside of Brahman. Being not corrupt, that is not going to grant any special powers to people who BEG all their life.
That is my personal belief.
My religion is private to my self. I pick and choose as to what I follow.
I never praised Auragjeb or any other dictator. Why is it so difficult to understand.
My point is not that you praised Aurangzeb, but this. Precisely due to the Hindu Bhakti movements, you won't find examples of Hindu rulers surrendering easily to Aurangzeb, except under the very worst circumstances, or as a tactical measure.
When Shah Jehan and Aurangazeb were ruling, the Mughal empire was at it's strongest, with the mightiest military machine of that period. Yet, throughout their rule, they had to contend with rebellion all around the country. I hope I don't have to give more details. The Rajputs, Marathas, Sikhs, Jats, the Satnamis, everywhere, these uprising was motivated by the Hindu bhaktas. Shivaji was motivated by his Guru Sant Ramdas, and the marathas under him were a constant headache to Aurangzeb for over 26 years, until his death. Despite their disunity (caused due to other factors) they never allowed the mughals any peace.
Those who think that the Bhakti of Ramanuja or Ramananda or Chaitanya was akin to the abject surrender as taught by Abrahamic religions, dont know the history of this country.
In the Bhakti scripture Srimad Bhagavatham there's this prayer
विपदः सन्तु नः शश्वत्तत्र तत्र जगद्गुरो । भवतो दर्शनं यत्स्यादपुनर्भवदर्शनम् ॥
Oh God! let us be getting more and more troubles every day. Only then we will have a chance to remember you always. Only by remembering you can we get out of this eternal cycle of re-births.
We didn't get cowed down by even the worst tyrannical measures. That's why the majority of the population in the country remained Hindus all through these thousand years.
In the last letter written by the Rani of Jhansi to the British East India Company, when war was imminent, she quoted the Bhagavad Gita
hato vā prāpsyasi svargaḿ
jitvā vā bhokṣyase mahīm
tasmād uttiṣṭha kaunteya
yuddhāya kṛta-niścayaḥ
O son of Kunti, if you are killed on the battlefield you will attain heaven, but if you win the war, you will enjoy the earthly riches. Therefore get up and fight with determination.
The people may not have been well learned in the scriptures, but they were guided by saints and the puranic stories acted as effective media for the communication of spiritual truths.
My point is not that you praised Aurangzeb, but this. Precisely due to the Hindu Bhakti movements, you won't find examples of Hindu rulers surrendering easily to Aurangzeb, except under the very worst circumstances, or as a tactical measure.
When Shah Jehan and Aurangazeb were ruling, the Mughal empire was at it's strongest, with the mightiest military machine of that period. Yet, throughout their rule, they had to contend with rebellion all around the country. I hope I don't have to give more details. The Rajputs, Marathas, Sikhs, Jats, the Satnamis, everywhere, these uprising was motivated by the Hindu bhaktas. Shivaji was motivated by his Guru Sant Ramdas, and the marathas under him were a constant headache to Aurangzeb for over 26 years, until his death. Despite their disunity (caused due to other factors) they never allowed the mughals any peace.
Those who think that the Bhakti of Ramanuja or Ramananda or Chaitanya was akin to the abject surrender as taught by Abrahamic religions, dont know the history of this country.
In the Bhakti scripture Srimad Bhagavatham there's this prayer
विपदः सन्तु नः शश्वत्तत्र तत्र जगद्गुरो । भवतो दर्शनं यत्स्यादपुनर्भवदर्शनम् ॥
Oh God! let us be getting more and more troubles every day. Only then we will have a chance to remember you always. Only by remembering you can we get out of this eternal cycle of re-births.
We didn't get cowed down by even the worst tyrannical measures. That's why the majority of the population in the country remained Hindus all through these thousand years.
In the last letter written by the Rani of Jhansi to the British East India Company, when war was imminent, she quoted the Bhagavad Gita
hato vā prāpsyasi svargaḿ
jitvā vā bhokṣyase mahīm
tasmād uttiṣṭha kaunteya
yuddhāya kṛta-niścayaḥ
O son of Kunti, if you are killed on the battlefield you will attain heaven, but if you win the war, you will enjoy the earthly riches. Therefore get up and fight with determination.
The people may not have been well learned in the scriptures, but they were guided by saints and the puranic stories acted as effective media for the communication of spiritual truths.
There you go again!!!!!
Totally out of context. It is waste of time.
By the way you so famously criticised me for "copy paste", I suppose all your posts are ORIGINAL posts.
I forgot that you wrote the Vedas themselves. Wait Wait the Vedas were never Written.
Sorry..."waste of whose time"? yours or mine?
Sir, that's an unfair allegation. Can you show me where I criticised you for your "copy paste" messages!!
Srimad Bhagavatham advocates asking for adversities in order to remember God?
This shows that one doubts their ability to remember God in good times.
What is this yaar...doesnt Geeta say Sukha Dukhe Same Krtva...be alike in happiness and sorrow?
Krishna was logical..He never asked anyone to beg or act helpless or ask for adversities...all He said is to surrender to Him after telling Arjuna to get up and fight.
Somehow these Bhakti texts asking us to desire sorrow in order to think of God, makes us a bunch of weaklings.
I dont think God designed a human to be a weakling to beg and cry and be at his mercy.
Animals do not beg or cry or desire adversities in order to remember anyone or even their leader...they are so well designed to survive...so as humans with an intellect are we supposed to be so weak as to only wish adversity in the name of Bhakti?
Let us forget that.
Srimad Bhagavatham advocates asking for adversities in order to remember God?
This shows that one doubts their ability to remember God in good times.
What is this yaar...doesnt Geeta say Sukha Dukhe Same Krtva...be alike in happiness and sorrow?
Krishna was logical..He never asked anyone to beg or act helpless or ask for adversities...all He said is to surrender to Him after telling Arjuna to get up and fight.
Somehow these Bhakti texts asking us to desire sorrow in order to think of God, makes us a bunch of weaklings.
I dont think God designed a human to be a weakling to beg and cry and be at his mercy.
Animals do not beg or cry or desire adversities in order to remember anyone or even their leader...they are so well designed to survive...so as humans with an intellect are we supposed to be so weak as to only wish adversity in the name of Bhakti?
OK fineBut if you advise me to follow your path, I would expect you to be a little more clearer
Somehow these Bhakti texts asking us to desire sorrow in order to think of God, makes us a bunch of weaklings.
People who practise karma yoga (Sukha dukhe Same Krtva...) are themselves weaklings!
For them to mock at those who follow Bhakti, is like the lame mocking at the blind....
Ok..lets go by your logic..according to your equation above..Karma Yogin mocking Bhakti Yogin = the Lame mocking the Blind.
Therefore according to u Karma Yogins are Lame..and Bhakti Yogins are Blind! Lol
Ha ha ha..so much you have been defending Bhakti marg with Prasad ji only to call a Bhakti Yogin blind!
Lol lol lol..your original thoughts sans Copy and Paste!
I would never advise anyone to follow my "path", my path is only for me and no one else.
I do not follow others path either.
I do not know where you are going, I know which direction I should be going.Good. The point is, as long as you are in a "path" and have not reached the "goal", if you criticise other "paths", especially well established ones like Bhakti, you must be ready to see your own "path" under scrutiny and criticism.
Good. The point is, as long as you are in a "path" and have not reached the "goal", if you criticise other "paths", especially well established ones like Bhakti, you must be ready to see your own "path" under scrutiny and criticism.
Good. The point is, as long as you are in a "path" and have not reached the "goal", if you criticise other "paths", especially well established ones like Bhakti, you must be ready to see your own "path" under scrutiny and criticism.