The best way to respecting and caring for others interests as our own is to give greater importance to relationships that connects you to others than to the persons in the relationship. The various connections may be mother-son, husband-wife, brother-sister, friendship, fellow human etc. When you understand that the relationships stand above the persons involved in the relationship you tend to forget and forgive. At the most general level one has to respect others as fellow humans.
But we can foresee some complications in applying this general rule. What if the other person is my competitor or belongs to an enemy country?
That happens when there is no choice. But the fact is so much destruction and damage are caused because of fear and hate.The human cant fear or hate for too long..thats why some develop Stockholm syndrome
Yeah! In forum, hatred is shown by increasing the score of.........But the fact is so much destruction and damage are caused because of fear and hate.
That happens when there is no choice. But the fact is so much destruction and damage are caused because of fear and hate.
Well..wasnt it ever present since the beginning of time?
Just imagine Dwapara Yuga..Mahabharat happened becos of hatred and fear.
So least these days we humans are much better.
I beg to differ, Sravna sir!I agree today humans might turn out to be actually good. The logic is they repose incredible faith in science and technology and so if that is overwhelmed, their ego can easily come down. I mean overwhelmed in the sense of understanding greater truths
I beg to differ, Sravna sir!
In fact the knowledge increases the ego in a person, now a days, than making him / her humble!![]()
Rarely we see examples of 'niRai kudam thaLumbAdhu', like my Guru Prof. S. Ramanathan. :angel:
I agree today humans might turn out to be actually good. The logic is they repose incredible faith in science and technology and so if that is overwhelmed, their ego can easily come down. I mean overwhelmed in the sense of understanding greater truths
Dear Sravna..
What has science and technology got to do with understanding greater truth?
Science and technology are just tools to enhance quality of life ..nothing more.
Higher truth..I wonder why see anything as higher or lower?
Just try to simply exists.
The human has 101 reasons to feel high and mighty or down and out too.
No one can remain in either state forever..the body finds an equilibrium eventually and also can tilt again from to time when the tectonic plates of the mind move.
Human ego of feeling one knows the Higher Truth or even in a quest for spirituality can hit a Richter 10 too.
So ego is a double edge situation...the more we think we do not have it..the more it actually grows.
Best is to just not think too much about ego.
By the acquisition of more and more balance in gunas, soul and mind become more and more powerful. Synergy results as a result of this balance which is the source of spiritual power.
For the common man, the question is how can this balance be achieved in practice?
Dear Renuka,Again not accurate.
The Soul does not have to become more and more powerful....the Soul is in the Unchanging state..
In fact the soul of a dog is no different from the soul of a human.
Its the surrounding layers that obscure the soul.that needs to be shed.
So its not about the mind getting stronger..its about shedding all layers of the mind too.
I need to at least read up about religion..
Adi Shankara sang..I am not the manas or the buddhi or citta or ahamkara.
He never sang I am making my mind stronger.
I think you should devote sometime acquiring some knowledge about religion.
I feel an accurate title of your thread would be Ego Development.
Dear Renuka,
I believe when Sankara said I am not the body or the mind , he would most likely be referring to the different levels of reality and that as self, body and mind are lesser realities than jivatma. So self exists as jivatma, mind, body with body representing the lowest level of self. The highest reality of self is of course the Atman.
Dear Renuka,
The jivatma is changing and evolves but it is the Atman that is unchanging. I should have clarified that when i mentioned about soul.
Also the days of Adi Sankara were different. People had an inclination for spirituality and no correspondence between science and spirituality was required to be given. But my objective is different. I am trying to make my explanations as mundane and as non esoteric as possible so that people can more readily grasp the content.
I have made references and that is my understanding. If you still contest it, I would prefer a member who is a scholar to shed light on this.
. An elaborate description of the Jivatma would be: “the multiple Divine manifested here as the individualised self or spirit of the created being.” The Jivatma in its essence does not change or evolve, its essence stands above the personal evolution; within the evolution itself it is represented by the evolving psychic being which supports all the rest of the nature.
By Sri Aurobindo.
There it is Renuka. Pay attention to the words "in its essence" by which Sri Aurobindo means the Atman which is the essence. It is not just reading. Right interpretation is very important.Read this Sravna...Aurobindos words..surely greater than any scholar.
There it is Renuka. Pay attention to the words "in its essence" by which Sri Aurobindo means the Atman which is the essence.